Why is the times method needed when using the map method? - ruby

I have a question regarding the usage of the "map" method. How come I'm getting a "No Method Error" at line 9 ? Ruby is complaining that there is a undefined method called "map", and after doing some research I saw a little piece of code that used the "times" method with it. Surprisingly, I got the code to work. However, I'm confused on why I need to use times.
My original line 9 statement was
nameArray = num.map do |x|
That doesn't work, but why is the times method needed. How come I just can't use num to show how many times I want to map iterate over x ? Is using times the only way to access the map method ? I'm confused...
Below is the working code, with just line 9 changed.
def Array_Maker
puts "How many people would you like to enter? : "
num = gets.chomp.to_i
nameArray = Array.new(num)
puts "\nEnter the names of the people you wish to add: "
nameArray = num.times.map do |x|
nameArray.each do |x|
puts x

map method is for Enumerable class however you are using it over a Fixnum. Hence the error.
Fixnum does not have an instance method map. Here: (Thanks to Cary :))
# => false
Refer to Enumerable#map here: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Enumerable.html#method-i-map
When you do num.times you are converting num(Fixnum) into an Enumerator class. Here:
num = 1
# => #<Enumerator: 1:times>
# => Enumerator
Since Enumerator class is meant to allow iterations, map is a valid method for this class. Therefore you get no error for num.times.map.
Earlier I had mentioned map method is for Array class. Which though true but as Cary pointed out is just an easy implementation of Enumerable class. Therefore I have updated my answer accordingly.


How to use value of a string to refer to variables?

Some programmer made a method that gets lots of arguements like this:
def age_entry(age_1, age_2, age_3, age_4, age_5, age_6, age_7, age_8)
They could pass an array but simply they didn't. I love automation and hate to repeatedly add these variables to and array like this
ages = [age_1, age_2, age_3 ,..., age_8]
I would like to use metaprogramming or other ways to loop with a for or each methods to add them variables to an array like this:
(1..8).each do |index| do
ages << "age_" + index #value of age_[index] get saved to ages
P.S. I know I can use copy and paste but this is only for doing automation stuff with Ruby.
"Some programmer" should remember that you can pass in arrays. This sort of method signature is really obnoxious to work with for a multitude of reasons, some of them you've already discovered.
One way to refactor this method and preserve functionality is to just take in varargs:
def age_entry(*ages)
Now those values are put in an array for you but you can call the method the same way as before. As a plus you can specify more or fewer entries.
Variables with names like x1, x2 and so on are violations of the Zero, One or Infinity Rule and are a sign you need to think about the problem differently.
You don’t need any metaprogramming here. Just splat them:
ages = [age_1, age_2, age_3 ,..., age_8]
# ⇓ HERE
If you want to collect age_(1..8) into the array, assuming all local vars are defined, use Kernel#binding:
b = binding
ages = (1..8).map { |i| b.local_variable_get("age_#{i}") }
Suppose the method is as follows.
def oldest(age_bill, age_barb, age_trixie)
puts "Barb is #{age_barb} years old"
[age_bill, age_barb, age_trixie].max
oldest(35, 97, 29)
#=> 97
As well as the calculation in the penultimate line (which the OP wishes to avoid), this method requires knowledge of an individual method argument (age_barb). The following is one way to accomplishing both requirements.
def oldest(age_bill, age_barb, age_trixie)
puts "Barb is #{age_barb} years old"
b = binding
args = method(__method__).parameters.map { |arg| b.local_variable_get(arg[1]) }
#=> 97
Barb is 97 years old
#=> [35, 97, 29]

Plus equals with ruby send message

I'm getting familiar with ruby send method, but for some reason, I can't do something like this
a = 4
a.send(:+=, 1)
For some reason this doesn't work. Then I tried something like
a.send(:=, a.send(:+, 1))
But this doesn't work too. What is the proper way to fire plus equals through 'send'?
I think the basic option is only:
a = a.send(:+, 1)
That is because send is for messages to objects. Assignment modifies a variable, not an object.
It is possible to assign direct to variables with some meta-programming, but the code is convoluted, so far the best I can find is:
a = 1
var_name = :a
eval "#{var_name} = #{var_name}.send(:+, 1)"
puts a # 2
Or using instance variables:
#a = 2
var_name = :#a
instance_variable_set( var_name, instance_variable_get( var_name ).send(:+, 1) )
puts #a # 3
See the below :
p 4.respond_to?(:"+=") # false
p 4.respond_to?(:"=") # false
p 4.respond_to?(:"+") # true
a+=1 is syntactic sugar of a = a+1. But there is no direct method +=. = is an assignment operator,not the method as well. On the other hand Object#send takes method name as its argument. Thus your code will not work,the way you are looking for.
It is because Ruby doesn't have = method. In Ruby = don't work like in C/C++ but it rather assign new object reference to variable, not assign new value to variable.
You can't call a method on a, because a is not an object, it's a variable, and variables aren't objects in Ruby. You are calling a method on 4, but 4 is not the thing you want to modify, a is. It's just not possible.
Note: it is certainly possible to define a method named = or += and call it, but of course those methods will only exist on objects, not variables.
class Fixnum
define_method(:'+=') do |n| self + n end
a = 4
a.send(:'+=', 1)
# => 5
# => 4
This might miss the mark a bit, but I was trying to do this where a is actually a method dynamically called on an object. For example, with attributes like added_count and updated_count for Importer I wrote the following
class Importer
attr_accessor :added_count, :updated_count
def increment(method)
send("#{method}=", (send(method) + 1))
So I could use importer.increment(:added_count) or importer.increment(:updated_count)
Now this may seem silly if you only have these 2 different counters but in some cases we have a half dozen or more counters and different conditions on which attr to increment so it can be handy.

method undefined?

I am new to ruby. I tried to do a simple method(with parameter) call.
class MeowEncoder
def method(c)
puts c
print "please enter the thing you want"
s = gets.chomp()
It is only passing parameter and prints it out. But the terminal keep giving me errors like
:MeowEncoder.rb:9: undefined method `toBinary' for MeowEncoder:Class (NoMethodError)
what is going on here?
I made some enhancement.
class MeowEncoder
def encode(n)
puts ""
def toBinary(n)
if n < 2
print n
toBinary(n / 2)
print n % 2
o = MeowEncoder.new
print "please enter the thing you want: "
s = gets.chomp()
s.each_char{|c| o.encode(c)} #this doesn't work
o.toBinary(212) # this works
I made some enhancement here. I try to convert a char to its ASCII value then to its binary form. I can made the single toBinary works. But the Encode method also gave me same error. What happened?
You defined an instance method, but you're trying to call it on a class object. Try this:
Also, method is a bad name for a method. It will cause a name clash.
To expand on Sergio's answer, if you actually wanted the method defined on the class, there are several ways to accomplish that, but the most straightforward is to prepend the method definition with self like so:
def self.method(c)
puts c
That will allow you to invoke the method the way you are currently.
The reason this works is, in the context of defining the method, self is set to the MeowEncoder class. It's equivalent to saying:
def MeowEncoder.method(c)
puts c
This is actually another valid way to declare class methods, but using self is better practice, as refactoring becomes easier if you ever change the name of your class.
Instead of each_char use each_byte and no need of encode method.
s.each_byte{|c| o.toBinary(c)}
Book (title, author)
Author (pseudonym, first_name, last_name)
Book_catalog => collection of books
​borrow_book(borrower, book) => voeg boek toe aan borrower.books_borrowed
return_book(borrower, book) => verwijder boek uit borrower.books_borrowed
search(title) => geeft gevonden book-object terug (anders nil)
book (read-only), date_of_borrowing (read-only), date_of_return (read-only)
borrow_book(book_to_borrow) : #date_of_borrowing = systeem-datum+uur
return_book(book_to_return) : #date_of_return = systeem-datum+uur
member_nbr, first_name, last_name, books_borrowed = collection of Book_borrowing
has_book_by_title(title) => geeft true of false terug
has_book(book) => geeft true of false terug
Person(first_name, last_name)

Is there a method in Ruby Object to pass itself to a block or proc?

I think it would be natural to have in Ruby something like:
class Object
def yield_self
Does there exist a method like this by any chance? (I haven't found.) Does anybody else think it would be nice to have it?
yield_self has been added to ruby core a month ago as of June 2017. https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-trunk/repository/revisions/58528
It's in ruby 2.5.0 after revision number 58528, although I'm not exactly sure how to get that code yet. Perhaps if someone knows how they can edit this answer
I don't understand why you want the complexity of:
Object.new.yield_self do |foo|
When the following is almost exactly equivalent:
foo = Object.new
There is indeed the tap method that does almost exactly what you're asking:
x = [].tap do |array|
array << 'foo'
array << 9
p x
#=> ["foo", 9]
As Rob Davis points out, there's a subtle but important difference between tap and your method. The return value of tap is the receiver (i.e., the anonymous array in my example), while the return value of your method is the return value of the block.
You can see this in the source for the tap method:
rb_obj_tap(VALUE obj)
return obj;
We're returning the obj that was passed into the function rather than the return value of rb_yield(obj). If this distinction is crucial, then tap is not what you need. Otherwise, it seems like a good fit.

Is it possible to access block's scope in method?

I'd like to write the method (define_variables) which can get a block and use the variables defined in it. Is it possible? For example, I'd like to get 5 in output:
module A
def self.define_variables
puts a # not 5 :(
A::define_variables do
a = 5
Maybe there is some tricks with eval, but haven't found anyone yet.
In short, no. After you've called yield those variables defined in the block are gone (sort of, as we shall see), except for what is returned—that's just how scope works. In your example, the 5 is still there in that it is returned by the block, and thus puts yield would print 5. Using this you could return a hash from the block {:a => 5}, and then access multiple "variables" that way. In Ruby 1.8 (in IRb only) you can do:
eval "a = 5"
a # => 5
Though I don't know of anyway to eval the contents of a block. Regardless, in Ruby 1.9 the scope of eval was isolated and this will give you a NameError. You can do an eval within the context of a Binding though:
def foo
b = yield
eval(a, b) + 2
foo do
a = 5
end # => 7
It seems to me that what you're trying to do is emulate macros in Ruby, which is just not possible (at least not pure Ruby), and I discourage the use of any of the "workarounds" I've mentioned above.
Agreed that this is a bit backwards, and Andrew's explanation is correct. If your use case is defining variables, however, there are already class_variable_set and instance_variable_set methods that are great for this:
module A
def self.define_variables(vars = {})
vars.each { |n, v| class_variable_set n, v }
puts ##a
A::define_variables :##a => 5
The above is more of an example of how it would work within the code you've posted rather than a recommendation.
