Bash: Pass alias or function as argument to program - bash

Quite often i need to work on the newest file in a directory.
Normally i do:
ls -rt
and then open the last file in vim or less.
Now i wanted to produce an alias or function, like
lastline() {ls -rt | tail -n1}
# or
alias lastline=$(ls -rt | tail -n1)
Calling lastline outputs the newest file in the directory, which is nice.
But calling
less lastline
wants to open the file "lastline" which doesn't exist.
How do i make bash execute the function or alias, if possible without a lot of typing $() or ``?
Or is there any other way to achieve the same result?
Thanks for your help.

You're parsing ls, and this is very bad. Moreover, if the last modified “file” is a directory, you'll be lessing/viming a directory.
So you need a robust way to determine the last modified file in the current directory. You may use a helper function like the following (that you'll put in your .bashrc):
last_modified_regfile() {
# Finds the last modified regular file in current directory
# Found file is in variable last_modified_regfile_ret
# Returns a failure return code if no reg files are found
local file
for file in *; do
[[ -f $file ]] || continue
if [[ -z $last_modified_regfile_ret ]] || [[ $file -nt $last_modified_regfile_ret ]]; then
[[ $last_modified_regfile_ret ]]
Then you may define another function that will vim the last found file:
vimlastline() {
last_modified_regfile && vim -- "$last_modified_regfile_ret"
You may even have last_modified_regfile take optional arguments: the directories where it will find the last modified regular file:
last_modified_regfile() {
# Finds the last modified regular file in current directory
# or in directories given as arguments
# Found file is in variable last_modified_regfile_ret
# Returns a failure return code if no reg files are found
local file dir
local save_shopt_nullglob=$(shopt -p nullglob)
shopt -s nullglob
(( $# )) || set .
for dir; do
[[ -d $dir/ ]] || continue
for file in "$dir"/*; do
[[ -f $file ]] || continue
if [[ -z $last_modified_regfile_ret ]] || [[ $file -nt $last_modified_regfile_ret ]]; then
[[ $last_modified_regfile_ret ]]
Then you can even alter vimlastline accordingly:
vimlastline() {
last_modified_regfile "$#" && vim -- "$last_modified_regfile_ret"

Use command substitution like this:
lastline() { ls -rt | tail -n1; }
less "$(lastline)"
Or pipe it to xargs:
lastline | xargs -I {} less '{}'


Shell Script: Get newest file (of an extension) from a directory

I want to get newest file in a directory. I am using
BashFAQ/099 as reference.
My Code:
function newest_file() {
local file_ext="$2"
local files=("$1"/*."${file_ext}")
local newest="${files[#]:0:1}"
for f in "${files[#]}"; do
if [[ "$f" -nt "$newest" ]]; then
echo "$newest"
newest_file "${1:-$HOME/Downloads}" "${2:-*}"
➜ bash $HOME/reports txt
➜ bash $HOME/reports
newest_file:2: no matches found: /home/ashwin/reports/*.*
I get error when file extension is *. I want to understand why . does not work.
I also want to understand the (..) syntax used for creating array of files in directory, i.e. files=("$1"/*.${file_ext}) in my code above.
As suggested by #Cyrus, updating code as per
On futher debug and reading other posts, I figured that passing asterisk as parameter is troublesome. I am updating my code to check any special characters being passed in $2 as below:
newest_file() {
local file_ext="$2"
if [[ ! "${file_ext}" =~ ^[.a-zA-Z0-9]*$ ]]; then
echo "ERROR: file extension can have "." or alphanumberic characters. Don't provide any ext if all files should be checked"
return 1
[[ -z "${file_ext}" ]] && local files=("$1"/*) || local files=("$1"/*.${file_ext})
local newest="${files[#]:0:1}"
for f in "${files[#]}"; do
if [[ $f -nt $newest ]]; then
echo "$newest"
newest_file "${1:-$HOME/Downloads}" "${2}"
Unless anyone can provide a simple solution to passing asterisk, I will go with the above solution.

How can I check if exists file with name according to "template" in the directory?

Given variable with name template , for example: template=*.txt.
How can I check if files with name like this template exist in the current directory?
For example, according to the value of the template above, I want to know if there is files with the suffix .txt in the current directory.
I would do it like this with just built-ins:
templcheck () {
for f in * .*; do
[[ -f $f ]] && [[ $f = $1 ]] && return 0
return 1
This takes the template as an argument (must be quoted to prevent premature expansion) and returns success if there was a match in the current directory. This should work for any filenames, including those with spaces and newlines.
Usage would look like this:
$ ls
file1.txt 'has space1.txt' script.bash
$ templcheck '*.txt' && echo yes
$ templcheck '*.md' && echo yes || echo no
To use with the template contained in a variable, that expansion has to be quoted as well:
templcheck "$template"
Use find:
: > found.txt # Ensure the file is empty
find . -prune -exec find -name "$template" \; > found.txt
if [ -s found.txt ]; then
echo "No matching files"
echo "Matching files found"
Strictly speaking, you can't assume that found.txt contains exactly one file name per line; a filename with an embedded newline will look the same as two separate files. But this does guarantee that an empty file means no matching files.
If you want an accurate list of matching file names, you need to disable field splitting while keeping pathname expansion.
[[ -v IFS ]] && OLD_IFS=$IFS
shopt -s nullglob
files=( $template )
[[ -v OLD_IFS ]] && IFS=$OLD_IFS
printf "Found: %s\n" "${files[#]}"
This requires several bash extensions (the nullglob option, arrays, and the -v operator for convenience of restoring IFS). Each element of the array is exactly one match.

Recursively list hidden files without ls, find or extendedglob

As an exercise I have set myself the task of recursively listing files using bash builtins. I particularly don't want to use ls or find and I would prefer not to use setopt extendedglob. The following appears to work but I cannot see how to extend it with /.* to list hidden files. Is there a simple workaround?
g() { for k in "$1"/*; do # loop through directory
[[ -f "$k" ]] && { echo "$k"; continue; }; # echo file path
[[ -d "$k" ]] && { [[ -L "$k" ]] && { echo "$k"; continue; }; # echo symlinks but don't follow
g "$k"; }; # start over with new directory
done; }; g "/Users/neville/Desktop" # original directory
Added later: sorry - I should have said: 'bash-3.2 on OS X'
for k in "$1"/*; do
for k in "$1"/* "$1"/.[^.]* "$1"/..?*; do
The second glob matches all files whose names start with a dot followed by anything other than a dot, while the third matches all files whose names start with two dots followed by something. Between the two of them, they will match all hidden files other than the entries . and ...
Unfortunately, unless the shell option nullglob is set, those (like the first glob) could remain as-is if there are no files whose names match (extremely likely in the case of the third one) so it is necessary to verify that the name is actually a file.
An alternative would be to use the much simpler glob "$1"/.*, which will always match the . and .. directory entries, and will consequently always be substituted. In that case, it's necessary to remove the two entries from the list:
for k in "$1"/* "$1"/.*; do
if ! [[ $k =~ /\.\.?$ ]]; then
# ...
(It is still possible for "$1"/* to remain in the list, though. So that doesn't help as much as it might.)
Set the GLOBIGNORE file to exclude . and .., which implicitly turns on "shopt -u dotglob". Then your original code works with no other changes.
user#host [/home/user/dir]
$ touch file
user#host [/home/user/dir]
$ touch .dotfile
user#host [/home/user/dir]
$ echo *
user#host [/home/user/dir]
user#host [/home/user/dir]
$ echo *
.dotfile file
Note that this is bash-specific. In particular, it does not work in ksh.
You can specify multiple arguments to for:
for k in "$1"/* "$1"/.*; do
But if you do search for .* in directories , you should be aware that it also gives you the . and .. files. You may also be given a nonexistent file if the "$1"/* glob matches, so I would check that too.
With that in mind, this is how I would correct the loop:
g() {
local k subdir
for k in "$1"/* "$1"/.*; do # loop through directory
[[ -e "$k" ]] || continue # Skip missing files (unmatched globs)
[[ "$subdir" = . ]] || [[ "$subdir" = .. ]] && continue # Skip the pseudo-directories "." and ".."
if [[ -f "$k" ]] || [[ -L "$k" ]]; then
printf %s\\n "$k" # Echo the paths of files and symlinks
elif [[ -d "$k" ]]; then
g "$k" # start over with new directory
g ~neville/Desktop
Here the funky-looking ${k##*/} is just a fast way to take the basename of the file, while local was put in so that the variables don't modify any existing variables in the shell.
One more thing I've changed is echo "$k" to printf %s\\n "$k", because echo is irredeemably flawed in its argument handling and should be avoided for the purpose of echoing an unknown variable. (See Rich's sh tricks for an explanation of how; it boils down to -n and -e throwing a spanner in the works.)
By the way, this will NOT print sockets or fifos - is that intentional?

bash string length in a loop

I am looping through a folder and depending on the length of files do certain condition. I seem not to come right with that. I evaluate and output the length of a string in the terminal.
echo $file|wc -c gives me the answer of all files in the terminal.
But incorporating this into a loop is impossible
for file in `*.zip`; do
if [[ echo $file|wc -c ==9]]; then
some commands
where I want to operate on files that have a length of nine characters
Try this one:
for file in *.zip ; do
wcout=$(wc -c "$file")
if [[ ${wcout%% *} -eq 9 ]] ; then
# some commands
The %% operator in variable expansion deletes everything that match the pattern after it. This is glob pattern, not regular expression.
Opposite to natural good sense of typical programmers the == operator in BASH compares strings, not numbers.
Alternatively (following the comment) you can:
for file in *.zip ; do
wcout=$(wc -c < "$file")
if [[ ${wcout} -eq 9 ]] ; then
# some commands
Additional observation is that if BASH cannot expand *.zip as there is no ZIP files in the current directory it will pass "*.zip" into $file and let single iteration of the loop. That leads to the error reported by wc command. So it would be recommended to add:
if [[ -e ${file} ]] ; then ...
as a prevention mechanism.
Comments leads to another form of this solution (plus I added my safety mechanism):
for file in *.zip ; do
if [[ -e "$file" && (( $(wc -c < "$file") == 9 )) ]] ; then
# some commands
using filter outside the loop
ls -1 *.zip \
| grep -E '^.{9}$' \
| while read FileName
# Your action
using filter inside loop
ls -1 *.zip \
| while read FileName
if [ ${#FileName} -eq 9 ]
# Your action
alternative to ls -1 that is always a bit dangereous, find . -name '*.zip' -print [ but you neet to add 2 char length or filter the name form headin ./ and maybe limit to current folder depth ]

While loop does not execute

I currently have this code:
listing=$(find "$PWD")
while read listing;
if [ -f "$listing" ]
path=`echo "$listing" | awk -F/ '{print $(NF)}'`
fullnames="$fullnames $path"
echo $fullnames
For some reason, this script isn't working, and I think it has something to do with the way that I'm writing the while loop / declaring listing. Basically, the code is supposed to pull out the actual names of the files, i.e. blah.txt, from the find $PWD.
read listing does not read a value from the string listing; it sets the value of listing with a line read from standard input. Try this:
# Ignoring the possibility of file names that contain newlines
while read; do
[[ -f $REPLY ]] || continue
fullnames+=( $path )
echo "${fullnames[#]}"
done < <( find "$PWD" )
With bash 4 or later, you can simplify this with
shopt -s globstar
for f in **/*; do
[[ -f $f ]] || continue
path+=( "$f" )
