Oracle to Neo4j Sync - oracle

Do we have any utility to sync data between Oracle & Neo4J database. I want to use Neo4j in readonly mode & all writes will happen to oracle DB.

I think this depends on how often you want to have the data synced. Are you looking for a periodic sync/ETL process (say hourly or daily), or are looking for live updates into Neo4j?
I'm not aware of tools designed for this, but it's not terribly difficult to script yourself.
A periodic sync is obviously easiest. You can do that directly using the Java API and connecting via JDBC to Oracle. You could also just dump the data from Oracle as a CSV and import into Neo4j. This would be done similiarly to how data is imported from PostreSQL in this article:
There is a SO response for exporting data from Oracle using sqlplus/spool:
How do I spool to a CSV formatted file using SQLPLUS?
If you're looking for live syncing, you'd probably do this either through monitoring the transaction log or by adding triggers onto your tables, depending on the complexity of your data.


how to connect to oracle database from snowflake?

I have to pull some data from oracle and update the data in snowflake. And ofcourse the size of the data is 5gb.
Is there any procedure to connect to oracle database from snowflake? OR
Do I need to connect them using a programming language as python?
You'll need to unload the data from Oracle and load into Snowflake, as there are no "direct connect" options I've ever heard about.
I'd use SQL*Loader to unload, push the files to AWS S3 (or your cloud vendor's storage), and issue Snowflake COPY INTO TABLE commands, it should be fairly straightforward.
There is no equivalent to Oracle database links in Snowflake. You would need an external process to move the data from Oracle to S3. Then you can configure a Snowpipe task to load from S3 into Snowflake. See Loading Continuously Using Snowpipe for more information.
I would suggest to use python programming to extract and load data from oracle to snowflake. Since your oracle table is being updated daily write python program to generate merge statement dynamically to load your incremental data from oracle to snowflake.
Snowflake supports Java script based stored procedure so you can use stored procedure to generate merge statement dynamically by passing table name as parameter and you can call it via python.
Initial load from oracle to snowflake may take time as you have 5GB data from your source system.

Which is the fastest way to replicate oracle database deployed in RDS?

For example: Lets say i have two database DB1 and DB2. Now my requirement is to refresh data from DB1 to DB2 every night. DB1 is live database and DB2 is for non business users for data analysis.
My questions:
1) What must be the tool i should use for my requirement? I need a solution that is fast, since the database copy has to be done everyday.
2) Does AWS have any tool to automate the backup and restore the data?
There's a load of ways to do this and the answer comes down to what storage you're using, are they on the same server and then ultimately the size of the database.
RMAN's more a backup / recovery tool but definitely a runner for cloning. If you're not sure what RMAN does then I wouldn't even start to implement it as it's very tricky if you aren't super comfortable with Oracle DB's.
My recommendation is just use Oracle datapump, export the schema's you need to a dump file then ship it over and import them into the other database making sure to overwrite/drop the existing schemas.
Other than doing a differential clone at a SAN level this is probably the quickest and definitely easiest way to get it done

Transfer data from an ORACLE View to greenplum DB table

I have an Oracle view containing very large amount of data in it and I want to migrate this data in a table in Greenplum database. Is there any way I can write any query in Postgresql to fetch that Oracle view's data?
If not possible by query in Postgresql, kindly suggest me some way to access Oracle view from Linux server, so that I can create data file from that Oracle view to my Linux server and load that file via gpfdist to a Greenplum table.
NOTE: an Oracle view is from third party, I only have an access to view that data (I have all the connection info) I can access that view via SQL Developer
NOTE: Exporting data from SQL Developer to my local machine is not feasible here as the data is very large
The last time I used Greenplum (3 years ago) I don't think there were any untrusted languages like plperlu, so fetching directly from Oracle from within Greenplum might not be possible. If the data has a primary key, are you able to fetch in batches, compress it, then ship it to Greenplum?
Do you have a Greenplum support contract? If so, you could also try them if you haven't already:
I recall that gpfdist can be configured to fetch from remote servers with a bit of fiddling, so if you are able to copy out the Oracle data to disk, you could fetch it using gpfdist without any intermediary steps.

Create copies of Oracle database tables in an SQLite database

I have 2 databases, Oracle and SQlite. And I want to create exact copies of some of the Oracle tables in SQLite in one of my applications. Most of these tables contains more than 10,000 rows so copying each table by going through each row programmatically is not efficient. Also the table structure may change in the future so I want to achieve this using a generic way without hard-coding the SQL statements. Is there a any way to do this?
p.s. - This application is being developed using Qt framework. All the queries and databases are represented by QtSql module objects.
Can't help with Qt framework, but for large amounts of data is is usually better to use bulk-copy operations.
Export data from Oracle
Import data into SQLite
What you probably really want to use is the Oracle Database Mobile Server, which can automatically synchronize a SQLite and an Oracle Database.
The recent release of the Oracle Database Mobile Server (formally called Oracle Database Lite Mobile Server) supports synchronization between an Oracle Database and a SQLite or a Berkeley DB database running on the client. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous data exchange, as well as secure communications between client and server. You can configure the Mobile Server to synchronize based on several options without the need to modify the application that is accessing the database.
You can also find an excellent discussion forum for questions from developers and implementers using the Mobile Server.

What is Oracle SQL Loader?

What is Oracle SQL Loader and what is it used for?
SQL Loader is utility provided by Oracle which enables us to load data from flat files into database tables. It is well covered in the documentation (check the Utilities Guide). The key thing is that SQL Loader is an external OS program.
External tables were introduced in Oracle 9i, allowing us to define tables whose data is supplied from flat files. These provide most of the functionality of SQL Loader with a lot more convenience. For instance we can manipulate and re-format the data using SQL functions which is simpler than using SQL Loader's syntax. It also means that we can pull the data from inside the database rather than pushing it from the OS.
However, for loading huge volumes of data in ultra-quick time a well-tuned SQL Loader control file will beat external tables for performance. Also, if there is a complicated OS process associated with the data files - e.g. ftp, gunzip, pre-processing with sed or awk - it can be more convenient to call SQL Loader from inside the shell script rather than attempting to hook up with a database job. So SQL Loader is still useful in certain scenarios but it is not necessarily the automatic first choice.
It is one of Oracle's bulk data loading tools.
You use it to load data from flat files (such as CSV) into the database.
For details, please check their documentation (or this FAQ)
To transfer data from one Oracle database to another oracle database, we use oracle data pump. And in oracle versions previous to 10g we use oracle export/import. But if you want to transfer data from a non oracle database to an oracle database, you create a flat file of the data in the non oracle database and using SQL Loader load the data into oracle database.
Following is procedure to load the data from Third Party Database into Oracle using SQL Loader.
1.Convert the Data into Flat file using third party database command.
2.Create the Table Structure in Oracle Database using appropriate datatypes
3.Write a Control File, describing how to interpret the flat file and options to load the data.
4.Execute SQL Loader utility specifying the control file in the command line argument
