Trying to find out what language this was created in (pic inside) - terminal

You can see the image here:
I use this system for work on my home PC and I'm trying to find out what language it is, and if I can extract data from it. Someone suggested it may be some type of terminal program that is then converted to web. It is used like a terminal, using the F keys to help navigate.
The only info I have is that it's called CATS. It is used by the company to keep in touch with employees, keep track of payroll/payments, see when you work next, etc.

Looks like it's HTML/ XHTML. Can read that off from the end of the link.
The functioning of page is handled by Javascript


How to get full image paths from web page using Firebug?

I would like to download all images in full quality from this blog:
I have access to server, but I can not find the directory where the images lie. When I use Firebug on the first picture, it shows me;session=f0577255d9df9185d3abe04af0ce922d&focus=CMTOI_de_dtag_hosting_hpcreator_widget_PictureGallery_15716702&path=image.action&frame=CMTOI_de_dtag_hosting_hpcreator_widget_PictureGallery_15716702?id=34877331&width=1000&height=2000&crop=false.
How can I find the file paths like /dirname/image.jpg?
According to its HTML output the page obviously uses the CM4all content management system (CMS).
I don't know how precisely this CMS is working, though generally CMSs normally either save the files under cryptic names within a folder specified in the CMS's configuration or not in the file system at all but within a database.
Also, CMS may only save compressed or resized versions of the original files.
So, if you don't want to or are not able to dig into the server-side script code to find out if and where the images are saved, you should contact the company behind CM4all about this.

Changing Where CKEditor Looks for Images

I am wondering if there is some way to change where CKEditor looks for images. Right now it uses the location of the web page containing the editor as the root directory but I would like to write a javascript function that can change this directory to any arbitrary path passed to the function.
The bigger picture for this is that I'd like to extend the functionality of CKEditor to be able to save the source it creates to whatever location is picked by the user. I've already implemented getting the source and saving it using wxWidgets but am having trouble getting CKEditor to change its working directory so that images can be included from the directory the user picks.
I've tried using some of the properties like baseDir, basePath, and baseHref to make this possible but as far as I can tell none of them quite do what I'm looking for.
So the process would be:
(1) The user picks a directory where the source will be saved
(2) The user creates a page using CKEditor where images from the directory chosen can be included AND DISPLAYED in CKEditor
(3) The user saves the source of their page to the chosen directory (the source saved here should use the relative path to the images because the source is now located in the same directory as the images it includes)
I realize this is a rather unconventional use of CKEditor but if someone might be able to kick me in the right direction to making this happen, I'd really appreciate it.
So after a little experimenting and changing some backslashes to regular slashes, it looks like the baseHref attribute does what I'd like. I've still not been able to change its value at runtime though as I would like. Does anybody know if this is possible with CKEditor? I'd still like to have a javascript function that I can pass a path to and have it change this baseHref value. Right now I have set its value in config.js.
If this isn't possible, I know you can read and write the source in and out of the editor. So I would like to resort to reading and storing the source from the editor, reloading CKEditor with a new config.baseHref, and then writing the source back into the editor. Does anyone know if the CKEditor api provides functionality to reload its configuration?
I don't expect too many people will be trying to do what I was doing here since CKEditor is usually hosted on a server somewhere, but in case someone finds it helpful, here's what I ended up doing.
As I mentioned in the edit to my question, modifying the baseHref gave me the functionality of prepending the image filename with the directory path leading to it. I wasn't able to find a way to modify it while the editor was running so I ended up telling CKEditor to load an external configuration file each time it started with the line
config.customConfig = 'C:/Users/kenwood/Desktop/MarkCreator2/ckeditor/custom_config.js';
Then I used C++ to write new contents to custom_config.js any time I wanted to switch directories.
Unfortunately this method meant I had to read the contents out of the editor, refresh the page, and then write the editor contents back in any time I wanted to change directories. This was adequate for what I needed though.

How to use the existing Png-Shell-Thumbnail for my file types?

I am currently writing an application working with specially prepared image data. Another tool prepares the images (basically PNGs with additional data stored in the meta-data section). Now my tool works with these files, but not with all PNGs, so "we" decided to use a different file extension. So far, so good.
Now, because I am a lazy sack I implemented some file type registration to allow double-clicking on the file and opening it in my application (no problem at all).
And here is my Question:
It would be cool if the windows explorer could still show me the thumbnail previews for my files. Since they basically are still PNG files, it should be possible without writing my own shell extension (at least I believe so).
I quickly tried to copy all registry keys and values from HKCR.png to HKCR.mInDat (my file name ext) and it worked. However, I would prefere knowning what I am doing ;-)
Which of the registry settings are responsible for the thumbnail preview control and which can I use to get the preview for my file types?
I tried to google it, but I failed, since it seems I am unable to come up with the right buzz-words to find the info I need. Please, help me.
Thank you!
"Content Type"="image/png"

Browser add-on to find a download's origin

Back in the earlier days of the internet I remember that in certain browsers, every time you downloaded an image or a file, the URL of where that file was downloaded from would be written into that file's properties (I guess the summary tab?). I think Netscape v2 did this if I remember correctly.
I really miss that kind of functionality as every once in a while I'll run into a neat little program stored somewhere in the depths of my hard drive and wonder where I got it from originally.
I googled around but I'm not quite sure what terms to use to describe what I'm looking for. So I'm wondering if anyone knows of a Firefox plug-in or something similar that would do this?
If you use the DownThemAll! extension for Firefox, you can tell it to prepend the URL of the site to the downloaded file name...
thus you end up with files like:
It also works really well when you want to download/queue a bunch of files.
You download to ~/Desktop/foo, and you want to see the originating URL in the properties of the local file foo?
Back when I used OS X, I remember Safari used to record the original URL in the resource fork of the downloaded file. Can't remember what the named fork is, well, named, but it'll show up in the properties panel from Finder. Since it's there, Spotlight will probably index it, too, but I haven't used OS X since 10.3.
If you use Opera, and haven't cleared the file out from your download manager, select the download and it'll show the original URL that the file is from in the properties pane.
Is this what you want? If so... well, I don't know of a similar Firefox extension, but it'll clarify the question.
For the IE Browser I use the hell out of Fidler to look at all traffic going across the wire.
For FireFox, you can use the FireBug plugin. There is a "Net" tab that will show you request information that is going across the wire.
Most of the time you can use one of these tools to see what URL was requested in order to start a download. You can also view all the get and post information that might need to be sent in order to have your request succeed.
Fidler is here:
FireBug is here:
Best of Luck!

Retrieving the full path (server-side) of a file uploaded using Firefox?

When I am using a form containing <input id="myFile" type="file" runat="server" /> to upload a file, my server-side code only sees the filename without the full path when using Firefox, while it works just fine in IE.
Is it possible to retrieve the full file path server-side in this case?
You cannot. Actually, only IE gives this information which isn't important for the server in most cases. Neither FF nor Opera, at least, provide this info.
[UPDATE] Also tried with Safari, still no path... Somebody reported that Chrome might provide the info, although being a beta, that might change...
Perhaps you might need them in some intranet cases. In such case, you might ask the user to paste the path in a secondary input field... Not very friendly, but at least they will know they provide the info.
Actually, I know some people needed this info for some reasons, so they used JavaScript to pick up the path from the file input field and put it in an hidden field. FF developers found it was insecure (you can learn a lot from a simple path... like the login name of the user!) so prohibited such usage in FF3, making some people angry against this release...
References: Firefox 3's file upload box mentioned in Firefox 3 annoyance: Keying-in disabled in file upload control ...; also File input box disabled leads to great usability problem, among many other ones.
You can never be sure of getting a full filepath or even a reliable filename or content-type submitted in a file upload file. Even if you get a full filepath you don't know what the path separator character is on the client's operating system, or whether a file extension (if present) denotes anything at all.
If your application requires the filepath/filename/content-type of a submitted file for anything more than giving the user a default title for the item uploaded, it's doing something wrong and will need fixing.
I already stated this in a comment, but I think it bears repeating.
Microsoft opted to make the file control give the entire path to the file for use in intranet applications.
The HTML specification only makes mention of what the value should contain in one spot:
User agents may use the value of the
value attribute as the initial file
However, they also have examples of what the multipart/form-data encoding should look like, and it doesn't contain the file path.
In other words, IE is breaking the standard and you can't rely on other browsers, even later versions of IE, to support it.
