Dev C++ not compiling. Error Message in compile log - compilation

When I try to compile any type of program, this message appears in the compile log:
No binary directory provided in compiler set "MinGW GCC 4.7.2 32-bit Release". Aborted compilation.
This is the only message that comes up and it comes up instantly without any effort of compiling. I checked to see if it may have been an error when downloading, but that is not the case as I followed through the set-up properly. Also, there was no choice to download for a 32 or 64bit computer so if that is the problem how do I get one that supports my computer?
I downloaded the Dev C++ portable version from this link:
I really do not know what the issue is here so I would appreciate any help and hopefully to anyone else encountering this problem. I haven't found anyone with this same error though.

I encountered this problem before.
Here's how I solved it.
Go to:
Tools ->Compiler Options ->Directories ->Binaries
Then choose "MinGW64\bin" as your directory
Usually, it is located where you installed this software.


How do I compile PCSXR source code on Windows into an executable?

TLDR at the bottom.
I've been running an application I've found on called PCSXR. However, I believe a Windows update has caused the program not to function properly or it's missing some Windows Visual Basic add-on since it was fine before I cleaned installed Windows 10 for fixing a problem that recovery couldn't fix.
I've tried version 1.9.92 executable but it has crash issues playing cinematics.
Version 1.9.93, which is most stable and I was using, no longer can read the DLL plugins in the folder. Making it unusable.
After browsing around. I found this post that this person solved the problem using Dev C++ to compile the source code. I've attempted to build it but I keep getting thrown errors. Wrong architecture which I've solved by setting it to 32 bit compile but other errors prevented it compiling.
After Googling how-to around and talking with some other programmers. I've been going back and forth with different tools on how to compile it. Code Blocks, Dev C++, MinGW and an old Git program on Windows to run Bash. I even ended up having missing config.h which is in the header and even winres.h missing.
I somehow managed to compile it through WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with Ubuntu, XFCE4 Desktop through VcXsrv to display XFCE4 through a window. PCSXR starts, has plugins but crashes when I run it. From what I've been told, the error due to WSL not supporting sound. So WSL failed.
I've tried Ubuntu "Try It" CD environment but fails to compile at all.
VirutalBox on latest version no longer works since they disabled it working on my machine since it doesn't have BIOS virtualization setting.
I've been following their program documentation but it's not really detailed for Windows users.
So my question is: How do I build, in detailed steps, PCSXR either from updated source code here or 1.9.93 source here into a working Windows executable with its DLL plugins working? What programs I need, what do I type in what, what settings, where I find missing files etc.
I know this isn't probably the best question here but I've been at this for 2 whole days, Googling and asking.
I'm using Windows 10, AMD CPU, 64 bit with no BIOS virtualization support.
I managed to do it by following these steps on this forum post:
You need Dev C++ 5.11.
1).Go to File>Open>Directory of Pcsxr>win32>
2).Under Project select pcsxr. Right click and select project options.
3.In Project Options select compiler. Set Base compiler to "TDM-GCC 4.9.2 32bit Release" then click ok.
4).In the main menu of Dev C++ 5.11 look for Execute. Select Compile.
5).Wait for it to compile. If you were successful there should a
pcsxr.exe in pcsxr source directory>win32.
After following the steps and trying out all the most recent versions of the source codes available. This is my research results I posted after.
Thanks for the reply. It really helped a lot.
I've tried the 1.9.93 beta source code "pcsxr-1.9.93.tar.bz2"
(extracted with 7zip) and got a compile error about "#include
" not found.
I've tried the 1.9.94 alpha source code "" and it
compiled successfully. I got a "pcsxr\libpcsxcore\gte_divider.h"
missing error when loading the dev file in win32 folder but it seems
to work okay.
I've tried the up-to-date source code (last modification Feb 18, 2017)
and it compiled successfully. I got a
"pcsxr\libpcsxcore\gte_divider.h" missing error when loading the dev
file in win32 folder but it seems to work also. The background logo
that covers the main window seems to be blank grey until I start a
I solved the winres.h issue by getting this missing Windows h Sample
file from github here:
and just added it to the root of the project folder. I had to replace
'#include ' with '#include "winres.h"'.
I don't know about the built-in plugins source code. Some don't have a
dev file and they always throw errors when compiling. I've managed to
add working third party ones from emulator zone and the ones from
1.9.93 beta release "" and managed to get 1.9.93 working great.

Qt Creator "The program has unexpectedly finished."

Yesterday I installed Qt Creator and the Qt Library 5.0.1. When I created a new project and wanted to see how it looks, so I build and run the program and I got the following error:
Starting C:\Users\Khaled\workspace_qt\Test-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\Test.exe...
The program has unexpectedly finished.
C:\Users\Khaled\workspace_qt\Test-build-Desktop_Qt_5_0_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\Test.exe exited with code -1073741511
I got the same error when I tried to build and run the address book application from the example section.
I looked for other questions here, and I read one that said to check g++ version and to change toolchain from the Build & Run section in the setting, but there is nothing that says toolchain. I also read one where it said to try to chnage between debug and release mode, both didn't work. I also just read a post about using Event Viewer to see the lacking dlls but I couldn't find anything.
Why am I getting this error message and how can I fix it?
If you run your application by clicking on it or using cmd (basically not through Qt), you will get a Windows system error informing you of the problem. If you're missing DLL's (which you seem to be), you'll be told which ones, although it will only tell you one at a time.

I have installed WxWidgets, but PgAdmin cannot see it

There was a similar question (here or on some related SE site), but I didn't find so I ask a new question (if you find it, send a link and vote to close this question if they are too similar).
I have finished installing WxWidgets (configure; make; make install), but while installing PgAdmin III 1.16 the make console doesn't recognize WxWidgets as installed. I found that absence of Unicode might be a problem in this case, but I have enabled the Unicode. What else should I do?
I have 32bit Windows XP and WxWidgets 2.9.4. Including PostgreSQL 9.1.3 went OK.
EDIT: I tried another way - through Visual Studio and Visual C++. I don't know if my problem is the same or just similar, but Visual Studio reports this error:
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wx/wxprec.h': No such file or directory
followed by 100 of other errors which seem to be conclusion of this one (mostly undefined types/functions with names beginning with "wx"). I added semicolons to the header (as was suggested here - fourth entry after "all replies"), but it didn't help. I also tried to add "include" and "lib" directories in WxWidgets to include path for every project, but no joy here.
Do anybody know how to solve it?
You need to point pgAdmin to wxWidgets installation under Windows. Its build instruction should explain how to do it but you must set up the include path (-I compiler option) and the libraries path (-L linker option) for it to compile and link properly.
Notice that for the include paths you must put the directory containing the wx/setup.h file generated during the build by configure first and the directory with all the rest of wx headers later.
Also, it probably goes without saying, but you must use the same compiler to build both wxWidgets and pgAdmin, so if you built wx using configure+make you can't use MSVC for pgAdmin.

libpng ndk-build internal compiler error in debug mode

I use ndk-build to compile libpng source code in debug mode, then it shows “internal compiler error” in pngrtran.c. But when I compile in release mode, it can success. Is this a bug in libpng? How I can resolve this?
It's not a bug in libpng; anything a program describes as an "internal error" is a bug in the program (libpng does this, but then it shows "libpng: internal error"!) So it's a bug in the compiler.
You should report it to the ndk guys or you could go directly to the compiler vendor (probably GNU) because they would likely to be more responsive.
You can't resolve the problem - it needs a compiler fix (maybe only to output a message that doesn't claim it's an internal error, but at least that.) You can avoid the problem by simply not compiling libpng in debug mode. Since I assume this is for Android so you can (I believe) mix-and-match debug and now debug code (this does NOT work on Windows with at least one compiler!)
You can also try working out which compiler option reveals the problem; compare the options being passed to the compiler in both release and debug, then bisect the differences to see if you can narrow the issue down to one setting.
John Bowler jbowler 2
The android team should know about the bug. As Its a resurface of an old one:

How does one install VS2008 on Vista?

I met a lot of problems when I'm trying to compile with VS2008 on Vista. Because I'm new to VS2008 and new to programming in Windows, I'm totally lost when errors happen.
My problem is as following:
The vs2008 has anyway been installed and I tried to build a open source app
and the compilation stopped due to errors. In the output window I see:
1>fatal error C1900: Il mismatch between 'P1' version '20080116' and 'P2' version '20070207'
Totally mess for me!!!
Found a thread on this error:
Sounds like you need to install VS2008 Service Pack 1. You should probably also make sure you're up to date with the latest .NET releases.
P1 and P2 refer to the "passes" made by the compiler over your code. Microsoft's C++ compiler is a two-pass compiler. The first pass generates data (in some kind of intermediate form) that's given to the second pass for actual conversion to machine code.
These are implemented in c1.dll and c2.dll.
The error is essentially complaining that you've got mismatched versions. Try a repair install, or install VS2008 Service Pack 1.
