Jmeter testing on multiple websites on the same server - jmeter

I have a working script to login and get to one website on the webserver, what I need is how to get to the other 10 plus servers with Jmeter all at once to do a nice stress test on the websites and its interfaces.
Any help is greatly appreciated

I think that you need to use DNS Cache Manager available since JMeter 2.12
DNS Cache Manager allows each JMeter thread to resolve underlying IP address of the request endpoint on its own.
See The DNS Cache Manager: The Right Way To Test Load Balanced Apps guide for detailed explanation of background and configuration details.

This is pretty trivial using the CSV Data Set Config.
Let's assume you are using normal HTTP Request samplers and that these are already set up with a server and path. Let's say it is the server you want to change for each thread. Then you need to:
Create a text file with a different server you want to test on each line.
Add a CSV Data Config element to the top level.
Configure the CSV Data Config to use your text file and set the variable name of server.
In your samplers change the server name to ${server}.
You can use the same method to change the path and other details.


How Jmeter handles LDAP Referral mechanism

I am trying to do a LDAP mod operation through Jmeter. Expected behavior - Jmeter would hit server A which in turn would hit server B. Actual modification operation would happen at server B. Server B would complete the operation and give response to server A which in turn would respond to Jmeter.
Now the issue is, Jmeter is always getting the "Referral" response message. However, manually we are able to change the password after hitting server A from different remote server.
Could you someone please suggest how to overcome this?
I am assuming this has been resolved. Just in case you are still wondering, #Rohan , my understanding is that you run jmeter on the command line:
$ jmeter -Jjava.naming.referral=true -n -t testplan.jmx -l log.jtl
JMeter won't have specific behaviour of its own. You will need to tell it to follow referrals by setting java.naming.referral property appropriately in the mechanism defined in the documentation for the JNDI LDAP provider, which you should already have in place for your application if you expect it to behave that way.

Can't get property value in Jmeter master-slave mode

I wrote a jmeter plugin which is used to analyze jmeter sample event, and send the results to a specified server. In this plugin, user can config the server IP/Port etc. These configurations normally use the variable and read them from given CSV file(using CSV config plugin). For example, the variables could be filled like: ${serverIP}, ${serverPort} on plugin GUI.
Ok, my jmx and plugin with these configurations can work well in single mode. But now, I have requirement to run them in Master-Slave mode, the problem is coming, the ${serverIP}, ${serverPort} can't not be converted to real value in Master side. I added some logs in my plugin codes which I used Jemter API to read its value
public String getServerIP() {
return getPropertyAsString(SERVER_IP);
and found jmeter straightly return me with the variable name: ${serverIP}, not like what it did in single mode that convert them to real value.
I googled and searched Jmeter doc, but nothing found, How could I let jmeter read configured variable from given CSV file in Master side(I know it could do this in Slave side). Can't Jmeter support it?
Any help are really appreciated! If you need more infos, please let me know, Thanks a lot!

JMeter Remote testing - 2 slaves

I'm executing JMeter loadtest on my system. We have 1 client server with JMeter GUI and 2 slaves servers.
We are testing application where I need to login, do something and logout.
Is it possible to test such application with 2+ slaves? Because I cannot login with the same user more times on server in current session. I get license error: "User is connected from another machine".
I know, that jmeter multiplies Threads with number of slaves, but how to handle this situation?
JMeter uses local CSV files in distributed mode. So you just place different files on each slave and it works.
For distributed testing, the CSV file must be stored on the server host system in the correct relative directory to where the JMeter server is started.
According to the Apache JMeter documentation,
By default, the file is only opened once, and each thread will use a different line from the file. However, the order in which lines are passed to threads depends on the order in which they execute, which may vary between iterations.
If you want each thread to have its own set of values, then you will need to create a set of files, one for each thread. For example test1.csv, test2.csv, …, testn.csv. Use the filename test${__threadNum}.csv and set the "Sharing mode" to "Current thread".
So just put your different credentials in different CSV.
Either of below solutions will address your issue. I use Redis. It is super cool.
HTTP Simple Table Server:

Is it possible to reuse created jmeter test plan for another test environment?

I have recorded a jmeter script for wiki page. That record was done in one of our test environment. That script is working fine and now i want to perform same load test for another test environment(Both environments are same, only urls are different).Is it possible to reuse?How can i do it?
I have added HTTP Request default element at the begging of test plan creation. Now recorded script consist of many HTTP Request element. Each request element contains Server IP of test instance.
Extract IPs and other env-specific data to .properties file:
Read them in your JMeter with JMeter built-in function ${__P(someName)} as you see fit
Run your generic JMeter test with env-specific config data in .properties file
Yes. It is possible to run the same test in multiple environments. It all depends on how you design your test plan.
This site has exact details you are looking for.

Jmeter test fail on same app different servers (Spring webflow + Primefaces)

I'm having a weird problem with JMeter.
Web app running on localhost
Record a simple test on Jmeter (login + 1 search)
Execute the test on localhost with Jmeter. Test runs OK.
Change the server and port on HTTP Request Defaul for another server's IP and port running the same version of the app.
The test runs but fails at the search with ".FlowExecutionRestorationFailureException: A problem occurred restoring the flow execution with key 'e3s2'"
If i do the same swapging servers (record on remote server and try to execute on local) the behavior is the same.
¿Any clues of what can it be? I don't understand why it manages to do the login and navigate on another server but fails on other action.
In short, if I record a test it fails at somepoint if I change the server.
Jmter 2.12
Primefaces 5.0
Spring Webflow 2.3.1.RELEASE
Apache Tomcat 7.0
My expectation is that there is at least one dynamic parameter which is currently being hardcoded into your script. I would suggest to do the following:
Record your login+search flow once again
Inspect 2 .jmx scripts to detect any differences (i.e. one or more parameters having different values)
Once you find those problematic parameters you'll need to look into server's response body/headers/cookies/ to see where it lives.
As soon as you know where the parameter value lives you can use one of the following PostProcessors:
Regular Expression Extractor
XPath Extractor
CSS/JQuery Extractor
The whole process is called "correlation" so you can use "JMeter correlation" as a search term if above information is not enough to resolve your problem.
The problem was some xhtml components that didn't had any specified Id so jsf would set something like id="mainForm:j_idt12". Since my test don't need to work on dynamic generated html (are simple tests) setting the ids solve the poblem.
