unable to get objects using NSFetchedResultsController with multiple context - xcode

I'm trying to use a NSFetchedResultsController with an additional NSManagedObjectContext different from the main MOC that I use in my App. Although I'm able to save and retrieve data with that additional MOC, every time that I try to create a NSFetchedResultsController it returns an object with nil fetchedObjects.
I'm using MagicalRecord, and this is the code that I'm using:
- (id) init
if (isFirstAccess) {
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd];
self = [super init];
if (self) {
NSManagedObjectModel *model = [NSManagedObjectModel MR_newManagedObjectModelNamed:#"ConnectorCache.momd"];
[NSManagedObjectModel MR_setDefaultManagedObjectModel:model];
storeCoordinator = [NSPersistentStoreCoordinator MR_coordinatorWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreNamed:#"ConnectorCache.sqlite"];
cacheContext = [NSManagedObjectContext MR_contextWithStoreCoordinator:storeCoordinator];
[MagicalRecord setShouldAutoCreateManagedObjectModel:YES];
return self;
and the code for getting the fetchedResultsController is:
- (NSFetchedResultsController *) fetchedResultsController {
if (_fetchedResultController != nil) {
return _fetchedResultController;
NSFetchRequest *request = [Appointment MR_requestAllSortedBy:#"start" ascending:YES inContext:cacheContext];
_fetchedResultController = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc] initWithFetchRequest:request managedObjectContext:cacheContext sectionNameKeyPath:#"day" cacheName:nil];
return _fetchedResultController;
If I use the request for fetching the data, it works correctly:
(lldb) po [cacheContext executeFetchRequest:request error:nil];
<_PFBatchFaultingArray 0x7fd9ca576710>(
<Appointment: 0x7fd9ca4c7220> (entity: Appointment; id: 0xd00000000004000a <x-coredata://36BACA76-7C2B-413C-8782-F92BBC7C1AA7/Appointment/p1> ; data: {
attendees = "<relationship fault: 0x7fd9ca518400 'attendees'>";
attendeesOmitted = nil;
created = "2015-03-10 16:41:31 +0000";
creator = nil;
end = "2015-03-18 18:45:00 +0000";
eventDescription = "Doctor Garc\U00eda Villaran";
eventID = "_8gs3ecpi8h0jab9i6op3ib9k6gp3iba18kojiba68d1j8c2260pj4e1o64";
lastUpdated = "2015-03-10 16:42:13 +0000";
location = "Centro M\U00e9dico Quir\U00f3n Sevilla Este, Sevilla, ES";
start = "2015-03-18 17:45:00 +0000";
status = 0;
title = "Cita otorrino";
I cannot see what I'm missing…
Kind regards

I was my fault, what I missed is the fact that I'm using MagicalRecord which actually provides a method for getting a NSFetchedResultsController.
NSManageObject MR_fetchAll… or friends will do the job. In my case I used:
_fetchedResultController = [Appointment MR_fetchAllSortedBy:#"start"


Validating URL from drag and drop in a sandbox

With file access in a sandboxed osx app with swift in mind, does it work the same with URLs provided via Finder or other apps drops?
As there's no NSOpenPanel call to afford folder access as in this example, just urls - I think the folder access is implicit since the user dragged the file from the source / desktop "folder" much the same as implicit selection via the open dialog.
I have not begun the sandbox migration yet but wanted to verify my thinking was accurate, but here's a candidate routine that does not work in sandbox mode:
func performDragOperation(_ sender: NSDraggingInfo!) -> Bool {
let pboard = sender.draggingPasteboard()
let items = pboard.pasteboardItems
if (pboard.types?.contains(NSURLPboardType))! {
for item in items! {
if let urlString = item.string(forType: kUTTypeURL as String) {
self.webViewController.loadURL(text: urlString)
if let urlString = item.string(forType: kUTTypeFileURL as String/*"public.file-url"*/) {
let fileURL = NSURL.init(string: urlString)?.filePathURL
self.webViewController.loadURL(url: fileURL!)
Swift.print("items has \(item.types)")
if (pboard.types?.contains(NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey))! {
Swift.print("we have NSPasteboardURLReadingFileURLsOnlyKey")
return true
as no URL is acted upon or error thrown.
Yes, the file access is implicit. As the sandbox implementation is poorly documented and had/has many bugs, you want to work around URL and Filenames. The view should register itself for both types at initialisation. Code is in Objective-C, but API should be the same.
[self registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, NSURLPboardType, nil]];
Then on performDragOperation:
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
BOOL dragPerformed = NO;
NSPasteboard *paste = [sender draggingPasteboard];
NSArray *typesWeRead = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, NSURLPboardType, nil];
//a list of types that we can accept
NSString *typeInPasteboard = [paste availableTypeFromArray:typesWeRead];
if ([typeInPasteboard isEqualToString:NSFilenamesPboardType]) {
NSArray *fileArray = [paste propertyListForType:#"NSFilenamesPboardType"];
//be careful since this method returns id.
//We just happen to know that it will be an array. and it contains strings.
NSMutableArray *urlArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[fileArray count]];
for (NSString *path in fileArray) {
[urlArray addObject:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]];
dragPerformed = //.... do your stuff with the files;
} else if ([typeInPasteboard isEqualToString:NSURLPboardType]) {
NSURL *droppedURL = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:paste];
if ([droppedURL isFileURL]) {
dragPerformed = //.... do your stuff with the files;
return dragPerformed;

CloudKit didReceiveRemoteNotification not called on the Mac

I am using the following CKNotification Info and this seems to work fine:
CKNotificationInfo *note = [[CKNotificationInfo alloc] init];
note.alertBody = #"Something Happened";
note.shouldBadge = NO;
note.shouldSendContentAvailable = NO;
When something changes on an iOS device, my Mac app receives a Push notification based on a subscription with this notification. However, didReceiveRemoteNotification is never called so I can't process the event. I need to be able to refresh and fetch new changes. How do I do that?
Calling registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: and implementing didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:
should be enough code, and the App ID should include the Push Notifications service.
I'm using CloudKit in a cross-platform (iOS/OS X) app to synchronize favorites between devices like so:
// OS X specific code
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
[NSApp registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:NSRemoteNotificationTypeNone];// silent push notification!
- (void)application:(NSApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
[self.favCon handleCloudKitNotificationWithUserInfo:userInfo];
Note the usage of NSRemoteNotificationTypeNone which means silent push notification! This is how I set up CloudKit in the FavController class:
- (void)getOrCreateFavZoneWithCompletionHandler:(successCompletionHandler)handler {
// check if FavZone exists op
__block int createZone = 0;
CKFetchRecordZonesOperation *fetchRecZonesOp = [[CKFetchRecordZonesOperation alloc] initWithRecordZoneIDs:#[[FavController favRecordZoneID]]];
CKModifyRecordZonesOperation *saveRecZoneOp = [[CKModifyRecordZonesOperation alloc] initWithRecordZonesToSave:nil recordZoneIDsToDelete:nil];
fetchRecZonesOp.fetchRecordZonesCompletionBlock = ^(NSDictionary *recordZonesByZoneID, NSError *operationError) {
if (recordZonesByZoneID.count == 0) {// zone doesn't exist
createZone = 1;
CKRecordZone *favZone = [[CKRecordZone alloc] initWithZoneName:UTXAFavZoneName];
saveRecZoneOp.recordZonesToSave = #[favZone];
NSLog(#"Creating new Zone %#", favZone.zoneID.zoneName);
} else {
NSLog(#"Zone %# already exists.", [FavController favRecordZoneID].zoneName);
// create FavZone op
saveRecZoneOp.modifyRecordZonesCompletionBlock = ^(NSArray *savedRecordZones, NSArray *deletedRecordZoneIDs, NSError *operationError) {
[self successCompletionHandler:(savedRecordZones.count == createZone) error:operationError informDelegate:YES handler:handler];
[saveRecZoneOp addDependency:fetchRecZonesOp];
[[FavController favDatabase] addOperation:fetchRecZonesOp];
[[FavController favDatabase] addOperation:saveRecZoneOp];
- (void)subscribeToFavChanges:(successCompletionHandler)handler {
// get current subscription
[[FavController favDatabase] fetchSubscriptionWithID:UTXAFavConCKSubscriptionID completionHandler:^(CKSubscription *subscription, NSError *error) {
if (subscription) {
NSLog(#"using existing subscription: %#", subscription);
[self successCompletionHandler:YES error:nil informDelegate:NO handler:handler];
} else {
CKSubscription *sub = [[CKSubscription alloc] initWithZoneID:[FavController favRecordZoneID]
options:0];// "You must specify 0 for this parameter. Zone subscriptions currently do not support any options."
[[FavController favDatabase] saveSubscription:sub completionHandler:^(CKSubscription *subscription, NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"created new subscription: %# %#", subscription, error);
[self successCompletionHandler:(error == nil) error:error informDelegate:YES handler:handler];
As soon as I add or remove a record on one device, I'll get a notification on all other device, which I handle like so in the FavController class:
/// #abstract Handle push notifications sent by iCloud.
/// #discussion App delegates call this method when they receive a push notification through didReceiveRemoteNotification.
/// Currently, only airport favorites produce a PN, it is of type CKNotificationTypeRecordZone.
/// #param userInfo The userInfo dict tied to each push notification.
- (void)handleCloudKitNotificationWithUserInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
[self recursivelyCheckForPreviousCloudKitNotifications];
- (void)recursivelyCheckForPreviousCloudKitNotifications {
CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation *fetchOp = [[CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation alloc] initWithPreviousServerChangeToken:_defCon.notificationChangeToken];
__weak CKFetchNotificationChangesOperation *weakOp = fetchOp;
fetchOp.notificationChangedBlock = ^(CKNotification *notification) {
[self handleNotification:notification];
fetchOp.fetchNotificationChangesCompletionBlock = ^( CKServerChangeToken *serverChangeToken, NSError *operationError) {
NSLog(#"new notification change token: %#", serverChangeToken);
_defCon.notificationChangeToken = serverChangeToken;
if (weakOp.moreComing) {
NSLog(#"more coming!!");
[self recursivelyCheckForPreviousCloudKitNotifications];
} else {
NSLog(#"done handling notification changes.");
[[FavController favContainer] addOperation:fetchOp];
- (void)handleNotification:(CKNotification *)notification {// withCompletionHandler:(successCompletionHandler)handler {
if (notification.notificationType == CKNotificationTypeRecordZone) {// make sure we handle only zone changes
CKRecordZoneNotification *noti = (CKRecordZoneNotification *)notification;
if ([noti.recordZoneID.zoneName isEqualToString:[FavController favRecordZoneID].zoneName]) {
// received an update for the fav zone
[self queuedFavUpdateFromCloud];
} else {
// received an update for an unknown zone
NSLog(#"WARNING: received an update for an unknown zone: %#", noti.recordZoneID.zoneName);
} else {
NSLog(#"WARNING: received unknown notification: %#", notification);
Okay I've finally figured it out. If you use a CKNotificationInfo for your alerts, didReceiveRemoteNotification will NOT be called on the Mac until and unless you set CKNotificationInfo.soundName to an empty string! This looks like a bug only in OS X (10.10 & 10.11 so far) but can be worked around by this simple change.

Error with 'getProfilePicture'

I have a profile view controller where the user can set or change his or her profile picture but am getting constant errors that do not make sense to me.
PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
NSLog(#"file--%#",[user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE]);
userName = user[PF_USER_USERNAME];
status = user[PF_USER_STATUS];
if ([user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE]) {
[imageUser setFile:[user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE]];
[imageUser loadInBackground];
imageUser.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"blank_profile#2x.png"];
// fieldName.text = user[PF_USER_FULLNAME];
#pragma mark - UIActionSheetDelegate
I receive the following errors portrayed in my ProfileViewController.m (I can provide/add .h if needed):
"No visible #interface for 'UIImageView' declares the selector 'setFile:'
"No visible #interface for 'UIImageView' declares the selector 'loadInBackground'
Any help would be much appreciated or any supporting code thats needed, thanks.
Try this and see what it does for you:
PFUser *user = [PFUser currentUser];
NSLog(#"file--%#",[user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE]);
userName = user[PF_USER_USERNAME];
status = user[PF_USER_STATUS];
if ([user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE]) {
userImage.file = [user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE];
[userImage loadInBackground:^(UIImage *image, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
imageUser.image = image;
[imageUser setNeedsDisplay];
} else {
NSLog(#"%#", error);
imageUser.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"blank_profile#2x.png"];
// fieldName.text = user[PF_USER_FULLNAME];
#pragma mark - UIActionSheetDelegate
This is assuming your userImage is a PFImageView and [user objectForKey:PF_USER_PICTURE] is a PFFile.
Actually, looking at your error it seems that userImage is just a UIImageView not a PFImageView, which might be the source of all your problems. Try making the userImage a PFImageView

NSSharingService - Remove facebook and twitter and add Print

I've just implemented a share-button, that has a share menu:
[_shareButton sendActionOn:NSLeftMouseDownMask];
And has this action connected:
-(IBAction)share:(id)sender {
NSArray *shareArray = #[#"testShare"];
NSSharingServicePicker *sharingServicePicker = [[NSSharingServicePicker alloc] initWithItems:shareArray];
sharingServicePicker.delegate = self;
[sharingServicePicker showRelativeToRect:[sender bounds]
Now to my question, I don't want Facebook and Twitter to be an option in the menu. I only want E-Mail and Messages to be available. Also I would like to add "Print", but don't know if I can do that.
Is that possible?
(Don't have enough rep points to add 'NSSharingService' as a tag)
Solved it by using proposedSharingServices.
- (NSArray *)sharingServicePicker:(NSSharingServicePicker *)sharingServicePicker sharingServicesForItems:(NSArray *)items proposedSharingServices:(NSArray *)proposedServices{
// Find and the services you want
NSMutableArray *newProposedServices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
for (NSSharingService *sharingService in proposedServices) {
if ([[sharingService title] isEqualToString:#"Email"] || [[sharingService title] isEqualToString:#"Message"]) {
[newProposedServices addObject:sharingService];
NSArray *services = newProposedServices;
NSSharingService *customService = [[NSSharingService alloc] initWithTitle:#"Print" image:[NSImage imageNamed:#"PrintImage"] alternateImage:nil handler:^{
// Do whatever
services = [services arrayByAddingObject:customService];
return services;
Comparing a proposed service to a new named instance works. Here's a trivial Swift code from my project:
let excludedNames = [
var excludedServices = [NSSharingService]()
for name in excludedNames {
if let service = NSSharingService(named: name) {
excludedServices += [service]
return proposedServices.filter {
No need to use a private name property.
Rather then trying to say what you don't want simply return a list of what you do want.
- (NSArray<NSSharingService *> *)sharingServicePicker:(NSSharingServicePicker *)sharingServicePicker sharingServicesForItems:(NSArray *)items proposedSharingServices:(NSArray<NSSharingService *> *)proposedServices
NSArray *result = #[[NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeEmail], [NSSharingService sharingServiceNamed:NSSharingServiceNameComposeMessage]];
return result;
A slightly different approach via proposedSharingServices:
- (NSArray*)sharingServicePicker:(NSSharingServicePicker *)sharingServicePicker sharingServicesForItems:(NSArray *)items proposedSharingServices:(NSArray *)proposedServices {
NSArray *excludedServices = #[NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook,
NSArray *sharingServices = [proposedServices filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"NOT (name IN %#)", excludedServices]];
return sharingServices;
Here's a better way - no private API access required.
NSArray *excludedServices = #[NSSharingServiceNamePostOnFacebook,
NSMutableArray *includedServices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSSharingService *service in proposedServices) {
if ([excludedServices indexOfObject:service] == NSNotFound) {
[includedServices addObject:service];
return includedServices;

Get the Username(s) stored in Keychain, using only the ServiceName? OR: Where are you supposed to store the Username?

So the OS X Keychain has three pieces of information:
ServiceName (the name of my app)
I obviously always know the ServiceName. Is there a way to find any saved Username(s) for that ServiceName? (Finding the password is easy once you know the Username.)
I would much prefer to use a nice Cocoa wrapper such as EMKeychain to do this. But EMKeychain requires the UserName to get any keychain item!
+ (EMGenericKeychainItem *)genericKeychainItemForService:(NSString *)serviceNameString withUsername:(NSString *)usernameString;
How are you expected to fully utilize saving credentials in the Keychain, if you need the Username to find the credentials? Is the best practice to save the Username in the .plist file or something?
SecKeychainFindGenericPassword only returns a single keychain item. To find all generic passwords for a specific service, you need to run a query on the keychain. There are several ways to do this, based on what version of OS X you target.
If you need to run on 10.5 or below, you'll need to use SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes. It's a rather horrible API. Here is a rough cut of a method that returns a dictionary mapping usernames to passwords.
- (NSDictionary *)genericPasswordsWithService:(NSString *)service {
OSStatus status;
// Construct a query.
const char *utf8Service = [service UTF8String];
SecKeychainAttribute attr = { .tag = kSecServiceItemAttr,
.length = strlen(utf8Service),
.data = (void *)utf8Service };
SecKeychainAttribute attrList = { .count = 1, .attr = &attr };
SecKeychainSearchRef *search = NULL;
status = SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes(NULL, kSecGenericPasswordItemClass, &attrList, &search);
if (status) {
return nil;
// Enumerate results.
NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
while (1) {
SecKeychainItemRef item = NULL;
status = SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(search, &item);
if (status)
// Find 'account' attribute and password value.
UInt32 tag = kSecAccountItemAttr;
SecKeychainAttributeInfo info = { .count = 1, .tag = &tag, .format = &format };
SecKeychainAttributeList *attrList = NULL;
UInt32 length = 0;
void *data = NULL;
status = SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData(item, &info, NULL, &attrList, &length, &data);
if (status) {
NSAssert(attrList->count == 1 && attrList->attr[0].tag == kSecAccountItemAttr, #"SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData is messing with us");
NSString *account = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:attrList->attr[0].data length:attrList->attr[0].length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
NSString *password = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:data length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
[result setObject:password forKey:account];
SecKeychainItemFreeAttributesAndData(attrList, data);
return result;
For 10.6 and later, you can use the somewhat less inconvenient SecItemCopyMatching API:
- (NSDictionary *)genericPasswordsWithService:(NSString *)service {
NSDictionary *query = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
kSecClassGenericPassword, kSecClass,
(id)kCFBooleanTrue, kSecReturnData,
(id)kCFBooleanTrue, kSecReturnAttributes,
kSecMatchLimitAll, kSecMatchLimit,
service, kSecAttrService,
NSArray *itemDicts = nil;
OSStatus status = SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)q, (CFTypeRef *)&itemDicts);
if (status) {
return nil;
NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (NSDictionary *itemDict in itemDicts) {
NSData *data = [itemDict objectForKey:kSecValueData];
NSString *password = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
NSString *account = [itemDict objectForKey:kSecAttrAccount];
[result setObject:password forKey:account];
[itemDicts release];
return result;
For 10.7 or later, you can use my wonderful LKKeychain framework (PLUG!). It doesn't support building attribute-based queries, but you can simply list all passwords and filter out the ones you don't need.
- (NSDictionary *)genericPasswordsWithService:(NSString *)service {
LKKCKeychain *keychain = [LKKCKeychain defaultKeychain];
NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (LKKCGenericPassword *item in [keychain genericPasswords]) {
if ([service isEqualToString:item.service]) {
[result setObject:item.password forKey:item.account];
return result;
(I didn't try running, or even compiling any of the above code samples; sorry for any typos.)
You don't need the username. You do with EMKeychain, but that's an artificial distinction that that class imposes; the underlying Keychain Services function does not require a username to find a keychain item.
When using SecKeychainFindGenericPassword directly, pass 0 and NULL for the username parameters. It will return a keychain item that exists on that service.
However, that will return only one item. If the user has multiple keychain items on the same service, you won't know that, or which one you got (the documentation says it returns the “first” matching item, with no specification of what it considers “first”). If you want any and all items for that service, you should create a search and use that.
Generic passwords have a unique key of the service name and the username. Thus, to fetch a single generic keychain entry, you will need to provide both. However, you can iterate over all generic keychain entries for your given service using the SecKeychainFindGenericPassword function.
(Disclaimer: I don't know anything about doing this in EMKeychain.)
