Facebook Marketing API reach of post - facebook-ads-api

is the Facebook Ads API the right API to look at when I want to get the estimated reach of a post (posted in the name of a page) on Facebook?
I would need to set location, radius, gender, budget and get the reach - I am looking for a general direction to look at or good examples in PHP.

Yes, here's the direct link to help page that explains reach estimate.


Is there a way to get train lines that connect to a given Place of type 'train_station' [duplicate]

I've seen that you can retrieve nearby subway stations for a location using the Google Maps Places API, as explained here:
Google Maps: Retrieve nearby subway station's latitude and longtitude?
But in addition to that data, I would also like to retrieve the subway lines available at that station. Is this possible?
Currently the Places API doesn't expose this information for transit stations. There is a feature request in Google issue tracker to make it possible to retrieve lines numbers for each stop. You can find this feature request at
Please feel free to star this feature request to express your interest and subscribe to further notifications from Google.

Get property rating from Booking.com API

I need to get the rating value from Booking.com system for specific property. Is there an API that provides information such as overall rating and other useful information for properties that are listed in their system?
In case anyone has the same question I will answer in short - the booking.com API is not public! In order to get access you need to write them an email and provide a lot of information about why you're going to use it, how and who is going to use it. Describe your business model etc. Also you need to producing an average of 500 bookings per month. Then wait an approval process.
I decided to simple parse the website and get the overall rating.

Google Finance API -

In google finance, I cannot get the stock low, stock high and few other information. Is there a way to get the same?
For example: http://finance.google.com/finance/info?q=NSE:AIAENG
Above link is giving very limited information like stock name, last traded price & time, change, change percentage How can i get stock low and high for the day using google finance.
Note : I tried using Yahoo Finance API but it is not working for Indian stock whereas it is working fine for NASDAQ and other exchange. So please suggest if I can use any other site API to get the necessary info of a stock
I had the same experience, plus both Google and Yahoo APIs can't be used for commercial purposes (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/google-finance-apis/dcKPEcDxDpU/IxBtLL7s8psJ). But I've found Alpha Vantage a great alternative, just need to follow their documentation (which is very simple) to get a JSON.
An example of getting a JSON output in PHP:
$url = file_get_contents('https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&outputsize=full&symbol=AAPL&apikey='.$apiKey);
$decoded = json_decode($url, true);

How to know if a Google Places Add request did not pass the moderation?

I request Google Places API once a week to see if my requests to add new places have passed the moderation queue (if the scope has changed to google).
The problem is that I don't know how to know if a request has been rejected by the moderation.
The only solution seems to ask for get-current-place (or other "search" request) and look for the place, since the place must not appear in the result once rejected by the moderation, but I'm not really convinced by that solution.
Unfortunately there isn't a good or stable way to do this at the moment. Looking at search results gives an approximation, but there are other reasons that a valid place may not appear in the results, so it won't give a strong confirmation.

Google Places API - Place Searches - Phone Number

Based on the documentation it would appear that there is no way to have the phone numbers for a google place to be returned with the Place Search data ?
Which means that if I do a Place Search request I then need to make 20 more "Place Details" requests to get the phone number for each search result.
To mean this seems like a a fundamental piece of information I would expect back from the
"Place Search" request ?
Am I missing something or or is there no way or getting the phone numbers returned based on a search request ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
This is correct, there is no way to get the phone number of a business without issuing a Place Details request.
This is in place to encourage compliance with Google Maps APIs Terms of Service - Section 10.2 Restrictions on the Types of Applications that You are Permitted to Build with the Maps API(s): (b) No Business, Residential, or Telephone Listings Services.
You should only need to issue a Places Details request if a user action indicates that they would like more information about a Place.
