Povray: Can an object only interact with some light sources? - raytracing

Consider a sphere, with a "spotlight" light source inside. I would like the sphere not to interact with that particular "spotlight" lightsource, but it should interact with all the other light sources. I know that this is not realistical, I would just need it for a nice picture.
Is this possible in povray?

Consider the concept of light groups. But everything else in a light_group except the sphere.


How can i create an elevation like this in three.js

I am building an earth mesh, but instead of a bump map, I want the surface to look like (the picture below).
Can someone please help me. What do I do?
You could check out displacement maps or height maps. They manipulate the actual geometry of the mesh, creating real bumps where normal/bump maps only "fake" them.
To create something like in that picture I believe you will need a sphere with a large amount of vertices, since the elevation in image look very detailed.
I hope this was helpful, good luck!

Light 2D and Performance issues

I want to make a 2D game that will use 2 kinds of lights (Spotlight and Point Light). I need the game to be completly dark unless there is a light in the area and the light to not pass through walls. I tried lots of stuff and plugins to try and make this possible but nothing worked for me.
So I thought I would try to add 3D walls with an Orthographic camera so that I would have the light stop at the walls and cast shadows and make it look 2D at the same time. (Top-down View)
My questions are:
Is there a better way to do this without needing the 3D stuff?
I believe that I will probably have some performance issues if I keep the 3D stuff. Is there a way to fix that since the final output from the orthographic camera is 2D? Like maybe an option to render it as 2D and not having the game process all those triangles? (I want it as light as possible because I also want to port on phones)

Lighting up object on mouse over

I'm trying to highlight meshes (animated characters etc) in my game on a mouse-over event.
They have multiple textures and sometimes skin.
I thought I would wrap them into a ShaderMaterial and on hit-test change uniforms to brighten it up with a fragment shader.
To do this, can I somehow just manipulate the regular shading?
Can I mix multiple materials, making my shader take color values from the standard shader and just tweak them?
Or do I need whole separate render pass and blend it with composer?
Or maybe just something else entirely, like ambient light applied to just one object/shader?
Thanks for any suggestions.
repost, see comments for details/discussion:
"you could change the whole material/shader on mouse over, although i guess this is somewhat performance intensive, depending on the number of switches the user usually does and what the rest of your app is doing. What i used once is the emissive color of the regular phong material with material.emissive.setRGB() for example. This will give you some nice effects, too".
There are some examples of this that you can probably learn a lot from. Take a look at their source:
Mouse over meshes
Interactive cubes
In addition to what GuyGood said, if you do indeed decide to use .setRGB() on your material you need to use the values of Red Green Blue ranging from 0 to 1 as documented in the Three.js Documentation
Or if you prefer, like I do, the .setHex() function also exists.

Clip (don't render) anything outside of a cube / box, like Godus

I've been trying to work out how to clip / not render anything that falls outside of a box, exactly like how Godus works (pictured below: notice the clipping at the back)…
Originally, I experimented with constructive solid geometry (CSG) to manually split and clip every object that falls on the box boundary. However, this is hugely computationally intensive and isn't feasible for a system where I want to be able to scroll around and have the clipped area update in realtime.
Is there a way to achieve this in a way that runs in realtime without modification of the objects, perhaps with shaders or something else? I'm new to shaders and still don't quite understand them enough to know how to implement this myself.
I appreciate the help!
Can the camera go outside of the box? If not, just put a big cube around the area you want and give its inside faces a material.
If the camera can go outside of the box (which would be weird, since you'd be able to see through the back of the meshes) one thing you might try is using vertex colors to make all faces outside of your box the same solid color as the background.

Particles vs ParticleSystem in three.js

I'm struggling with a visualization I'm working on that involves a stream of repeated images. I have it working with a single sprite with a ParticleSystem, but I can only apply a single material to the system. Since I want to choose between textures I tried creating a pool of Particle objects so that I could choose the materials individually, but I can't get an individual Particle to show up with the WebGL renderer.
This is my first foray into WebGL/Three.js, so I'm probably doing something bone-headed, but I thought it would be worth asking what the proper way to go about this is. I'm seeing three possibilities:
I'm using Particle wrong (initializing with a mapped material, adding to the scene, setting position) and I need to fix what I'm doing.
I need a ParticleSystem for each sprite I want to display.
What I'm doing doesn't fit into particles at all and I really should be using another object type.
All the examples I see using the canvas renderer use Particle directly, but I can't find an example using the WebGL renderer that doesn't use ParticleSystem. Any hints?
Ok, I am going from what I have read elsewhere on this github issues page. You should start by reading it. It seems that the Particle is simply for the Canvas Renderer, and it will become Sprite in a further edition of Three.JS. ParticleSystem, however is not going to fulfill your needs either it seems. I don't think these classes are going to help you accomplish this in WebGL in 3D. Depending on what you are doing you might be better off with the CanvasRenderer anyway. ParticleSystem will only allow you to apply a single material which will serve as the material for each particle in the system as you suggested.
Short answer:
You can render THREE.Particle using THREE.CanvasRenderer only.
