I'm writing a VBScript file (*.vbs) that should get data from this RSS and export them to text file. I searched the internet but found nothing about this.
Does anyone know any sources to use for creating such function ?
P.S. The RSS just shows the currency rates for a date. Thanks.
To get you started, in vbscript you can
Load the data into a DomDocument, as RSS is XML
Option Explicit
dim xmldoc: set xmldoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.6.0")
xmldoc.async = false
xmldoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
xmldoc.load "https://www.cba.am/_layouts/rssreader.aspx?rss=280F57B8-763C-4EE4-90E0-8136C13E47DA"
Run a query to get what you want using XPath
' obviously, you need to change this to your requirements
' here, we're just getting every item node
dim items: set items = xmldoc.selectNodes("//item")
Output the text to file
dim fso: set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim stream: set stream = fso.OpenTextFile("data.txt", 2, true)
dim item
for each item in items
' again, this changes to your requirements
' this just writes the text content of all the items and child
' nodes
stream.WriteLine item.text
next 'item
I'm currently using UFT -- I have a GUI test, and there's a web element object in one of my tests I'd like to delete/update, but I'm worried it's being referenced by another test in our test suite. (I am coming into a test suite that someone else built)
Is there anyway to tell whether or not an object in the object repository is being used in other tests? (Without having to go into each individual test and action to find out?)
My way would be simple recursive file search.
Open EditPlus
Search -> Find In Files
Find What =
File Type = *.mts | *.vbs | *.qfl
Folder =
Select the Include Sub Folder Check Box
Click Find
You can use Search>View>Find (or ctrl+F) from UFT and select to look in entire solution
Open "Script.mts" file from every action and search for your object name. If you find the object, write the script name and line number where your object exists, in a file.
Use the below code:
'strScriptsPath is the path where your test script folders are placed.
Set strScripts = objFSO.GetFolder(strScriptsPath).SubFolders
For Each Script In strScripts
strAction = strScriptsPath & "\" & Script.Name & "\Action1\Script.mts"
If objFSO.FileExists(strAction) Then
'Open Script in NotePad
Set strFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strAction, 1)
Do While Not (strFile.AtEndOfStream)
strLine = strFile.ReadLine
If InStr(1, strLine, strObjectName) > 0 Then
iVerificationCount = objSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
iCurrentRow = iVerificationCount + 1
objSheet.Cells(iCurrentRow, 1) = Script.Name
objSheet.Cells(iCurrentRow, 2) = strLine
If strFile.AtEndOfStream Then
objSheet.Cells(iCurrentRow, 3) = strFile.Line
objSheet.Cells(iCurrentRow, 3) = strFile.Line - 1
End If
End If
Set strFile = Nothing
End If
Set strScripts = Nothing
To be able to use this code, declare objFSO object and write a piece of code to create an excel and get objSheet.
You can also replace the object name using the below code:
Use the For Each Loop as mentioned above
strScript = strScriptsPath & "\" & strScriptName & "\Action1\Script.mts"
strFind = "Old Object Name"
strReplace = "New Object Name"
Set strFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strScript, 1)
strData = strFile.ReadAll
strNewData = Replace(strData, strFind, strReplace)
Set strFile = Nothing
Set strFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strScript, 2)
strFile.Write strNewData
Set strFile = Nothing
** You just need to write this entire code in a .vbs file and run that file.
I am new to the forum but an active searcher and reader of this site for coding solutions.
I am enclosing some code that is part of a task i have scheduled which will open a file, refresh the data (line removed), and save it with a time stamp.
Option Explicit
Dim Xlapp, Xlbook,wbnam,ext,dt
Set Xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlapp.visible = TRUE
Set XlBook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\newtonm\Box Sync\Matthew.Newton\Campaign Deliverables\Donor Dev\Weekly 10k\WklyTest.xlsx")
wbnam = "C:\Users\newtonm\Box Sync\Matthew.Newton\Campaign Deliverables\Donor Dev\weekly 10k\wklytest"
dt = format(date,"yyyy_mm_dd")
ext = ".xlsx"
xlbook.SavecopyAs wbnam&dt&ext
xlbook.Close false
set xlbook = Nothing
set xlapp = Nothing
When I execute the code - I am getting the following error.
I am presuming that 1 of 2 things is going on
1) The syntax of the Format Function is awry or.
2) Creating the Dim for DT is missing something.
Any help for this would be quitre helpful as i have been spinning my wheels for a bit on this.
I'm trying to write a script in VBS to show the file properties dialog/sheet for multiple items. Those items will be all of the items in a parent folder (e.g. all items in W:\).
Essentially, I'm trying to get the properties dialog to show the number of files in a drive. Right-clicking on the drive and selecting Properties does not show the number of files. You would instead need to go into the first level of the drive, select all folders/files, and then right-click and select Properties.
I have customised some code (below) I've found on the internet to bring up the file properties dialog/sheet for either a specific folder, or a drive. I have no idea what I could further change to get the properties dialog for all files and folder of a specified drive. Perhaps getting all folders/files of the drive into an array and then working with that?
Please note I'm looking for the actual properties dialog, and not just a simple return of the total number of files (I know how to do this).
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks :)
dim objShell, objFSO, folParent, sParent, filTarget, sFileName, sOutput, fivVerbs, iVerb, vVerb, fvbVerb, testItemsParent, TestMappedDestination
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
const mappedDestination = "c:\"
vVerb = "P&roperties"
sParent = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(mappedDestination)
sFileName = objFSO.GetFileName(mappedDestination)
If Len(mappedDestination) = 3 then
nsTarget = &H11
TestMappedDestination = "(" & UCase(Left(mappedDestination,2)) & ")"
nsTarget = sParent
TestMappedDestination = UCase(sFileName)
End If
set folParent = objShell.Namespace(nsTarget)
For each filTarget in folParent.Items
If Len(mappedDestination) = 3 then
testItemsParent = UCase(Right(filTarget,4))
testItemsParent = UCase(filTarget)
End if
If testItemsParent = TestMappedDestination then
Set fivVerbs = filTarget.Verbs
For iVerb = 0 to fivVerbs.Count - 1
If fivVerbs.Item(iVerb).Name = vVerb then
Set fvbVerb = fivVerbs.Item(iVerb)
filTarget.InvokeVerbEx fvbVerb.Name, ""
Msgbox "Placeholder msgbox to keep properties dialog/sheet from disappearing on script completion"
Exit for
End if
Exit for
End if
I am trying to do a find and replace operation on several Word documents in a folder. I wrote the following VBScript to do that:
Option Explicit
Dim Word, Document, FolderPath, FileSystem, FileList, File, Doc, InfoString
Const ReadOnly = 1
Const wdFindContinue = 1
Const wdReplaceAll = 2
Const wdOriginalDocumentFormat = 1
Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FolderPath = FileSystem.GetAbsolutePathName(".")
Set FileList = FileSystem.GetFolder(FolderPath).files
Set Word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Word.Visible = False
Word.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each File in FileList
If LCase(Right(File.Name,3)) = "doc" Or LCase(Right(File.Name,4)) = "docx" Then
If File.Attributes And ReadOnly Then
File.Attributes = File.Attributes - ReadOnly
End If
Set Doc = Word.Documents.Open(File.Path,,True)
' find and replace stuff
End If
Word.Documents.Save True, wdOriginalDocumentFormat
Problem is, when it reaches the line Word.Documents.Save, a Save As dialog box always pops up. If I click Cancel, I get an error from Windows Script Host saying the file is write protected, even though it is not shown as write protected if I open the Properties dialog in File Explorer. If I click save, I am prompted to save all the other files too. What is the problem here?
I have a suspicion that it is caused by the Word documents being very old, like from the 1990s.
Set Doc = Word.Documents.Open(File.Path,,True)
and look at the docs from Object Browser.
Function Open(FileName, [ConfirmConversions], [ReadOnly], [AddToRecentFiles], [PasswordDocument], [PasswordTemplate], [Revert], [WritePasswordDocument], [WritePasswordTemplate], [Format], [Encoding], [Visible], [OpenAndRepair], [DocumentDirection], [NoEncodingDialog]) As Document
Member of Word.Documents
So the True says to open Read Only. This is Word's read only, nothing to do with the file.
The code below looks in the test folder for any files that have not been accessed in over 5 days, if it finds one it assigns mRoot the file path and then whats NOT WORKING is using the Replace method to look inside the mRoot string for the IP and replace it with the new one, I have it show me what mRoot looks like in a pop up just to make sure it changes(or doesn't). I can't seem to get the IP to change. Can anyone help out? I'm very new to VBS so I'm hoping this is obvious (whether it is doable or not). Thanks.
Set oFileSys = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sRoot = "\\\test\"
today = Date
Set aFolder = oFileSys.GetFolder(sRoot)
Set aFiles = aFolder.Files
For Each file in aFiles
FileAccessed = FormatDateTime(file.DateLastAccessed, "2")
If DateDiff("d", FileAccessed, today) > 5 Then
Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
mRoot = file
Call Replace(mRoot,"\\","\\")
objShell.Popup mRoot,, "My Popup Dialogue box"
'oFileSys.MoveFile file, mRoot
End If
Try mRoot = Replace(mRoot,"\\","\\")