I'm having some difficulty making my new calculator run code.
I follow tutorials but when I run my code it only responds with Done
No output shows up
A photo to sum it up:
What can I do to make it work?
A simple mistake - the command is Disp, not text.
Beginner with python - I am taking a class with data camp and in one exercise, I used " # " to add my comment, after running the code, the comment is not showing up I believe it should right.
Did I miss anything or is the exercise screen has a bug or something? This question is too simple, I may sound dump but rather focus on learning the basics before moving on. lol.
If your line starts with the comment sign #, then the python interpreter will ignore this line.
So if you run these lines:
print("Hello earth")
# print("Hello moon")
The output will be only Hello earth
I am using Rstudio and not sure how options "run" and "source" are different.
I tried googling these terms but 'source' is a very common word and wasn't able to get good search results :(
Run and source have subtly different meanings. According to the RStudio documentation,
The difference between running lines from a selection and invoking
Source is that when running a selection all lines are inserted
directly into the console whereas for Source the file is saved to a
temporary location and then sourced into the console from there
(thereby creating less clutter in the console).
Something to be aware of, is that sourcing functions in files makes them available for scripts to use. What does this mean? Imagine you are trying to troubleshoot a function that is called from a script. You need to source the file containing the function, to make the changes available in the function be used when that line in the script is then run.
A further aspect of this is that you can source functions from your scripts. I use this code to automatically source all of the functions in a directory, which makes it easy to run a long script with a single run:
# source our functions
code.dir <- "c:\temp"
code.files = dir(code.dir, pattern = "[.r]")
for (file in code.files){
source(file = file.path(code.dir,file))
Sometimes, for reasons I don't understand, you will get different behavior depending on whether you select all the lines of code and press the run the button or go to code menu and chose 'source.' For example, in one specific case, writing a gplot to a png file worked when I selected all my lines of code but the write failed to when I went to the code menu and chose 'source.' However, if I choose 'Source with Echo,' I'm able to print to a png file again.
I'm simply reporting a difference here that I've seen between the selecting and running all your lines and code and going to code menu and choosing 'source,' at least in the case when trying to print a gplot to a png file.
An important implication of #AndyClifton's answer is:
Rstudio breakpoints work in source (Ctrl-Shift-S) but not in run (Ctrl-Enter)
Presumably the reason is that with run, the code is getting passed straight into the console with no support for a partial submission.
You can still use browser() though with run though.
print() to console is supported in debugSource (Ctrl-Shift-S) as well as run.
The "run" button simply executes the selected line or lines. The "source" button will execute the entire active document. But why not just try them and see the difference?
I also just discovered that the encoding used to read the function sourced can also be different if you source the file or if you add the function of the source file to your environment with Ctrl+Enter!
In my case there was a regex with a special character (µ) in my function. When I imported the function directly (Ctrl+Enter) everything would work, while I had an error when sourcing the file containing this function.
To solve this issue I specified the encoding of the sourced file in the source function (source("utils.R", encoding = "UTF-8")).
Run will run each line of code, which means that it hits enter at the beginning of each line, which prints the output to the console. Source won't print anything unless you source with echo, which means that ggplot won't print to pngs, as another posted mentioned.
A big practical difference between run and source is that if you get an unaccounted for error in source it'll break you out of the code without finishing, whereas run will just pass the next line to the console and keep going. This has been the main practical difference I've seen working on cleaning up other people's scripts.
When using RSTudio u can press the run button in the script section - it will run the selected line.
Next to it you have the re - run button, to run the line again. and the source button next to it will run entire chuncks of code.
I found a video about this topic:
Source/Source with echo is used to execute the whole file whereas Run as far as my personal experience goes executes the line in which your cursor is present.
Thus, Run helps you to debug your code. Watch out for the environment. It will display what's happening in the stack.
To those saying plots do not show. They won't show in Plots console. But you can definitely save the plot to disc using Source in RStudio. Using this snippet:
I can confirm plots are written to disc. Furthermore print statements are also outputted to the console
I have a file named add_and_power.rb as below, and want to run it on Sublime Text.
def add_and_power a,b
puts "First number please? "
input1 = gets
puts "Second number please? "
input2 = gets
puts "The result is: ", add_and_power(input1.to_i, input2.to_i)
I run cmd+b, but it just displays,
First number please?
Second number please?
The result is:
[Finished in 0.9s]
I want to input 2 and 3 to get the answer. How can I make Sublime Text 2 ask for inputs and give back an answer?
If you want to run code within ST2, check out the SublimeREPL plugin, available through Package Control. You can either use IRB or pry, which is a lot more powerful. You can use it as a classic REPL (think Clojure or LISP), and you can also transfer your code from one tab into the running REPL in another tab by selection, line range, or block.
In some of my tests the pry REPL doesn't handle input through gets very well, but I haven't played around with it that much. YMMV - Edit - As AGS mentions below, use my_var = $stdin.gets for interactive input within SublimeREPL Ruby.
I highly highly recommend SublimeREPL, as it's a really powerful tool, and is self-contained within ST2, so you don't have to keep flipping back and forth to your terminal, saving and reloading your programs.
It is possible to run your programs when you need to have user input from the keyboard, but it isn't very nice.
When I do so, I need to input from a terminal that opens when I run Sublime, while also reading the response from the program at the bottom of the editor.
It is simply easier to run the program from the console/terminal.
So, the answer is, while it is possible to do so, there are concerns. You may need to use STDOUT.sync = true or STDOUT.flush to help manage the buffer with the OS, you have two thing to look at, while doing so... yuck.
It may not be the answer you are looking for, but as a developer, you should be comfortable running things from the console/terminal.
l = find("Start_menu.png").similar(0.5).anyColor()
The above is an excerpt from my code. "Start_menu.png" refers to an image of the Windows Start Menu. I got the following error when I executed this:
File "C:\Users\VPRAVE~1.TSI\AppData\Local\Temp\sikuli-tmp8636618870597770744.py", line 1, in
l = find("1368426219510.png").similar(0.5).anyColor().anySize()
AttributeError: 'org.sikuli.script.Match' object has no attribute 'similar'
Could some one help me out with this? And could some one tell me how to use anyColor() and anySize()?
find attempts to find something when it's called. So what your code says, in prose, is "find something that looks like 'Start_menu', then make the thing you found 0.5 similar, then make that any color"
This is wrong--you can't set the similarity threshold after the fact. Instead, call it as seen in the Sikuli docs.
Instead, say
l = find(Pattern("Start_menu.png").similar(0.5))
Here's the same code arranged vertically:
pattern = Pattern("Start_menu.png")
l = find(pattern)
The other problem is your reference to the anyColor() function, which doesn't exist. I see the code you're trying to run is from "Sikuli: Using GUI Screenshots for Search and Automation" (linked from the Sikuli docs), but this function (and the syntax used in that paper) don't exist in any extant version of Sikuli. You can see an open feature request for it on the Sikuli launchpad page.
This doesn't help you now, though. I don't know of another visual automation package that can do anyColor. If you wanted to use that feature for something, I suggest asking a new question where you describe the problem you're trying to solve, and someone may be able to suggest a work-around for that specific case.
When i run cucumber it displays the
possible steps that i should define, an example from the RSpec book:
1 scenario (1 undefined)
4 steps (4 undefined)
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
Given /^I am not yet playing$/ do
When /^I start a new game$/ do
Then /^the game should say “Welcome to CodeBreaker”$/ do
Then /^the game should say “Enter guess:”$/ do
Is there a way that it will automaticly create the step definitions file, so i don't have to
rewrite or copy paste by hand but i can just to customize them to be more generic?
Cucumber doesn't offer this feature. Probably because you would have to tell it where to put the step definitions file, and what to name it.
Like Kevin said, Cucumber would have to know the name of the file to put it in, and there are no good defaults to go with, other than using the same file name as the feature file. And that is something I consider an antipattern: http://wiki.github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber/feature-coupled-steps-antipattern
Intellij Idea or RubyIDE does exactly what you are asking for:
Detects missing step definitions
Creates missing step definitions in a new file (you choose the name of the file) or in one of the existing step definition files
Highlights matched step parameters
see http://i48.tinypic.com/10r63o4.gif for a step by step picture
There is a possibility this kind of feature could be useful, but as Kevin says, it doesn't exist at present. But it could also get quite messy, quite quickly.
Maybe you already do this, but there's nothing stopping you cut and pasting the output direct into your text editor, or even piping the output direct to your text editor if you're so inclined. Then at least you're getting pretty much most of the way there, bar creating the file and naming.
try this https://github.com/unxusr/kiwi it auto generate your feature file and make the step definitions file for you and you just fill in the steps with code.
In later version will write the code of the steps and run the test all of that automagically
You can use a work around way to generate steps file
all you have to do is to run the Cucumber on a feature doesn't have defined steps by identify a specific feature as the following command:
1) using path
bundle exec cucumber {PATH}
note path would start with features/....
for example
1) using tags
bundle exec cucumber --tags=#{TAG}
note tag should be above your scenario in the steps file
for example
And you will have the suggested steps in the console with pending status