I have a qlik view report with a colour chart in it which isnt printing in colour, printer is set to colour and also the print preview is in B&W
Discovered this after some playing around.
At chart level
In your sheet Right click the chart you want to print in colour and click properties.
Then choose the Colours tab and untick "When Printing" in the Use patterns Instead of Colours section (top right)
For document level
Settings > User Preferences > Printing Tab
In chart colours you can force colour there.
I used to have the margin highlighted below. How can I display it?
If by showing the margin, you mean showing the vertical colored annotations on the scroll bar, they can be enabled by going into Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Scroll Bars and then enabling required annotations in the Display group
If you meant highlighting the background of the annotation area, then you must select Use map mode for vertical scroll bar under the Behavior group and set the desired width from the Source overview drop-down
What you need is to set "Map Mode" for the vertical scroll bar. This is a language-dependent, text-editor setting: for C#, select the "Options" command from the "Tools" menu; open the "Text Editor" and "C#" nodes of the tree in the left-hand pane and select "Scroll Bars." Then, in the right-hand pane, select the "Use map mode for vertical scroll bar" radio-button (there are several options as to how much detail you want to show in the scroll bar; the image you posted suggests using the "Off" option from the "Source overview" drop-down combo).
Here's a screen-shot:
The process is similar for other supported languages, such as Basic, F# and 'C/C++'. Also, be sure to actually enable the vertical scroll bar (check-box near the top of the same pane).
I've started using Visual Studio 2015 and one thing I've noticed is the new fancy rich-text formatted Preview functionality when hovering over a Method, .ctor, Property etc (compared to the bare tooltip I see in VS2013), which looks for example like this (mouse cursor is not shown here):
However, this is, most likely due to my general text color & font customization, in parts barely readable.
Does anyone know what's the correct name and category for this enhanced ToolTip is in VS's Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors?
The tooltip code colors correspond to the colors you have set for the editor window. The white you see is the same as you see in the editor.
You might want to change the tooltip background color instead to something darker.
You want to change the 'Editor Tooltip'
Use these steps:
Options -> Environment -> Fonts & Colors
Show settings for: Editor Tooltip
Adjust 'Plain Text'
Is it possible to change number of tabs and tabs name in simple UI Tab Control? How to do it? (user interface diagram)
I'm using EA 11.
No. Tab 1 | Tab 2 | Tab 3 is part of the element's image and you can't change them. There is a workaround which works visually, but won't help if you're looking to generate code out of your models.
Create a Text element (in the Common toolbox), and give it the name of your GUI's first tab.
Set a different default fill and text color for the Text element (Right-click and select Appearence - Default Appearance).
Pick the Fill and Border Color for the Text element that best matches the Tab Control's foreground, either in the diagram toolbar or the Text element's context menu.
Move and resize the Text element to cover Tab 1.
Repeat as necessary for the other tabs, using the appropriate color.
The Text elements are local to the diagram they're in and are not shown in the project browser (they are diagram objects but not proper model elements), but they move with the Tab Control so it works visually.
By making several copies of the Tab Control and varying which Text element has the foreground color, you can use this technique to show the different panes.
You can change number of tabs and selected tab this way (at least in EA 13):
Open Properties of the Tab Control;
In "General" select "Wireframing" tab. You'll see "Tabs" property with a value "Tab1";
Select this "Tabs" property and click on "Notes" menu. An editor appears;
In this editor you can change number of names of tabs;
Close editor and for "Tabs" property choose selected Tab;
For some reason, whenever I create a Text Box and start typing, the background text is highlighted white and I can't make it transparent. This picture should explain everything:
I want to remove the highlighting so the gradient in the background shows through. I used to do things like this a lot, but for some reason Word won't let me now. Any suggestions?
I am on Word 2011 Mac
Got some clues here and finally found a solution for MSWord for Mac version 16.9:
Select the text you want to fix
Select "Design" Tab
Click "Page Borders"
Click the "Shading" Tab
Select Apply to "Text"
[Fill] is showing "No Color". Open the selection and re-select "No Color"
Hit "OK"
Worked for me. It is obviously a bug in Word.
Right-click the text box that you want to make invisible.
If you want to change multiple text boxes, click the first text box or shape, and then press and hold SHIFT while you click the other text boxes.
On the shortcut menu, click Format Text Box.
On the Colors and Lines tab, in the Fill section, click the arrow next to Color, and then click No Color.
On the Colors and Lines tab, in the Line section, click the arrow next to Color, and then click No Color.
Click OK. Your textbox's background is now invisible...
It seems the actual text highlight is your problem, so try:
Go into Borders and Shading, apply it to text, and set it to clear. Had me confused because I've never had to do this before.
As seen here.
I also searched around and had trouble finding this.
In Word for Mac 2011
Highlight the text
Click tables in the ribbon
Find the shading icon (looks like a paint bucket)
Click the down arrow next to the bucket and select No Fill
Change the text format from anything apart from Normal text.(important)
Solution 1
Select the Text box and go to the "format" tab,
modify the outline and fill options
if this isn't enough
Solution 2
select the Text box and right click for options
select the last option "format shape"
I have only recently paid any attention to the appearance of little green and blue rectangles on my vertical scroll bar in code editing windows in VS2010. Can anyone tell me what these are?
I'm running with the Productivity Power Tools extension and ReSharper 6.
I have not found a color legend for the bits, but here is what we have found so far;
Light Blue = Bookmarks
Blue = Error / Warning
Orange = Find Results
Red = Breakpoint
Light Purple = Other instances of the selected variable
Dark Blue = Current cursor location
Yellow = Not saved changes
Green = Saved Changes
Dark Green = Spelling error (in comment or string literal)
From the productivity power tools extension page:
Enhanced Scrollbar
We’ve been looking into ways that we can
improve the experience of navigating through code files. Our solution
is the source map which has three modes that will allow you to more
easily see the interesting artifacts in your files (edits,
breakpoints, bookmarks, errors, warnings etc) and make it easy for you
to navigate between them. The default mode is the “scroll bar only
mode” which overlays icons onto the standard scrollbar to allow for
viewing of these artifacts. In the source map mode, we’ve replaced the
default scroll bar allow you to click on any item on the scrollbar to
navigate directly to it. This source map mode also provides a preview
of the part of the document as you hover. Finally, we have the
detailed source map mode, which allows you to get a zoom out view of
your entire file. You can switch between any of these modes by
right-clicking on the scroll bar or going to Tools
Options>Productivity Power Tools>Source Map where we have a host of
other options that you can configure.
For what it is worth if you hover on the word with a spelling error a box will appear below. You then mouse over the box and a drop arrow will appear from there you can select the correct spelling or add a word to the dictionary.