chrome rdp for google cloud platform does not work - windows

I signed up for cloud computing with google.
I created a windows 2008 server instance.
When I click on the RDP button, I get an error that says Your credentials did not work. The post does not allow me to add images as I do not have atleast 10 posts.
At first I thought I am entering the wrong username/password, so I dropped the instance and re-created it.
I wrote down the username/password.
I know I am entering the username/password correctly.
I also deleted the certificate (under advance settings in rdp).
Please let me know what am I missing


MacOS not storing proxy settings in keychain

I am having issues with the UI prompt which is asking me to enter my password to access the keychain credentials for proxy.
My mac is used in a local network without internet access, so I need to setup a proxy connection with username and password for browsing and all other mac services. I configured proxy including authentication in network settings. When browsing, chrome asks me once to enter credentials and it is working fine after then. If any other system service tries to connect, I am getting prompted to enter my password so proxy credentials can be fetched from keychain. I also changed the keychain entry to allow all applications to access it, but the prompt keeps on asking and asking and asking for my password. The next time, the keychain entry is changed back again to allow only some applications. Looks like it is always overriding the old entry.
Any ideas how I can fix that? Unfortunately I do not have any access on configuration of the proxy server or to change any parameters there, if it is a configuration issue of the proxy server. But there has to be a solution, I do not think entering the password hundreds of times a day can be an accepted solution.
My Mac is newly setup and running macOS Big Sur 11.2.1
Have you seen this answer Usually you can move the password item in the keychain to the System section rather than the login section and this fixes the issue.
I have a similar issue but I am in a corporate environment and my issue seems to be related to NTLM

Windows Authentication in other applications (like Google-chrome)

I have a question about windows authentication in other application like Google chrome.
I know about LDAP and I think my question should be something else.
Example: When I want to see my saved password in Google Chrome, it asked me my windows password.
1- How Google chrome is able to identify me? is it something available by windows, if yes that means I can use it even in any windows application.
(Considering this link Microsoft API should get the password and verify it but how can we use this API in our application?).
2- Is it secure from any kind of attack to password?
is there any one who can answer me in detail or give me the links?
Appreciate in advanced.
On Windows, this is CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentials. On Mac this is AuthorizationCopyRights. See src/chrome/browser/password_manager/‌
This could conceivably be a vector for a program to phish the user's password if the user is unable to distinguish between a system credential prompt and an ordinary window. But the whole point of this is that your web browser is storing many website passwords, and rather leaving them exposed on disk they are protected at the OS level with the user's login credentials.
One way to see the effect of this is with the Mac build of Chromium (possibly Windows as well, but I have not tested), since the app is not codesigned. When you download a new version, you get a system prompt to confirm access to "Chromium Safe Storage". So not only is Chrome using its discretion to divulge stored passwords and reauthenticate the user, the operating system also makes a policy decision based on the app's signature.

2 local user profiles, same settings, different result. Hello?

Here's a super doozy I can't figure out.
Windows 7 Home
I connect to work using Citrix desktop. I access a secure html site using my domain credentials, which triggers a download and starts Citrix
This worked normally up until this morning. I lost network connectivity when my router started behaving badly. After regaining the internet, I attempted to login, but was told my credentials were invalid and locked out. I tried chrome, Firefox and ie. Same result. I assumed i mistyped and got myself locked out.
Call to the network admin told me my account was fine.
Retried, still no joy. On a hunch, I switched to my wife's old profile on my computer since she used to work on it, and she uses the same Citrix desktop receiver.
Signed in as her, got to the desktop, opened ie, hit the same site, entered my credentials... Success! Authenticated and download initiated. Retried in Firefox and chrome, same story. No issues when logged into my wife's profile.
Logged out, logged back in as me, tried again, invalid credentials/locked out message.
So, I know my account isn't locked out. Admin confirmed, and I can access it through my wife's. It's not a browser issue, because all 3 work on my wife's windows profile.
Network adapter settings, firewall settings, router settings are all global so if it doesn't affect my wife's local profile, it shouldn't affect mine.
Why would my profile be failing the authentication process outrigh?. I'm convinced it's not even sending the credentials through, just failing outright. But I don't know why?
I'm going to attempt DNS flush tonight and if that fails, try an earlier system restore point. But I'll take any suggestions under advisement while i use my wife's local account as a work around.
Thx in advance.
So dumb.
Wife's local URL was slightly different. Her bookmark was simply:
which resolved to a much longer URL starting with:
and i stupidly just typed in:
which resolved to
and thats all she wrote.

Can't use bitbucket any more. Your connection is not secure

I've been using Bitbucket for 2 years on my Macbook. Today I went to view one of my depots but I am getting the error message, Your connection is not secure. All other sites works, it's only that is giving me this error. I've tried using Safari and Firefox, neither work. I also can not connect using SourceTree. I am able to connect on my Windows computer so that rules out my router. I've deleted all expired certificates in Keychain and deleted cookies and cache. Does anyone know what the issue might be?
The Macbook's clock is set automatically and is displaying the correct time. In Firefox, when the website fails to load, I can see these 3 messages by clicking the Advance button, uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for
If I click on the last error, it opens another page which displays, Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate. HTTP Strict Transport Security: true HTTP Public Key Pinning: false.
Is there somewhere else I need to go to locate more information about the error?
Looks like you've picked up a virus and/or malware:
That link is for Windows machines so maybe check this for Macbook?:
Note I don't vouch for above links but first ones that came up when I Googled for "". Seems a common problem.

Can't connect to Team Foundation Server

I've been happily using Team Foundation Server with Visual Studio 2010 for the last couple of months at my current place of work when it has suddenly stopped working. I get the following errors:
If I browse to the wiki (Sharepoint) on the TFS server it works fine in Firefox but in Internet Explorer it fails with:
No authority could be contacted for authentication.
I'm not aware of any changes to the server or my machine that would cause the errors and other users of TFS are not affected.
The TFS server is on a different domain to my machine, but usually I get prompted to login and using a domain prefixed username works. At the moment, I don't even get a login prompt anymore.
How do I fix this?
I have recently started to experience a similar issue. We also host TFS on a different domain. Twice in the last week TFS has stopped authenticating users, and I have received messages similar to above. I have no idea what is causing this, but on each occasion SQL Server Agent service was stopped. A reboot of the server and a manual restart of SQL Server agent seems to fix the problem temporarily. I'm not sure if this information is helpful, but I would also really appreciate any help in getting to the bottom of this.
We used a workaround to get past this problem. We configured an entry in the Windows Stored User Names and Passwords tool for the domain of the TFS server. It got around the problem of TFS not prompting for credentials by explicitly supplying them via this tool.
When you change your password for that domain account, you must also change the password here otherwise your account can be locked after failing authentication too many times.
I had the same problem, sorted it by upgrading to tfs2012
In my case, I changed the default port 8080 to port 80 and everything worked fine. but the message could also happen due to wrong saved credentials. you can go to the control panel of the windows and search for credentials manager and then remove your TFS credentials.
