Why maven does not include dependencies in resulting jar - maven

I am trying to build an uber jar with maven-shade-plugin 2.1. I expect it to include all the classes in my jar and dependency jars. But I see that it does not include classes from dependency jars. What could I be doing wrong? Following is my usage of maven-shade-plugin in pom.xml. Could it be because finalName is same as project.artifactid?
implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />

I tested your code and it works if it is inside <build> <plugins>, like this :
<!-- your code here -->
All dependencies are correctly included in the final jar. Also, make sure the dependencies you want to include in the shaded jar are inside the <dependencies> element, not the <dependencyManagement> element.


Oozie loading jars provided by user first

I have tried oozie.launcher.mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first property in workflow.xml to load my jars first over sharelib jars.
Unable to run workflow when this property is used.
hadoop-hdfs is available in the provided jar and version is not incompatible
Maven relocation strategy can be used to avoid conflicting classes
Posting pom.xml shaded plugin config which worked for me

How to reasonable rename package with maven plugin

My project has the following modules:
The above modules both depend on com.google.protobuf, and rest depends on client (the rest module uses protobuf jar by client).
In order to avoid conflict, I renamed com.google.protobuf to my.com.google.protobuf in client module with shade plugin.
The problem is that the rest module can not be compiled and reports the following error:
error: incompatible types: my.com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor cannot be converted to com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor
Client pom.xml
rest pom.xml
A better workaround seems to be: Right-click on project "client" -> pom.xml in the project view in IntelliJ, choose "Maven" -> "Ignore Projects". Then do a "Maven" -> "Reimport" on the top-level pom.xml.

How to build a jar from a module of maven with dependencies from other module?

I have some modules in maven, and I want to build a jar of a module which has a dependency of just other module.
How can I include in the jar both modules?
I have the followings modules:
And I want to build a jar in myproject-api with myproject-dependencie. I have more dependencies in myproject-api and I only need to have in this jar myproject-api and myproject-dependencie.
I guess the maven-shade-plugin will be your friend:
In you plugins section Something like:
implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />

use maven-shade-plugin, but dependency classes are not in the final jar

In my project's pom.xml I have the following dependency:
I would like to have my project's final built jar including the classes of above com.my.library:MyLib dependency, so I used maven-shade-plugin in the following way:
Then, I run mvn clean install , my project was built successfully.
But when I check the content of MyProject.jar under target/ directory, it doesn't contain classes from com.my.library:MyLib dependency ,why? Where am I wrong with maven-shade-plugin ?
Define an <artifactSet>:
And try removing the <artifact/> from the <filters/>. This should do it.
change pattern to

Maven Shade Plugin not including resources of dependency

I'm using the Maven Shade Plugin to include all dependencies during package phase.
That works fine for classes, but dependent resources aren't included.
Here's the layout of the dependent jar:
./config.properties <-- this is the missing resource
Here's the shade plugin configuration:
<!-- <X-Compile-Source-JDK>${maven.compile.source}</X-Compile-Source-JDK>.
<X-Compile-Target-JDK>${maven.compile.target}</X-Compile-Target-JDK> -->
Exclude files that sign a jar
(one or multiple of the dependencies).
One may not repack a signed jar without
this, or you will get a
SecurityException at program start.
<exclude>META-INF/*.INF</exclude> <!-- This one may not be required -->
It's embarrasing, but there was a typo in the version of the dependency and that version didn't have the file.
