Yii2: Eagerly selecting calculated column and loading value into model-property - activerecord

I thought I know every aspect of Yii2 in the meantime, but this one gives me headaches.
Two tables: Client and Billings. The Client-Table holds a regular list of clients. The Billing-table has several entries for each client (1:n).
I want to fetch a calculated DB-Field together with the row itself and access it via a virtual property of the model.
Key is that it gets calculated and selected together with the row itself. I know I can achieve something similliar with a regular virtual getter calculating the amount...but this is not at the same time as the select itself.
My Plan
In the query-object of the client-model i tried to add an an additional select (addSelect-Method) and give the field an alias. Then I added the alias of this select with the attributes-method of the model. Somehow this didn't work.
My Question
Does someone of you know the right way to achieve this? As this is a very common problem, I can not imagine this beeing too hard. I just somehow can't find the solution.
Sample code:
echo $client->sumOfBillings should output the contents of the corresponding property within the client-model. The contents of this property should be filled when fetching the client-row itself and not at the moment the property gets called.

I actual found the answer myself. Here is how you do it:
Query object
The fetching of all the Yii2-Models is done via their corresponding Query-Object. This object is retrieved via the models find()-Method. If you override this method, you can return your own query-object for that class. In the example above my model looks like this:
class Client extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public static function find()
return new ClientQuery(get_called_class());
Now within the Query-Objects init()-Method we can add the corresponding additional selects:
public class ClientQuery extends \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function init()
//prepare subquery for calculation
$sub = (new Query())
->where('billing.client_id = client.id');
$this->addSelect(['client.*', 'sumBillings'=>$sub]);
We are now done with the query-Object. What have we done now? When selecting a client the sum gets calculated and loaded as well. But how do we access it? This was the hard part where I struggeled. The solution lies within the ActiveRecord-class.
Possibilities to populate the model with calculated data
There are several possibilities to load this data into the model-class. To understand what options we have, we can check out the populateRecord($record, $row)-method of the BaseActiveRecord-class:
* Populates an active record object using a row of data from the database/storage.
* This is an internal method meant to be called to create active record objects after
* fetching data from the database. It is mainly used by [[ActiveQuery]] to populate
* the query results into active records.
* When calling this method manually you should call [[afterFind()]] on the created
* record to trigger the [[EVENT_AFTER_FIND|afterFind Event]].
* #param BaseActiveRecord $record the record to be populated. In most cases this will be an instance
* created by [[instantiate()]] beforehand.
* #param array $row attribute values (name => value)
public static function populateRecord($record, $row)
$columns = array_flip($record->attributes());
foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
if (isset($columns[$name])) {
$record->_attributes[$name] = $value;
} elseif ($record->canSetProperty($name)) {
$record->$name = $value;
$record->_oldAttributes = $record->_attributes;
As you can see, the method takes the raw-data ($row) and populates the model instance ($record). If the model has either a property or a setter-method with the same name as the calculated field, it will be populated with data.
Final code of Client-Model
This is my final code of the Client-model:
class Client extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
private $_sumBillings;
public static function find()
return new ClientQuery(get_called_class());
public function getSumBillings()
return $this->_sumBillings;
protected function setSumBillings($val)
$this->_sumBillings = $val;
The populateRecord()-method will find the setter-method ($record->canSetProperty($name)) and call it to fill in the calculated value. As it is protected, it is otherwise readonly.
VoilĂ ...not that hard actually and definitely useful!


Extending Eloquent Models with dynamic global scopes

I have a MySQL table that receives many different Jotform reports in JSON payloads. This has helped tremendously in capturing queryable data quickly without adding to the front-end developer's workload.
I created an eloquent model for the table. I now would like to be able to create models that extend it for each Jotform we create. I feel like it will increase the readability of my code drastically.
My eloquent model is called RawDataReport. It has created_at, updated_at, data, and report name columns in the table. I want to create the model ShiftInspectionReport extending the RawDataReport.
I have two JotForm reports one is called Shift Inspection Report and one is called Need Inspection Report. Both are part of the ShiftInspectionReport model.
So I need to query the RawDataReports table for any reports matching those names. I frequently need to query the RawDataReports report_name column with either one or more report names.
To help with this I created a local scope to query the report name which accepts either a string report name or an array of string report names. Here is the local scope on the RawDataReports model.
protected function scopeReportName($query, $report_name): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
if (is_array($report_name)) {
return $query->orWhere(function ($query) USE ($report_name) {
ForEach($report_name as $report) {
if (is_string($report) === false) {
throw new \Exception('$report_name must be an array of strings or a string');
$query->where('report_name', $report);
} else {
if (is_string($report_name) === false) {
throw new \Exception('$report_name must be an array of strings or a string');
return $query->where('report_name', $report_name);
EDIT - after comments I simplified the reportName scope
protected function scopeReportName($query,array $report_name): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
return $query->whereIn('report_name',$report_name);
Now in my ShiftInspectionReport model, I'd like to add a global scope that can use that local scope and pass in the $report_name. But according to this article, Laravel 5 Global Scope with Dynamic Parameter, it doesn't look like Laravel global scopes allow you to use dynamic variables.
I could just create a local scope in ShiftInspectionReport but the readability would look like
$reports = ShiftInspectionReport::shiftInspectionReport()->startDate('2021-05-15')->get()
when I'd really like to be able to just call
Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Thank you
Thanks to IGP I figured out that I can just call the local scope right from my boot function.
My extended class looks like this now and it works.
class ShiftInspection extends RawDataReport
use HasFactory;
protected static function booted()
static::addGlobalScope('shift_inspection_report', function(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder) {
$builder->reportName(['Shift Safety Inspection','Need Safety Inspection']);

Drupal 8 - Accessing a referenced entity through $fields (implementing validation on node creation)

Within a custom module, I'm working on validating a field based on an entry from another field. The validation works when the hash is hard coded (i.e. // $bookhash = 1;). However, I cannot seem to figure out how to access hash of the referenced book.
What's the proper way of accessing that data from book referenced within book_signatures?
use \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
* Implements hook_entity_bundle_field_info_alter().
function custom_validation_entity_bundle_field_info_alter(&$fields, \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface $entity_type, $bundle) {
if ($bundle === 'book_signatures') {
if (isset($fields['field_confirm_book_hash'])) {
$book = $fields['field_book']; // book is a referenced entity within book_signatures.
$bookhash = $book->field_hash_check; // need to set this equal to the hash in the book entity.
// $bookhash = 1; works with static hash. need specific books hash
$fields['field_confirm_book_hash']->addConstraint('BookHash', ['hash' => $bookhash]);
Edit: output from devel on the field $fields['field_book']. It's id outputs "node.book_signatures.field_book"
Taking a slightly different approach exposed both fields more elegantly.
* Implements hook_entity_type_build().
function custom_validation_entity_type_build(array &$entity_types) {
// Add our custom validation to the order number.

Best Practice - Laravel Controller Eloquent merge

I have a scope on my Supplier model that returns results where active = true.
This works great when creating new entries, as I only want the user to see active suppliers.
Current entries may have an inactive supplier; When I edit it, I want to see all active Suppliers, plus the current supplier (if it is inactive)
I have this code in my controller:
$suppliers = Supplier::active()->get();
if (!$suppliers->contains('id', $record->supplier->id))
Two questions: Is this the correct way to do this? Should this code be in my controller or should I have it somewhere else? (perhaps a scope but I wouldn't know how to code that).
Thanks for the help guys. I have applied advice from each of the answers and refactored my code into a new scope:
public function scopeActiveIncluding($query, Model $model = null)
$query->where('active', 1);
if ($model && !$model->supplier->active)
$query->orWhere('id', $model->supplier->id);
What you've written will work, but the Collection::contains function can potentially be pretty slow if the collection is large.
Since you have the id, I would probably make the following change:
$suppliers = Supplier::active()->get();
$supplier = Supplier::find($record->supplier->id);
if (!$supplier->active) {
Of course, the downside to this is that you may be making an unnecessary query on the database.
So you have to consider:
is the record's supplier more likely to be active or inactive?
is the size of the collection of active suppliers large enough to justify another (potentially wasted) call to the database?
Make the choice that makes the most sense, based on what you know of your application's data.
As for the second question, if you will only need this specific set of suppliers in this one part of your application, then the controller is a good place for this code.
If, however, you will need this particular set of suppliers in other parts of your application, you should probably move this code elsewhere. In that case, it might make sense to create a function on the the related model (whatever type $record is...) that returns that model's suppliers set. Something like:
public function getSuppliers()
$suppliers = Supplier::active()->get();
$supplier = $this->supplier;
if (!$supplier->active) {
return $suppliers;
I saw #Vince's answer about 1st question, and I'm agree with him.
About 2nd question:
Write scope in Supplier model like this:
public function scopeActive($query){
$query->where('active', 1); // for boolean type
For good practice, you need to write the logic parts in services like "App\Services\SupplierService.php". And there write the function you want:
public function activeSuppliersWithCurrent($record) {
$suppliers = Supplier::active()->get();
$supplier = Supplier::find($record->supplier->id);
if (!$supplier->active) {
In your SupplierController's constructor inject the instance of that service and use the function, for example:
use App\Servives\SupplierService;
protected $supplierService = null;
public function __construct(SupplierService $supplierService) {
$this->supplierService = $supplierService;
public function getActiveSuppliersWithCurrent(...) {
$result = $this->supplierService->activeSuppliersWithCurrent($record);
As you can see, later you will not need to change anything in controller. If you'll need to change for example the query of suppliers selection, you will just have to change something only in service. This way will make your code blocks separated and shorter.
Also the sense for this pattern: you don't need to access the models from controller. All logic related with models will implemented in services.
For other projects you can grab only services or only controllers, and implement another part differently. But in that case if you had all codes in controller, that will prevent you to grab the portions of necessary codes, cuz may you don't remember what doing each blocks...
You could add a where clause to the query to also find that id.
$suppliers = Supplier::active()->orWhere('id', $record->supplier->id)->get();
You could potentially slide this into the active scope by passing the 'id' as an argument.
public function scopeActive($query, $id = null)
$query->where('active', true);
if ($id) {
$query->orWhere('id', $id);
Or make another scope that does this.

Yii2: How to set default attribute values in ActiveRecord?

This may seem like a trivial question, however all of the obvious solutions that I can think of have their own flaws.
What we want is to be able to set any default ActiveRecord attribute value for new records only, in a way that makes it readable before and during validation and does not interfere with derived classes used for search.
The default values need to be set and ready as soon as we instantiate the class, so that (new MyModel)->attr returns the default attr value.
Here are some of the possibilities and the problems they have:
A) In MyModel override the init() method and assign default value when isNewRecord is true like so:
public function init() {
if ($this->isNewRecord) {
$this->attr = 'defaultValue';
Problem: Search. Unless we explicitly unset our default attribute in MySearchModel (very error-prone because it is too easy to forget), this will also set the value before calling search() in the derived MySearchModel class and interfere with searching (the attr attribute will already be set so search will be returning incorrect results). In Yii1.1 this was resolved by calling unsetAttributes() before calling search(), however no such method exists in Yii2.
B) In MyModel override the beforeSave() method like so:
public function beforeSave($insert) {
if ($insert) {
$this->attr = 'defaultValue';
return parent::beforeSave();
Problem: Attribute is not set in unsaved records. (new MyModel)->attr is null. Worse yet, even other validation rules that rely on this value will not be able to access it, because beforeSave() is called after validation.
C) To ensure the value is available during validation we can instead override the beforeValidate() method and set the default values there like so:
public function beforeValidate() {
if ($this->isNewRecord) {
$this->attr = 'defaultValue';
return parent::beforeValidate();
Problem: Attribute is still not set in unsaved (unvalidated) records. We need to at least call $model->validate() if we want to get the default value.
D) Use DefaultValidator in rules() to set a default attribute value during validation like so:
public function rules() {
return [
'attr', 'default',
'value' => 'defaultValue',
'on' => 'insert', // instantiate model with this scenario
// ...
Problem: Same as B) and C). Value is not set until we actually save or validate the record.
So what is the right way to set default attribute values? Is there any other way without the outlined problems?
There's two ways to do this.
$model => new Model();
Now $model has all the default attributes from the database table.
Or in your rules you can use:
[['field_name'], 'default', 'value'=> $defaultValue],
Now $model will always be created with the default values you specified.
You can see a full list of core validators here http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-tutorial-core-validators.html
This is a hangup with Yii's bloated multi-purpose ActiveRecords
In my humble opinion the form models, active records, and search models would be better off split into separate classes/subclasses
Why not split your search models and form models?
abstract class Creature extends ActiveRecord {
class CreatureForm extends Creature {
public function init() {
if ($this->isNewRecord) {
$this->number_of_legs = 4;
class CreatureSearch extends Creature {
public function search() {
The benefits of this approach are
You can easily cater for different validation, set up and display cases without resorting to a bunch of ifs and switches
You can still keep common code in the parent class to avoid repetition
You can make changes to each subclass without worrying about how it will affect the other
The individual classes don't need to know about the existence of any of their siblings/children to function correctly
In fact, in our most recent project, we are using search models that don't extend from the related ActiveRecord at all
I know it is answered but I will add my approach.
I have Application and ApplicationSearch models. In Application model I add init with a check of the current instance. If its ApplicationSearch I skip initializations.
public function init()
if(!$this instanceof ApplicationSearch)
$this->id = hash('sha256', 123);
also as #mae commented below you can check for existence of search method in current instance, assuming you didn't add any method with name search to the non-search base model so the code becomes:
public function init()
// no search method is available in Gii generated Non search class
$this->id = hash('sha256', 123);
I've read your question several times and I think there are some contradictions.
You want the defaults to be readable before and during validation and then you try init() or beforeSave(). So, assuming you just want to set the default values in the model so they can be present during the part of the life cycle as long as possible and not interfere with the derived classes, simply set them after initialising the object.
You can prepare separate method where all defaults are set and call it explicitly.
$model = new Model;
Or you can create static method to create model with all default values set and return the instance of it.
$model = Model::createNew();
Or you can pass default values to constructor.
$model = new Model([
'attribute1' => 'value1',
'attribute2' => 'value2',
This is not much different from setting the attributes directly.
$model = new Model;
$model->attribute1 = 'value1';
$model->attribute2 = 'value2';
Everything depends on how much transparent would you like your model be to your controller.
This way attributes are set for the whole life cycle except the direct initialisation and it's not interfering with derived search model.
Just override __construct() method in your model like this:
class MyModel extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord {
function __construct(array $config = [])
$this->attr = 'defaultValue';
If you want to load default value from database you can put this code in your model
public function init()
if(!method_exists($this,'search')) //for checking this code is on model search or not
You can prepare separate method where all defaults are set and call it explicitly.
$model = new Model;

Retrieving records from database using eloquent with optional query parameters

i have the following block of code in my Resource Controller:
$travel_company_id = Input::get('travel_company_id');
$transport_type = Input::get('transport_type');
$route_type = Input::get('route_type');
$travelRoutes = TravelRoute::where('travel_company_id', $travel_company_id)
->where('transport_type', $transport_type)
->where('route_type', $route_type)
Now what this does is it gets travelRoutes based on the parameters supplied. What i want is for it to do is perform a search based on the available parameters, that way if $route_type is empty the search will be performed only on travel_company_id and transport type.
Also if all the parameters are empty then it will simply do a get and return all available records.
I know i can do this with lots of if statements but then if i add a new parameter on the frontend i will have to add it to the backend as well, I was wondering if there was a much simpler and shorter way to do this in laravel.
The where method accepts an array of constraints:
$constraints = array_only(Input::all(), [
$routes = TravelRoute::where($constraints)->get();
Warning: do not use Input::only() instead of array_only(). They're not the same.
Input::only() fills in any missing items with null, which is not what you want here.
This is pretty hacky and if you spend some time developing a solution I'm sure it could be much nicer. This assumes all the fields in the getSearchFields() function match the input names from the form and database.
* Search fields to retrieve and search the database with. Assumed they match the
* column names in the database
private function getSearchFields()
return ['travel_company_id', 'transport_type', 'route_type'];
public function search()
// Get a new query instance from the model
$query = TravelRoute::query();
// Loop through the fields checking if they've been input, if they have add
// them to the query.
foreach($this->getSearchFields() as $field)
if (Input::has($field))
$query->where($field, Input::get($field));
// Finally execute the query
$travelRoutes = $query->get();
