Laravel 5 binding other object to contracts - laravel-5

I started using Laravel 5 and tried to learn things about contracts but i still have some questions about them.
For example I want to alter the Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\PasswordBroker contract (used in App\Http\Controllers\Auth\PasswordController )
The contract is an Interface but somehow Laravel knows what implementation belongs to that contract..
I want to change the implementation to my custom one.
But what is the correct way of loading my custom PasswordBroker class?
Should i bind my custom class in the AppServiceProvider?

Where does Laravel itself bind the default implementations?
It's in 'Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php'
'auth.password' => ['Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordBroker', 'Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\PasswordBroker'],
Can I just overwrite the default bindings?
According to the official documentations: Yes.
You can easily extend and override this class within your own application by overriding this binding.
But remember to replace the original service provider in the config/app.php
Note that this class extends the HashServiceProvider, not the default ServiceProvider base class. Once you have extended the service provider, swap out the HashServiceProvider in your config/app.php configuration file with the name of your extended provider.
Your case
So, in your case, you need to extend the 'Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider' to remain other things happened in the service provider.
Take a look at the default service provider.
Let me know if you have other questions.


Hippo CMS SpringBridgeHstComponent Breaks Editing Component Item Parameters

I'm currently migrating existing components to use the HST-2 Spring Bean Bridge to integrate better with the Spring IOC container.
I followed the Hippo documentation and everything works as advertised, at least in the running site. I can now define my component beans in my spring configuration and use DI for my component dependencies.
However, I learned that now I cannot modify the parameters on those component's in the Channel Manager's Template Composer. Before migrating those catalog components to use the SpringBridgeHstComponent I could click in the component item area in the Template Composer and get the pop up dialog which let me view and edit all the parameters to that component item
(hst:parameternames, hst:parametervalues).
Now the pop up dialog just shows a message that
"No editable properties found for this component."
I should mention that the component parameter values that were already set on the components are still available during request processing/execution. But those values are now effectively "hard-coded" because the webmaster cannot view/change them in the Template Composer.
Is this a known issue with the SpringBridgeHstComponent? Or is there a workaround configuration or something to make those component parameters available again in the Channel's Template Composer?
The Hippo CMS Channel manager can only scan annotations in the component class configured by the hst:componentclassname property.
SpringBridgeHstComponent class itself, which is used in your component
configuration now, cannot be annotated by a domain-specific parameters
info annotation. As a result, it's not shown in the channel manager
If you want to enable the parameters setting window for the
SpringBridgeHstComponent-bridged component, then you should extend the
class only for the annotation. e.g, ContactSpringBridgeHstComponent
extends SpringBridgeHstComponent with a specific annotation in that
extending class for contact component for instance. See the docs for detail.
This is needed at the moment because channel manager recognizes the
parameters information only by class annotation, which makes you extend
a new class for each component.

Laravel 4 - when to use service providers?

I tried to google it but did not find detailed information.
Service providers are a great way to group related IoC registrations
in a single location. Think of them as a way to bootstrap components
in your application.
Not understanding from the documentation. Is this only needed when I create packages? So when I am regular developer and not making some packages to release in public - I don't need to care?
One of the keys to building a well architected Laravel application is
learning to use serviceproviders as an organizational tool. When you are
registering many classes with the IoC container, all of those bindings
can start to clutter your app/start files. Instead of doing container
registrations in those files, create serviceproviders that register
related services.
So, this is a way to organize your application's services in one place to keep it more organized. A service provider must have at least one method: register. The register method is where the provider binds classes to the container. When a request enters your application and the framework is booting up, the register method is called on the providers listed in your configuration file
'providers' => array(
// more ...
// more ...
This is providers array in app.php config file and this is the HtmlServiceProvider stored in 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider.php'
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class HtmlServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register()
protected function registerHtmlBuilder()
$this->app['html'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
return new HtmlBuilder($app['url']);
protected function registerFormBuilder()
$this->app['form'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
$form = new FormBuilder($app['html'], $app['url'], $app['session']->getToken());
return $form->setSessionStore($app['session']);
When, Laravel boots up, it calls this (register) method and in this method there are two lines, these line calls two methods, registerHtmlBuilder() and registerFormBuilder(), these both methods components to the IoC container using
$this->app['html'] = $this->app->share(...);
$this->app['form'] = $this->app->share(...);
In this case both are anonymous functions which returns an instance of html/form class and that's why, when you use
Or, using form
You get the bound class from the $app object which is available to your application. In this case 'Html' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Html', is used to alias the main class in the aliases array in the app.php file.
So, in Laravel, service providers are a way to organize things in a nice cleaner way, during the boot up process of your application, Laravel runs all register methods from all the service providers so each component become available (bound) to the IoC container so you can access them in your application.
It's worth mentioning that, after calling of all register methods from service providers all the boot methods from those service providers get called. In that case, if you need to use any service from the application (IoC/Service Container) within the service provider class then you should use that service from the boot method since it's not guranteed that any service is avaiable during the registeration of service providers (within register method) because services are registered through register method of each service provider but within the boot method you may use any service because by then every service is hopefully registered.
Check this answer Laravel 4 : How are Facades resolved? too, it may help you to understand.
There's nothing a service provider can do that you can't just slap into app/start/global.php, but with a service provider you gather all the logic in one place and can develop application in a more modular fashion.
If you're making a package a service provider is pretty much a must.
In Laravel, service providers are directly related to the way in which IoC container works. They allow easier and more modular approach to dependencies. In fact, it is a great pattern for organizing your code in a bootstrap fashion ( even outside of Laravel ). I think If you are regular developer you still need to know the basics of Laravel service providers, because that pattern is integral part of Laravel architecture. I am sure it can make your work easier.
For example, when installing a package, your have to give application access to that package - one of the best solution is through service providers list and a facade. On the other hand, I can't imagine being a Laravel developer without knowing basics of SP-s.

ASP.NET Web API Help Pages Omit Controllers That Inherit From A Base Controller

I have a controller that I want to generate documentation for using ASP.NET Web API Help Pages.
When I directly inherit from ApiController the documentation appears:
public class ExampleController : ApiController
But when I inherit from a base controller, it is omitted:
public class ExampleController : ApiBaseController
public class ApiBaseController: ApiController
I have switched to delegation rather than inheritance, but I wanted to know how to make it work with inheritance.
Here is a tip I picked up in my experimentation.
The documentation leans heavily on the routes in your API config. If your controller isn't covered by a route, it won't show up. Additionally, the order of the routes in your API config is the order of the operations in your documentation.
To cover both of these points I have created named routes for each controller. This has the added benefit of making each route specific, rather than a single route with lots of optional bits. This ensures all my operations appear in the documentation, in a good order.
I have also added the API tester so the API can be called directly from the documentation.
Check the permissions in your base class. I had the same issue and is was a result of methods that should have been set as internal being protected.
Make sure that all your methods that need to be accessed by the parent item are set to internal and any methods that override the ApiController are set to protected.
Post your code if it still doesn't work.
Works like Gravy :)

Removing an added provider in Jersey

I am using com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Environment addProvider method to register providers in Jersey.I have a custom provider too which does a task similar to Dropwizards own MessageBodyWriterProvider.
Jersey seems to select the inbuilt MessageBodyWriter instead of my custom one.So I figured that if I remove the inbuild provider which is registered and register my own it will work properly.
Is there a way to remove the already added provider with the class name or other way?
returns a mutable Set<Object> of all the resources and providers registered with Jersey. A simple iteration over this with an instanceOf check should be enough.
The related method getProviderSingletons won't work because it is returning a new set. And removing from that set won't remove from the original.

Regarding Symfony2 Session

In symfony2 every user created controller extends Controller Class as shown below,
class MyController extends Controller {
thus functions related to session handling are available with $this object, But controllers in Vendor and Core don't extend Controller class thus don't provide access to session related functions. So is there any way to use these functions without extending Controller class.
Presently I am using $_SESSION[], for setting and getting session variables.
Is there any way other than above.
Symfony2 provides a service for sessions, this is what you're trying to retrieve. All services in symfony2 are retrieved using the service container, which is what you're referring to with
To properly make use of the service container in your own controllers you can either...
Configure your controllers as services (see: here)
Extend the base Controller class provided by the Symfony2 stack (making the get() method available to your child Controller)
The first option is the correct way to go, you have full control over what services are then injected into your respective controllers (see service container documentation)
