Angular UI Router - allow ANY query string parameter - angular-ui-router

I am using the Angular UI Router and this works well in most situations. However, I have a situation where I don't know the names of the query string parameters ahead of time.
So normally with UI router you would define a route something like this:
$stateProvider.state('test', {
url: '/test?testQueryStringParam',
templateUrl: 'Test.html',
controller: 'TestController'
Then in my controller I can access the testQueryStringParam using $stateParams.
However, with UI router you can't access any query string parameters not specified in the route definition.
The router that comes with the Angular framework, does allow you to do this. So I have tried using the $location service with my UI router defintion. This does sort of work.
When I want to add a query string parameter I use:
$"paramName", "paramValue");
When I want to get the query string values I just use:
This updates the URL, but doesn't re-instantiate the controller (like $state.go($state.current, {}, {reload: true}) would). This doesn't seem like a big problem because I can just re-load the data myself. However, if you use the back button in the browser, again it changes the URL, but doesn't re-instantiate the controller.
Is there anyway
I can get this to work using just the UI Router?
Get the workaround of using $location to actually re-instantiate the controller.?
As a last resort I also tried directing updating the window.location, but this refreshes the entire page which isn't acceptable.

You can pass non url parameters that do not appear in URL
$stateProvider.state('test', {
url: '/test?testQueryStringParam',
params: {
optParam: null,
templateUrl: 'Test.html',
controller: 'TestController'
As you can see, optParam is an optional parameter with a default value of null and will not be visible in the URL
You can access this param in your controller using $stateParams
Here is a helpful blog


How to handle redirect from supabase password recovery?

I can't figure out how I can create a custom supabase url to recover the password:
current url in the mail:
expected url:
Use supabase config
I just tried out to add the https:example.../recover url inside the Additional redirect URLs-Settings.
Seems that redirectTo works only for auth.signIn()
Got an error if I pass it to the auth.api.resetPasswordForEmail(), like: `await supabase.auth.api.resetPasswordForEmail({ email }, { redirectTo: 'http://localhost:3000/recover' })
Could not read verification params: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type string
use onAuthStateChange
I can see the current user state after clicking the reset password link in the email
But I can't redirect the user. The event logs a SIGNED_IN and then a PASSWORD_RECOVERY event, like discussed in this thread
use a middleware
I am trying to use a middleware to redirect the user based on the full path of the url, but my url ends with and so I got no indication of the recovery type
What would you suggest?
I am using Nuxt 3, Vercel and Supabase
Thanks for the question. Based on the documentation you should be able to use the redirectTo flag withresetPasswordForEmail as well.
Based on the docs you might want to try doing
supabase.auth.api.resetPasswordForEmail('', { redirectTo: 'https://myspecialwebsite/redirect' })
rather than
supabase.auth.api.resetPasswordForEmail({ email }, { redirectTo: 'http://localhost:3000/recover' })
The key difference here is that email is passed in as a string param rather than an object -- it might be clearer if you refer directly to the source
I'm not sure of the exact use case but you can also take a look at generating a custom link via the admin endpoint
Hope this helps in some way

Right way to pass and store data from Laravel to Vue

I'm not used to Vue components. My second problem is, I wanted to pass data from laravel blade, to vuejs component in the right way. Because what I did is I store it to props, then pass the props into the data property, like this:
//ticket blade
<ticket-create :menu-categories-prop="{{ json_encode($menuCategories) }}"></ticket-create>
//ticket component
export default {
props: ['menuCategoriesProp'],
this.menuCategories = this.menuCategoriesProp;
data() {
return {
menuCategories: [],
now I have menuCategoriesProp and menuCategories data, which is kinda redundant. Am I doing it wrong?
It is not a redundancy problem, it's a logic problem. You should not pass ANY variable from blade to view in my opinion. You should do something like this:
Your controller (maybe from the index method) checks if the request wants a JSON response, if not returns the view, otherwise the collection as a JSON response (go on to understand why).
When the view is loaded, VueJs loads the component and (this is how I do it) within the mounted method you make an Ajax call (maybe with axios) to your controller which will return the collection
In this way you have an asynchronous request management, that will allow you to refresh the data, and avoid to reload the page each time.
As I wrote before, I would avoid as much as possible to pass properties from blade to vue, unless they're context variables like user preferences or system settings.
Your code is ok. You can get categories over ajax. In your case, it is not recommended to use ajax.

Laravel Nova - Reload index view of a resource

I'm developing my first Nova field. It's an index field that contains a button which sends an Axios request, and when a response is being returned I need to reload the index view.
For now I got this:
The problem is that it refreshes the entire page (a hard-refresh, like when you press Cmd+R). I just want to reload the current route (which is the index route of a resource).
I also tried this:
name: 'index',
params: {
resourceName: this.resourceName,
But since I pushed the same route, it does nothing.
Any ideas?
Thank's, Daniel.
You can try something like this
let currentFilters = _.cloneDeep(this.$store.state[`${this.resourceName}`]['filters']);
await this.$store.commit(`${this.resourceName}/storeFilters`, {});
await this.$store.commit(`${this.resourceName}/storeFilters`, currentFilters);
This code will reset currently applied filters to empty object and then requests old filters again which leads to resource index updating. But be careful - this method makes two requests to the server.
I'm facing the same issue now while trying to implement custom popup component - but that's all I could do with implemented in Nova vuex store.
Idea of implementation was taken from

Django - AJAX - Why do I need url parameter?

It's my first time using AJAX and I don't understand why I need to specify url parameter in a JS Ajax call.
{% block javascript %}
$("#id_username").change(function () {
url: '/some_new_url/',
data: {
'something': ...
success: function (data) {
if (data.is_taken) {
alert("Data is already in DB");
{% endblock %}
To my understanding, AJAX is used to do something on the server side without refreshing a page. So it shouldn't redirect to a new url upon sending a data to the server, and stay on the same url. And yet AJAX call requires url parameter.
And I don' really like this, because setting a new url means I have to add another url pattern in my app/
re_path(r'^create/$', views.Some_View.as_view(), name='create'),
And as a consequence, make another view in my
class Some_View(ListView):
model = SomeModel
fields = '__all__'
But, I already have a CBV that generates form fields on the user side and accepts user inputs. I only want to make my existing CBV to save data to DB using AJAX call.
Since I don't understand what the purpose of the url is, I don't know how to set up my new url pattern, and CBV. Can I get some explanation here?
++ This is just a bonus question, but my ultimate goal is to generate multiple form fields, and multiple Submit buttons that sends the respective form input data to the server using AJAX. If there's any advice on how to tweak AJAX code, I would appreciate it.
An AJAX request is just a regular HTTP request to a url on the server. The only difference between an AJAX request and a request made by an ordinary browser GET or POST is that with AJAX, the results that come back from the server are returned to your javascript function and then you get to decide what to do with those results.
So there's no automatic updating of anything.
If you want to save something on the server, you need a view there on the server which is capable of understanding the data you are sending in the AJAX request, saving it, and then sending back a response which, again, your javascript code needs to be able to understand.
But if you already have a view which is capable of doing what you want, you can use it for your AJAX request, you just have to send a request with everything in it that the view requires.

Codeigniter router get parameter

I use $.getJSON() to retrieve some data for a couple of cascading dropdowns in my form. $.getJSON() automatically appends the parameter at the end of the URL like
So, I've declared my method like public function method($parent) which works file, but the same method will be used from other parts of the website that will call it like
I tried to create a route in routes.php like the one below:
$route['business/regions/?parent=(:num)'] = 'business/regions/$1';
but it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe ? is confusing the regex parser of the router? Do I have to escape it somehow to make it a 'literal' ? ?
Or is it that router is not used to 'rewrite' get parameters at all? I'm very confused, as it should work but it doesn't and I'm wondering what's wrong with it...
Codeigniter route parameters are for url parameters. It is particularly useful when trying to create a REST styled url pattern.
What you're trying to do is get url query string from the url which is not supported via the Codeigniter router. For you to get what you want you can do the following:
In your routes.php:
$route['business/regions'] = 'business/regions';
and in your controller Business.php:
public function regions() {
//the numeric id you're looking for
$parent = $this->input->get('parent');
