I must be shown in MAC OS NPAPI input box - cocoa

I must be shown in MAC OS NPAPI input box.
But I don't know how to do it, I have set the basic framework, I want to create in the NPAPI or shows an input box.
NPWindow can convert HWND in Windows, but I'm not familiar with MAC, hope to get guidance:
how to create input box
how to create in the NPAPI
if you can't create how to solve, because I want to get the user input
It is better for the code, I thank you very much.
(My English is not good, please forgive me)


Automator takes screenshot of background instead of window

System specs: mac OS Monterrey V12.5, Apple M1 chip 2020
I am making an application which will take a screenshot of a video, and take the timestamp of the current point in this video, after which both the timestamp and screenshot will be send to a numbers file (mac OS excel like program).
I could not find an application to do this and I tried to get it working using python as shown here but was unable to. Now because I am on Mac I have decided to use Automator instead. I am currently on the screenshot part and Automator has a build in screenshot functionality.
Unfortunately, this screenshot does not detect browser or application windows, it will only take a screenshot of my background.
I have no idea why this is but I suspect it might have to do with permissions related to the M1 chip.
I tried different monitors and simplyfying the automation to just taking a screenshot, but so far nothing has helped, I could not find others online who had a similar problem.
If there is any information missing from this post I will be happy to provide it.
Edit: It seems to be some kind of permission issue, automator CAN take screenshots within Safari, now I just need to find a way to do so in firefox.
I have solved the issue, it turns out that the M1 chip has a special permission for screen recording, adding my Automator application to this permission list will allow it to take screenshots of all windows.

Mac OS X: interacting with an application programmatically

I am working on a project where I need to call methods on an existing application (my own) and use some of its functionality. For e.g. my application ThunderBolt runs on Mac OS X 10.10. It also provides a dictionary of events that can be called externally through Apple Script or some other way that I don't know yet.
My question is what are the different (and better) ways of interacting with an application programmatically on Mac OSX? If I use something like the following code in Apple Script Editor:
tell application "ThunderBolt"
set open_file to (choose file with prompt "Choose the file you wish to parse")
set theContents to read open_file as data
set retPict to (image convert theContents)
end tell
then it is going to launch ThunderBolt with a splash screen and then call "image convert". This can be done via NSAppleScript but still it would launch the application and call methods/events on it.
Is it possible to somehow create an instance of (or get a pointer to) one of the class inside the application and use that? Something similar to COM or automation on a Windows system?
If you're working on OS X 10.10, you might consider taking a look at JavaScript for Automation (JXA).
With it you can apparently build methods into your app that can be invoked from client scripts written in JS (although I'm not yet familiar with the particulars of how to handle implementation of such a thing on the app side). But many of the apps that ship as part of OS X Yosemite have such APIs built in (e.g. iTunes and Finder).
Here's a great tutorial on JXA written by Alex Guyot: http://www.macstories.net/tutorials/getting-started-with-javascript-for-automation-on-yosemite/
The JXA-Cookbook repo also appears to be a nice resource: https://github.com/dtinth/JXA-Cookbook/wiki
Here's a brief example - this script makes iTunes go back one track. Try it while iTunes is playing (by putting the text into Script Editor, with the language option set to JavaScript, and hitting the Run button):
iTunes = Application('iTunes')
state = iTunes.playerState()
// Console msgs show up in the Messages tab of the bottom view:
console.log("playerState: " + state)
Alternatively, you can place the code into a .js file and run it on the command line:
$ osascript itunes-backTrack.js
playerState: playing
The way you specify the 'tell application' is the best way, in my opinion.
What do you do with your app that needs to be called? Maybe some of the functionalities can be done with Applescript? It would simplify things a lot.

Recording X windows events

I am a novice when it comes to X windows but have some knowledge of Unix as such.
My project requires me to track user input and output on X window system. For instance, if the GUI is used to configure a route, I would like to know what application is used and what route has been configured. So far, I have explored the following options with partial success.
1)Tried to hook functions like XDrawString and XDrawText using LD_PRELOAD.
2)Used xwininfo to obtain window id and tools like xev.
3)Looked through similar discussions in this forum especially on xev and xinput
1)May not work with if X11 is statically linked? Not sure.
2)xev does not record key press events for a file edited with gedit or attempting to rename a file from the GUI
3)I am trying to go through X windows system internals.
I am pretty discouraged so far. Any input/pointer will be appreciated.
I think you want the cnee program from the Xnee project, which uses the X window system Record extension. The examples that I see for cnee are almost always about recording input events, but, according to the Xnee manual at https://xnee.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/xnee1.pdf, section 3.2.1 ("Record"), "Xnee can record the whole X11 protocol, not just mouse and keyboard events."
Regarding font operations, I believe that X font facilities, mostly through the X font server, evolved over time too, so it might be the case that the applications that you care about are doing X font operations which you can trace.

Creating a Mac OS application that interacts with all text fields

What would be the first step to creating an application for Mac OS X that would take user interaction from any text field in the system? A couple examples of apps that do this are TextExpander and Typinator.
What I want to do would be using similar functions to access Text fields throughout the computer during user input to give other additional options, I'm just not sure where to even start in Xcode and with what type of project to use.
Any help or links would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I think you can probably capture what's being entered into text fields using an Input Manager, although these may be deprecated as of OS X 10.6. You might also want to look at SIMBL.

How to detect which Space the user is on in Mac OS X Leopard?

Mac OS X Leopard has a virtual desktop implementation called Spaces. I want to programatically detect which space the user is currently on.
Cocoa is preferable but AppleScript is acceptable if there's no other way.
I've seen a couple of AppleScript implementations, but the techniques they used seemed a bit too hacky to use in production code (one relied on causing an error and then parsing the error message to get the current space, the other interrogated the Spaces menu GUI)
Use HIWindowGetCGWindowID to get the CGWindowID for your WindowRef.
Use that ID with CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray from CGWindow.h to get information on your window.
Look at the returned dictionary and extract the (optional) kCGWindowWorkspace key. That is your space ID for your window.
If anyone still cares, I've put together a little commandline util based on the answers here which you can get at http://github.com/shabble/osx-space-id
