Get a list of files present in a folder - windows

I want the names of the files present in a folder . Is there any command in command prompt or any other way that can list all the file name(only file name and its extension) that are present in a particular folder?

Dir does what you want, you may want to add /B to only get filename and extension.
dir /B
Full options of dir can be viewed by
dir /?

Try dir /B that should give you the expected result.


Windows CMD to list all files from multiple directories path

I need command line to list all files inside folder from many directories like :
C:\Program Files\folder1
I want to do it with single command line, is there a way to do it?
Thanks for the help
The below post gives the solution for your scenario.
dir /s /b /o:gn
/S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.
/B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).
/O List by files in sorted order.
Thanks to this post.

dir command not current directory and filter

I am trying to list all the files with a specific extension but not the current directory.
Something like this
dir "C:\x y\test\" /b /s *.txt
but instead of the expected result it lists all the files from the specified directory AND the ones from the current directory.
Is there a way to get list the files with a specific extension from another directory than the current one
I'm not really sure, but i think it would be
dir "C:\some\path\*.txt" /b /s /a-d
Do you look for something like
dir "c:\temp\*.txt"
As a fact I am not in c:\temp.
How about FORFILES? It's more robust than the old "dir":
FORFILES /P "Your/Path" /S /M *.txt
*/p = The Path to search
*/s = Recurse into sub-folders

windows cmd: searching files with specific path

Maybe trivial question but certainly hope someone can help me here..
Windows cmd:
I want to search for files in a root directory and its subdirectories where the files have a parent directory with a specific name. (in this example: \TO). This parent directory has always the same name but can be another directory (if the path is different)
I tried this but doesn't seem to work: dir \root /b /s *\TO *.java
I also tried to pipe the output of dir to find.. But cannot make 'find' to show the lines containing the desired paths..
From the cmd prompt:
for /r \ %a in (to\*.java) do #echo %a

Script to list the files of a folder and export it to a text document

I was just wondering if anyone knew of a way that you could get all the folders, files and sub-folders of a location (such as C:\Users\Username) and export it to a text document on a network share (such as \server\share\document.txt).
Thank you for your help!
From the command line (or use a batch file if you're going to need this a lot):
dir c:\users\username > \\server\share\document.txt
that should do the trick
The following command will show all files in the specified directory and all sub-directories and redirect the output to a file on a server share.
dir /s c:\Users\Username > \\server\share\document.txt
Add the /b option if you want to see the files with the full path included in the file name.
dir /s /b c:\Users\Username > \\server\share\document.txt

verifying whether file exists or not in a specified drive and its subfolders?

I am using windows OS. I am trying to find out whether a specific file exists or not in a directory. currently i am using below command.
d:\> c:\Desktop\some.exe
but the problem is above command does not verify in sub folders of d drive. how can i write the command to look even in subfolders?
You can get a list of all files in subdirectories with this command
dir "yourfilename.ext" /s /b
If you want to know is how many times your file "yourfilename.ext" is present then you could extend the previous command with
dir "yourfilename.ext" /s /b | find /C "yourfilename.ext"
