Fill In Array With Values From Lookup Table - ruby

I'm writing a piece of code that takes an array of numbers and builds an x by x
array of their products.
Since the grid the values in the grid are symmetrical, I'm thinking about computing half the grid, and then filling in the missing items using a lookup table.
I have an array of values that looks like this:
I'm trying to build an array that looks like this:
I wrote a piece of code that can take an x,y coordinate, and lookup the correct value.
class MultiplicationTable
def initialize(num_ary)
#num_ary = num_ary.to_a
def lookup_table do |x|
#num_ary[(x-1)..-1].map do |y|
x * y
def lookup(a,b)
Is there a good way in ruby to efficiently produce the second array from the first?

One way to fill out the rest of the table would be
add ary[0][1] to the front of ary[1]
then add ary[1][2] and ary[0][2] to the front of ary[2]
then add ary[2][3], ary[1][3], and ary[0][3] to the front of ary[3].
It's a simple pattern, where each row counts down through the previous rows:
ary.each_with_index do |row, i|
(1..i).each { |j| row.unshift ary[i - j][i] }
That's the answer to your question, but do you really need to fill out the rest of the array at all? Since it is always symmetrical, why waste time and memory by populating it?
def lookup(a, b)
a, b = b, a if b < a
lookup_table[a][b - a]


How to populate a 2D array with random elements?

For a Memory game, I'm trying to randomly populate a 2D array with letters.
The grid is size × size and each letter occurs twice.
This is my code so far. I don't understand why it is giving an error
alpha = ("A".."Z").to_a
letters_range = alpha[0...size*size/2]
chosen_letters = (letters_range + letters_range).shuffle
(0...size).each do |row|
(0...size).each do |col|
letter =
#grid[row][col] =
letter_idx = chosen_letters.index(letter)
chosen_letters.delete_at(letter_idx) #error line
chosen_letters is an array containing single-character strings.
When running letter =, you may assume that Array#select returns a random element. However, when not passing it a block, it returns an Enumerator. As such, your letter variable does not contain an element from the chosen_letter array and thus, an index for this object can not be found, resulting in letter_idx to be nil.
To fix this, you may want to use a more appropriate statement to fetch an element, e.g. Array#pop to return and remove the last element from the array.
Since chosen_letters is already shuffled, you don't have to pick a random element. Instead you can just pop the last or shift the first element off the array which makes your loop a lot simpler:
(0...size).each do |row|
(0...size).each do |col|
letter = chosen_letters.shift
#grid[row][col] =
It might be a little cleaner to start with an array of cards, e.g. by creating a pair of two cards for each letter:
cards = letters_range.flat_map { |letter| [,] }
You can then assign the cards to the grid via:
(0...size).each do |row|
(0...size).each do |col|
#grid[row][col] = cards.shift
or you could build the #grid right out of the array via each_slice:
#grid = cards.each_slice(size).to_a

Calculating totals from two different hashes

I have two hashes:
For example, one contains a list of dishes and their prices
dishes = {"Chicken"=>12.5, "Pizza"=>10, "Pasta"=>8.99}
The other is a basket hash i.e. I've selected one pasta and two pizzas:
basket = {"Pasta"=>1, "Pizza"=>2}
Now I am trying to calculate the total cost of the basket but can't seem to get my references right.
Have tried
basket.inject { |item, q| dishes[item] * q }
But keep getting the following error
NoMethodError: undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass
basket.inject { |item, q| dishes[item] * q }
Let's look at the documentation for Enumerable#inject to see what is going on. inject "folds" the collection into a single object, by taking a "starting object" and then repeatedly applying the binary operation to the starting object and the first element, then to the result of that and the second element, then to the result of that and the third element, and so forth.
So, the block receives two arguments: the current value of the accumulator and the current element, and the block returns the new value of the accumulator for the next invocation of the block. If you don't supply a starting value for the accumulator, then the first element of the collection is used.
So, during the first iteration here, since you didn't supply a starting value for the accumulator, the value is going to be the first element; and iteration is going to start from the second element. This means that during the first iteration, item is going to be ['Pasta', 1] and q is going to be ['Pizza', 2]. Let's just run through the example in our heads:
dishes[item] * q # item is ['Pasta', 1]
dishes[['Pasta', 1]] * q # q is ['Pizza', 2]
dishes[['Pasta', 1]] * ['Pizza', 2] # there is no key ['Pasta', 1] in dishes
nil * ['Pizza', 2] # nil doesn't have * method
Ergo, you get a NoMethodError.
Now, I believe, what you actually wanted to do was something like this:
basket.inject(0.0) {|sum, (item, q)| sum + dishes[item] * q }
# ↑↑↑ ↑↑↑ ↑↑↑↑↑
You don't want to accumulate orders, you want to accumulate numbers, so you need to supply a number as the starting value; if you don't, the starting value will be the first element, which is an order, not a number
You were mixing up the meaning of the block parameters
You weren't actually summing anything
Now, while inject is capable of summing (in fact, inject is capable of anything, it is a general iteration operation, i.e. anything you could do with a loop, you can also do with inject), it is usually better to use more specialized operations if they exist. In this case, a more specialized operation for summing does exist, and it is called Enumerable#sum:
basket.sum {|item, q| dishes[item] * q }
But there is a deeper underlying problem with your code: Ruby is an object-oriented language. It is not an array-of-hash-of-strings-and-floats-oriented language. You should build objects that represent your domain abstractions:
class Dish <, :price)
def to_s; "#{name}: $#{price}" end
def *(num) num * price end
def coerce(other) [other, price] end
require 'bigdecimal'
require 'bigdecimal/util'
dishes = {
chicken:'Chicken', '12.5'.to_d),
pizza:'Pizza', '10'.to_d),
pasta:'Pasta', '8.99'.to_d)
class Order <, :quantity)
def to_s; "#{quantity} * #{dish}" end
def total; quantity * dish end
class Basket
def initialize(*orders)
self.orders = orders
def <<(order)
orders << order
def to_s; orders.join("\n") end
def total; orders.sum(&:total) end
attr_accessor :orders
basket =[:pasta], 1),[:pizza], 2)
#=> 0.2899e2
Now, of course, for such a simple example, this is overkill. But I hope that you can see that despite this being more code, it is also much much simpler. There is no complex navigation of complex nested structures, because a) there are no complex nested structures and b) all the objects know how to take care of themselves, there is never a need to "take apart" an object to examine its parts and run complex calculations on them, because the objects themselves know their own parts and how to run calculations on them.
Note: personally, I do not think that allowing arithmetic operations on Dishes is a good idea. It is more of a "neat hack" that I wanted to show off in this code snippet.
With Ruby 2.4, you could use Hash(Enumerable)#sum with a block :
basket = {"Pasta"=>1, "Pizza"=>2}
prices = {"Chicken"=>12.5, "Pizza"=>10, "Pasta"=>8.99}
basket.sum{ |dish, quantity| quantity * prices[dish] }
# 28.99
Data structure
dishes (what I called prices to avoid writing dishes[dish]) is the correct data structure :
Hash lookup is fast
If you want to update the price of a dish, you only have to do it in one place
It's basically a mini database.
basket is also fine as a Hash, but only if you don't oder any dish more than once. If you want to order 2 pizzas, 1 pasta and then 3 pizzas again :
{"Pizza"=>2, "Pasta" => 1, "Pizza" =>3}
=> {"Pizza"=>3, "Pasta"=>1}
you'll lose the first order.
In that case, you might want to use an array of pairs (a 2-element array with dish and quantity) :
basket = [["Pizza", 2], ["Pasta", 1], ["Pizza", 3]]
With this structure, you could use the exact same syntax to get the total as with a Hash :
basket.sum{ |dish, quantity| quantity * prices[dish] }
Try this one
basket.inject(0) do |acc, item|
dish, q = item
acc + (dishes[dish] * q)
=> 28.990000000000002
one line
basket.inject(0) { |acc, item| acc + (dishes[item.first] * item.last) }
Your variables for the block are wrong. You have the accumulator and an item (that it's an hash)
2.2.0 :011 > basket.inject(0){ |sum, (item, q)| sum + dishes[item].to_f * q }
=> 28.990000000000002

Is there a better way?: iterating over an array in ruby

I'm working on a mini project for a summer class. I'd like some feedback on the code I have written, especially part 3.
Here's the question:
Create an array called numbers containing the integers 1 - 10 and assign it to a variable.
Create an empty array called even_numbers.
Create a method that iterates over the array. Place all even numbers in the array even_numbers.
Print the array even_numbers.
Here's my code, so far:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print numbers[3]
def even_numbers
Rather than doing explicit iteration, the best way is likely Array#select thus:
even_numbers = { |n| n.even? }
which will run the block given on each element in the array numbers and produce an array containing all elements for which the block returned true.
or an alternative solution following the convention of your problem:
def get_even_numbers(array)
even_num = []
array.each do |n|
even_num << n if n.even?
and of course going for the select method is always preferred.

Subtraction of two arrays with incremental indexes of the other array to a maximum limit

I have lots of math to do on lots of data but it's all based on a few base templates. So instead of say, when doing math between 2 arrays I do this:
results = [a[0]-b[1],a[1]-b[2],a[2]-b[3]]
I want to instead just put the base template: a[0]-b[1] and make it automatically fill say 50 places in the results array. So I don't always have to manually type it.
What would be the ways to do that? And would a good way be to create 1 method that does this automatically. And I just tell it the math and it fills out an array?
I have no clue, I'm really new to programming.
a = [2,3,4]
b = [1,2,3,4]
results = { |v,w| v - w }
a = [2,3,4..............,1000]
b = [1,2,3,4,.............900]
class Array
def self.calculate_difference(arr1,arr2,limit)
result ||=
limit.send(:times) {|index| result << arr1[index]-arr2[index+=1]}
raise "Index/Limit Error"
Call by:

Storing output into a variable to be used in an array

A snippet of my code below flips a coin and outputs a result of 10 total heads or tails.
(e.g. Heads Tails Heads Tails...)
I'd like to store this into a variable where I can put it into an array and use its strings.
%w[act] only outputs the string "act". How can I get that line of code to output my array of strings from the line act = coin.flip?
Updated and added full code
class Coin
def flip
flip = 1 + rand(2)
if flip == 2
then puts "Heads"
puts "Tails"
array = []
10.times do
coin =
array << coin.flip
puts array
10.times do
coin =
act = coin.flip
doesn't produce an array. It simply creates ten coin flips and throws them all away, the result of that expression is, in fact, 10. If you want an array, you'll need to build one.
You could take Douglas's approach or try something a bit more idiomatic.
The Integer#times method returns an enumerator so you can use any of the Enumerable methods on it rather than directly handing it a block. In particular, you could use collect to build an array in one nice short piece of code:
a = 10.times.collect { }
That gives you 10 flips in the Array a and then you can puts a or puts a.join(', ') or whatever you want.
The %w[] won't work because that's for generating an Array of whitespace separated words:
%w[] Non-interpolated Array of words, separated by whitespace
So %w[a b c] is just a nicer way of saying ['a', 'b', 'c'] and the words within %w[] are treated as single quoted strings rather than variables or method calls to be evaluated.
Seems that there is some editing going on. You'll also want to modify your flip method to return the flip rather than print it:
def flip
flip = 1 + rand(2)
if flip == 2
Then you'll get your Heads and Rails in the array.
Put the act results into an array.
arr = []
10.times do
coin =
arr << coin.flip
p arr # => [...]
