How to pass parameters to forked test processes in Gradle? - gradle

I am running UI tests in parallel with Gradle:
test {
maxParallelForks = 4
I want to pass a number of process (1,2,3,4) to each of these forked processes?
The goal is to make these tests use different virtual displays. So that these UI tests would not conflict with each other. Ideally I would like to pass system property DISPLAY=:15:1, DISPLAY=:15:2, DISPLAY=:15:3, DISPLAY=:15:4 to forked processes.

I hate to be a necroposter, but I had same problem (how to utilize forked process as index) and managed to solve it, so maybe solution below will help someone.
From mrhaki's answer on similar question, Gradle will propagate unique org.gradle.test.worker property to each forked JVM. Unfortunately for me, these worker properties do not start from 1 (so cannot be directly used as index values), but I figured out that they come in sequence. E.g. for maxParallelForks = 3 there can be org.gradle.test.worker = 33, org.gradle.test.worker = 34 and org.gradle.test.worker = 35 per forked process. Thanking to this, we can build indices from workers.
test {
maxParallelForks = 4
systemProperty 'forks', maxParallelForks
somewhere in Java:
Integer maxForks = Integer.valueOf(System.getProperty("forks", "1"));
Integer worker = Integer.valueOf(System.getProperty("org.gradle.test.worker", "1"));
int index = (worker % maxForks) + 1; // index will be 1, or 2, or 3 or 4


Gatling - Dynamic Scenario, InjectionProfile, Assertion creation based on Configuration

I am attempting to write a simulation that can read from a config file for a set of apis that each have a set of properties.
I read the config for n active scenarios and create requests from a CommonRequest class
Then those requests are built into scenarios from a CommonScenario
CommonScenarios have attributes that are using to create their injection profiles
That all seems to work no issue. But when I try to use the properties / CommonScenario request to build a set of Assertions it does not work as expected.
// get active scenarios from the config
val activeApiScenarios: List[String] = Utils.getStringListProperty("my.active_scenarios")
// build all active scenarios from config
var activeScenarios: Set[CommonScenario] = Set[CommonScenario]()
activeApiScenarios.foreach { scenario =>
activeScenarios += CommonScenarioBuilder()
.withRequestName(Utils.getProperty("my." + scenario + ".request_name"))
.withRegion(Utils.getProperty("my." + scenario + ".region"))
.withConstQps(Utils.getDoubleProperty("my." + scenario + ".const_qps"))
.withStartQps(Utils.getDoubleListProperty("my." + scenario + ".toth_qps").head)
.withPeakQps(Utils.getDoubleListProperty("my." + scenario + ".toth_qps")(1))
.withEndQps(Utils.getDoubleListProperty("my." + scenario + ".toth_qps")(2))
.withFeeder(Utils.getProperty("my." + scenario + ".feeder"))
.withAssertionP99(Utils.getDoubleProperty("my." + scenario + ".p99_lte_assertion"))
// build population builder set by adding inject profile values to scenarios
var injectScenarios: Set[PopulationBuilder] = Set[PopulationBuilder]()
var assertions : Set[Assertion] = Set[Assertion]()
activeScenarios.foreach { scenario =>
// create injection profiles from CommonScenarios
injectScenarios += scenario.getCommonScenarioBuilder
.inject(nothingFor(5 seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.startQps).to(scenario.rampUpQps).during(rampOne seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.rampUpQps).to(scenario.peakQps).during(rampTwo seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.peakQps).to(scenario.rampDownQps) during (rampTwo seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(scenario.rampDownQps).to(scenario.endQps).during(rampOne seconds)).protocols(httpProtocol)
// create scenario assertions this does not work for some reason
assertions += Assertion(Details(List(scenario.requestName)), TimeTarget(ResponseTime, Percentiles(4)), Lte(scenario.assertionP99))
Note scenario.requestName is straight from the build scenario
I would expect the Assertions get built from their scenarios into an iterable and pass into setUp().
What I get:
When I print out everything the scenarios, injects all look good but then I print my "assertions" and get 4 assertions for the same scenario name with 4 different Lte() values. This is generalized but I configured 12 apis all with different names and Lte() values, etc.
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(500.0)
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(1500.0)
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(1000.0)
Details(List(Request Name)) - TimeTarget(ResponseTime,Percentiles(4.0)) - Lte(2000.0)
After the simulation the assertions all run like normal:
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 500.0 : false
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 1500.0 : false
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 1000.0 : false
Request Name: 4th percentile of response time is less than or equal to 2000.0 : false
Not sure what I am doing wrong when building my assertions. Is this even a valid approach? I wanted to ask for help before I abandon this for a different approach.
Disclaimer: Gatling creator here.
It should work.
Then, there are several things I'm super not found of.
assertions += Assertion(Details(List(scenario.requestName)), TimeTarget(ResponseTime, Percentiles(4)), Lte(scenario.assertionP99))
You shouldn't be using the internal AST here. You should use the DSL like you've done for the injection profile.
var assertions : Set[Assertion] = SetAssertion
activeScenarios.foreach { scenario =>
You should use map on activeScenarios (similar to Java's Stream API), not use a mutable accumulator.
val activeScenarios =
val injectScenarios =
val assertions =
Also, as you seem to not be familiar with Scala, you should maybe switch to Java (supported for more than 1 year).

Low performance in springboot application (kotlin, gradle) with bootRun and without isOptimizedLaunch = false

When I run my function in junit test i have time about 1000 faster then with bootRun.
When I set in build.gradle.kts
tasks.getByName<>("bootRun") {
isOptimizedLaunch = false
time is equal then test run.
Why it happens? How I can optimize bootJar? bootJar hasn't parameter isOptimizedLaunch
Function example
package com.example.demo
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class LongFun {
fun main() {
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
for (i1 in 0..10000) {
val endTime = System.nanoTime()
val durationInNano = endTime - startTime //Total execution time in nano seconds
var durationInMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(durationInNano)
fun longFun(n: Int) {
for (i2 in 0..n) {
for (i3 in 0..n) {
var a = 1
The full code I did with (gradle, kotlin) and didn't change anything
UPDATE1. It is a simple example, in real the same problem in my app with optaplanner, it also has many calculations.
UPDATE2. With maven i have the same bad result
In test - 2ms
In gradle with isOptimizedLaunch = false - 2ms
In gradle without isOptimizedLaunch = false - 5245ms
In maven - 5146ms
From what I can tell, the optimizedLaunch property only adds the following two arguments to the JVM startup command and nothing else:
The latter is not used if you are on Java 13 or later.
These arguments are used to to make the JVM startup quicker for development and testing purposes. This comes at the cost of restrictions on the JVM ability to optimize itself at runtime. It is not unusual to see such slow performance when disabling runtime optimizations.
However, if you disable optimzedLaunch to prioritize runtime performance, you should also see the startup time on the JVM increase. On one of my Spring Boot projects, startup time went from ~7s to 13s. So on an actual project, in the development phase, you have to decide it you want to optimize for fast startup or fast runtime.
When you are at a point where you will run your application in a production setting, you will most likely use the jar file created by the bootJar (or dist) task. Here you are responsible for providing the JVM arguments. If you don't provide any, you will get the default behaviour of the JVM which is to use tiered compilation (corresponding to optimzedLaunch=false).

.Net Core Hangfire - Increase worker count

I have a .Net Core application with Hangfire implementation.
There is a recurring job per minute as below:-
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate<IS2SScheduledJobs>(x => x.ProcessInput(), Cron.MinuteInterval(1));
var hangfireOptions = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
WorkerCount = 20,
_server = new BackgroundJobServer(hangfireOptions);
The ProcessInput() internally checks the BlockingCollection() of some Ids to process, it keeps on continuously processing.
There is a time when the first ten ProcessInput() jobs keeps on processing with 10 workers where as the other new ProcessInput() jobs gets enqueued.
For this purpose, I wanted to increase the workers count, say around 50, so that there would be 50 ProcessInput() jobs being processed parallely.
Please suggest.
In the .NET Core version you can set the worker count when adding the Hangfire Server:
services.AddHangfireServer(options => options.WorkerCount = 50);
you can try increasing the worker process using this method. You have to know the number of processors running on your servers. To get 100 workers, you can try
var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions { WorkerCount = Environment.ProcessorCount * 25 };

Akka actors and Clustering-I'm having trouble with ClusterSingletonManager- unhandled event in state Start

I've got a system that uses Akka 2.2.4 which creates a bunch of local actors and sets them as the routees of a Broadcast Router. Each worker handles some segment of the total work, according to some hash range we pass it. It works great.
Now, I've got to cluster this application for failover. Based on the requirement that only one worker per hash range exist/be triggered on the cluster, it seems to me that setting up each one as a ClusterSingletonManager would make sense..however I'm having trouble getting it working. The actor system starts up, it creates the ClusterSingletonManager, it adds the path in the code cited below to a Broadcast Router, but it never instantiates my actual worker actor to handle my messages for some reason. All I get is a log message: "unhandled event ${my message} in state Start". What am I doing wrong? Is there something else I need to do to start up this single instance cluster? Am I sending the wrong actor a message?
here's my akka config(I use the default config as a fallback):
min-nr-of-members = 1
role {
workerSystem.min-nr-of-members = 1
daemonic = true
remote {
enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = ${akkaPort}
provider = akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider
single-message-bound-mailbox {
# FQCN of the MailboxType. The Class of the FQCN must have a public
# constructor with
# (, com.typesafe.config.Config) parameters.
mailbox-type = "akka.dispatch.BoundedMailbox"
# If the mailbox is bounded then it uses this setting to determine its
# capacity. The provided value must be positive.
# Up to version 2.1 the mailbox type was determined based on this setting;
# this is no longer the case, the type must explicitly be a bounded mailbox.
mailbox-capacity = 1
# If the mailbox is bounded then this is the timeout for enqueueing
# in case the mailbox is full. Negative values signify infinite
# timeout, which should be avoided as it bears the risk of dead-lock.
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 1
type = PinnedDispatcher
executor = "thread-pool-executor"
# Throughput defines the number of messages that are processed in a batch
# before the thread is returned to the pool. Set to 1 for as fair as possible.
throughput = 500
thread-pool-executor {
# Keep alive time for threads
keep-alive-time = 60s
# Min number of threads to cap factor-based core number to
core-pool-size-min = ${workerCount}
# The core pool size factor is used to determine thread pool core size
# using the following formula: ceil(available processors * factor).
# Resulting size is then bounded by the core-pool-size-min and
# core-pool-size-max values.
core-pool-size-factor = 3.0
# Max number of threads to cap factor-based number to
core-pool-size-max = 64
# Minimum number of threads to cap factor-based max number to
# (if using a bounded task queue)
max-pool-size-min = ${workerCount}
# Max no of threads (if using a bounded task queue) is determined by
# calculating: ceil(available processors * factor)
max-pool-size-factor = 3.0
# Max number of threads to cap factor-based max number to
# (if using a bounded task queue)
max-pool-size-max = 64
# Specifies the bounded capacity of the task queue (< 1 == unbounded)
task-queue-size = -1
# Specifies which type of task queue will be used, can be "array" or
# "linked" (default)
task-queue-type = "linked"
# Allow core threads to time out
allow-core-timeout = on
fork-join-executor {
# Min number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
parallelism-min = 1
# The parallelism factor is used to determine thread pool size using the
# following formula: ceil(available processors * factor). Resulting size
# is then bounded by the parallelism-min and parallelism-max values.
parallelism-factor = 3.0
# Max number of threads to cap factor-based parallelism number to
parallelism-max = 1
Here's where I create my Actors(its' written in Groovy):
Props clusteredProps = ClusterSingletonManager.defaultProps("worker".toString(), PoisonPill.getInstance(), "workerSystem",
new ClusterSingletonPropsFactory(){
Props create(Object handOverData) {"called in ClusterSingetonManager")
Props.create(WorkerActorCreator.create(applicationContext, it.start, it.end)).withDispatcher("").withMailbox("")
} )
ActorRef manager = system.actorOf(clusteredProps, "worker-${it.start}-${it.end}".toString())
String path = manager.path().child("worker").toString()
when I try to send a message to the actual worker actor, should the path above resolve? Currently it does not.
What am I doing wrong? Also, these actors live within a Spring application, and the worker actors are set up with some #Autowired dependencies. While this Spring integration worked well in a non-clustered environment, are there any gotchyas in a clustered environment I should be looking out for?
thank you
FYI:I've also posted this in the akka-user google group. Here's the link.
The path in your code is to the ClusterSingletonManager actor that you start on each node with role "workerSystem". It will create a child actor (WorkerActor) with name "worker-${it.start}-${it.end}" on the oldest node in the cluster, i.e. singleton within the cluster.
You should also define the name of the ClusterSingletonManager, e.g. system.actorOf(clusteredProps, "workerSingletonManager").
You can't send the messages to the ClusterSingletonManager. You must send them to the path of the active worker, i.e. including the address of the oldest node. That is illustrated by the ConsumerProxy in the documentation.
I'm not sure you should use a singleton at all for this. All workers will be running on the same node, the oldest. I would prefer to discuss alternative solutions to your problem at the akka-user google group.

ContainerLaunchContext.setResource() missing of hadoop yarn
I am try to make the example work well from the above link.but I can't compile the code below
Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class);
// Set the container launch content into the
// ApplicationSubmissionContext
amContainer is ContainerLaunchContext and my hadoop version is 2.1.0-beta.
I did some investigation. I found there's no method "setResource" in ContainerLaunchContext
I have 3 question about this
1) the method has been removed or something?
2) if the method has been removed, how can I do now?
3) is there any doc about yarn, because I found the doc in website is very easy, I hope I can get a manual or something. for example,
I don't know it's 512k or 512M according comments in code.
This is actually proper solution to the question. Previous answer might cause incorrect execution !!!
#Dyin I couldn't fit it in the comment ;) Validated for 2.2.0 and 2.3.0
Driver setting up resources for AppMaster:
ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext = app.getApplicationSubmissionContext();
ApplicationId appId = appContext.getApplicationId();
// Set up the container launch context for the application master
ContainerLaunchContext amContainer = Records.newRecord(ContainerLaunchContext.class);
Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class);
Priority pri = Records.newRecord(Priority.class);
// Submit the application to the applications manager
yarnClient.submitApplication(appContext); // this.yarnClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient();
In ApplicationMaster this is how you should specify resources for containers (workers).
private AMRMClient.ContainerRequest setupContainerAskForRM() {
// setup requirements for hosts
// using * as any host will do for the distributed shell app
// set the priority for the request
Priority pri = Records.newRecord(Priority.class);
// Set up resource type requirements
// For now, only memory is supported so we set memory requirements
Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class);
AMRMClient.ContainerRequest request = new AMRMClient.ContainerRequest(capability, null, null,
return request;
Some run() or main() method in your AppMaster
AMRMClientAsync.CallbackHandler allocListener = new RMCallbackHandler();
resourceManager = AMRMClientAsync.createAMRMClientAsync(1000, allocListener);
for (int i = 0; i < numTotalContainers; ++i) {
AMRMClient.ContainerRequest containerAsk = setupContainerAskForRM();
resourceManager.addContainerRequest(containerAsk); //
Launching containers
You can use the original answer solution (java cmd), but it's just a cherry on top. It should work anyway.
You can set memory available to ApplicationMaster via commend. As such:
// Set the necessary command to execute the application master
Vector<CharSequence> vargs = new Vector<CharSequence>(30);
vargs.add("-Xmx" + amMemory + "m"); // notice "m" indicating megabytes, you can use also -Xms combined with -Xmx
... // transform vargs to String commands
This should solve your problem. As for the 3 questions. Yarn is rapidly evolving software. My advice forget documentation, get source code and read it. This will answer a lot of your questions.
