I have set up Kibana 4 and also configured an index for analytics. So in the discover page,of Kibana,I can see my index name and the corresponding fields in the index there. To the right side of the fields panel,there is a settings icon. When I click that,four options are shown to me namely analyzed,index,type and Field Name. I know the purpose of index,type and Field Name but Im confused,with what the "analyzed" option stands for. On clicking the drop down under the analyzed section there are options 1. any,2.yes Can any body tell what purpose does "analyzed" option have here.
Edit : The screenshots are given in this link
An analyzed field in ES, it is a field that is processed into tokens and indexed in that way. You can read more about analyzers in the ES documentation.
This dropdown is used to get the analyzed fields if you select yes, the not_analyzed if you select no and everything if you select any.
When we create an index in elasticsearch,we also have a lot of fields accompanying it. In the "discover" tab,under the "fields" section,we can see each and every field in the selected index. What happens when we set the "analysed" dropdown to "yes" is that the fields which have undergone complete analysis by the elasticsearch analyzers.
An example for an index named "restaurants" is shown in the fig below. Here the blue box has all the fields which have undergone analysis.
You can see the number of fields getting reduced as we select the "yes" in the "analysed" dropdown. These are the fields which are analysed. Now on clicking one of those fields,another dropdown comes in with the names and the percentage values of the contents in that particular field. Here we can manipulate the contents of hits by including or excluding that field element by clicking the "+" or "-" magnifying glass(box 3) towards the right of the element(box 2) as shown below.
Pressing the "+" button(box 1),will show only the results containing that particular element of that field, from the hits response. You can see the resulting JSON data, by pressing the arrow button just below (box 2) the "_source" as in figure 3.
What do the icons mean: ?, t, #?
Noticed that I can only use fields with a t icon in my visualizations
# means it's a numeric field
t means it's a text field
? means that the type is unknown because the index patterns needs to be refreshed.
Go to Stack Management > Index patterns, pick your index pattern and click the "Refresh" button at the top right, then all your fields will be properly identified.
I have an index of objects that contains:
username (nullable)
status (can be "none", "talking" or "customer")
I need to get the conversion rate of users (per user) based on how many objects that has status "talking" against objects that has status "customer".
And then represent this in a some chart.
Is this possible?
Below are the steps to achieve this:
Go to kibana Management -> Index Patterns -> Create index pattern and then type the name of your index for e.g myindex
Go to Visualize tab. Click on + and select Pie. Check this LINK
Select the index name for e.g. myindex
Click on Split Slices. And then select Terms. Select status in the field section.
Click on the bluish green play button which would display Apply changes when you hover your mouse
You would now be able to see the pie chart with all the values.
Now for only customer and talking, click on Add a filter
Select status in the field.
Select is one of operator and then select both customer and talking values.
You should now be able to see pie chart with only these two values. If you hover the mouse on the pie chart, you would be able to see the percentages respectively.
Below is how it appears on my kibana machine where I had three documents whose status as talking and two documents with status as customer
Note In my mapping I've used the status.keyword as field of type keyword in order to run Terms Aggregation
Let me know if this helps!
When I try to add Bar Chart visualization, I cannot select any custom field for my messages for Average aggregation (like: "my_custom_field"). Messages are logged and contain this field. How to do this?
I have a strong suspicion that your "messages" field is a string. Average aggregation works on numbers.
I checked this in my own setting and I couldn't run Average on "messages" with default settings, but I could run it on Unique Count.
I don't understand why, but when I create visualization via Visualizations tab/Add new/Vertical bar chart, fields are not present.
But, I can make visualization by:
[OPTIONAL, probably didn't help] Go to Management/Index Patterns and click Refresh image button in right top corner. This will create mapping types for fields that are new since index creation (this was in my case). Such field can be recognized when before its name there is "?", means no type (e.g. # means field has type, like on the image below).
Go to Discover tab and select your field on the left, than click Visualize -> that will allow to select Average aggregate with your field.
This is very inconvenient, but works.
Is there any way to colorize or, in general, apply styles to results table on Kibana 4? I'm talking about the discover result table.
Basically, our logs have a level field and we want to add colors on the result table based on its value, so they can be easily recognized. E.g: Error messages should be red, warning messages yellow.
I know elastic search has some highlighting capabilities but know do not how to use them with kibana
You can now color Strings easily:
log into kibana
go to Management (settings)
click "index patterns" and choose your pattern
click on Severity (or whatever name your logs have there), then on edit (you can also do it for a service or other columns)
in "Format" choose 'Color', Then in 'Pattern' write INFO or a pattern you would like and choose the corresponding color
Seems that custom formatters is the way to go. I.e: writing a new component using JavaScript and Html
This example creates a formatter to highlight text. It's not exactly what is being asked, but it should work as base.
Workbook is on Public Tableau
I'm using one drop-down, which is a calculated value (refer previous question) to control map, and two worksheets.
When I toggle through the filter, only the relevant location appears on map, while the other two worsheets do not change, i.e. they show all locations.
How to fix this?
Thanks once again!
To get tableau Action revealed on another data.
Go to Dashboard > Click on icon dashboard > Click on Action > Select Add Action > Filter and follow further steps as per given as
Click ok in action and you will get desired results
In your Dashboard Filter which is
select the icon and follow steps further which is describe below :
This will get desired results as per your requirement.
Result: your result will look like this example as given as
You can't filter multiple worksheets with a table calculation (your intuition about why is exactly right). BUT we can do something sneaky again.
First, create a parameter to replace your quick filter. Let's call it "Choose Location". Make the data type "String", then select "List" from Allowable Values. Go to "Add from Field" and select "Location (Loc)". Your parameter will now allow you to select from a list of all the different values of [Location (Loc)].
Since you want to be able to show all of the locations at once, also add "All Locations" to the parameter's list of allowable values (I put it at the top of the list because that's what my heart said to do).
Next, create a calculated field. Let's call it "Choose Location Filter".
IIF([Choose Location] = "All Locations", TRUE, [Choose Location] = [Location Filter])
This statement will return TRUE if the Location on the given row of the partition is equal to the Location selected in the parameter and FALSE otherwise. If you've selected "Multiple Locations", it will return TRUE for all rows. Note that we're still using the [Location Filter] that you made so that we can maintain all locations in our partition and calculate that Grade.
Now, in every worksheet, replace the [Location Filter] in your filter card with the [Choose Location Filter] field. Filter out the FALSEs, leaving only the TRUEs. Place the parameter control on your dashboard and use that to filter instead of the quick filter you built previously.