Kibana and fixed time spans - elasticsearch

Is it possible to set a fixed timespan for a saved visualization or a saved search in Kibana 4?
I want to create one dashboard with 2 visualizations with different time spans.
A metric counting unique users within 10 min (last 10 minutes)
A metric counting todays unique users (from 00.00am until now)
Note that changing the time span on the dashboard does not affect the visualizations. Possible?

You could add a date range query to the saved search you base each visualisation on. Eg, if your timestamp field is called timestamp:
timestamp:[now-6M/M TO now]
where the time range is from 'now' to '6 months ago, rounding to the start of the month.
Because Kibana also now supports JSON-based query DSL, you could also achieve the same thing by entering this into the search box instead:
"range" : {
"timestamp" : {
"gte": "now-6M/M",
"lte": "now"
For more on date range queries see
However changing the dashboard timescale will override this if it's a subset. So if you use the above 6 month range in the saved search, but a 3 month range in the dashboard, you'll filter to 3 months of data.


Kibana nano seconds showing zeros

Kibana not showing nano seconds, it is showing zeros
Actually timestamp is available in nano seconds
How to sort the data in kibana using nano seconds precision
date data type stores dates in millisecond resolution. The date_nanos data type stores dates in nanosecond resolution, which limits its range of dates from roughly 1970 to 2262, as dates are still stored as a long representing nanoseconds since the epoch.
Queries on nanoseconds are internally converted to range queries on this long representation, and the result of aggregations and stored fields is converted back to a string depending on the date format that is associated with the field.
Date formats can be customized, but if no format is specified then it uses the default. As an example, You can customise the date field like this:
PUT my-index-000001
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"date": {
"type": "date_nanos"

ES Scripted fields on large number of data

I have a ES index with millions of records. Currently records are fetched using scroll api and are paginated. Also all fields are sortable.
I have request for new additional fields (dependent on already existing fields). So wanted to use scripted fields.
Can we apply scripted fields clubbed with scroll api and search_after api?
Can we have scripted fields data sorted?
We have a point collection system. Users have to collect certain points by doing some tasks in a certain time limit.
user1: {
"endtime": "1640807573000", // time epoch
"points": 100,
"target": 1000,
user2: {
"endtime": "1640807573000" // time epoch
"points": 200
"target": 5000,
}, ... // millions of such records
Values of endtime, points, target can be updated any time by other system.
Admins can view the report of all users on a ES based paginated tabular UI or download the whole dump of tabular report in a csv format. Now, for the Admins, we want to have visibilty of following new parameters for every user in the report.
Time left: (user.endtime - current time) // Current Time is the time when report is fetched for realtime report.
Expected work rate: ( target - points ) / ( Time left )
Zone: On basis of Expected work rate ranges, classify in 3 zones; Red, Yellow, Green
Also, these 3 new fields should have sorting, filtering and pagination.
I wanted to calculate above 3 fields using scripted fields, when the report is fetched.
Any suggestion on feasibility of above approach or recommendation for better approach?

Elasticsearch: Aggregate documents based on date range

I have a set of documents in ElasticSearch 5.5 with two date fields: start_date and end_date.
I want to aggregate them into date histogram buckets (ex: weekly) such that if the start_date < week X < end_date, then document would be in "week X" bucket.
This means that a single document might be in multiple buckets.
Consider the following concrete example: I have a set of documents describing company employees, and for each employee you have hire date and (optionally) termination date. I want to build date histogram of number of active employees for trailing twelve months.
Sample doc content:
"start_date": "2013-01-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2016-12-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"id": "123123123"
Is there a way to do this in ES?
I have found one way to do this, using filter aggregations ( If I need, say, 12 trailing months report, then I would create 12 buckets, where each bucket defines filter conditions, such as:
However, I feel that it would be nice if there was an easier way to do this, since if I want say trailing 365 days, that means I have to create 365 bucket filters, which makes resultant query very large.
I know this question is quite old but as it's still open I am sharing my knowledge on this. Also this question does not clearly explains that what kind of output is expected but still I think this can be achieved using the "Date Histogram Aggregation" and "Bucket Script Aggregation".
Here are the documentation links for both of these aggregations.

Kibana: filter events for today

I'm using Kibana on top of logstash and I want to filter items in the index to today, or the last 24 hours is fine too.
So apparently this requires me to run a range query against the underlying ElasticSearch engine that would look like:
"range" : {
"timestamp" : {
"gte": "now-24h",
"lte": "now",
However - I can't put that in the filter box in Kibana 3:
This is a numeric range query and it doesn't work - but it shows the input box and the idea.
So my question: how can I create a filter that filters the events to a date range in Kibana 3?
Found it, it's in the top menu:
Clicking it generates the range filter as can be seen as the 2nd filter on the left.

Histogram on the basis of facet counts

I am currently working on a project in which I am storing user activity logs in elasticsearch. the user field in the log is like {"user":""}. I have a timestamp field for each activity, that describes when this activity was recorded. Can i generate date histogram on the basis of number of users in a particular time period. eg the histogram entry must show the number of users on that time. I can have this implemented by obtaining facet counts, but i need to get counts on various intervals and various ranges with minimum queries. Please guide me in this regard. Thanks.
Add a facet to your query something like the following:
{"facets": {
"daily_volume": {
"date_histogram": {
"size": 100,
"field": "created_at",
"interval": "day"
"order": "time"
This returns a nice set of ordered data for the number of items per day.
I then feed this to a Google Chart (the ColumnChart works nicely for histograms), doing a conversion on the returned timestamp integer to convert it to a Date type understood correctly by the Javascript charts API.
