Best and worst case time for Algorithm S when time complexity changes in accordance to n being even/odd - algorithm

The following is a homework assignment, so I would rather get hints or bits of information that would help me figure this out, and not complete answers.
Consider S an algorithm solution to a problem that takes as input an array A of size n. After analysis, the following conclusion was obtained:
Algorithm S executes an O(n)-time computation for each even number in A.
Algorithm S executes an O(logn)-time computation for each odd number in A.
What are the best and worst case time for algorithm S?
From this I understand that the time complexity changes in accordance to n being even or odd. In other words, if n is even, S takes O(n) time and when n is odd, S takes O(logn).
Is it a simple matter of taking the best case and the worst case of both growth-rates, and choosing their boundaries? Meaning:
Best case of O(n) is O(1), and worst case is O(n).
Best case of O(logn) is O(logn) and worst case is O(logn).
Therefore the best case for Algorithm S is O(logn) and the worst case is O(n)?
Am I missing something? or am I wrong in assessing the different best/worst case of both cases of big-Oh?
1st attempt:
Ok, so I completely misunderstood the problem. Thanks to candu, I can now better understand what is required of me, and so try to calculate the best and worst case better.
It seems that Algorithm S changes its runtime according to EACH number in A. If the number is even, the runtime is O(n), and if the number is odd, we get O(logn).
The worst case will be composed of an array A of n even numbers, and for each the algorithm will run O(n). In other words, the worst case runtime for Algorithm S should be n*O(n).
The best case will be composed of an array A of n odd numbers, and for each the algorithm will run O(logn). The best case runtime for algorithm S should be n*O(logn).
Am I making any sense? is it true then that:
Best case of algorithm S is nO(logn) and worst case is nO(n)?
If that is true, can it be rewritten? for example, as O(log^n(n)) and O(n^n)? or is this an arithmetic mistake?
2nd attempt:
Following JuanLopes' response, it seems like I can rewrite nO(n) as O(n*n) or O(n^2), and nO(logn) as O(nlogn).
Does it make sense now that Algorithm S runs at O(nlogn) at the best case, and O(n^2) at the worst case?

There's a bit of confusion here: the algorithm runtime doesn't depend on n being even or odd, but on whether the numbers in A are even or odd.
With that in mind, what sort of input A would make Algorithm S run faster? Slower?
Also: it doesn't make sense to say that the best case of O(n) is O(1). Suppose I have an algorithm ("Algorithm Q") that is O(n); all I can say is that there exists a constant c such that, for any input of size n, Algorithm Q takes less than cn time. There is no guarantee that I can find specific inputs for which Algorithm Q is O(1).
To give a concrete example, this takes linear time no matter what input it is passed:
def length(A):
len = 0
for x in A:
len += 1
return len

A few thoughts.
First, there is no mention of asymptotically tight time. So an O(n) algorithm can actually be an O(logn) one. So just imagine the best case running time this algorithm can be in this case. I know, this is a little picky. But this is a homework, I guess it's always welcome to mention all the possibilities.
Second, even if it's asymptotically tight, it doesn't necessarily mean it's tight for all elements. Consider insertion sort. For each new element to insert, we need to find the correct position in the previous already-sorted subarray. The time is proportional to the number of element in subarray, which has the upper bound O(n). But it doesn't mean each new element need exactly #n comparisons to insert. Actually, the shorter the subarray, the quicker the insertion.
Back to this question. "executes an O(logn)-time computation for each odd number in A." Let's assume all odd nubmers. It could be that the first odd takes O(log1), the second odd takes O(log2), .. the nth takes O(logn). Totally, it takes O(logn!). It doesn't contradicts "O(logn) for each odd number".
As to worst case, you may analysize it in much the same way.


K Closest with unsorted array

I am prepping for interview leet-code type problems and I came across the k closest problem, but given a sorted array. This problem requires finding the k closest elements by value to an input value from the array. The answer to this problem was fairly straight forward and I did not have any issues determining a linear-time algorithm to solve it.
However, working on this problem got me thinking. Is it possible to solve this problem given an unsorted array in linear time? My first thought was to use a heap and that would give an O(nlogk) time complexity solution, but I am trying to determine if its possible to come up with an O(n) solution? I was thinking about possibly using something like quickselect, but the issue is that this has an expected time of O(n), not a worst case time of O(n).
Is this even possible?
The median-of-medians algorithm makes Quickselect take O(n) time in the worst case.
It is used to select a pivot:
Divide the array into groups of 5 (O(n))
Find the median of each group (O(n))
Use Quickselect to find the median of the n/5 medians (O(n))
The resulting pivot is guaranteed to be greater and less than 30% of the elements, so it guarantees linear time Quickselect.
After selecting the pivot, of course, you have to continue on with the rest of Quickselect, which includes a recursive call like the one we made to select the pivot.
The worst case total time is T(n) = O(n) + T(0.7n) + T(n/5), which is still linear. Compared to the expected time of normal Quickselect, though, it's pretty slow, which is why we don't often use this in practice.
Your heap solution would be very welcome at an interview, I'm sure.
If you really want to get rid of the logk, which in practical applications should seldom be a problem, then yes, using Quickselect would be another option. Something like this:
Partition your array in values smaller and larger than x. <- O(n).
For the lower half, run Quickselect to find the kth largest number, then take the right-side partition which are your k largest numbers. <- O(n)
Repeat step 2 for the higher half, but for the k smallest numbers. <- O(n)
Merge your k smallest and k largest numbers and extract the k closest numbers. <- O(k)
This gives you a total time complexity of O(n), as you said.
However, a few points about your worry about expected time vs worst-case time. I understand that if an interview question explicitly insists on worst-case O(n), then this solution might not be accepted, but otherwise, this can well be considered O(n) in practice.
The key here being that for randomized quickselect and random or well-behaved input, the probability that the time complexity goes beyond O(n) decreases exponentially as the input grows. Meaning that already at largeish inputs, the probability is as small as guessing at a specific atom in the known universe. The assumption on well-behaved input concerns being somewhat random in nature and not adversarial. See this discussion on a similar (not identical) problem.

How do i measure the O-notation of a for loop?

i have a question about O-notation. (big O)
In my code, i am using a for loop to iterate through an array of users.
The for loop has if-statements that makes it break out of the loop, if the rigth user is found.
My question is how i measure the O-notation?
Is the O-notation is O(N) as i loop through all the users in the array?
Or is the O-notation O(1), as the loop breaks and never runs again?
O notation defines an "order of" relationship between an amount of work (however measured) and the number of items processed (usually 'n'). So "O(n)" means "in direct proportion to the number of items n". "O(1)" means simply "constant". If a loop processes every item once then the amount of work is intuitively in direct proportion to n, but let's say that your exit condition gets hit on average half way through, we might be tempted to say that this is O(n/2), but instead we still say that it is O(n) because the relationship to n is still direct/linear. Similarly if you were to assess the relationship to be O(7n^3 + 2n), you'd say the relationship was simply O(n^3) because n^3 is the term that dominates as n grows large.
The answer to your specific question is therefore O(n) because the number of iterations is in direct proportion to n. All that this says is that if N user records take M milliseconds to process, 2N should take about 2M milliseconds.
It is probably worth noting that O notation is strictly concerned with worst case and not the average cost of algorithms (although I have started to find that it is quite common for people to use it in the latter sense). It is always a good idea to specify to avoid ambiguity.
Big O notation answers the following two questions:
If there are N data elements, how many steps will the algorithm take?
How will the performance of the algorithm change if the number of data elements increases?
Best-case scenario in your case is that the user you are searching for is found at the first index. Time complexity in this case would be O(1) because number of steps taken by the algorithm are constant and do not change if the number of elements in the array are changed.
The worst-case scenario is that your loop will have to iterate over all the users. That makes the time complexity to be O(N) because number of steps taken by the algorithm will be directly proportional to the number of elements in the array.
Big O notation generally refers to the worst-case scenario, so you can say that the time complexity in your case is O(N).
Best case complexity of for loop is O(1) and worst case complexity is O(N). In linear search best case is O(N) and worst case is O(N). It also depends on the approach followed by you to solve problem. Like for(int i = n; i>1; i=i/2) in this case complexity is O(log(N). Complexity of if else condition is O(1).

Big O time complexity of worst case quick sort?

What I think I understand.
In the worst case the quick-sort algorithm picks the largest or smallest key in list/array to be sorted for every recursive call(if recursive implementation). I understand that the size of n will determine both the number of recursive calls and the number of comparisons(which will decrease by 1 with every step of recursion). So we have n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+2+1 number of primitive comparison in total.
What I don't understand.
The part I don't quite grasp is how this is O(n^2)? Like I know that it is at least O(n^2) as n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+2+1 < n^2 but how do I know it isn't say O(n*logn)? Do I have to prove that result to safely confirm it is O(n^2) or is that immediately obvious in a way I can't see? I guess in general how do I know that I have found the lowest function that represents the big O time complexity.
n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+1 = n(n+1)/2 (you can prove it by mathematical induction), which obviously is O(n^2).

Does every algorithm has a best case data input?

Does every algorithm has a 'best case' and 'worst case' , this was a question raised by someone who answered it with no ! I thought that every algorithm has a case depending on its input so that one algorithm finds that a particular set of input are the best case but other algorithms consider it the worst case.
so which answer is correct and if there are algorithms that doesn't have a best case can you give an example ?
Thank You :)
No, not every algorithm has a best and worst case. An example of that is the linear search to find the max/min element in an unsorted array: it always checks all items in the array no matter what. It's time complexity is therefore Theta(N) and it's independent of the particular input.
Best Case input is the casein which your code would take the least number of procedure calls. eg. You have an if in your code and in that, you iterate for every element and no such functionality in else part. So, any input in which the code does not enter if block will be the best case input and conversely, any input in which code enters this if will be worst case for this algorithm.
If, for any algorithm, branching or recursion or looping causes a difference in complexity factor for that algorithm, it will have a possible best case or possible worst case scenario. Otherwise, you can say that it does not or that it has similar complexity for best case or worst case.
Talking about sorting algorithms, lets take example of merge and quick sorts. (I believe you know them well, and their complexities for that matter).
In merge sort every time, array is divided into two equal parts thus taking log n factor in splitting while in recombining, it takes O(n) time (for every split, of course). So, total complexity is always O(n log n) and it does not depend on the input. So, you can either say merge sort has no best/worst case conditions or its complexity is same for best/worst cases.
On the other hand, if quick sort (not randomized, pivot always the 1st element) is given a random input, it will always divide the array in two parts, (may or may not be equal, doesn't matter) and if it does this, log factor of its complexity comes into picture (though base won't always be 2). But, if the input is sorted already (ascending or descending) it will always split it into 1 element + rest of array, so will take n-1 iterations to split the array, which changes its O(log n) factor to O(n) thereby changing complexity to O(n^2). So, quick sort will have best and worst cases with different time complexities.
Well, I believe every algorithm has a best and worst case though there's no guarantee that they will differ. For example, the algorithm to return the first element in an array has an O(1) best, worst and average case.
Contrived, I know, but what I'm saying is that it depends entirely on the algorithm what their best and worst cases are, but the cases will exist, even if they're the same, or unbounded at the top end.
I think its reasonable to say that most algorithms have a best and a worst case. If you think about algorithms in terms of Asymptotic Analysis you can say that a O(n) search algorithm will perform worse than a O(log n) algorithm. However if you provide the O(n) algorithm with data where the search item is early on in the data set and the O(log n) algorithm with data where the search item is in the last node to be found the O(n) will perform faster than the O(log n).
However an algorithm that has to examine each of the inputs every time such as an Average algorithm won't have a best/worst as the processing time would be the same no matter the data.
If you are unfamiliar with Asymptotic Analysis (AKA big O) I suggest you learn about it to get a better understanding of what you are asking.

Which is bigger: O(n*logn) or O(1)?

We are going over the master theorem in my algorithms class, and for one problem, I'm trying to compare nlogn vs 1 to figure out which case of the MT it falls under. But I'm having a hard timing figuring out which is bigger.
Edit: This is for solving a recurrence problem. The equation is T(n) = 2T(n/4) + N*LogN. Just threw this in incase it helps.
Think about it this way:
O(N*LogN) will increase with N in such a way that for any X, no matter how large, you can find a value of N such that N*LogN is greater than X.
O(1) will stay the same, no matter what N is.
This means that O(1) is asymptotically better, i.e. for some (perhaps very high) value of N the O(N*LogN) will become slower.
If an algorithm is O(NlogN) that means that there exists a number A and a quantity of execution time B, such that for any input size N greater than A, the execution time will be less than B times NlogN.
If an algorithm is O(1), that would mean that there exists some fixed amount of time C in which the algorithm would be guaranteed to complete regardless of the input size.
In comparing two algorithms, one of which is O(NlgN) and one of which is O(1), one will generally discover that the O(1) algorithm is faster for values of N that are sufficiently large, but in many cases the O(NlgN) algorithm may be faster for small values of N.
Indeed, while something like an O(N^3) or O(N^4) algorithm would generally seem pretty bad, it's possible that even an O(N^4) algorithm may outperform an O(1) algorithm if N is usually a small number (e.g. 1-5 or so) and never gets very big (even an occasional value of 50 could seriously dog performance).
