Hadoop slaves file regard IP as hostname? - hadoop

I have a ubuntu server VM in virtual box(in Mac OSX). And I configured a Hadoop Cluster via docker: 1 master(, 2 slave nodes(, After run "./sbin/start-dfs.sh" under Hadoop home folder, I found below error in datanode machine:
Datanode denied communication with namenode because hostname cannot be
resolved (ip=, hostname= DatanodeRegistration(,
datanodeUuid=4c613e35-35b8-41c1-a027-28589e007e78, infoPort=50075,
ipcPort=50020, storageInfo=lv=-55;cid=CID-9bac5643-1f9f-4bc0-abba-
Because docker does not support bidirectional name linking and further more, my docker version does not allow editing /etc/hosts file, So I use IP address to set name node and slaves. Following is my slaves file:
After searching on google and stackoverflow, no solution works for my problem. However I guess that Hadoop Namenode regard as a "hostname", so it reports "hostname can not be resolved" where "hostname=".
Any Suggestions?

Finally I got a solution, which proved my suppose:
1.upgrade my docker to 1.4.1, following instructions from: https://askubuntu.com/questions/472412/how-do-i-upgrade-docker.
2.write IP=>hostname mappings of master and slaves into /etc/hosts
3.use hostname instead of ip address in Hadoop slaves file.
4."run ./sbin/start-dfs.sh"


How does master node start all the process in a hadoop cluster?

I have set up a Hadoop cluster of 5 virtual machines , using plain vanilla Hadoop. The cluster details are below: - Configured to Run NameNode and SNN daemons - Configured to Run ResourceManager daemon. - Configured to Run DataNode and NodeManager daemons. - Configured to Run DataNode and NodeManager daemons. - Configured to Run DataNode and NodeManager daemons.
I have kept masters and slaves files in each virtual servers.
slaves file:
Now when I run start-all.sh command from NameNode machine, how is it able to start all the daemons? I am not able to understand it? There are no adapters installed (or I am not aware of), there are simple hadoop jars present in all the machines so how is NameNode machine able to start all the daemons in all the machines (virtual servers).
Can anyone help me understand this?
The namenode connects to the slaves via SSH and runs the slave services.
That is why you need public ssh-keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the slaves, to have their private counterparts be present for the user running the Hadoop namenode.

Datanode is not connected to the Namenode cloudera

I want to acces cloudera from a distant machine via Talend for big data. In order to do that i changed the ip of the host in cloudera by editing the file /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network.
I can acces cloudera from Talend. However the problem is that my datanode and Namenode seems to be not connected. When i check the log details of my Datanode i get the following errors :
Block pool BP-1183376682- (Datanode Uuid null) service to quickstart.cloudera/ beginning handshake with NN
Initialization failed for Block pool BP-1183376682- (Datanode Uuid null) service to quickstart.cloudera/ Datanode denied communication with namenode because the host is not in the include-list: DatanodeRegistration(, datanodeUuid=5802ab81-2c28-4beb-b155-cac31567d23a, infoPort=50075, ipcPort=50020, storageInfo=lv=-56;cid=CID-83500942-6c65-4ecd-a0c2-a448be86bcb0;nsid=975591446;c=0)
the datanode still uses the wrong ip adress ( ) even though i made the modifications in core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml and mapred-site.xml by editing the previous ip adress by the new one.
I followed the steps given in this tutorial to do so :
How can i fix this error ?
On Debian 8, the /etc/hosts will contain entry for with your hostname you gave during Linux installation. Cloudera will use this IP-address for some of its services.
A regular HDFS will contain multiple servers with different hostnames/IP-addresses and will list those IPs as allowed. As your log says, the traffic is originating from, which is not the IP-address of your hostname.
For Cloudera single-server setup, the only way I found was to do the initial setup so, that /etc/hosts doesn't have the entry in it.

DataNode can't talk to NameNode in Hadoop 2.2

I'm setting up a hadoop 2.2 cluster. I have successfully configured a master and a slave. When I enter start-dfs.sh and start-yarn.sh on the master, all the daemons start correctly.
To be specific, on the master the following are running:
On the slave, the following are running:
When I open http://master-host:50070 I see that there is only 1 "Live Node" and it is referring to the datanode on the master.
The datanode on the slave is started, but not being able to tell the master that it started. This is the only error I can find:
From /logs/hadoop-hduser-datanode.log on the slave:
WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Problem connecting to server: ec2-xx-xxx-xx-xx.compute-1.amazonaws.com/xx.xxx.xx.xxx:9001
Things I have checked/verified:
9001 is open
both nodes can ssh into each other
both nodes can ping each other
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
My issue was in the hosts file:
The hosts file on the slave and master needed to be (they're identical_: localhost
<master internal ip> master
<slave internal ip> slave
For AWS you need to use the internal ip that is something like xx.xxx.xxx.xxx (not the external ip in the ec2-xx-xx-xxx.aws.com and not the ip-xx-xx-xxx).
Also, core-site.xml should refer to the location of hdfs as http://master:9000.

Hadoop plugin for hadoop with Connection refused error

I am getting below error when I am trying to configure hadoop plugin in eclipse.
Error:call to localhost:54310 failed on connection exception:java.net.connectException:Connection refused:no further informaion
Hadoop version is 1.0.4
I have installed hadoop in Linux and I am running my Eclipse using Windows.
In the hadoop location window, I have tried with host as localhost and linux server.
MR Master: Host: localhost and port 54311
DFS Master: Host: localhost and port 54310
MR Master: Host: <Linux server name> and port 54311
DFS Master: Host: <Linux server name> and port 54310
In my mapred-site.xml I see this entry entry localhost:54311.
ConnectionRefused error is, you are trying to connect a directory which you dont have permission to read/write.
This may be caused by, a directory created another user(e.g. root) and your master machine is trying to read from/write to that directory.
It is more likely that you are trying to read an input from wrong place. Check your input directory if there is no problem with it, check your output directory

unable to start regionservers in HBase

i have a problem starting regionservers on slave pc,s. when i enlist only master pc in conf/regionservers every thing works fine but when i add two more slaves to it the hbase does not start .....
if i delete all hbase folders in the tmp folder from all pc,s and then start regionserver (with 3 regionservers enlisted)the hbase gets started but when i try to create a table it again fails(gets stuck)....
pls anyone help
i am using hadoop 0.20.0 which is working fine and hbase 0.92.0
i have 3 pc's in cluster one master and two slaves
also tell that is DNS (both forward and backward lookup working)necessary for hbase in my case????
is there any way to replicate hbase table to all region servers i.e. i want to have a copy of table at each pc and want to access them locally(when i execute map task they should use their local copy of hbase table)
plz help..!!
thanx in advance
make your hosts file as following: localhost
For Hadoop master slave
and in hbase conf put following entries :
The host and port that the HBase master runs at.
The host and port that the HBase master runs at.
Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
The port at which the clients will connect.
If you are using localhost anywhere remove that and replace it with "master" which is name for namenode in your hostfile....
one morething you can do
sudo gedit /etc/hostname
this will open the hostname file bydefault ubuntu will be there so make it master. and restart your system.
For hbase specify in "regionserver" file inside conf dir put these entries
and restart.everything.
