How can I use Parse to send data to specific user - parse-platform

I'm creating an online game which have to send data between users. I chose Parse as the backend service. How can I use Parse to do this task?

Query for the user that you want to send data to and send data

Take a look a the Parse Docs. What you want to do is documented very well there.
Take a look at saving and retrieving objects.
Also make sure your console (where you can see the "User" class and all your other classes) is set up with the objects you need.


How do I initiate a dynamic user prompt depending on an API response in Bot Composer?

I have an API response in which a field gives me an array of objects. I want to prompt the user to select which one of these objects in the array they want to see the details of. For example, if the API response has a field like:
{"number":"101","name":"abc","value":"final output 1"},
{"number":"102","name":"xyz","value":"final output 2"}
I want the prompt/card to ask which number and name the user wants to choose, accordingly I want to show the corresponding value to the user. The number of objects in the array can vary. I would prefer if this prompt is in the form of an adaptive card like the one in the attached image, but any solution would do using bot composer's capabilities.
One viable solution would be to build a card in code. You can parse the response from the API and use it to create a card which can then be sent by the bot. Since this is Composer, you can look into creating a custom action to hold this logic.
As the user AP01 has said, one good solution to this problem is to do it inside the code. You can create a custom component that will execute C#(or nodejs if you use that) code in which you can then easily deserialize/parse/process that json array and create a custom card that will then be display to the user. That is how I did it.

Spring JPA With mongo Supporting Contains and LessThan

I am using Spring JPA with mongo.I have a requirement to use contains query on one of the fields.If end users(UI/Service) hits the GET Request and looks for information in EMAIL Field,I need to search based on text.Pretty much it is like.
This link explains that We can Use Contains to get the Data.
List<ScheduledNotification> findByMobileNumberContaining(String mobileNumber);
List<ScheduledNotification> findByEmailIdIgnoreCaseContaining(String emailId);
But when I am using this API,I am not able to get the data.So ,has any one done something like using Contains.
well ,I was not sending content type in header attribute in GET request.So yes it works,alright.There was no issue with method signature.

How can I use isValidJSValue to validate a query variable in my client code?

I'm writing client-side code for an app that will query a GraphQL server. In a couple of places in my code, I'm passing around data that will eventually get turned into a query variable, so it needs to validate against a specific GraphQLInputType in my schema. On looking into some of the utilities that graphql-js provides, it looks like the isValidJSValue checker is exactly what I'm looking for, and its comments even mention that it's intended to be used to do just that.
The issue is that I don't have access to the GraphQL type I want to validate against as a JS object, which is what I'm pretty sure that function is looking for. I'm importing my schema (as an npm depdendency) as JSON, or I also have it in the schema notation. Is there some other utility I can use to get the JS type I need from one of those sources, and then use that to check my data with isValidJSValue? Or is there some other way I could go about this that I just haven't thought of?
You can use the JSON schema you have imported to construct an actual GraphQL schema instance using buildClientSchema here:
Then, it should be a simple matter of looking in the types field of the resulting schema to find your input type, and then calling isValidJSValue on it.
I'm curious, though - why validate the value on the client before sending it, rather than just relying on the validation the server will do?

extJS4 difference between Ext.Ajax and

I am new to the extJS framework and after looking at these two classes I am curious when it is better to use one or the other. Is one better for submitting and one for getting? In my current situation I am using a grid and the api says to use the proxy.Ajax which I trust. But lets say I want to send the JSON back to a database, would I be better off using Ext.Ajax?
Also I am rather new to JSON I understand that its just a string with regular expressions essentially. What is the best way to send the json straight to a database if I don’t want to store the json locally?
Ext.Ajax is used to make one-off requests to a server. You can use this for GET and POST requests. is used by the data package, in particular,'s. You cannot use this 'manually'. You must use it via the data package.

Django client side query construction

I'm making a pretty standard AJAXy (well, no XML actually) web page. The browser makes a bunch of API queries that return JSON to run the site. The problem is, I need to add to the API interface each time the page needs to do something new. The new API interface is usually little more than a database query followed by mapping the returned objects to JSON.
What I'd like to do is to get rid of all that server-side duplication and just have the page make database requests itself (using the model interface), but in a way that is safe (i.e. just read only ones). I think this would amount to an interface for constructing Q objects using JSON or something like that, and then send that up to the server, run the query, and return the results. Before I go making my own half-broken architecture for this, I'm wondering if this has already been done well. Also, is this even the best way to go about eliminating this duplication?
Search multiple fields of django model without 3rd party app
Django SQL OR via filter() & Q(): Dynamic?
Generate a django queryset based on dict keys
Just replace with operator.and_ where appropriate.
