Linux Kernel Driver Module: Handle multiple device files using a single driver - linux-kernel

I am a beginner to kernel module programming. And using resources online (especially this tutorial) I have managed to write most of my driver.
The driver basically is a character device which maps different areas of SRAM into separate files. You can see the actual code here.
Right now I am able to successfully create 4 files under /dev and reading/writing the first file works too but the other 3 files do not work. I am using minor number to distinguish between the files and assign the starting address accordingly.
Why are the other files not working?
Is there a better way to implement the module?

Line 141,
"if (cdev_add(&c_dev, first, 1) == -1)",
only applies the file_operations struct to the first device.
You should use MAXDEVICES instead of 1 here
On another note, the init code is messy (better use goto and not duplicate the cleanup for every function that can fail) and in some cases plain wrong (device_destroy() before any devices were created, resource leak in case you fail the create a device that isn't the first).
The entire file does not stand up to kernel coding conventions.


How to get all open file handles in kernel space code?

I want to write the code in kernel space to find all open file handles in the system and the process id which holdes those handles.
In user space we can do it using the utility "lsof". Similarly, i want the same in kernel space.
What's so great about Linux Kernel is that it's open source. If you want to understand how to implement something that is similar to lsof why not inspecting its' source code (I suggest the following implementation, from Android 4.2.2 source tree, at it is simplified and easier to understand) or straceing it to understand how the magic happens?
If you'll do so, at some point you'll encounter the following line
Which will hint you that for each PID that is running, procfs is able to print information about all open file descriptors that this process holds. Therefore, this is where I would start my research and journey through the code.

Writing to /dev/loop USB image?

I've got an image that I write onto a bootable USB that I need to tweak. I've managed to mount the stick as /dev/loopX including allowing for the partition start offset, and I can read files from it. However writing back 'seems to work' (no errors reported) but after writing the resulting tweaked image to a USB drive, I can no longer read the tweaked files correctly.
The file that fails is large and also a compressed tarfile.
Is writing back in this manner simply a 'no-no' or is there some way to make this work?
If possible, I don't want to reformat the partition and rewrite from scratch because that will (I assume) change the UUID and then I need to go worry about the boot partition etc.
I believe I have the answer. When using losetup to create a writeable virtual device from the partition on your USB drive, you must specify the --sizelimit parameter as well as the offset parameter. If you don't then the resulting writes can go past the last defined sector on the partition (presumably requires your USB drive to have extra space). Linux reports no errors until later when you try to read. The key hints/evidence for this are that when reads (or (re)written data) fail, dmesg shows read errors attempting to read past the end of the drive. fsck tools such as dosfsck also indicate that the drive claims to be larger than it is.

how to use get_user to copy data from user space to kernel space

I want to copy an integer variable from user space to kernel space.
Can anyone give me a simple example how to do this?
I came to know that we can use get_user but i am unable to know how..
Check man pages of copy_to_user and copy_from_user.
Write a simple kernel module, with read/write operations, and register and char device for them, something like /dev/sample.
Do an application write/read, on fd opened by this application.
Now you need to implement the mechanism for transferring this data to kernel space and read back whatever returned.
- In write you do a copy_from_user, before this check passed buffer is valid or not.
- In read you do a copy_to_user.
Make sure error conditions are taken care of, and open call implementation should keep track of how many opens are there, if you want to implement multiple open, and this count should be decremented, when application calls a close on opened FD.
Do you follow ?

How do I determine where process executable code starts and ends when loaded in memory?

Say I have app TestApp.exe
While TestApp.exe is running I want a separate program to be able to read the executable code that is resident in memory. I'd like to ignore stack and heap and anything else that is tangential.
Put another way, I guess I'm asking how to determine where the memory-side equivalent of the .exe binary data on disk resides. I realize it's not a 1:1 stuffing into memory.
Edit: I think what I'm asking for is shown as Image in the following screenshot of vmmap.exe
Edit: I am able to get from memory all memory that is tagged with any protect flag of Execute* (PAGE_EXECUTE, etc) using VirtualQueryEx and ReadProcessMemory. There are a couple issues with that. First, I'm grabbing about 2 megabytes of data for notepad.exe which is a 189 kilobyte file on disk. Everything I'm grabbing has a protect flag of PAGE_EXECUTE. Second, If I run it on a different Win7 64bit machine I get the same data, only split in half and in a different order. I could use some expert guidance. :)
Edit: Also, not sure why I'm at -1 for this question. If I need to clear anything up please let me know.
Inject a DLL to the target process and call GetModuleHandle with the name of the executable. That will point to its PE header that has been loaded in the memory. Once you have this information, you can parse the PE header manually and find where .text section is located relative to the base address of the image in the memory.
no need to inject a dll
use native api hooking apis
I learned a ton doing this project. I ended up parsing the PE header and using that information to route me all over. In the end I accomplished what I set out to and I am more knowledgeable as a result.

How can I find the physical address of a file?

I'm using the GoAsm assembler on a Windows 7 - 64 bit OS and I'll be asking you a few (not so dumb) questions.
First question :
How can I find the physical address of a file ?
Let's suppose file "Text.txt" is at the root of my C:\ partition.
Is there a way to get the exact memory address where this file is ?
Second question :
Is it possible to call a routine which will just do like if I invoked a C function ?
(i.e. : Consider a C function "WriteToScreen", is it possible to have the same function, but in assembler format, that means without having the need to use high-level invokes to do that work ?
Third question :
Are there somewhere on the net some include files for GoAsm containing useful routines like (move, copy, edit, erase) commands ? I've first thought of ms-dos interrupts but I can't manage to get them to work without crashing the program. I guess it just not compatible with Windows OS even though the command prompt acts like ms-dos... ?
Fourth question :
I've heard from different sources and myself that NASM works pretty bad on Win7 x64, is it just true, or am I doing it the wrong way ?
An hard drive, from a logical point of view, can be seen as a sequence of "blocks" (the more common name is sectors). How these blocks are organized physically on the disks can be disregarded, but the driver must know someway how to get data of course, though you send to modern hd driver "high level" commands that, as far as you know, are not strongly related to where data physically are (you can say "read the block 123", but there's no extern evidence of where that block lives).
However this way you can "name" a block with a number, and say e.g. that block 0 is the MBR. Each block contains several bytes (512, 1024...). Not all used blocks contain actual data of a file, in fact there are metainformations of any sort, depending on the filesystem but even related to the "structure" of the hd (I mean, partitions).
A file located on an hd is not automatically loaded into memory, so it has no memory address. Once you read it, piece of it if not all are of course copied into the memory you give, which is not an intrinsic property of the file. (Filesystems retrieve the blocks belonging to the file and "show" them as we are used to see them, as a single "unit", the file)
Summarizing: files have no memory address. The physical address could be the set of blocks holding data (and metadata, like inodes ) of the file, or just the first block (but if a block of data is N, N+1 could not belong to the same file - the blocks need no to be one next to the other). To know them, you have to analyse the structure of the filesystem you use. I don't know if there's an API to retrieve them easily, but in the worst case you can analyse the source code of the filesystem... good luck!
C functions are translated into assembly. If you respect the C calling convention, you can write a "C function" directly in assembly. Try reading this and this for x86.
You can call windows API from asm. Forget MS-DOS, MS-DOS is dead, MS-DOS is not Windows, the cmd is a sort of "emulation"... indeed no, not an emulation but just a command line interface that resemble the one MS-DOS users was used to. But it is not exaclty the same, i.e. there are no MS-DOS system interrupt you can use. Iczelion's assembly tutorials, though old, could be an interesting resource. (If links expire, try with the wayback machine)
I do not own Win7 and never installed nasm on windows, so I can't say anything about.
For the first question just drag the file into the address bar in the browser
