Tamura distance measure using ELKI library - algorithm

I am making use of the ELKI library to perform some distance measure between features.
Among other features, I am planing to implement Tamura features. From the research that I have done, this algorithm return a vector that represents three 'unrelated' features. (1st element: coarseness, 2nd element: contrast, 3rd-18th element: directional). Shall the distance between two tamura feature vectors be measured as a whole OR is it better for the distance between these three features to be measured independently (possible with different distance functions)?
Besides I read that Chisqaure and Quadratic-form distance are good algorithms to measure distance between histograms since they utilizes information across bins to retrieve more perceptually desirable results. However, I am still not sure whether such algorithms are adequate to measure the directionality histogram part of the Tamura feature. Can someone suggest a good distance function for such situation?


What are some popular distance measuring techniques between images?

In machine learning, a lot of techniques require defining a metric between different data points. I want to know what are some popular metrics when the data are images.
An obvious way of measuring distance between images is to sum up the squares of pixel errors. But this is sensitive to simple transformations like translation. For example, even shifting the whole image by one pixel could result in a large distance.
What are some other distance measuring techniques that is more compatible with translation, rotations, etc.?
Wasserstein distance(earth mover's distance) and kullback leibler divergence are the two that I have come across while studying literature about Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs).

To make a distance matrix or to repeatedly calculate distance

I'm working on K-medoids algorithm implementation. It is a clustering algorithm and one of its steps includes finding the most representative point in a cluster.
So, here's the thing
I have a certain number of clusters
Each cluster contains a certain number of points
I need to find the point in each cluster that results with the least error if it is picked as a cluster representative
Distance from each point to all the other in the cluster needs to be calculated
This distance calculation could be simple as Euclidean or more complex like DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) between two signals
There are two approaches, one is to calculate distance matrix that will save values between all the points in the dataset and the other is to calculate distances during clustering, which results that distances between some points will be calculated repeatedly.
On one hand, to build distance matrix you must calculate distances between all points in the whole dataset and some of calculated values will never be used.
On the other hand, if you don't build the distance matrix, you will repeat some calculations in certain number of iterations.
Which is the better approach?
I'm also considering MapReduce implementation, so opinions from that angle are also welcome.
A 3rd approach could be a combination of both, and is lazily evaluating the distance matrix. Initialize a matrix with default values (unrealistic values, like negative ones), and when you need to calculate distance between two points, if the values is already present in the matrix - just take it from it.
Otherwise, calculate it and store it in the matrix.
This approach trades calculations (and is optimal in doing the lowest number of possible pair calculations), for more branches in the code, and a few more instructions. However, due to branch predictors, I assume this overhead will not be that dramatic.
I predict it will have better performance when the calculation is relatively expansive.
Another optimization of it could be to dynamically switch for a plain matrix implementation (and calculate the remaining part of the matrix) when the number of already calculated exceeds a certain threshold. This can be achieved pretty nicely in OOP languages, by switching the implementation of the interface when a certain threshold is met.
Which is actually better implementation is going to rely heavily on the cost of the distance function, and the data you are clustering, as some will need to calculate the same points more often than other data sets.
I suggest doing a benchmark, and using statistical tools to evaluate which method is actually better.

Demons algorithm for image registration (for dummies)

I was trying to make a application that compares the difference between 2 images in java with opencv. After trying various approaches I came across the algorithm called Demons algorithm.
To me it seems to give the difference of images by some transformation on each place. But I couldn't understand it since the references I found were too complex for me.
Even the demons algorithm does not do what I need I'm interested in learning it.
Can any one explain simply what happens in the demons algorithm and how to write a simple code to use that algorithm on 2 images.
I can give you an overview of general algorithms for deformable image registration, demons is one of them
There are 3 components of the algorithm, a similarity metric, a transformation model and an optimization algorithm.
A similarity metric is used to compute pixel based / patch based similarity between pixels/patches. Common similarity measures are SSD, normalized cross correlation for mono-modal images while information theoretic measures like mutual information are used in the case of multi-modal image registration.
In the case of deformable registration, they generally have a regular grid super-imposed over the image and the grid is deformed by solving an optimization problem which is formulated such that the similarity metric and the smoothness penalty imposed over the transformation is minimized. In deformable registration, once there are deformations over the grid, the final transformation at the pixel level is computed using a B-Spine interpolation of the grid at the pixel level so that the transformation is smooth and continuous.
There are 2 general approaches towards solving the optimization problem, some people use discrete optimization and solve it as a MRF optimization problem while some people use gradient descent, I think demons uses gradient descent.
In case of MRF based approaches, the unary cost is the cost for deforming each node in grid and it is the similarity computed between patches, the pairwise cost which imposes the smoothness of the grid, is generally a potts/truncated quadratic potential which ensures that neighboring nodes in the grid have almost the same displacement. Once you have the unary and pairwise cost, you feed it to a MRF optimization algorithm and get the displacements at the grid level, then you use a B-Spline interpolation to compute pixel level displacement. This process is repeated in a coarse to fine fashion over several scales and also the algorithm is run many times at each scale (reducing the displacement at each node every time).
In case of gradient descent based methods, they formulate the problem with the similarity metric and the grid transformation computed over the image and then compute the gradient of the energy function which they have formulated. The energy function is minimized using iterative gradient descent, however these approaches can get stuck in a local minima and are quite slow.
Some popular methods are DROP, Elastix, itk provides some tools
If you want to know more about algorithms related to deformable image registration, I will recommend you to take a look to FAIR( guide book), FAIR is a toolbox for Matlab so you will have examples to understand the theory.
Then if you want to specifically see some demon example,, here you have this other toolbox:

Measuring distance between vectors

I have a set of 300.000 or so vectors which I would like to compare in some way, and given one vector I want to be able to find the closest vector I have thought of three methods.
Simple Euclidian distance
Cosine similarity
Use a kernel (for instance Gaussian) to calculate the Gram matrix.
Treat the vector as a discrete probability distribution (which makes
sense to do) and calculate some divergence measure.
I do not really understand when it is useful to do one rather than the other. My data has a lot of zero-elements. With that in mind, is there some general rule of thumbs as to which of the three methods is the best?
Sorry for the weak question, but I had to start somewhere...
Thank you!
Your question is not quite clear, are you looking for a distance metric between vectors, or an algorithm to efficiently find the nearest neighbour?
If your vectors just contain a numeric type such as doubles or integers, you can find a nearest neighbour efficiently using a structure such as the kd-tree. (since you are just looking at points in d-dimensional space). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search, for other methods.
Otherwise, choosing a distance metric and algorithm is very much dependent on the content of the vectors.
If your vectors are very sparse in nature and if they are binary, you can use Hamming or Hellinger distance. When your vector dimensions are large, avoid using Euclidean (refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_dimensionality)
Please refer to http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?rep=rep1&type=pdf&doi= for a survey of distance/similarity measures, although the paper limits it to pair of probability distributions.

A density based clustering library that takes distance matrix as input

Need help with finding an open/free density based clustering library that takes a distance matrix as input and returns clusters with each element within it maximum "x" distance away from each of the other elements in the clusters (basically returning clusters with specified density).
I checked out the DBSCAN algorithm, it seems to suit my needs. Any clean implementations of DBSCAN that you might no off, which can take off with a pre-computed distance matrix and output clusters with the desired density?
Your inputs will be really useful.
ELKI (at http://elki.dbs.ifi.lmu.de/ ) can load external distance matrixes, either in a binary or an Ascii format and then run distance-based clustering algorithms on it.
Certain algorithms such as k-means cannot work however, as these rely on the distance to the /mean/, which is obviously not precomputed. But e.g. DBSCAN and OPTICS work fine with precomputed distances.
I haven't tried it out yet, but I'm looking for something similar and came across this python implementation of DBSCAN:
Matlab file exchange has an implementation which is straightforward to adapt to precomputed matrices. Just remove the call to pdist1 outside the function in your code.
