Can't see metrics on Azure sent by AppInsights-Ruby gem - ruby

I have a Rails application and I want to start tracking some metrics and events.
I must track this information using Microsoft Azure, so I found a the gem AppInsights-Ruby developed by Microsoft itself.
I got my instrumentation_key and did what the README says but I can't see any information on the Azure portal.
I thought it could be a problem with the queues so I filled up the queue with
2000.times {|x| tc.track_metric 'My metric', x }
6000.times {|x| tc.track_event 'My event' }
But again, there is no metrics or events on the Azure portal.
Does anybody used this gem?
Am I missing something?

There is potentially a JSON issue in v0.3.0 of this gem. After investigating we saw that the return information from the API said our JSON was invalid (but the JSON was created by the gem.)
v0.5.0 changes how it uses JSON and that seemed to have resolved the issue.
The v0.5.0 changes are here

where are you looking for them?
when you use track_metric, the metrics by themselves don't show up as "events", you have to use track_event (or others) to send events.
metrics like this should, though, show up in metrics explorer. (open your overview page, find the "metrics explorer" part, click it, and then in the edit blade scroll to the bottom, there should be a "Custom Metrics" section, and your metrics should show up there.
If you attach the metrics in a track_[event|pageview|request|exception|trace], then you'll see those events in the diagnostic search list and the metrics will appear as event properties, in the properties blade.
If you don't see them at all on the portal, try using something like fiddler to watch the outbound requests, and see if you see data going to, where the data is collected. Those requests/responses should indicate if data is successfully being transmitted.


Missing GA4 event parameters

I have recently started to use Google Analytics 4 for event tracking, using Google Tag Manager to send events to Analytics. I have set up the custom variables in Tag Manager as well as in GA4.
Everything seems to work very well in Tag Manager's debug mode, and also if I look up the events in real-time view I get the requested event along with all the parameters I have set in Tag Manager. However, once I look up the events for the last couple of days in the Engagement -> Event view, a couple of my parameters are missing, and also I'm not getting the same hit count for each parameter, even though each event has all parameters set:
As you can see, 86 events have been recorded, but the event count for the parameters widely varies.
Here's a screenshot of my Tag manager settings:
I have tried to set up a new event with the same parameters, but (logically) I got the same result. I am under the strong impression I'm missing something obvious here. Does anyone have experience with this, or has anyone come across this same issue?
To be honest, you can just try to click on mark as conversion in the Events tab, and this should save them. I think for some reason GA4 doesn't save parameters otherwise...
i cant get this til work with fields and parameters for an event so i try to create a user custom dimension instead and also to send it as a content group and as user property
also i can see the user id under app instance for the standard report user explorer
but i can't filter on or select this one myself
i cant create the custom parameter reports like gerrit did
but yeah create them as custom dimensions /metric first should be the way
ga4 has a bug when you edit a standard report, you add 3 card and deselect one it still thinks you are maxed out and you have to start over...
the test internal users filters dont work, though you can see data in debug and under events, but since i know they work i know try to just make the filters active

Google Analytics not sending any events or custom dimensions data to dashboard

I am using this module: version 3.1
It is using Google Analytics 4. Drupal version 8.9.x
We followed the documentation to create some custom dimensions and added in the Google Analytics configuration accordingly.
When view the page source, I see code is added there:
gtag("config", "G-MESUREMENT-KEY", {
"custom_map": {
gtag("event", "custom", {
"user_company":"TEST Company",
"user_role":"authenticated, member_administrator, administrator",
Using some Chrome GA debugger "GTM/GA", I see parameter is passing there. In the request "Pay Load" of Chrome debugger it shows its sending the values:
BUT I don't see the data when I open DebugView in the GA dashboard! And Interesting part is, some chrome debugger like "Google Analytics Debugger 2.8" when enabled, which seems open a debugger and connect to GA dashboard, DebugView is showing the events and parameters data. So there must be something which restricting or refusing to connect with GA Dashboard to push the data.
Reads lot of documentation, did lot of test but failed to find a reason for that. The site is fully login protected but event /user/login page which is accessible to all, not sending the data at all.
If some one can shed some light on the issue, it will really really help for me. Thanks in advance.
Actually this is my mistake of my understanding. All data is pushing to GA dashboard no confusion. The reason why I don't see data when creating a comparison report based on custom dimension parameters is due to "scope" difference.
So if you want to create a report based on event scoped parameters, please go to Engagement->Events, and if you want to create a report based on user scoped parameters, please go to Audience tab, but user scoped report will not show data if captured users record is less than 10.
A documentation for reference:

Does the JIRA REST API support querying a list of labels?

I see the is the ability to get all components of a project by doing
but I don't see any capability or documentation on how to get the list of labels that are available for a project (something like:
Does the JIRA REST API support querying the list of labels available on a project?
Just to clarify, labels (at least the built-in JIRA ones) are global entities so they can be attached to any Issue in any Project.
As to your question - no, there's no public REST endpoint to get/change/add labels to JIRA.
Jira Cloud has /rest/api/3/label.
Jira Server provides /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions?fieldName=labels which is however not paginated and only returns the first few labels (label values can be queried using &fieldValue=X).
However, as hacky workaround you can misuse the API endpoints some Atlassian Jira Gadgets are communicating with. Though this has the following disadvantages:
Are internal APIs
Atlassian apparently plans to replace Gadgets with Dashboard Items eventually
Might change behavior, see e.g. JRASERVER-67446
No pagination (?), responses can be huge
Responses are designed for Gadgets, therefore contain irrelevant data
Labels Gadget
Where <PROJECT_ID> is the numeric ID of the project.
Heat Map Gadget
Where <PROJECT_OR_FILTER> can be either:

Google REST API v3 - Revisions:list vs "Show more detailed revisions"

I need to get the detailed list of the revisions for a Google Document.
When using the Google API Explorer on:
I get only the non-detailed list.
Which is the API to call (or the parameter to set) in order to get something similar to what can be seen by pressing Show more detailed revisions?
I tried to "sniff" the browser traffic and I realized that Google Drive periodically requests the revision list to the URL:{fileId}/revisions/history?id={fileId}&start=1&end=-1&zoom_level=0&token={token}
When clicking on Show more detailed revisions, the previous URL becomes:{fileId}/revisions/history?id={fileId}&start=1&end=-1&zoom_level=1&token={token}
(the zoom_level parameter changes from 0 to 1)
I cannot find anything like that on the API reference, though. It seems that such an URL has to be invoked manually.
Therefore, I manually generated a token for the drive scope, manually checked it in order to keep it fresh and manually invoked that URL, in order to see what happened. Unfortunately, I got the following error on the browser:
Impossibile aprire il file in questo momento.
Verifica l'indirizzo e riprova.
which roughly means:
Unable to open the file at the moment.
Please verify the address and try again.
May somebody point me towards the right direction?
In the "Try it" section of the API there is a field called "fields". In there you can select the files you need from the response. If you write "kind,revisions" you will get the complete information or you can use the "fields editor" to select the fields you need.

Google Analytics Reporting API filters/segements

I'm trying to use the Google Analytics Core Reporting API and have the following troubles. I know how to fetch that I want the problem I have is:
I want to use a filter only for specific metrics and not for all of them.
Is this even possible?
Here is an example how my Reporting "Code" looks like:
Metrics "ga:sessions
Dimensions "ga:date"
Filters "ga:eventCategory==customerType"
I have the same problems with segments as with the filters that all metrics all segmented/filtered and only specific metrics should.
There really isn't another way other to get the data you want without creating a new request where the filter isn't applied unfortunately.
Just remember that you are only allowed five requests total. To give context, this may only apply to how I use the Reporting API, but I use Google App Script to push data to Google Sheets.
This may or may not be helpful to you, but the reporting code I use I have made available in a repo on GitHub:
I've included a guide that gives additional information regarding creating requests in general, so it may spark other ways to go about creating your data trees. I hope this helps.
