Batch file to commit changes to Embedded XP and then restart pc - windows

I would like to create a batch file to run a cmd command to commit changes to a windows embedded pc from a USB drive and restart the PC to make the changes active.
The cmd line I use is:
ewfmgr -commit c:
But I need to open the cmd prompt and run the command then once it has run, restart the PC
This is what worked
#echo OFF
c:\windows\system32\ewfmgr.exe C: -commit
echo Rebooting...Please Wait
c:\windows\system32\xpepm.exe -restart

shutdown /? could give some hints. Then your batch file might look as follows:
ewfmgr -commit c:
shutdown /r
To ensure batch wait until ewfmgr command ends, use
start "" /W ewfmgr -commit c:
shutdown /r
With the /W or /WAIT switch, the start command will start application and wait for it to terminate. More info on start command.
To give a some kind of wait after the commit command so that it can run and finish its task, e.g. for a delay of 30 seconds:
add timeout /T 30 /nobreak>nul line before shutdown /r, and/or
use shutdown with /t xxx switch (this sets the time-out period
before shutdown to xxx seconds), i.e. shutdown /r /t 30
A workaround if timeout command is not recognized: PING -n 31>nul

Create a new file with the .bat extension. Open it in your preferred text editor and enter the commands you want to be run, and save the file. The commands that JosefZ wrote would probably do the job perfectly.


How to keep console window open even after program started from batch-file has been terminated?

I need to create a batch-file (.bat) which keeps the console window open even after the started program has terminated (for the purpose of examining the console window output). For that I tried to use the "/WAIT" switch:
title test
start "" /WAIT "C:\My CLI Tools\7zip\x64\7za.exe"
But despite using the "/WAIT" switch the console window automatically closes after 7za.exe is terminated. (Obviously, the "/WAIT" switch waits only until the started program has been terminated).
So how can I make the console window stay open even after 7za.exe has been terminated?
start /wait tells batch to wait for the program to terminate, before performing next line, or to finish script. to keep it open and do nothing you can use pause:
title test
"C:\My CLI Tools\7zip\x64\7za.exe"
Or timeout:
title test
start "" /WAIT "C:\My CLI Tools\7zip\x64\7za.exe"
timeout /t 300
But both these will do nothing until it either times out, or you press any key.
If you were expecting output in cmd window, and the command actually provides output to cmd console, then you should not start it outside of the current console window. Just do:
title test
"C:\My CLI Tools\7zip\x64\7za.exe"

Need a batch file to start, delay a close, and restart another batch file.

I have searched and searched and this is the closest code I have found:
#echo off
timeout /t 30 >null
taskkill /f /im nexus_cpuminer.exe >nul
goto loop
A few things: notice the start.bat. The .exe I need to launch has to start via the .bat file because the .bat file contains information the .exe needs.
Secondly, the .exe launches a CMD prompt window which shows me what's going on.
(keep this in mind because this is not your normal .exe, I WANT that CMD prompt window to close when it's KILLED)
I am aware I have it set for 30 seconds. I'm just testing right now. I'd like to set it for 4 hours before the kill command is called. Also, I'd like to set a "delay" of 30 seconds before the whole process starts over. I am running Windows 7 x 64.
You must change the name of the second Batch file to other name (i.e. starter.bat) and execute it via the start internal command in order to execute it in parallel:
#echo off
start "" cmd /C "C:\CryptoCurrency\nexus_cpuminer\starter.bat"
timeout /t 30 >null
taskkill /f /im nexus_cpuminer.exe >nul
goto loop
The last line in starter.bat file must be the execution of nexus_cpuminer.exe, so when it is killed via taskkill, the .bat file ends immediately.
Another simpler approach is to directly execute nexus_cpuminer.exe in this Batch file, via start "" cmd /C nexus_cpuminer.exe command, so this process be opened in its own cmd.exe window.
If you CALL start.bat, it will return to your 'calling' script.
If you give start.bat a TITLE, you can /FIlter your TASKKILL command to EQ that WINDOWTITLE

Batch file won`t start program when launched from windows service

I have created a batch file to run when a specific service stops.
The batch file should stop the relevant software running, restart some services (stop / start) and start the software again.
It`s a simple code:
#echo off
Taskkill /F /IM program1.exe
Taskkill /F /IM program2.exe
timeout /t 5
net stop service1
net stop service2 && net start service2
net start service3
timeout /t 2
start C:/path/program1.exe
start C:/path/program2.exe
Have set the service up to run the batch file as recovery at first failure.
Batch file is linked via a shortcut to be able to run it as administrator.
This works perfectly when running the batch file directly, but when it`s executed by the service recovery, the start-up of the software fails.
Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?
In some circumstances timeout /t 5 might cause trouble. Try to replace it with PING -n 6 > NUL.

Batch - Reboot computer if a batch file ends

Essentially we have 2 batch files, one which is the "wrapper" if you will, calling another batch file so it starts as /min (minimized). This batch file then ends once it has launched the 2nd batch file.
This contains a loop, which keeps spawning an RDP session after it is closed.
The problem is, if the user ALT-TABs and closes the batch, they are just left with an empty desktop (as we task kill explorer). Is there a way of force rebooting the machine if that batch loop ends?
There is a standard cmd command:
shutdown /r
Usage: shutdown [/i | /l | /s | /r | /g | /a | /p | /h | /e | /o] [/hybrid] [/f]
[/m \\computer][/t xxx][/d [p|u:]xx:yy [/c "comment"]]
No args Display help. This is the same as typing /?.
/? Display help. This is the same as not typing any options.
/i Display the graphical user interface (GUI).
This must be the first option.
/l Log off. This cannot be used with /m or /d options.
/s Shutdown the computer.
/r Full shutdown and restart the computer.
/g Full shutdown and restart the computer. After the system is
rebooted, restart any registered applications.
/a Abort a system shutdown.
This can only be used during the time-out period.
/p Turn off the local computer with no time-out or warning.
Can be used with /d and /f options.
/h Hibernate the local computer.
Can be used with the /f option.
/hybrid Performs a shutdown of the computer and prepares it for fast startup.
Must be used with /s option.
/e Document the reason for an unexpected shutdown of a computer.
/o Go to the advanced boot options menu and restart the computer.
Must be used with /r option.
/m \\computer Specify the target computer.
/t xxx Set the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds.
The valid range is 0-315360000 (10 years), with a default of 30.
If the timeout period is greater than 0, the /f parameter is
/c "comment" Comment on the reason for the restart or shutdown.
Maximum of 512 characters allowed.
/f Force running applications to close without forewarning users.
The /f parameter is implied when a value greater than 0 is
specified for the /t parameter.
/d [p|u:]xx:yy Provide the reason for the restart or shutdown.
p indicates that the restart or shutdown is planned.
u indicates that the reason is user defined.
If neither p nor u is specified the restart or shutdown is
xx is the major reason number (positive integer less than 256).
yy is the minor reason number (positive integer less than 65536).
My suggestions:
Do you really need batch to be visible (minimized) or can it be hidden?
If it can be hidden, just use VBScript to launch it hidden:
With CreateObject("W"&"Script.Shell")
.Run "LongRun.bat", 0
End With
If you really need batch to be shown, you could make a hidden script which will wait for batch to terminate and reboot.
Step 1: Launch script hidden (Start.vbs):
Set WsShell = CreateObject("W"&"Script.Shell")
WsShell.Run "Hidden.vbs", 0
Step 2: Hidden.vbs will launch batch and wait it to return:
'This script is supposed to start hidden!
Set WsShell = CreateObject("W"&"Script.Shell")
WsShell.Run "LongRun.bat", 7, True
'WsShell.Run "REBOOT.EXE ..." 'Must remove comment and complete command line
MsgBox "Rebooting..."
Now LongRun.bat is running, Hidden.vbs also (but not visible).
If somehow LongRun.bat is terminated, Hidden.vbs will continue its execution and reboot.
(WScript.Shell.Run documentation)
EDIT: Notice "W"&"Script.Shell" is same as "WScript.Shell" but StackOverflow doesn't allow me to write it!

Need to run an .exe, then kill it after ~10 seconds and move to next command in batch file

I am attempting to create a batch file that runs an .exe, but kills said .exe after about 10 seconds (before it completes), then moves on to the next command in the file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use this:
start program.exe
ping -n 10
taskkill /im program.exe /f
rem continue here
echo Another command!
