Error when using MAX in Apache Pig (Hadoop) - hadoop

I am trying to calculate maximum values for different groups in a relation in Pig. The relation has three columns patientid, featureid and featurevalue (all int).
I group the relation based on featureid and want to calculate the max feature value of each group, heres the code:
grpd = GROUP features BY featureid;
DUMP grpd;
temp = FOREACH grpd GENERATE $0 as featureid, MAX($1.featurevalue) as val;
Its giving me Invalid scalar projection: grpd Exception. I read on different forums that MAX takes in a "bag" format for such functions, but when I take the dump of grpd, it shows me a bag format. Here's a small part of the output from the dump:
Whats the issue ?

The issue was with column addressing, heres the correct working code:
grpd = GROUP features BY featureid;
temp = FOREACH grpd GENERATE group as featureid, MAX(features.featurevalue) as val;


Order of Apache Pig Transformations

I am reading through Pig Programming by Alan Gates.
Consider the code:
ratings = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100k/' AS
(userID:int, movieID:int, rating:int, ratingTime:int);
metadata = LOAD '/user/maria_dev/ml-100k/u.item' USING PigStorage ('|') AS
(movieID:int, movieTitle:chararray, releaseDate:chararray, imdbLink: chararray);
nameLookup = FOREACH metadata GENERATE
movieID, movieTitle, ToDate(releaseDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy') AS releaseYear;
nameLookupYear = FOREACH nameLookup GENERATE
movieID, movieTitle, GetYear(releaseYear) AS finalYear;
filterMovies = FILTER nameLookupYear BY finalYear < 1982;
groupedMovies = GROUP filterMovies BY finalYear;
orderedMovies = FOREACH groupedMovies {
sortOrder = ORDER metadata by finalYear DESC;
DUMP orderedMovies;
It states that
"Sorting by maps, tuples or bags produces error".
I want to know how I can sort the grouped results.
Do the transformations need to follow a certain sequence for them to work?
Since you are trying to sort the grouped results, you do not need a nested foreach. You would use the nested foreach if you were trying to, for example, sort each movie within the year by title or release date. Try ordering as usual (refer to finalYear as group since you grouped by finalYear in the previous line):
orderedMovies = ORDER groupedMovies BY group ASC;
DUMP orderedMovies;
If you are looking to sort the grouped values then you will have to use nested foreach. This will sort the years in descending order within a group.
orderedMovies = FOREACH groupedMovies {
sortOrder = ORDER metadata by GetYear(ToDate(releaseDate, 'dd-MMM-yyyy')) DESC;
GENERATE GROUP, movieID, movieTitle;

How to divide numbers from different tables in pig

I am trying to join two tables and divide a number from one table by a number from another table. I have attempted to do it in the original and generate a new table with the same values but I get the same error both times which is extra confusing to me.
--get the data
lines = LOAD '/historicaldata.csv' USING PigStorage(' ') AS (ticker:chararray, date:long, open:long, high:long, low:long, close:long, volume:long);
--limit it between the dates we want
specDates = FILTER lines BY (date<=20000103 and date>=19900101);
--sort by ticker symbol
companies = GROUP specDates BY ticker;
--sort DESC and get the top to get the ending date
sorted_end = FOREACH companies {
sorted1 = ORDER specDates BY date DESC;
endDate = LIMIT sorted1 1;
GENERATE endDate.ticker AS ticker, AS open, endDate.close AS close;
--sort ASC and get the top to get the starting date
sorted_begin = FOREACH companies {
sorted2 = ORDER specDates BY date ASC;
startDate = LIMIT sorted2 1;
GENERATE startDate.ticker AS ticker, AS open, startDate.close AS close;
joined = JOIN sorted_end BY ticker, sorted_begin BY ticker;
final = FOREACH joined GENERATE sorted_end::ticker as ticker, sorted_begin::open as open, sorted_end::close as close;
final2 = FOREACH final GENERATE ticker as ticker, (float)(close/open) as growth_factor;
The error I keep getting is:
(Name: Divide Type: null Uid: null)incompatible types in Divide Operator left hand side:bag :tuple(close:float) right hand side:bag :tuple(open:float)
Both are floats so I am not sure why they are "incompatible types" other than that they come from different bags, but adding them to "final" and trying to do it from there doesn't work.
The data is in the form:
Every entry includes all columns and are well formatted, non-zero numbers
Based on your query, I tried to create a dummy table on my system and generate the result. I found no issue and the division operation was completed successfully. PFB some sample queries which I fired on Pig:-
A = LOAD '/home/training/716391/pig/pigdata.csv' USING PigStorage(',') as (ID:INT, name:CHARARRAY, GPC:FLOAT)
B = LOAD '/home/training/716391/pig/pigdata2.csv' USING PigStorage(',') as (ID:INT, name:CHARARRAY, GPC:FLOAT)
C = join A by ID, B by ID
D = FOREACH C generate A::ID as IDA, A::name as NAMEA, A::GPC as GPCA, B::ID as IDB, B::name as NAMEB, B::GPC as GPCB;
Can you please confirm, if the divisor value in your case has no Null value or 0?
Could you please share the load statements for sorted_end and sorted_begin?

Aggregate data grouping by two columns in Pig

I have these data that I need to group by two columns and then sum up two other fields.
Suppose the name for these four columns are:OS,device,view,click. I basically want to know the count for each OS and device, how many views they have and how many clicks it have.
This is what I have so far
A is data: OS,device,view,click
B = GROUP A BY (OS,device);
Result = FOREACH B {
GENERATE group AS OS,device, SUM(view) AS visits, SUM(click) AS clicks;};
dump Result;
This one won't work, error message is: Projected field [OS] does not exist in schema: group:tuple(OS:int,device:long),B:bag{:tuple(OS:int,device:long,view:int,click:int)}.
Here is the code which is tested, you are missing FLATTEN:
A = LOAD '/user/root/pig_data' using PigStorage(',') AS (OS, device, view, click);
B = GROUP A BY (OS, device);
RESULT = FOREACH B GENERATE FLATTEN(group) AS (OS, device), SUM(A.view) as views, SUM( as clicks;
dump RESULT;
I think you meant B in your example instead of J2 or J3, which may be in your actual code. Try:
B = GROUP A BY (OS, device);
group.OS AS OS:int,
group.device AS device:long,
SUM(B.view) AS visits:int,
SUM( AS clicks:int;
dump Result;

How can I select record with minimum value in pig latin

I have timestamped samples and I'm processing them using Pig. I want to find, for each day, the minimum value of the sample and the time of that minimum. So I need to select the record that contains the sample with the minimum value.
In the following for simplicity I'll represent time in two fields, the first is the day and the second the "time" within the day.
To find the minimum the following works:
samples = LOAD 'testdata' USING PigStorage(',') AS (day:int, time:int, samp:float);
g = GROUP samples BY day;
dailyminima = FOREACH g GENERATE group as day, MIN(samples.samp) as samp;
But then I've lost the exact time at which the minimum happened. I hoped I could use nested expressions. I tried the following:
dailyminima = FOREACH g {
minsample = MIN(samples.samp);
mintuple = FILTER samples BY samp == minsample;
GENERATE group as day, mintuple.time, mintuple.samp;
But with that I receive the error message:
2012-11-12 12:08:40,458 [main] ERROR - ERROR 1000:
<line 5, column 29> Invalid field reference. Referenced field [samp] does not exist in schema: .
Details at logfile: /home/hadoop/pig_1352722092997.log
If I set minsample to a constant, it doesn't complain:
dailyminima = FOREACH g {
minsample = 3.4F;
mintuple = FILTER samples BY samp == minsample;
GENERATE group as day, mintuple.time, mintuple.samp;
And indeed produces a sensible result:
While writing this I thought of using a separate JOIN:
dailyminima = FOREACH g GENERATE group as day, MIN(samples.samp) as minsamp;
dailyminima = JOIN samples BY (day, samp), dailyminima BY (day, minsamp);
That work, but results (in the real case) in a join over two large data sets instead of a search through a single day's values, which doesn't seem healthy.
In the real case I actually want to find max and min and associated times. I hoped that the nested expression approach would allow me to do both at once.
Suggestions of ways to approach this would be appreciated.
Thanks to alexeipab for the link to another SO question.
One working solution (finding both min and max and the associated time) is:
dailyminima = FOREACH g {
minsamples = ORDER samples BY samp;
minsample = LIMIT minsamples 1;
maxsamples = ORDER samples BY samp DESC;
maxsample = LIMIT maxsamples 1;
GENERATE group as day, FLATTEN(minsample), FLATTEN(maxsample);
Another way to do it, which has the advantage that it doesn't sort the entire relation, and only keeps the (potential) min in memory, is to use the PiggyBank ExtremalTupleByNthField. This UDF implements Accumulator and Algebraic and is pretty efficient.
Your code would look something like this:
DEFINE TupleByNthField org.apache.pig.piggybank.evaluation.ExtremalTupleByNthField('3', 'min');
samples = LOAD 'testdata' USING PigStorage(',') AS (day:int, time:int, samp:float);
g = GROUP samples BY day;
bagged = FOREACH g GENERATE TupleByNthField(samples);
flattened = FOREACH bagged GENERATE FLATTEN($0);
min_result = FOREACH flattened GENERATE $1 .. ;
Keep in mind that the fact we are sorting based on the samp field is defined in the DEFINE statement by passing 3 as the first param.

How to handle spill memory in pig

My code like like this:
pymt = LOAD 'pymt' USING PigStorage('|') AS ($pymt_schema);
pymt_grp = GROUP pymt BY key
results = FOREACH pymt_grp {
* some kind of logic, filter, count, distinct, sum, etc.
But now I find many logs like that:
org.apache.pig.impl.util.SpillableMemoryManager: Spilled an estimate of 207012796 bytes from 1 objects. init = 5439488(5312K) used = 424200488(414258K) committed = 559284224(546176K) max = 559284224(546176K)
Actually I find the cause, the majority reason is that there is a "hot" key, some thing like key=0 as ip address, but I don't want to filter this key. is there any solution? I have implemented algebraic and accumulator interface in my UDF.
I had similar issues with heavily skewed data or DISTINCT nested in FOREACH (as PIG will do an in memory distinct). The solution was to take the DISTINCT out of the FOREACH as an example see my answer to How to optimize a group by statement in PIG latin?
If you do not want to do DISTINCT before your SUM and COUNT than I would suggest to use 2 GROUP BY. The first one groups on Key column plus another column or random number mod 100, it acts as a Salt (to spread the data of a single key into multiple Reducers). Than second GROUP BY just on Key column and calculate the final SUM of the group 1 COUNT or Sum.
inpt = load '/data.csv' using PigStorage(',') as (Key, Value);
view = foreach inpt generate Key, Value, ((int)(RANDOM() * 100)) as Salt;
group_1 = group view by (Key, Salt);
group_1_count = foreach group_1 generate group_1.Key as Key, COUNT(view) as count;
group_2 = group group_1_count by Key;
final_count = foreach group_2 generate flatten(group) as Key, SUM(group_1_count.count) as count;
