Hello ive got a client/server 2d mmorgp game plaing by us frinds and due to to many copies of the client ive tried to reduce the client to be opened to 2 clients per device but is not per device its on the network 2 clients . maybe i do somewhere mistake.
Sub ConnectionRequestCon(ByVal requestID As Long)
On Error Resume Next
Dim check As Integer
Dim LoggedOn As Integer
Dim NewIndex As Integer
Dim RandomCheck As Integer
NewIndex = GetFreeIndex
LogOutProcedure NewIndex
RandomizeConLandLaunch NewIndex
Load Main.Server(NewIndex)
Load Main.EngageTimer(NewIndex)
Main.Server(NewIndex).Accept requestID
AddServerLogText NewIndex & ": Connected [" & Main.Server(NewIndex).RemoteHostIP & "]"
RandomCheck = RandomNumber(1000, 30000)
SetConAuthNumber NewIndex, RandomCheck
Main.Server(NewIndex).SendData "1,Welcome To Xiaspora - " & TotalLogedInUsers & " Users Online" & Chr(13) & "34," & RandomCheck & Chr(13)
check = check + 1
If Main.Server(check).State = 7 And Main.Server(check).RemoteHostIP = Main.Server(NewIndex).RemoteHostIP Then LoggedOn = LoggedOn + 1
Loop Until check = Main.Server.Count
If LoggedOn >= 4 Then CloseCon NewIndex 'with the number 4 reduce the clients per device . when is 7 is unlimited
End Sub
You are looping check from 1 to Main.Server.Count and check each Main.Server(check).State but you probably have unloaded socket controls already.
You have On Error Resume Next at the top of the code but consider that similar code like this
Dim lCount As Long
On Error Resume Next
If 1 / 0 > 0 Then lCount = lCount + 1
Debug.Print lCount
. . . prints 1 i.e. from If expression OERN gets "next" statement inside the If, no matter that it's on the same line as the If expression.
Now consider what happens when Main.Server(check).State is checked on an unloaded control. Because of the OERN this one will be counted towards LoggedOn which is clearly not what you want to do.
With OERN in this case you might want to reverse the If expression like this
If Main.Server(check).State <> 7 Then
'--- do nothing
ElseIf Main.Server(check).RemoteHostIP = Main.Server(NewIndex).RemoteHostIP Then
LoggedOn = LoggedOn + 1
End If
. . . so that when accessing Main.Server(check).State bombs out it "enters" the If block and there is nothing to do there.
I'm trying to read a recordset from SQL database were some field are of type time(n).
When I read a row (recordset.Fields(n)), VBScript stops at this field with a 'multiple step error'.
I tried to set a variable with the recordset, so:
Dim a
Set a = recordset.Fields(specific time column)
I tried to cast the field.
I tried to find any information about this specific type, but I can't find any information about this time structure, besides it contains hour, minute, second and fractional parts.
ReDim iArr(iColumnCount)
While Not objRecordset.EOF
For iColumnIndex = 0 To (iColumnCount-1)
'SQL_FIELDTYPE_TIME is a constant at top of page with value 145
If objRecordset.Fields(iColumnIndex).Type = SQL_FIELDTYPE_TIME Then
'Tried so much over here...
Dim Tme, Str
Set Tme = objRecordset.Fields.Item(iColumnIndex)
iArr(iColumnIndex) = CStr(clDBTime(Tme).Hour)
Set Tme = Nothing
iArr(iColumnIndex) = objRecordset.Fields.Item(iColumnIndex)
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
fLogData("Ophalen data (" + oDB.strDatabaseNaam + ") rij " + _
CStr(objRecordset.AbsolutePosition) + " kolom " + _
CStr(iColumnIndex) + " mislukt: " + Err.Description)
End If
List.Add i, iArr
i = i + 1
objRecordset.MoveNext 'Next row
Errors I'm getting:
Object doesn't support this property
Multiple step error
Type mismatch
etc. etc.
Anyone who can help me out how to read the time value from SQL in VBScript?
EDIT: solved! Cost almost 4h trial-error but there's a solution:)
Changed the SQL select statement to:
SELECT COL, COL,... (this are the 'usual' columns),CAST(TIMECOL -this is the time(n) column- as varchar),CAST(TIMECOL2 -this is the time(n) column- as varchar) FROM tabel
And within code: TimeValue(read value - from recordset.fields...) (this is to change varchar back to time)
And .. it just works great!
Edit2: recordset code:
if iResCount > 0 and iColumnCount > 0 then
redim iArr(iColumnCount)
while not objRecordset.EOF
for iColumnIndex = 0 to (iColumnCount-1)
iArr(iColumnIndex) = objRecordset.Fields.Item(iColumnIndex)
if Err.Number <> 0 then
fLogData("Ophalen data ("+oDB.strDatabaseNaam+") rij "+cstr(objRecordset.AbsolutePosition)+ " kolom "+cstr(iColumnIndex)+" mislukt: "+Err.Description)
end if
List.Add i, iArr
i = i + 1
objRecordset.MoveNext 'Next row
set oResult = List'CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
end if
And an example of a function call:
'fGetRecord(DB, Table, Columns, Condition, Field to sort on, Type of sort)
To get around a runtime error I need to read from an SAP table AGR_1251 in chunks using VBScript when I run a (SE16 | AGR_1251) query. I get this error TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED - No more storage space available for extending an internal table.
As a work around, we manually copy 750 roles from the user by roles at a time, add a "*" to those that end with a certain character, then paste this back into the multiple select dialog to get the the AGR_1251 extract results in chunks.
I can't figure out how to do this in vbscript. How do I programmatically chunk this data? Ideally I would deduplicate it as well, but its not required.
The code has to run on both vbscript and in javascript, so I can't use excel or other windows tools like wscript. The best idea I have so far is to scroll through and copy just the roles to a file, read them back into an array and dedupe as I read them, then alter them, then loop back through the list to chuck out the results.
This is WAY above my nearly nonexistant vbscript skills. I can't be the only one who has had this problem. Can anyone point me to examples code that does this?
I'm open to suggestions on a better approach as well. I think my solution is fugly to say the least.
OK, this code is fugly with some unneeded variables, but it works.
Sub Save_AGR_1251s(Tcodes_array,Chunk_size)
writelog("Processing " & ubound(Tcodes_array) & " Tcodes in AGR_1251...")
k = 0
s = Chunk_size
max = ubound(Tcodes_array)
part = 0
roles_processed = 0
For i = 0 To max Step s
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtMAX_SEL").text = ""
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtMAX_SEL").caretPosition = 11
k = i + s
counter = 0
part = part + 1
If k > max Then k = max End If
For j = i To k-1
' writelog("Save_AGR_1251s Processing Tcode: " & Tcodes_array(j))
If (Tcodes_array(j) <> "STMS" or Tcodes_array(j) <> "SCC4") Then
'NOTE: The slow insert is used on XXXX Prod as a work around to odd UI behavior - change with caution - But SLOW!!
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,7]").text = Tcodes_array(j)
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,7]").caretPosition = 1
'VKey 13 = Shift-F1 (insert new row)
session.findById("wnd[1]").sendVKey 13
If Debug_flag = True Then
writelog("i=" & i & " j=" & j & " k=" & k & " s=" & s &" max=" & max &" counter= " & counter)
writelog("part =" & part & " roles= " & roles & "roles_processed="& roles_processed & " Tcodes_array= " & Tcodes_array(j))
End If ' Debug_flag
counter = counter + 1
roles_processed = roles_processed + 1
End If ' Tcodes_array
Next 'for j to k
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1,1]").caretPosition = 13
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 8
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 45
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_PATH").text = dir
file_name = AGR_1251_filename & "_Part_" & part & c_dash & postfix & Datafile_ext
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_FILENAME").text = file_name
writelog("Saving file: " & dir & file_name)
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_FILE_ENCODING").text = File_encoding
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_PATH").caretPosition = 16
session.findById("wnd[1]").sendVKey 11
Next ' For i
End Sub
Note that you can do this much faster on most systems by simply doing this
for i = 1 to 100
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tabsTAB_STRIP/tabpSIVA/ssubSCREEN_HEADER:SAPLALDB:3010/tblSAPLALDBSINGLE/ctxtRSCSEL_255-SLOW_I[1," & 7 & "]").text = "Test " & i
next 'for i
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I keep getting the error "Expected: end of statement" under the 'Display output. comment.
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdOkay_click()
'Declare counter variable (p)
Dim p As Integer
p = 8
'Declare variable to hold calculated minutes
Dim minutes As Integer
'Display title of chart in listbox
MyListBox.AddItem “Cooking Chart”
'For each pound (from 8 to 23), calculate and display minutes
For p = 8 To 23
'Calculate minutes.pounds * 17
minutes = p * 17
'Display output.
MyListBox.AddItem p & “ lbs, “ & minutes & “ minutes.” ERROR
Next p
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Your code didn't run because of the double quotes. I changed them and it ran without error
Copy and paste this code:
'Declare counter variable (p)
Dim p As Integer
p = 8
'Declare variable to hold calculated minutes
Dim minutes As Integer
'Display title of chart in listbox
MyListBox.AddItem "Cooking Chart"
'For each pound (from 8 to 23), calculate and display minutes
For p = 8 To 23
'Calculate minutes.pounds * 17
minutes = p * 17
'Display output.
MyListBox.AddItem p & " lbs, " & minutes & " minutes."
Next p
DISCLAIMER: I'm still an uber-n00b with programming concepts and know just enough VBS to hurt myself, so I'm likely to slur/slaughter some of the terms/concepts/ideas that are entailed with this program I'm trying to write. You, the vastly superior programmer who has every right to flame me, have been warned.
I've been trying to write a VBScript to validate data, specifically Dates. Since my users are kind of poor with keyboards, I figured I'd make it easy by separating the entry of each part of the date (Month & Day only, I've got the Year set statically).
Previously, I was having problems with validating the numbers with only 1 "Do...Loop", as I was trying to verify if it was Numeric Input and checking at the same time if it was within the specified range (1 - 12, for the 12 months of the year).
This is what the previous code roughly looked like:
' If...Then Statements Here
Loop Until (dtFirstMonth > 0) _
And (dtFirstMonth < 13) _
And IsNumeric(dtFirstMonth) _
And (dtFirstMonth <> "") _
And (dtFirstMonth <> vbNull)
This often resulted in "Data Type Mismatch" errors, so I had to split the Validation Critera to two separate "Do...Loop" statements, as you can see in the current code I have below:
Sub srTest()
dtFirstMonth = InputBox("Please Enter a Numeric Month for the Starting Range", _
"Starting Range Month")
If (dtFirstMonth = vbNull) _
Or (dtFirstMonth = "") _
Or Not IsNumeric(dtFirstMonth) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter a Valid Numeric Month",, "Enter Month Number"
ElseIf (dtFirstMonth <> vbNull) _
And (dtFirstMonth <> "") _
And IsNumeric(dtFirstMonth) Then
dtFirstMonth = Round(dtFirstMonth)
Wscript.Echo dtFirstMonth ' Infinite Loop Here (Basically, As Soon As We Get Into Loop with a Value of 1, We're Stuck)
dtFirstMonth = CInt(dtFirstMonth)
' Must Convert User Input to Integer to
' Prevent Data Mismatch Errors In
' Following "If" Statement; Besides,
' It Passed the First Test to be a
' Numeric Value in the First Place
If (dtFirstMonth < 1) Or (dtFirstMonth > 12) Then
MsgBox "Please Enter a Valid Numeric Month",, "Enter Month Number"
Exit Do
' Drop Out of 2nd Level Loop to
' Enter Into 1st Level Loop
End If
Loop Until (dtFirstMonth > 0) _
And (dtFirstMonth < 13) _
And IsNumeric(dtFirstMonth) _
And (dtFirstMonth <> "") _
And (dtFirstMonth <> vbNull)
If (dtFirstMonth < 1) Or (dtFirstMonth > 12) Then
dtFirstMonth = ""
End If
' dtFirstMonth Was Converted to Integer Earlier
' This is to Meet the Value that Didn't Pass
' the Nested Do & If Statement (Level 2 Do Loop)
' Sets dtFirstMonth to "Empty String" to Continue
' Looping in the Level 1 "Do...Loop" Statement;
' If Omitted, Level 1 "Do...Loop" is Satisfied,
' Thus Ending the Subroutine (Since the Value
' of dtFirstMonth is Still a Numeric Value)
End If
Loop Until IsNumeric(dtFirstMonth) _
And (dtFirstMonth <> "") _
And (dtFirstMonth <> vbNull)
Wscript.Echo dtFirstMonth
End Sub
I had to set up the 1st "Do...Loop" to check that the User Input (dtFirstMonth) was a indeed a Numeric Value and not a Null Value nor an Empty String. The Nested "Do...Loop", or 2nd "Do...Loop", statement is where I have the same Criteria plus the extra Criteria defining the desired ranges (any number between 1 and 12).
This is working perfectly for number 2-12, but when the script parses the number 1, I enter into an Infinite Loop.
I've checked to make sure that the Infinite Loop is occurring in the 2nd "Do...Loop" by replacing the entire 2nd "Do...Loop" section with "Wscript.Echo dtFirstMonth". By doing this, I get the expected results: a single Echo, not an infinite number of them (technically, I get 2, as I do have another "Wscript.Echo dtFirstMonth" string at the bottom of the Subroutine for the purpose of debugging, but either way, it's not an Infinite Loop).
I've also changed the criterion for the lower range to be like this, yet this doesn't remediate the error:
' If...Then Statements Here
Loop Until (dtFirstMonth >= 1)
I've also tried this, with no resulting success:
' If...Then Statements Here
Loop Until (dtFirstMonth >= CInt(1))
In all reality, there really is no need for this segment, since I converted the User's Input to an integer anyway.
Since this was starting to get confusing, I decided to add the "Round" statement before the script passed the User's Input to the "CInt" function, hoping that it would make sure that it wasn't getting caught as a 0 value or decimal value somehow; yes, this is irrational thought on my part, but I still wanted to explore all avenues (there's also the fact that I have some users with "Fat Finger Syndrome" and some others with "Abuse The Program" mentality, so I figured I'd make sure the script accounted for decimal entries). I added the "Round" string before and after the nested "Do...Loop" and I still had the Infinite Loop issue.
This is as far as I've been able to get on this and now I'm stuck.
I realize that there are likely better ways to do Date/Time Validation in VBScript, and I'm certainly open to any new suggestions, but I'd love to solve this for the pure sake of edification.
Way too much code for a simple input of a number. Just try to keep it short and simple. Example:
dtm = InputBox("Please Enter a Numeric Month for the Starting Range", _
"Starting Range Month")
Select Case True
Case isNull(dtm), (not isNumeric(dtm)), dtm = "", dtm = empty, (dtm < 1 OR dtm > 12)
' too exhaustive, but just for the sake of the example.
MsgBox "Please enter an amount between 1 and 12"
Case else
' Hey, this seems to be a valid amount!
Exit do
End Select
Loop While True
' Do something with dtm
Just showed you some creative Select Casing, this supports lazy exit, so if a value is Null, it escapes before getting evaluated where evaluating could throw an error.
The problem is with your attempt to check for null values:
(dtFirstMonth = vbNull)
The proper way to check for nulls, as demonstrated in AutomatedChaos' answer, is with the IsNull function. vbNull is actually a constant that's used with the VarType function. The value of vbNull is 1, which is why that particular value behaved differently from other entries. That's the fundamental problem, and if you replace every dtFirstMonth = vbNull with IsNull(dtFirstMonth), you won't get an infinite loop when entering 1.
Now, the actual place where your code infinitely loops is interesting. I would expect the first conditional If (dtFirstMonth = vbNull) to evalute true for an entry of "1", and you would get the message box "Please enter a valid numeric month". However, the Else condition is triggered. This is weird because normally, when you compare a string to a number, VBScript will attempt to convert the number to a string or vice versa, so if dtFirstMonth is "1", it should be equal to vbNull (which is 1). However, there appears to be a special case when you compare a string variable to an integer variable. See this example:
' vbNull = 1, built-in constant
dtFirstMonth = "1"
MsgBox (dtFirstMonth = vbNull) ' False
MsgBox ("1" = vbNull) ' True
MsgBox (dtFirstMonth = 1) ' True
MsgBox (CInt(dtFirstMonth) = vbNull) ' True
I don't know if this is a bug or just an obscure detail about VBScript's implicit conversion, but it does illustrate that implicit conversion can be unpredictable in VBScript.
As far as alternative methods go, you may be interested in the IsDate function, which returns True if the given expression can be converted into a date. It may not be ideal for your users and their keyboard skills, but it would reduce your code to:
str = InputBox("Enter a date (MM/DD)")
If IsDate(str) Then
Exit Do
WScript.Echo "Please enter a valid date"
End If
dt = CDate(str)
' Put your static year here; CDate will default to the current year
dtActual = DateSerial(2007, Month(dt), Day(dt))
WScript.Echo (dtActual) & " - Thanks!"
Note that IsDate should return False for the typical edge cases ("", Null, Empty, etc.), so there's no need for a separate check.
I found a simple program to generate Date and time from http://rindovincent.blogspot.com/p/vbscript-programs.html. I am pasting the same program with permission.
<script type="text/vbscript">
d=CDate("October 22, 2010")
document.write("Current system date is:"&date&"<br/>")
document.write("Current system time is:"&time&"<br/>")
document.write(DateAdd("yyyy",1,"31-Jan-10") & "<br />")
document.write(MonthName(10,true)& "<br />")
fromDate="22-sep-10 00:00:00"
toDate="21-oct-10 23:59:00"
document.write(DateDiff("m",fromDate,toDate)&"<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("y",fromDate,toDate) & "<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("w",fromDate,toDate) & "<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("h",fromDate,toDate) & "<br />")