Overlapping Div despite with float - singularitygs

I am trying to do this.
with this sass.
#map {
#include grid-span(8,1);
#form {
#include grid-span(4,9);
#info {
#include grid-span(8,1);
The problem is the #form and #map div are overlapping.
This is on 12 columns grid.
I know I need the clear and float. Tried many combinations. I've read the similar questions' link on floats and isolation. Still don't get it. Please enlighten.

What you're looking is for Clears, as you noted.
In Singularity for the float, isolation, and calc output styles, all items attached to the grid are floated left, unless the span ends on the last column in a row, in which case it is floated right. That means, given your example, #map and #info are floated left and #form is floated right.
Clears can seem tricky, but I find that just saying them aloud helps. clear: left or "Clear Left" is "Clear everything floated left". clear: right or "Clear right" is "Clear everything floated right". clear: both or "Clear Both" is "Clear everything floated both left and right". clear: none or "Clear None" is "Clear nothing, be it floated left or right". In this case, "everything" is "all sibling elements that come before me".
With this in mind, what you are looking to do is clear #map. #map is floated left, so you would add clear: left to your #info item. This will clear #map but won't add in the margin you're looking for. Fortunately, percentages, even when used for top/bottom, are still based on the browser's width, so if you want the same gutter between #info and #main that you have between both of them and #form, all you need to do is add margin-top: gutter-span(); to #info.
In the end, this is the code you'd wind up having:
#map {
#include grid-span(8,1);
#form {
#include grid-span(4,9);
#info {
#include grid-span(8,1);
clear: left;
margin-top: gutter-span();
Here's a fork of your SassMesiter, showing it in action


Why are my grid-spans getting extra margins?

Using the Singularity Grid System:
I have a nested grid. Nothing fancy, just 2 column. Code is like this:
main-content { #include grid-span(8,1); }
sidebar { #include grid-span(4,9); }
It renders fine, but I keep getting undesired margins. The main content has a small margin-left and the sidebar has a small margin-right. I want these to have zero margins on the edge, similar to declaring main-content as "alpha" and sidebar as "omega."
Here is the CSS (at full desktop width):
main-content { width: 65%;float: left;margin-right: -100%;margin-left: 0.83333%;clear: none;}
sidebar-first {width: 31.66667%;float: right;margin-left: 0;margin-right: 0.83333%;clear:none;}
I didn't think this was default Singularity behavior, to add those small margins on the outer edges of my grid. Or is it? Can I get around it somehow? (besides just manually adding margin-left:0 and margin-right:0). Of course if there's margin on the outer edges, the total width of each DIV should increase as well (e.g. - for the main-content, instead of 65%, it'd be 65.83333)

Correct approach to clear row in singularitygs using isolation

I have a 2 column grid and two divs which I both want to span a single column starting in the first column. I want these to stack on top of each other but they are being overlayed on top of each other. Here is the scss:
#first {
background: red;
height: 30px;
#include grid-span(1, 1);
#second {
background: red;
height: 30px;
#include grid-span(1, 1);
I've fixed it by inserting an additional div between these two divs and using #include clearfix; or alternatively I can fix it by using #include isolate-span(2,1,'both'); on the second div.
Is there a more 'best practice' way of clearing a row like this?
As discussed in this similar question, Singularity doesn't clear your floats for you when you're using Isolation output (isolation being when each float is isolated from one another's position, as opposed to float where they are not).
The short version of that answer is to use the CSS clear property, as explained very well in the Mozilla Developer Docs

Using singularity, I find some inconsistencies in floats with wide containers

Im trying singularity for the first time, and I'm trying to recreate a grid I have. Simple one.
This is a simple structure, for the test:
main content
<footer>footer, nav, social icons etc</footer>
So in a 12 col grid, the header is full width, the main is 9 cols width, the aside is 3 cols width and the footer is full 12 cols.
Anyway, the inconsistency is this: the header, the aside, and the footer have float:right, but the main is float:left, so it gets out of the flow of the document.
This is the grid:
/* grid */
$grids: 3;
$grids: add-grid(5 at 500px);
$grids: add-grid(7 at 768px);
$grids: add-grid(12 at 1024px);
$gutters: 1/3;
This is the rest:
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
height: 100%;
background: #e1e1e1;
color: #333;
.container {
min-height: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
#include background-grid;
/* main layout */
header {
#include grid-span(3, 1);
background: red;
#include breakpoint(1024px) {
#include grid-span(12, 1);
main {
#include grid-span(3, 1);
background: green;
#include breakpoint(1024px) {
#include grid-span(7, 2);
So the issue is that, it does not respect the flow and it overlaps with the header, like this http://imageupload.maxmendez.net/images/incon.png. The green main, should be below the header.
In order to fix that, I had to do this:
main {
#include grid-span(3, 1);
background: green;
#include breakpoint(1024px) {
#include grid-span(7, 2, $options: 'right');
Adding options right, seems to clear to the right and fix my issue. Is there a reason that im overlooking as to why the mai is floating left?
Still havent tested in IE, but im worried about compatibility.
It seems as if you are unfamiliar with what the clear property does or how it works. When using the Isolation output method, you need to clear your own floats, something you may not have been exposed to with more traditional Float output method based grid systems/frameworks. A good place to read up on them is MDN's Clear section.
In the example you've provided, header spans the whole grid width. Because the last item in a grid is floated right, the header is likewise floated right. This is to hide any percentage rounding issues with the last item in a row and have them all line up to the right edge. Otherwise, all grid items are floated to the left. Because this item is floated right, in order to clear it's border edge (not have it overlap), we need to tell the next item in the DOM (your main element) to clear items floated right. This will push it below header, creating a new row. Because footer is full width and is therefore floated right, and your aside is also floated right, there is only enough room on the main/aside row for an item of width 100%-width(aside). Because footer is too wide for that remaining area, it drops to the next row without needing to clear its float. That being said, this will only not overlap with main because main and aside are the same height; if main becomes taller than aside, footer will overlap it. To prevent this, you should tell footer to clear things floated to the left, which main is.
While this all sounds fairly complicated, don't be worried about cross-browser compatibility. We have tested Singularity extensively across all browsers, including IE, and it works fine.
If after all of this you are still uncomfortable with the Isolation output method, you can switch to the Float output method. The two have very different mental models; Isolation is about discretely positioning elements in relation to each other whereas Float is more akin to walking across a row on your grid. Keep in mind that if you switch to Float you will then need to use the push and pull mixins to nudge things around the grid.
Hope this helps!

Font change, could not find why

the site : http://academie-igs.com/?lang=fr. Look at the menu (french first menu) it's called : "environment de travail". when hover on, the word wrap and go to another line...
I use firebug to check the style sheet, take screen capture that i check in Photoshop. I cannot see the problem... why it append?
I don't know what do that behavior. Can you point me where to look ?... it's a mystery for me right now !
The issue was with spacing.
Line 104 on superfish.css, replace with the following:
.sf-menu li li a:hover {padding:8px 5px 8px 17px; background:#353535; background:-moz-linear-gradient(center top , #4C4C4C, #313131) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; color:#fff !important; outline:0; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#4C4C4C), to(#313131));}
You had too much spacing on the right of it on hover on the padding property that was causing the text to wrap downward.

Using CSS max-height on an outer div to force scroll on an inner-div

I have an outer div with a variable height (and max-height) that's set with a specific pixel amount by JavaScript, containing two divs within.
The 1st div is intended to hold a variable amount of content, e.g. a list of links. It has no height set.
The 2nd div is intended to hold a fixed amount of content, and has a specific height set.
Right now, the max-height isn't working. The 1st div keeps growing, even with overflow: auto; set, and pushes the 2nd div below it outside the bounds of the outer div. How can I make it so that when the 1st div gets too large for the outer div to contain both it and the fixed-height 2nd div, the 1st div will start to scroll?
Example page: http://thevastdesign.com/scrollTest.html
Thanks for any help. I'd appreciate a CSS solution the most, even if it requires some hacks. It only has to work in Firefox 3+, IE8, and IE7.
You cant really do that without JS. Your max-height on the outer-div isnt going to control the height of one of your inner divs to invoke its scrolling. That inner div is always going to be the height you set (pixels, auto, etc..). You can either make the entire outer div scroll as needed by using overflow: auto or you can set a max height on the first inner div and set the overflow.
Given your setup, I would do the following (class names are implied by your question, not taken from the linked source):
div.outer {
position: relative;
max-height: $length(y);
overflow: hidden;
div.innerFixed {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
height: $length(y);
overflow: hidden; /* just in case, to keep things from
blowing out into all manner of crazy */
div.innerFlex {
max-height: $length(y);
overflow: auto;
These rules don't address box properties, which will have an impact on the height values that you apply. The combined height values (with box values included) of .innerFixed and .innerFlex should equal the height value of the container.
If you want to get all Zen and flip the vertical composition, you do that by swapping bottom for top on .innerFixed and assigning margin-top or padding-top to .innerFlex.
Something else I noticed is that you've got
div.outer { float: left; }
...But given what you need from that element (and to set the right content priority) I would instead suggest that you put your big column first in the source order and apply
div.mainContent {
float: right;
width: $length(x);
div.outer { /* i.e., the column that started the discussion */
margin-right: length(x);
with the understanding that the margin-right of the latter is somewhat greater than the width of the former (greater to account for the gutter between the two elements). Try it, you'll like it.
