Strange characters in text saved Brackets - utf-8

I close it and reopen it I get some letters and strange characters, especially where words have accent.
look at an example:
Este exto es la creación de mí probia autoría
google translation

What you see is a byte representation of your string, which is UTF-8. UTF-8 is multibyte encoding, that means that some characters (eg. those with accents) are saved as several bytes, usually starting with Ã.
Your application probably doesn't understand that the string is UTF-8 and prints it as byte sequence. You should use a different text editor which will be able to display your UTF-8 text correctly.


Two word with the same representation in UTF-8 have different representation in ASCII

I have a Farsi word that if shown in UTF-8 coding is like this:
I have two versions of this word, both in Notepad++ in UTF-8 are shown as above.
But if I look at them in ANSI mode then I see:
and for the other one I see:
How come the same words have such a different representation in ANSI format? When I use PIL in Python to draw these, the result is correct for one of these and not correct for the other.
I appreciate any help on this.
In Unicode you can represent some character in more than one way.
In this case, these Arabic characters are represented with code points from the Arabic Presentation Forms-B Block in the first case, and with code points from the regular Arabic Block in the second case.
If you convert the text
to a byte stream, you get
Notice that you are not seeing a character representing the 0F byte in the text above, because it's a non-visual character.
Now that byte stream is representing a UTF-8-encoded text. Decoding it will give you the following Unicode code points:
You can match those in the Arabic Presentation Forms-B Block to form your Farsi text:
You can do the same process for the other text: خطاب gives you the byte stream D8AE D8B7 D8A7 D8A8, which represents UTF-8-encoded text, which decoded gives you the Unicode code points 062e 0637 0627 0628, which matched to the regular Arabic Block gives you again the text خطاب.

German Umlaut displayed wrong despite correct Charset

I am encountering a weird problem regarding the encoding of my files.
I have a site which is multilingual; Users can set this viá a dropdown on the site itself, the default value being German.
When the user logs in, some settings are being set depending on the language (charset, codepage and LCID). At this point I also want to point out, that all my files are ANSI-encoded.
Recently, I had to make some changes.
So I fire up Visual Studio 2010, edit the files in question and upload them to my server using Filezilla.
And now, all of a sudden, the German umlauts (Ää, Öö, Üü, ß) are being displayed incorrectly (something like ä) - but only on the files I opened with VS2010.
I checked the charset on the site itself and also displaying it with Response.CharSet and it was ISO-8859-1, which is correct.
So I tried some converting with notepad++, but no success.
I know that setting the charset to UTF-8 would solve this problem, but a) the charset is set from a database-value and b) it kind of messes things up in other languages.
You are displaying a utf-8 encoded file with a iso-8859-1 view. Usually you want to see just one character, but why do you see two instead of one? This is because in utf-8 a german small 'a' letter with 'two dots' is a 2-byte sequence with utf-8 (0xC3 and 0xA4). If this gets NOT displayed as utf-8 but as iso-8859-1 encoding - which means one byte one character - you'll get that what you have mentioned. You'll get the startbyte 0xC3 as a single iso-8859-1 character and the following byte 0xA4 as as a single iso-8859-1 character. In utf-8 this 2-byte sequence must become decoded by extracting the payload bits of the startbyte and the following byte like this:
Startbyte: 11000011
Following: 10100100
So 110 of the startbyte must get stripped off, so 11 is left.
So 10 of the following byte must get stripped off, so 100100 is left.
Chained together this becomes 11100100 which is decimal 228 which should be equal to the german character 'a with two dots' unicode codepoint.
I recommend to let the encoding as it is, utf-8. It is just the encoding of your viewer/editor that should display utf-8 encoded files as utf-8 and not as iso-8859-1. Configure your viewer/editor with utf-8. In other words, configure the viewer's/editor's encoding according to the encoding of the file's content (which is in your case utf-8 and NOT iso-8859-1).
To convert your files or check them for a certain encoding, just use madedit. madedit has a built-in hex-editor which wraps a rectangle around utf-8 sequences, displaying just one character on the right side (the encoded codepoint). It's easy to identify single-byte characters and/or 2/3/4-byte sequences within utf-8 encoded files. It also wraps a rectangle around the 3-byte utf-8 BOM (if any).
Encoding problems have several failure points:
Check template file encoding
Check response encoding
Check database encoding
Check that they are coherent to what you want to output.
Also note that Notepad++ has a "Encode as..." and a "Convert to..."
1st one reads file as encoding specified and 2nd reads file and writes it back to selected encoding (changing file)

convert text from utf to read-able text

I have some UTF-Text starting with "ef bb bf". How can I turn this message to human read-able text? vim, gedit, etc. interpret the file as plain text and show all the ef-text even when I force them to read the file with several utf-encodings. I tried the "recode" tool, it doesn't work. Even php's utf8_decode failed to produce the expected text output.
Please help, how can I convert this file so that I can read it?
ef bb bf is the UTF-8 BOM. Strip of the first three bytes and try to utf8_decode the remainder.
$text = "\xef\xbb\xbf....";
echo utf8_decode(substr($text, 3));
Is it UFT8, UTF16, UTF32? It matters a lot! I assume you want to convert the text into old-fashioned ASCII (all characters are 1 byte long).
UTF8 should already be (at least mostly) readable as it uses 1 byte for standard ASCII characters and only uses multiple bytes for special/multilingual characters (Character codes > 127). It sounds like your file isn't UTF8, or you'd already be able to read it! Online content is generally UTF-8.
Unicode character codes are the same as the old ASCII codes up to 127.
UTF16 and UTF32 always use 2 and 4 bytes respectively to encode every character, whether those characters can be represented in a single byte or not. That makes it unreadable if the text editor is expecting UTF8.
Gedit supports UTF16 and UTF32 but you need to 'add' those encoding explicitly in the open dialog box (and possibly select them explicitly instead of using auto-detect)

à © and other codes

I got a file full of those codes, and I want to "translate" it into normal chars (a whole file, I mean). How can I do it?
Thank you very much in advance.
Looks like you originally had a UTF-8 file which has been interpreted as an 8 bit encoding (e.g. ISO-8859-15) and entity-encoded. I say this because the sequence C3A9 looks like a pretty plausible UTF-8 encoding sequence.
You will need to first entity-decode it, then you'll have a UTF-8 encoding again. You could then use something like iconv to convert to an encoding of your choosing.
To work through your example:
à © would be decoded as the byte sequence 0xC3A9
0xC3A9 = 11000011 10101001 in binary
the leading 110 in the first octet tells us this could be interpreted as a UTF-8 two byte sequence. As the second octet starts with 10, we're looking at something we can interpret as UTF-8. To do that, we take the last 5 bits of the first octet, and the last 6 bits of the second octet...
So, interpreted as UTF8 it's 00011101001 = E9 = é (LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE)
You mention wanting to handle this with PHP, something like this might do it for you:
//to load from a file, use
//example below uses a literal string to demonstrate technique...
$file="&Précédent is a French word";
//$utf8 contains "Précédent is a French word" in UTF-8
//$iso8859 contains "Précédent is a French word" in ISO-8859

Importing extended ASCII into Oracle

I have a procedure that imports a binary file containing some strings. The strings can contain extended ASCII, e.g. CHR(224), 'à'. The procedure is taking a RAW and converting the BCD bytes into characters in a string one by one.
The problem is that the extended ASCII characters are getting lost. I suspect this is due to their values meaning something else in UTF8.
I think what I need is a function that takes an ASCII character index and returns the appropriate UTF8 character.
Update: If I happen to know the equivalent Oracle character set for the incoming text can I then convert the raw bytes to UTF8? The source text will always be single byte.
There's no such thing as "extended ASCII." Or, to be more precise, so many encodings are supersets of ASCII, sharing the same first 127 code points, that the term is too vague to be meaningful. You need to find out if the strings in this file are encoded using UTF-8, ISO-8859-whatever, MacRoman, etc.
The answer to the second part of your question is the same. UTF-8 is, by design, a superset of ASCII. Any ASCII character (i.e. 0 through 127) is also a UTF-8 character. To translate some non-ASCII character (i.e. >= 128) into UTF-8, you first need to find out what encoding it's in.
