How to deal with users who signed up before Mixpanel alias was set up? - mixpanel

How do you deal with users who had created accounts before Mixpanel alias was set up on signup?
Will there be issues with connecting distinct_id to email b/c alias was never called on signup?

In our project for all new users we write additional parameter in cookies which tells us that this user was registered after Mixpanel alias set up.
And we added additional script on the main and login pages.
If user logs in and the parameter tells us that he was registered before Mixpanel alias - we fire alias + identify to create his profile in Mixpanel and write up-to-date info into his profile in mixpanel.


Changing status of other users on a free plan Slack

It always updates my user profile instead of the user that I specify in X-Slack-User:{"status_text": "Test #1","status_emoji": ":gb:","status_expiration": "5"}
The user Ids that I tried to specify are valid ones, I'm an admin and I created an app with the required rights, the legacy token did no good as well, this works, but just for my user, X-Slack-User is not working in my case.
I'm on a free plan so passing "user" as a param doesn't work for me, as states the API: "ID of user to change. This argument may only be specified by team admins on paid teams."
Is there maybe another way to update the status of other users on a free plan Slack?
As you already stated the API method users.profile.set can only be used to change the profile of other users if you are an admin and on a paid team. A property X-Slack-User is not part of the API, so it will not work either.
There is a workaround for teams on a free plan tough:
The API method will always work to change the profile for the owner of a token. You could collect tokens from all you users and then use those to change the status for each user. For that each user will have to install your app though OAuth once. This will create individual tokens for each user, which your app needs to store. This is called "configurations".

Mixpanel: Is there a way to link to an user profile?

I'm developing a web console to control much of the operations on my company. We heavily use Mixpanel and keep some info in the Mixpanel user profile. I need to be able to directly link to each of these profiles from my web console. I have the alias used to create the profile, but I don't have Mixpanel's unique Id. For example:
Some user
Any ideas?
Mixpanel automatically generate its distinct id. You must only once call mixpanel.alias('unique_key') where as you must use mixpanel.identify('unique_key ') everytime for sending the events to mixpanel that will automatically link to the auto generated mixpanel distinct id.

Mixpanel not able to identify users using "alias" or "identify"

I an developing a chrome extension which doesn't has any sign up or sign in flow, instead depends on authentication of a separate web app. I started integrating mixpanel and tracking user events anonymously, Now i want to identify those anonymous users using "alias" and "identify" api. I have a user_id for identifying users from the web app exposed REST api. Now if i apply a boolean check and make sure i call mixpanel "alias(user_id)" once and call "identify(user_id)" every time user visits a page, I can see a user entry in explore tab of mixpanel but live events tab has a anonymous user with same user_id and its tracked data, I wish to link such anonymous users with appropriate user profiles.
Please help me with this if you have some understanding of mixpanel. I am new at this.
Since I didn't had a sign in or sign up flow, I cannot use
Hence i am now calling
As soon as user installs the plugin, Since "identify" api can be called any number of times for an user, We are able to track all future events as soon as plugin gets installed.
This way by not letting the user generate anonymous events we can handle such situation.

How to mark api-created Okta users as being provided by Active Directory

We’re currently running the Okta Active Directory agent in order to import our users into Okta.
I'd like to replace this with a custom built process that imports users into a new internal database, for other user-management-related activities, whilst also adding those users to Okta.
Creating the user in Okta is easy, but I also need to get the user's "provider" set to ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, so that Okta delegates authentication to Active Directory.
The documentation ( says that the User's Provider field is read-only.
How can I set it?
While you cannot directly manipulate the credential object you can leverage other features available to achieve the desired result.
Create a group in Okta and configure it as a directory provisioning group. From the designated group select 'Manage Directories' add the desired Directory and follow the wizard to completion.
Add the created users to the group (using the API)
You unfortunately cannot set this property as we do not allow the creation of Active Directory users through the public API at this point.
If the purpose of the new process is simply to enrich the user's profile, can't you not achieve this by letting the AD agent sync the users and enrich the profile directly through the API?

Identify Mixpanel user actions that occured before login

I’m having an issue with Mixpanel identification. I want to be able to track events logged before the user logs in and identify them as such.
Here’s an exemple. Louie opens the webpage and visits the “About” page. Using mixpanel.track('Visit About'), I’m able to log Louie’s anonymous visit. All is fine and dandy.
Louie decides to log in, and a mixpanel.identify( call identifies him — and subsequent events can be tracked back to Louie. However, the first event (“Visit About”) still shows up with a random, Mixpanel-set distinct ID and hasn’t been associated with Louie.
Is this behaviour expected? What can I do? Cheers
You want alias.
From their Javascript API reference:
Use alias() when a unique ID is first assigned (registration), and use identify() to identify the user with that unique ID on an ongoing basis (e.g., each time a user logs in after registering). Do not call identify() at the same time as alias().
From your description, it sounds like, rather than viewing the "About" page anonymously and then logging in, Louie is viewing the "About" page anonymously and then signing up.
In that case, call alias when Louie signs up, and call identify when he logs in after that. That should associate the random, anonymous Mixpanel ID with Louie's new registered user ID.
Note: using this method will mean that, because Louie triggered an event anonymously and then logged in, Louie's anonymous id for that event will not be linked to his distinct id from logging in. If he had signed up after triggering the anonymous event, you would call alias, and they would be linked. This is a known limitation of Mixpanel, unfortunately. From their documentation:
This is the first time he's accessed your site from this device, so we assign a brand new distinct_id to him. He clicks around and then logs in. You should not call mixpanel.alias() in this situation - we haven't seen him on this device, but he is not a new user. ... Instead of calling mixpanel.alias() you should just call mixpanel.identify(). This will remap his phone activity to the original ID he used when signing up for your service, which is the most desirable outcome. This does mean that regrettably the events he fired before logging in will not be associated with him.
More about aliasing in Mixpanel here.
It took them a while, but here it is...
It's called Mixpanel Identity merge and it should fix the whole problem of connecting the actions an anonymous user did before signing up /logging in
The new system improves the behavior of identify(), alias(), and adds a new event called $merge.
All pre-authentication activity can now be mapped back to a user
The ID merge system makes it possible to link pre and post authenticated event streams under a single identifier. This eliminates “false-uniques”, ensuring the most accurate conversion and drop-off rates in funnels and flows.
Previously, Mixpanel could only map pre-sign up activity back to a user who was later identified. Any activity a user did anonymously before signing in again could not be attributed to that user.
Here is the whole blog post
Alias doesn't work for the scenario when existing user logs in, but I found work around for this.
When a user first logs in, check to see if the distinct_id of the request cookie matches the user id.
If they don't match, create a backend task to backfill the anonymous distinct_Id to the user's distinct_id.
Load the events with JQL, then fire them again using the mixpanel import endpoint.
The downside is that you will have duplicate events in the system since there are no way to delete events from the anonymous distinct_id.
For the imported events, you can add a property to them indicating that they are imported so they can be filtered out if need be.
