What is the indication of Result as Cache in httpfox - jmeter

I am getting Result as Cache for particular request in Httpfox and type as application/json

Real browsers download embedded resources like images, scripts, styles, asynchronous requests results, but do it only once. During subsequent requests aforementioned entities are being returned from the browser cache.
JMeter provides HTTP Cache Manager in order to simulate above behavior.
I think that you might also like to add the following test elements to your test plan to make your JMeter test even more realistic:
HTTP Cookie Manager - to represent browser cookies
HTTP Header Manager - to send browser headers like User-Agent
Configure HTTP Request Defaults to download embedded resources using thread pool as per How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser guide


Jmeter send requests that are not on my request list

I noticed this when analyzing wireshark. under thread group those requests are:
and so on.
on wireshark there are some other requests that jmeter sends. but when i test this with browser, that requests wont be send.
after request 2)
HTTP GET /Content/css?v=........... HTTP/1.1\r\n
HTTP GET /Content/cus-css-plugins?v=......-..... HTTP/1.1\r\n
HTTP GET /images/logo/logo.._...png HTTP/1.1\r\n
and so on, totally 6 inintended requests are sent. there are not in the sampler list. and not sent when using browser.
the test script is recorded by blazemeter chrome plugin.
another unintended request
HTTP GET /signalr/hubs HTTP/1.1\r\n is sent by jmeter, but it is also sent when using browser.
because it is not in the sample list, the "Accept" field is very different between browser and jmeter. it is another issue. so, should i add this request to jmeter manually and control the fields?
BlazeMeter Chrome Extension generates a JMeter Test Plan with HTTP Request Defaults configuration element configured to "Retrieve Resources from HTML Files"
This is normal as it replicates real browser behaviour, real browsers download the HTML content from the response and then execute parallel HTTP Requests to download images, scripts, styles, fonts, sounds, etc. and this setting instructs JMeter to behave like a real browser when it comes to these embedded resources handling.
If you open your browser developer tools you should see the same requests (just tick "Disable cache" if you don't see them)
More information: Web Testing with JMeter: How To Properly Handle Embedded Resources in HTML Responses

How to check web page load time in Jmeter without using api.? Is it possible to perform load testing in jmeter without using api's?

I was given with a task in which I need to check load time of webpages in Jmeter and there is not any api's available. so hot to perform load testing without having api's.
Add HTTP Request sampler and configure it to hit the page which you need to measure
At the "Advanced" tab tick Retrieve All Embedded Resources and Parallel Downloads boxes, in addition you can exclude external domains there as well to limit JMeter to only your application:
More information: Web Testing with JMeter: How To Properly Handle Embedded Resources in HTML Responses
Add HTTP Cache Manager to your Test Plan (real browsers download embedded resources like images, scripts, styles, fonts, but do this only once)
Add HTTP Header Manager to your Test Plan and configure it to send headers which browsers normally send like User-Agent, Accept, etc.
Add HTTP Cookie Manager to handle cookies
That's it, now you should have more or less realistic page load time. Remember that JMeter is not a browser so it doesn't execute JavaScript so if there are any JavaScript-generated calls - you will need to add a separate HTTP Request sampler per call and put them all under Parallel Controller

Jmeter Report:-How to download response parallel like browser jmeter shows by adding all sub url responses

Jmeter Report: How to download response parallel like browser? Suppose i have 4 request in one transaction controller and i want to get response parallel for all request instead of sequentially.
In my transaction controller 4-5 http request are present and i want to download response of all request parallel instead of sequential.
In report all response are added and then showing but when we are using browser response are showing by subtracting the depended or complete responses.
If you're talking about "embedded resources" - images, scripts, styles, fonts, etc. - you should not be adding requests for them manually, instead you need to configure HTTP Request Samplers to do this for you (or even better HTTP Request Defaults). The relevant settings live under "Advanced" tab:
If the nature of the requests is different, i.e. they're AJAX requests which are not supported by JMeter out of the box the easiest way of executing them at the same moment is placing them under the Parallel Controller. It is not a part of JMeter distribution bundle and can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

Jmeter with Caching server

My Application is using CDN which is a caching server. Now when I use JMETER for recording the functional flow. Browser doesn't load any CSS,JS or image being cached at CDN server. Removing CDN is alo not good option because I need to judge performance with CDN in place. Please Guide
JMeter records only HTTP requests sent by browser, so if you have already visited this page your browser may already have these resources in its own cache therefore it doesn't send actual requests. If you want these requests to be recorded - you should clear your browsing history and especially delete cache. The procedure differs from browser to browser so check your browser documentation for details or check out How do I clear my web browser's cache, cookies, and history? article.
In general you should not be recording these calls as real browsers download these images, scripts and styles using concurrent thread pool, i.e. one main request followed by parallel requests to get the resources. The same behavior can be set up in JMeter using "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults, this way the setting will be applied to all HTTP Request samplers in scope)
I accepted the Security certificate for CDN server through browser only. And problem was solved.

What is the use of HTTP Cache Manager and HTTP Cookie Manager for the Jmeter?

What is the use of HTTP Cache Manager and HTTP Cookie Manager
and how it performs if we enable/disable the options to clear them in each iteration?
Both are to make load test more realistic.
HTTP Cookie Manager - holds cookies which usually are being used for identifying user session including login information.
HTTP Cache Manager - represents browser cache. Real browsers download different embedded stuff like images, styles, scripts, etc. during rendering web page but do it only once or based on what specific cache control headers tell.
Clear above each iteration - if enabled new test cycle starts "clean" i.e. each virtual user will have to log in, fetch all the data, etc. so it'll look like a new user to the system under test. If disabled - it'll just be another test iteration for the same virtual user
So if your idea is to make your test more close to real browser testing you need to use above test elements in combination with HTTP Header Manager and configuring HTTP Request Defaults to tell all the HTTP Samples to download embedded resources and use concurrent pool of 2-5 threads for it.
You should read those 2 docs:
To stimulate browser behavior more realistic do we have to enable "Use Cache-Control/Expires header when processing get request"? during Load Test.
I am asserting the response for get request. If is use this then is there any chance for me to get null response?
I was confused with the detail gathered?
