CodeKit: #codekit-prepend not working - codekit

I am trying to combine Javascript files via CodeKit using the in-file statement #codekit-prepend. Even though all the paths are correct and all the files exist CodeKit does not resolve the in-file statements. Is there anything missing?

ok was me being stupid. it all worked well, i just looked in the wrong place. the combined file was inside the folder /min.


PhpStorm SCSS trigger compilation on partial change

First of all I have to note that this all worked well some time ago. I have returned to project after some time. Meanwhile I have updated PhpStorm and migrated to Win10. Everything else stayed untouched.
I have problem with triggering scss parial compilation. When I make changes in root file "global.scss" everything works ok - partials are also compiled. However when I make changes in partials PhpStorm not triggers compilation of root file.
PhpStorm version: 2017.2.3
File structure:
Watcher config:
Scope config:
I have tried a lot - nothing works. It seems that partials - prefixed with underscore are just ignored by file watcher.
I found something - it seems that wildcard in scope pattern ignores underscored files. However partials are marked as included in files tree. I temporarly changed scope to project files and it works well - unfortunetally I can not leave this setting.
I don't know is it bug or feature but PhpStorm handles nested Source roots in strange way. Check this file structure:
Without source root for scss directory, compilation is triggered even with scope pattern. However compiled css is placed in wrong directory - so it is not usable.
Based on your info and investigation: you are using nested "Source" folder (on scss) and $SourcepathEntry$ & related macro... which does not seem to work as you expected in your IDE version.
Get rid of it -- your setup does not need it at all. Your folder structure is pretty standard so it can be resolved using more "standard" ways.
Disable this File Watcher for now (you may delete it later) and make new one.
There try $FileDirPathFromParent()$ parametrized macro (it accepts parameters). For example for $FileDirPathFromParent(src)$ it returns foo/bar for some/path/src/foo/bar/baz.scss file path. This macro should do the job when making the needed path.

"Resource.Id" does not contain a definition "Home"

I am having a bit of trouble getting Home in Android.Resource.Id to be recognized. If I do global::Android.Resource.Id.Home, it works, but I want to try to avoid using global::. I cleaned the project and rebuilt, many times. I also tried removing the Resource.Designer.cs file, but it was not regenerated because of all the missing references to the file. Can anyone help with this issue?
The problem is that you have Android in your namespace, which is why it only works when you use global:: infront.

Could not copy the file "..\HiQPdf.dep" because it was not found

I get this build error after trying to use HTML to PDF Converter Library for .NET. I copy over the dll, dep and xml files from the ZIPped folder downloaded from the website but when I compile my code, the HiQPdf.dep disappears.
The FAQs from the website say to change the execute permissions of the HiQPdf.dep file but after i do this, it still doesn't work.
How can i get rid of this error?
I resolved this by changing the execute permissions on the HiQPdf.dep file and then changing it to read-only. I don't see how this is a stable or logical fix but it is working now.
I solved this issue by just removing & re-adding the dll.

Less compiling to empty CSS files

I've been writing less, and using Codekit to compile locally.
Everything compiles to the correct destination as it should.. but
Every time I save a less file, it creates an empty CSS file in the same location on my hard disk. This happens when Codekit is closed, so it doesn't seem to be an issue with the program itself.
I have no idea what is causing this behaviour, I have no other services running.
For others that get this problem, it's usually a missing or duplicate semicolon on a property or something simple that causes this particular issue. The hard part is tracking down the specific error, so your best bet is to try a couple of different compilers and hope for an error log that tells you at least which .less file is causing the problem. Try node.js with lessc,, winless or whatever else is available to you on your OS. This is a common issues, so it's worthwhile to have another "backup" compiler handy to debug.

Renegade Xcode files?

I seem to have some files in my Xcode project that I can't erase. I've tried right-clicking->deleting, dragging out, Build->Clean, anything I can possibly think of.
Any ideas how to get rid of these renegade files?
I'm sure in an older version of Xcode you could dig around (AT YOUR OWN GREAT PERIL!) inside the .xcodeproj file (show package contents and look in there) and somewhere was an xml file which held everything like that. However, I have just had a quick look and didn't see anything that looked likely. Try grepping the files in there for your rogue filenames and see if anything shows up.
If you don't get anywhere in that route you might be able to trick it by creating those files (or at least files with those names) again, then re-importing / re-deleting them.
