I am creating a work queue to perform tasks in the background. The code is below. The problem is that selector called by the timer is called twice every period, by 2 different timers.
The queue (UpdateController) is created in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of the AppDelegate:
[self setUpdateController:[[FFUpdateController alloc] initWithRootDetailViewController:rdvc]];
[[self updateController] start];
Here’s the UpdateController initializer
- (id) initWithRootDetailViewController:(FFRootDetailViewController*)rdvc
if (self = [super init])
_rootDetailViewController = rdvc;
_updateQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
return self;
Here’s UpdateController start
- (void) start
//sweep once a minute for updates
[self setTimer:[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:60.0 target:self selector:#selector(sweepForUpdates:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]];
Here is sweepForUpdates, the selector called by the timer:
- (void) sweepForUpdates:(NSTimer*)timer
FormHeader* fh;
NSInvocationOperation* op;
NSInteger sectionIdx = [[self dataController] sectionIndexForFormTypeWithTitle:SFTShares];
NSInteger headerCount = [[self dataController] numberOfRowsInSection:sectionIdx];
NSArray* changed;
NSMutableDictionary* params;
NSLog(#"Notice - sweepForUpdates(1) called:");
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < headerCount; i++)
fh = [[self dataController] formHeaderAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:i inSection:sectionIdx]];
changed = [[self dataController] formDatasModifiedSince:[fh modifiedAt] ForFormHeader:fh];
if ([changed count])
NSLog(#"Error - sweepForUpdates(2) update: changes to update found");
params = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[params setObject:fh forKey:#"formHeader"];
[params setObject:[self rootDetailViewController] forKey:#"rootDetailViewController"];
op = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:[FFParseController sharedInstance] selector:#selector(updateRemoteForm:) object:params];
if ([[[self updateQueue] operations] count])
[op addDependency:[[[self updateQueue] operations] lastObject]];
[[self updateQueue] addOperation:op];
NSLog(#"Error - sweepForUpdates(3) save: no changes found");
NSLog(#"Notice - sweepForUpdates(4) done:");
In this case there are 2 objects to examine for updates. Here is the console output for 1 sweep:
2015-02-16 09:22:28.569 formogen[683:806645] Notice - sweepForUpdates(1) called:
2015-02-16 09:22:28.580 formogen[683:806645] Error - sweepForUpdates(3) save: no changes found
2015-02-16 09:22:28.583 formogen[683:806645] Error - sweepForUpdates(3) save: no changes found
2015-02-16 09:22:28.584 formogen[683:806645] Notice - sweepForUpdates(4) done:
2015-02-16 09:22:29.249 formogen[683:806645] Notice - sweepForUpdates(1) called:
2015-02-16 09:22:29.254 formogen[683:806645] Error - sweepForUpdates(3) save: no changes found
2015-02-16 09:22:29.256 formogen[683:806645] Error - sweepForUpdates(3) save: no changes found
2015-02-16 09:22:29.256 formogen[683:806645] Notice - sweepForUpdates(4) done:
Neither object has updates, which is correct. But I do not understand why the selector is called twice.
Add logging to start. You probably call it more than once.
Note that UpdateController can never deallocate, because the timer is retaining it. That may be ok, but keep that in mind if you believe you're deallocating it (and its timer).
Please don't mark this as duplicate. I have tried every other related post and they didn't work for me. I have looked at countless examples (StackOverflow/MBProgressHUD Demo/etc.) trying to get this to work. I feel like most examples are outdated as some methods are deprecated. This is the closest I have got.
What I want the code to do:
The MBProgress HUD should display the default loading screen with "Preparing" before I start connecting to JSON. When I connect, I want the mode to change to AnnularDeterminate when I receive a response. Once it's finished loading, I want the progress bar to display my progress of adding the data to a dictionary. Once that is done, change the mode to CustomView displaying a checkmark image and "Completed".
The Issue:
The MBProgress HUD will display. However, it only shows the default loading screen with "Preparing..." underneath it and then it will say "Completed" with the checkmark custom view after progress is at 1.0. There is no Determinate view with my updated progress in between.
My Code
- (void)viewDidLoad
buildingsDataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
MBProgressHUD *HUD = [MBProgressHUD showHUDAddedTo:self.view animated:YES];
HUD.delegate = self;
HUD.label.text = NSLocalizedString(#"Preparing...", #"HUD preparing title");
[self connect];
NSLog(#"End of setup");
- (void)connect
NSURLRequest *request =[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:buildingList]];
connection = [NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
[connection start];
NSLog(#"End of connect");
// Connection delegate
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
NSLog(#"connection received response");
[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].mode = MBProgressHUDModeAnnularDeterminate;
NSLog(#"Changed mode");
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveData:(NSData *)data
[webData appendData:data];
NSLog(#"connection received data");
[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].progress = 0.0f;
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"Fail with error - %# %#", [error localizedDescription], [[error userInfo] objectForKey:NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey]);
if ([[error localizedDescription] isEqualToString:#"The Internet connection appears to be offline."]) {
//do something
- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
NSArray *allDataArray = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:webData options:0 error:nil];
float count = [allDataArray count];
float c=1;
if ([buildingsDataArray count]!=0)
[buildingsDataArray removeAllObjects];
for (NSDictionary *dataDict in allDataArray){ //from 1 to 6
if ([[dataDict objectForKeyedSubscript:#"id"] intValue] != 0)
[buildingsDataArray addObject:dataDict];
float p = c/count;
[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].progress = p;
NSLog(#"Progress: %f", [MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].progress);
[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].customView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"Checkmark.png"]];
[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].label.text = NSLocalizedString(#"Completed", #"HUD done title");
[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view].mode = MBProgressHUDModeCustomView;
[[MBProgressHUD HUDForView:self.view] hideAnimated:YES afterDelay:1.0f];
And here is my console output
End of connect
End of setup
connection received response
Changed mode
connection received data
connection finished loading
Progress: 0.166667
Progress: 0.333333
Progress: 0.500000
Progress: 0.666667
Progress: 0.833333
Progress: 1.000000
Additional comments
When I try adding
outside all of the MBProgress method calls inside my connection delegate,
I get the default loading screen again. But after progress reaches 1.0, the determinate loading screen view shows (fully loaded) with "Completed" and then disappears after delay 1.0. There is still no loading process in between. Also, the checkmark image never shows. I don't think this is the way to do it.
The output when I do this is:
End of connect
End of doSetup
connection received response
connection received data
connection finished loading
Changed mode
Progress: 0.166667
Progress: 0.333333
Progress: 0.500000
Progress: 0.666667
Progress: 0.833333
Progress: 1.000000
Here is a useful reference that touches base on UICalls on different threads:
Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?
This is what worked:
NSURLConnection was being called on the main thread. So all of my UI updates weren't occurring until after the connection delegate calls were finished.
So to fix this problem, I put the connection in a background thread.
- (void)viewDidLoad{
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),^{
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:buildingList];
NSMutableURLRequest *request =[NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];
connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:NO];
[connection setDelegateQueue:[[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]];
[connection start];
Inside the connection delegate methods, I surrounded each MBProgress call with
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
Hope this helps others. I spent all day on this and it was such a simple misunderstanding...
EDITED: Thanks to your help I am closing in on the solution to my problem. I have fixed the missing "#end error", and am left with just one "Expected identifier or "("" error.
This is the code, the error is noted:
#define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] \
compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
#import "WViewController.h"
#import <SkillzSDK-iOS/Skillz.h>
#interface WViewController ()
#implementation WViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
//create backdrop image
NSMutableString *imgFile = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
if (![globalBackgroundImage isEqualToString:#""]) [imgFile setString:globalBackgroundImage]; //falls back to first image setting for all devices;
if ((IS_WIDESCREEN_PHONE)&&(![widescreenBackgroundImage isEqualToString:#""])) [imgFile setString:widescreenBackgroundImage]; //you can specify a different image for
if ((IS_IPAD)&&(![iPadBackgroundImage isEqualToString:#""])) [imgFile setString:iPadBackgroundImage]; //widescreen phones & for iPad
if (![imgFile isEqualToString:#""]) {
UIImage *img = [[UIImage imageNamed:imgFile] retain];
CGSize imgSz = [img size];
CGSize screenSz = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
float imgWH = imgSz.width/imgSz.height;
float screenWH = screenSz.width/screenSz.height;
CGRect backdropFrame;
if (imgWH>=screenWH) backdropFrame = CGRectMake((screenSz.width/2)-((screenSz.height*imgWH)/2), 0, screenSz.height*imgWH, screenSz.height); //image wider than screen
else backdropFrame = CGRectMake(0, ((screenSz.height/2)-((screenSz.width/imgWH)/2)), screenSz.width, screenSz.width/imgWH);
UIImageView *backdropImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:backdropFrame];
[backdropImageView setImage:img];
[backdropImageView setAlpha:backgroundImageOpacity];
[self.view addSubview:backdropImageView];
[self.view setBackgroundColor:globalBackgroundColor];
//init GameCenter
[[GameCenterManager sharedManager] setupManager];
[[GameCenterManager sharedManager] setDelegate:self];
//initialize the view for when the player is in the game
gameView = [[WgameView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] fromViewController:self];
[gameView setHidden:YES];
[self.view addSubview:gameView];
//initialize the view for then the player is on the home screen
homeView = [[WhomeView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] fromViewController:self];
[homeView setHidden:YES];
[self.view addSubview:homeView];
- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
//go to home screen right away
[self goHome];
//show a RevMob fullscreen ad if we're supposed to
if (revMobActive) {
if (showRevMobFullscreenOnLaunch) {
[[RevMobAds session] showFullscreen];
//show a Chartboost ad if we're supposed to
if (chartboostActive) {
if (showChartboostOnLaunch) {
[[Chartboost sharedChartboost] showInterstitial:CBLocationHomeScreen];
#pragma mark game flow
-(void) multiplayerButtonPressed:(id)sender
NSLog(#"Multiplayer button pressed, launching Skillz!");
// Launching Skillz in landscape mode
[[Skillz skillzInstance] launchSkillzForOrientation:SkillzLandscape
// This code is called after the Skillz UI launches.
NSLog(#"Skillz just launched.");
} tournamentWillBegin:^(NSDictionary *gameRules) {
// This code is called when a player starts a game in the Skillz portal.
NSLog(#"Tournament with rules: %#", gameRules);
NSLog(#"Now starting a game…");
// …..
// …..
// …..
} skillzWillExit:^{
// This code is called when exiting the Skillz portal
//back to the normal game.
NSLog(#"Skillz exited.");
- (void) startGame:(UIButton*)sender {
//hide RevMob banner ad if we're supposed to
if (revMobActive) {
if (showRevMobBannerOnHomeScreen) {
[[RevMobAds session] hideBanner];
//starts game in the mode corresponding to which button was tapped
[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] setCurrentGameMode:sender.titleLabel.text];
[gameView startGame];
[homeView setHidden:YES];
[gameView setHidden:NO];
//init timer if timed game
if ([[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] isTimedGame]) {
timedGameTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(decrementTime) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];
//notify game engine to play sound if configured
[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] soundEventDidHappen:#"BeginGame"];
- (void) goHomeButtonPressed {
[self stopGame];
[self goHome];
- (void) stopGame {
//stop timer if this was a timed game
if (timedGameTimer) {
[timedGameTimer invalidate];
[timedGameTimer release];
- (void) goHome {
[gameView setHidden:YES];
[homeView setHidden:NO];
//show a RevMob banner ad if we're supposed to
if (revMobActive) {
if (showRevMobBannerOnHomeScreen) {
[[RevMobAds session] showBanner];
- (void) decrementTime {
[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] timeDecreased]; //report to our game model that time has decreased
if ([[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] timeLeft]<=0) { //if 0 seconds left,
[self timedGameEnded]; //game has ended
if (([[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] timeLeft]<6)&&([[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] timeLeft]>0)) {
//notify game engine to play sound if configured
[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] soundEventDidHappen:#"FiveSecondCountdown"];
[gameView updateLabels]; //update gameView's score and time labels
- (void) timedGameEnded {
//game over!
[self stopGame];
//notify game engine to play sound if configured
[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] soundEventDidHappen:#"GameOver"];
//show an alert with score and list of words found (if you want, you can add a whole separate screen for this instead of simple alert!)
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: #"Game Over" message:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"You scored %d points!\n\nWords found:\n%#",[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] getScore],[[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] getWordsFound] componentsJoinedByString:#" "]] delegate: nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[alert setDelegate:self];
[alert show];
[alert release];
//report score to GameCenter
int sc = [[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] getScore];
if (sc>0) [self reportScore:sc forCategory:[[[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] getCurrentGameMode] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] componentsJoinedByString:#"_"]];
[#"com.bundle.appname" stringByAppendingString:[[[[[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance] getCurrentGameMode] lowercaseString] componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] componentsJoinedByString:#""]];
- (void) alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
//share latest score on Facebook if we're supposed to
if (FacebookShareEnabled) {[self facebookShare];}
//go to home screen
[self goHome];
//show a RevMob fullscreen ad if we're supposed to
if (revMobActive) {
if (showRevMobFullscreenWhenGameOver) {
[[RevMobAds session] showFullscreen];
//show a Chartboost ad if we're supposed to
if (chartboostActive) {
if (showChartboostWhenGameOver) {
[[Chartboost sharedChartboost] showInterstitial:CBLocationHomeScreen];
#pragma mark GameCenter
- (void)gameCenterManager:(GameCenterManager *)manager authenticateUser:(UIViewController *)gameCenterLoginController {
if (revMobActive) {
if (showRevMobBannerOnHomeScreen) {
[[RevMobAds session] hideBanner];
[self presentViewController:gameCenterLoginController animated:YES completion:^(void)
{if (revMobActive) {
if (showRevMobBannerOnHomeScreen) {
[[RevMobAds session] showBanner];
if (isGameOver) {<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ERROR IS HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
if ([[Skillz skillzInstance] tournamentIsInProgress]) {
// The game ended and it was in a Skillz tournament,
// so report the score and go back to Skillz.
[[Skillz skillzInstance] completeTurnWithGameData:gameData
// Code in this block is called when exiting to Skillz
// and reporting the score.
NSLog(#"Reporting score to Skillz…");
} else {
// Otherwise single player game, so take the normal action
- (void) reportScore: (int64_t) score forCategory: (NSString*) category
I am really new to coding and hoping that someone can help me with what I am sure is a very simple problem. I have looked at a lot of other answers regarding this error, but they don't seem to apply to my situation.
The following code is part of a game app I am working on using Xcode, trying to integrate it with a third party system called SKILLZ. I did not write any of the code and am trying to understand it as I proceed with the integration.
I have noted within the code where I am getting the error:
#import "WAppDelegate.h"
#import "WViewController.h"
#import <SkillzSDK-iOS/Skillz.h>
#implementation WAppDelegate
- (void)dealloc
[_window release];
[_viewController release];
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
//initialize language engine
[WLanguageEngine sharedInstance];
//initialize game mode engine
[WGameModeEngine sharedInstance];
//initialize RevMob
if (revMobActive) {
[RevMobAds startSessionWithAppID:RevMobAppID];
if (revMobActive&&revMobTestingMode) {
[RevMobAds session].testingMode = RevMobAdsTestingModeWithAds;
// or
//[RevMobAds session].testingMode = RevMobAdsTestingModeWithoutAds;
self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]] autorelease];
// Override point for customization after application launch.
self.viewController = [[[WViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"WViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];
self.window.rootViewController = self.viewController;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**<<EXPECTED IDENTIFIER OR "(">> ERROR OCCURS HERE**
// 940 is the game ID that was given to us by the Skillz Developer Portal.
// SkillzSandbox specifies that we will use the sandbox server since we
// are still developing the game.
// SkillzProduction specifies that we will use the production server since
// the game is ready for release to the AppStore
[[Skillz skillzInstance] skillzInitForGameId:#"940"
I am getting a second occurrence of this error in a different part of the app code, but am hoping that if I can sort this one out that it will help me to understand the other.
Hoping that this is not off-topic or too specific, and that someone might be able to help.
{<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<> ERROR OCCURS HERE
// 940 is the game ID that was given to us by the Skillz Developer Portal.
// SkillzSandbox specifies that we will use the sandbox server since we
// are still developing the game.
// SkillzProduction specifies that we will use the production server since
// the game is ready for release to the AppStore
[[Skillz skillzInstance] skillzInitForGameId:#"940"
return YES;
This block is outside of - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
Perhaps you forgot a declaration or added an extraneous } somewhere
I am trying to monitor file changes in local and iCloud directories and have implemented the NSFilePresenter protocol methods but the only method that gets called is presentedItemAtURL.
Am I correct in assuming that I should be able to monitor a local or an iCloud directory and get notified any time any process adds, modifies or deletes a file in the directory.
Here is the basic code for the OS X App:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
_presentedItemURL = myDocumentsDirectoryURL;
_presentedItemOperationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[_presentedItemOperationQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount: 1];
_fileCoordinator = [[NSFileCoordinator alloc] initWithFilePresenter:self];
- (NSURL*) presentedItemURL {
FLOG(#" called %#", _presentedItemURL);
return _presentedItemURL;
- (NSOperationQueue*) presentedItemOperationQueue {
FLOG(#" called");
return _presentedItemOperationQueue;
- (void)presentedItemDidChange {
FLOG(#" called");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self reloadData];
-(void)accommodatePresentedItemDeletionWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSError *errorOrNil))completionHandler
{ FLOG(#" called");
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
[self reloadData];
-(void)presentedSubitemDidChangeAtURL:(NSURL *)url {
FLOG(#" called");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self reloadData];
-(void)presentedSubitemDidAppearAtURL:(NSURL *)url {
FLOG(#" called");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self reloadData];
Long time ago, I know, but perhaps this will still help. NSFilePresenter will only notify you about changes made by another process that makes changes to a directory or file USING AN NSFileCoordinator. If another process (eg: iTunes file sharing) makes changes without an NSFileCoordinator, you won't be notified.
This is in no way my final implementation and I will edit/update as I improve. But since there is nil examples on how to do this, i figured i'd share something that works!!! That's right, it works. I am able to read the file in my app, and at the same time make a change in textedit and the changes propagate to my app. Hope this helps bud.
#interface PBDocument : NSObject <NSFilePresenter>
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSTextView *textView;
#pragma mark - NSFilePresenter properties
#property (readonly) NSURL *presentedItemURL;
#property (readonly) NSOperationQueue *presentedItemOperationQueue;
- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)outError textView:(NSTextView*)textView;
#interface PBDocument ()
#property (readwrite) NSURL *presentedItemURL;
#property (readwrite) NSOperationQueue *presentedItemOperationQueue;
#property (readwrite) NSFileCoordinator *fileCoordinator;
#implementation PBDocument
- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)outError textView:(NSTextView*)textView {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_textView = textView;
_presentedItemURL = url;
_presentedItemOperationQueue = [NSOperationQueue mainQueue];
[NSFileCoordinator addFilePresenter:self];
_fileCoordinator = [[NSFileCoordinator alloc] initWithFilePresenter:self];
[self readWithCoordination];
return self;
- (void)readWithCoordination {
NSError *error = nil;
[self.fileCoordinator coordinateReadingItemAtURL:_presentedItemURL options:NSFileCoordinatorReadingWithoutChanges error:&error byAccessor:^(NSURL *newURL) {
NSLog(#"Coordinating Read");
NSError *error = nil;
NSFileWrapper *wrapper = [[NSFileWrapper alloc] initWithURL:newURL options:0 error:&error];
if (!error) {
[self readFromFileWrapper:wrapper ofType:[self.presentedItemURL pathExtension] error:&error];
if (error) #throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", error] userInfo:nil];
if (error) #throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", error] userInfo:nil];
- (void)presentedItemDidChange {
[self readWithCoordination];
If it's any help to anyone this is the approach (FSEvents) I ended up using recently for a file sync solution and it seems to work for any file system. I have not done any research recently on NSFileCoordinator to see whether this is better worse or what the use cases are as a comparison.
I also did not test every use case so your mileage may vary.
I'm relatively new to Core Data on iOS, but I think I've been getting better with it. I've been experiencing a bizarre crash, however, in one of my applications and have not been able to figure it out.
I have approximately 40 objects in Core Data, presented in a UITableView. When tapping on a cell, a UIActionSheet appears, presenting the user with a UIActionSheet with options related to the cell that was selected. So that I can reference the selected object, I declare an NSIndexPath in my header called "lastSelection" and do the following when the UIActionSheet is presented:
// Each cell has a tag based on its row number (i.e. first row has tag 0)
lastSelection = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:[sender tag] inSection:0];
NSManagedObject *managedObject = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:lastSelection];
BOOL onDuty = [[managedObject valueForKey:#"onDuty"] boolValue];
UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:#"Status" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:nil];
if(onDuty) {
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:#"Off Duty"];
} else {
[actionSheet addButtonWithTitle:#"On Duty"];
actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleBlackOpaque;
// Override the typical UIActionSheet behavior by presenting it overlapping the sender's frame. This makes it more clear which cell is selected.
CGRect senderFrame = [sender frame];
CGPoint point = CGPointMake(senderFrame.origin.x + (senderFrame.size.width / 2), senderFrame.origin.y + (senderFrame.size.height / 2));
CGRect popoverRect = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, 1, 1);
[actionSheet showFromRect:popoverRect inView:[sender superview] animated:NO];
[actionSheet release];
When the UIActionSheet is dismissed with a button, the following code is called:
- (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet willDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
// Set status based on UIActionSheet button pressed
if(buttonIndex == -1) {
NSManagedObject *managedObject = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:lastSelection];
if([actionSheet.title isEqualToString:#"Status"]) {
if([[actionSheet buttonTitleAtIndex:buttonIndex] isEqualToString:#"On Duty"]) {
[managedObject setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:#"onDuty"];
[managedObject setValue:#"onDuty" forKey:#"status"];
} else {
[managedObject setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:#"onDuty"];
[managedObject setValue:#"offDuty" forKey:#"status"];
NSError *error;
[self.managedObjectContext save:&error];
[tableView reloadData];
This might not be the most efficient code (sorry, I'm new!), but it does work. That is, for the first 25 items in the list. Selecting the 26th item or beyond, the UIActionSheet will appear, but if it is dismissed with a button, I get a variety of errors, including any one of the following:
[__NSCFArray section]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4c6bf90
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”
[_NSObjectID_48_0 section]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4c54710
[__NSArrayM section]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4c619a0
[NSComparisonPredicate section]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6088790
[NSKeyPathExpression section]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4c18950
If I comment out NSManagedObject *managedObject = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:lastSelection]; it doesn't crash anymore, so I believe it has something do do with that. Can anyone offer any insight? Please let me know if I need to include any other information. Thanks!
EDIT: Interestingly, my fetchedResultsController code returns a different object every time. Is this expected, or could this be a cause of my issue? The code looks like this:
- (NSFetchedResultsController *)fetchedResultsController {
Set up the fetched results controller.
// Create the fetch request for the entity.
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
// Edit the entity name as appropriate.
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:#"Employee" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];
// Set the batch size to a suitable number.
[fetchRequest setFetchBatchSize:80];
// Edit the sort key as appropriate.
NSString *sortKey;
BOOL ascending;
if(sortControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0) {
sortKey = #"startTime";
ascending = YES;
} else if(sortControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 1) {
sortKey = #"name";
ascending = YES;
} else {
sortKey = #"onDuty";
ascending = NO;
NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:sortKey ascending:ascending];
NSArray *sortDescriptors = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:sortDescriptor, nil];
[fetchRequest setSortDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
// Edit the section name key path and cache name if appropriate.
NSFetchedResultsController *aFetchedResultsController = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc] initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest managedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath:nil cacheName:#"Root"];
aFetchedResultsController.delegate = self;
self.fetchedResultsController = aFetchedResultsController;
[aFetchedResultsController release];
[fetchRequest release];
[sortDescriptor release];
[sortDescriptors release];
NSError *error = nil;
if (![fetchedResultsController_ performFetch:&error]) {
Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development. If it is not possible to recover from the error, display an alert panel that instructs the user to quit the application by pressing the Home button.
//NSLog(#"Unresolved error %#, %#", error, [error userInfo]);
return fetchedResultsController_;
This happens when I set a breakpoint:
(gdb) po [self fetchedResultsController]
<NSFetchedResultsController: 0x61567c0>
(gdb) po [self fetchedResultsController]
<NSFetchedResultsController: 0x4c83630>
It's prob the case that self.fetchedResultsController is pointing to the wrong memory location. You will need to check if the object has been retained.
Figured it out! Looks like it was an issue with autoreleased objects.
When I turned on NSZombieEnabled, I got this:
*** -[NSIndexPath section]: message sent to deallocated instance 0xa674530
I simply changed lastSelection = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:[sender tag] inSection:0]; to lastSelection = [[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:[sender tag] inSection:0] retain]; and that took care of it.
I created a local event loop and showed up a borderless window (derived from NSPanel),
I found in the event loop there's no NSMouseMoved event received, although I can receive Mouse button down/up events.
What should I do to get the NSMouseMoved events? I found making the float window as key window can receive the NSMouseMoved events, but I don't want to change key window. And it appears this is possible, because I found after clicking the test App Icon in System Dock Bar, I can receive the mousemoved events, and the key window/mainwindow are unchanged.
Here's the my test code: (Create a Cocoa App project names FloatWindowTest, and put a button to link with the onClick: IBAction).
Thanks in advance!
#import "FloatWindowTestAppDelegate.h"
#interface FloatWindow : NSPanel
#interface FloatWindowContentView : NSView
#implementation FloatWindowTestAppDelegate
#synthesize window;
- (void)delayedAction:(id)sender
// What does this function do?
// 1. create a float window
// 2. create a local event loop
// 3. print out the events got from nextEventMatchingMask.
// 4. send it to float window.
// What is the problem?
// In local event loop, althrough the event mask has set NSMouseMovedMask
// there's no mouse moved messages received.
FloatWindow* floatWindow = [[FloatWindow alloc] init];
NSEvent* event = [NSApp currentEvent];
NSPoint screenOrigin = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen:[event locationInWindow]];
[floatWindow setFrameTopLeftPoint:screenOrigin];
[floatWindow orderFront:nil];
//Making the float window as Key window will work, however
//change active window is not anticipated.
//[floatWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
BOOL done = NO;
while (!done)
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
NSUInteger eventMask = NSLeftMouseDownMask|
NSEvent* event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:eventMask
untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]
//why I cannot get NSMouseMoved event??
NSLog(#"new event %#", [event description]);
[floatWindow sendEvent:event];
[pool drain];
[floatWindow release];
//Tried to postpone the local event loop
//after return from button's mouse tracking loop.
//but not fixes this problem.
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
modes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]];
#implementation FloatWindow
- (id)init
NSRect contentRect = NSMakeRect(200,300,200,300);
self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
if (self) {
[self setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
NSRect frameRect = [self frameRectForContentRect:contentRect];
NSView* view = [[[FloatWindowContentView alloc]
initWithFrame:frameRect] autorelease];
[self setContentView:view];
[self setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[self setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO];
return self;
- (BOOL)becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded
return YES;
- (void)becomeMainWindow
[super becomeMainWindow];
- (void)becomeKeyWindow
[super becomeKeyWindow];
#implementation FloatWindowContentView
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent
return YES;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
if (self) {
NSTrackingArea* area;
area = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:frameRect
[self addTrackingArea:area];
[area release];
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect
[[NSColor redColor] set];
NSRectFill([self bounds]);
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
return [super becomeFirstResponder];
I think I find the right answer. This is somehow related to tell NSWindow to accept MouseMoved event. but what to my surprise is, The window should accept mouseMoved events isn't the Floating Window, but the current Key window. So the solution is simple, just enable key window to accept mouse moved events before starting tracking, and revert the switch after ending tracking.