Setting active mode for FTP in ATOM - windows

Do you know ATOM? It's developed by the GitHub's community:
A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
So, I have used it recently. It's so very nice, dude! But... I've got stuff to solve on it: how do I use FTP/SFTP connection in active mode? Yes, I have found no package able to do it. I have already tested these ones:
remote-ftp (
sftp-deployment (
remote-edit (
remote-sync (
Ideas? Tips? How-tos? Advices? Argues?


How can I use Vi on Windows?

Other people who have asked this question had answers about downloading Vim from, but that website doesn't respond.
Are there other ways to use Vi on Windows?
It's pretty simple to set up vim on windows, although I just tested and the download seems to be surprisingly slow, as if is experiencing a lot of traffic right now.
If you are having trouble getting the download from to work, there is a list of mirrors that you can try.
Once you get the windows installer, use the 'full' installation type option for best results.
You can download from here, it's working

Installing environment for GO programing language

I would like to start programming in GO. As I am a Windows user, I understand that it possible to do so using the GO plugin for NetBeans.
Until now, I have written GO programs in text files and run them using the command prompt, but I prefer to use another platform/environment so I would be able to debug the programs.
The code examples in this forum are syntax highlighting and seem to be taken from an environment like Visual Studio. Does anyone know about the environment?
I would appreciate a simple solution. Thank you! :)
IDEs built specifically for Go and still actively maintained:
Portable and fast with build in debugger
Based on NetBeans 7.3, standalone application or NetBeans plugin
Googling you can find several IDE, for instance: or
You may find this question gets closed as it's quite subjective, and a FAQ. However, the simple answer: from your description, it seems likely that you would be comfortable with goclipse.
More complete answer: there is no "one true environment" for Go development. The code examples you see here are coloured using Stack Overflow's syntax highlighter, and were submitted in plain text. You'll probably find highlighting and utilities available for most major editors. For example, I use Vim which has a plugin to run gofmt on the current buffer.
I believe some Windows users are fond of Sublime Text 2's GoSublime plugin. A more complete list of development tools can be found here.
You don't really need an IDE to develop using Go. I'd encourage you to spend more time working with a good editor and the command line. Getting to know the tools already distributed with the language is essential IMHO (go, godoc, gofmt). See also Debugging Go Code with GDB.

Dan Kegel's crosstool is out of date -- does anyone know of a fix?

My company does Linux embedded systems using Freescale PowerPC processors.
Some years back I wrote an internal HowTo on how to use Dan Kegel's crosstool to set up a cross compiler environment for our product. I hadn't touched it since then but I recently tried it and found it doesn't work. The scripts look for files on's ftp server that are currently not there.
The latest cross tool script is the one I am using, version 0.43.
So before I roll up my sleeves and see if I can fix it myself, I am wondering if someone has already done this. Does anyone here know Kegel well enough to contact him and ask if he is planning to do an update? (My guess is not. He works at Google now.)
Alternatively, is there a better GNU cross tool builder than Kegel's cross tool? It might be easier to switch over than to update the old one.
As it turns out Mr. Kegel was kind enough to respond to my e-mail. It turns out his original scripts have been picked up by an open-source group that calls it crosstool-ng. They did an amazing amount of work on this and the tool now uses a curses-based menu system to select the options for the cross development to generate.
You can search for file names directly in Google (try '<filename>' or something similar), and often results will yield revised links to the files. If that is the problem, it should just be a case of cut and paste. Alternately, I would recommend downloading the files locally, modifying the script to see them there and then bundling them with the script.
Kegel left Google for a startup. His resume is at . Have you tried emailing him? He might just respond.

Vi keys in Xcode

I'm surprised no one has asked this yet. What's the best way (if any) to get a Vi experience in Xcode? I know about ViMate but TextMate doesn't come close to Xcode in terms of integration and code completion.
BTW, I am using Xcode 4.
You might want to try out xVim which seems to be an active project. The currently indicate that it works with XCode 4.2, Espresso and Chocolat. Presumably you could selectively enable it with other applications.
Here's another plugin which I made a few weeks ago.
This is currently developed for personal (my) use. So you may feel bad with some lack of implementation. Give me a feed back(feature request) then. I'll add some keybinds if I have enough time.
The closest you'll get is, or configuring an external editor. This has been a long-standing deficiency with XCode. (If you ask any vi user that is..)
OSX and XCode in general favors Emacs key bindings.
More info on general key-binding strategy for OSX:
Right now, I productively use XVim†. I'll probably try $20 ViCiOUS, which seems more polished; I like having source access to my tool-chain, but this is for Xcode, so c'mon me.
† Not xVim, which I just discovered, but apparently face down in the pool. In the [Xx][Vv]im namespace, Xvim (à la Xcode) would have made more sense to me. There, I said it.
Here's another choice: KeyRemap4MacBook.

Fast, Simple Programmer's Editor

Do any of you have any good links that you could share with me? I am looking for a FAST programmers editor that can open a file containing over 100, 000 lines of code really fast? i'm currently using notepad atm and its taking a good 8 seconds to open a file that is 29000 lines long :(
i would prefer something that is just like notepad.
and yes, i have tried everything that i've found on google and they all either have splash screens, or they are just too slow. i don't want to wait 8 seconds just to add a line or two. or just to check what number the last array is etc...
Have you had a look at Notepad++.
I use this editor extensively and have been very impressed thus far.
check out
Programmer's notepad
You could always try vi / vim
Have you tried Sublime Text? I just tried it with 100,000 line file where each line contained 'x' * 80, and it only took about a second.
Personally I use jed, which is a lightweight emacs clone, but it's probably not to everyone's taste. (In particular, it doesn't really feel like a Windows application - it doesn't have the normal keyboard shortcuts etc. Once you're used to it, it's very quick though...)
Textpad is what I've used for years. It's cheap, light-weight, yet very functional.
It does have a splash by default, however, that can be disabled in the options.
I just ran a test of the Zeus programmer's editor and it loaded a 100,000 line C/C++ file in less than a second.
Cream. It's Vim, but with sane keyboard bindings.
TextMate if you use Mac
I am wondering why no one hasn't mentioned SciTE yet... its one of the best code editors, with source code coloring support (don't know if that's the correct term for it), and lots other features...
you can also try Notepad2, such as good replacement for notepad itself, extending it to be good enough as a code/simple programmer's editor...
Nobody mentioned Emacs yet?
I use it on the PC i'm on now without trouble (and the beast has 256Megs of RAM..)
In the linux world GEdit and Kate fits most needs.
Notepad++ has code coloring for almost every language.
Dreamweaver is great to use purely as a text editor/FTP tool if you're doing web stuff.
