CKEditor Strips Styles When Editing Link - ckeditor

By changing the href via right-clicking a link and choosing to "Edit Link" in CKEditor, all of the inline styles in the <a> tag are stripped.
I have already set allowedContent: true in config.js to no avail.
How do I configure CKEditor to avoid stripping these styles after changing the link URL?
Edit: Before changing the link I could have:
And after changing the link target it becomes:


where do I find ckeditor's default style?

my documents are looking good in the CKeditor's textarea field. But when using the so generated HTML-files it doesn't look good. No wonder: there are no CSS styles saved in the HTML.
Which css files do I have to include to display ckeditor's HTML files looking similar to those within the editor? Or can I make Ckeditor include it's styles information in the HTML?
Use contents.css, located in your ckeditor root folder.

Change logo alignment sphinx

Is there a way to set the html logo to the centre of the sidebar?
I have looked around, but cannot find this option, does it exist?
To change the style of the HTML of your Sphinx project, you need to adjust the CSS of your theme.
You can do this by setting the html_style variable in your project's file to reference a custom style sheet, as described here in the Sphinx documentation.
The exact CSS rules you need to apply depend on the HTML theme you are using.

Ckeditor allowedContent with rules

I am trying to use allowedContent in the main config file to allow the inclusion of the class attribute for divs when in source editor mode.
I have tried
And for some this has the effect of removing some but not all of the toolbar options and also does not allow the inclusion of the class attribute.
There are no errors found on the debug inspector.
If I do
This works as expected but I don't want to allow all content.
The toolbar options left are, full screen, source and format. That is from a custom selection.
If you want to allow any class use the following: config.allowedContent='div(*)'.
More on that you'll find in CKEditor docs
For whatever reason using this method works.

Joomla TinyMCE Editor removes <link> from html

My code is this:
When i toggle the editor I have:
Where have I got it wrong?
From your title, I am assuming any <link> tag is being stripped.
Link tags are only valid in the head of the page, and TinyMCE is set to use the HTML5 specification by default when it tidies code, so presumably it is removing them due to their invalidity in the body of the page.
You could probably configure the code of TinyMCE to do what you want (see:, but as that does not seem to be possible via Joomla's plug-in parameters, it would mean overriding a core file, which may then cause problems should you patch the site.
One alternative would be to turn off Tiny MCE, and add the code via the blank editor.
Ideally, it sounds like you should be creating a bespoke module in which the link element can go in the head of the page as it should be.

Why does ckfinder break image tags when editing?

I have ckeditor and ckfinder configured properly and when I inserted a picture it works but when I added some styles its prints the styles outside the style tag
I found out that my issue was the fact that my php installation had magic_quotes enabled so that's what was throwing off my ckeditor.
