How to connect Go application and Apache Solr? - go

I want connect my Go application and Apache solr
I configured apache Solr manually
Path => /home/vtrk/Solr/solr-4.9.1
Solr is running perfectly
Port : localhost:8983/solr/
But I don't know how to connect with my Go application.
How to connect Go application and Apache Solr?

You can take a look at this library and see if solves your needs


Java Apm agent with multiple tomcats

How to configure multiple tomcats running on same machine to Apm server ? With single tomcat I m able to start APMUI.
Just to be sure we are on the same page here:
You have multiple instances of Tomcat running on the same machine.
You have configured APM through CATALINA_OPTS as defined in the Elastic APM docs.
I guess the simplest setup would be to have a wrapper script to start each Tomcat instance that exports the right CATALINA_OPTS. You could share global settings like the APM server address, but could customize the app name, namespaces,...

Two Apache with Two Tomcat, Sticky session not working

We have environment with two Apache Web Server and Two Tomcat via Mod_jk. We have configured Both to Apache for Loadbalancer as well as failover.
We have a LB on top of both the Apache web Server configured in Round Robin Algorithm
Problem is randomly session gets invalidated when both the apache are running .
If One of the Apache is running loadbalancing and failover works perfectly fine.
Do i need to configure a two apache web server ?
Do i need to change some configuration for two apache for sticky session ?

Hive Server in Cloudera quickstart

I am trying to create a form and using servlets connect with hiveĀ“s tables. But I have some doubts:
Is Hive server installed in cloudera quickstart?
It is necessary other server like Tomcat for the servlet?
Must I have the libraries in the IDE? Or also in other place?
Is possible with a form launch a servlet and display the data in the navigator on cloudera quickstart?
JDBC must be installed in my local host or also in the virtual machine?
Where do I declare the XML?
I would suggest using HiveServer JDBC,
Write your web application and deploy where ever you want to just use Hive JDBC drivers to connect and query Hive.
Here is more info Hive JDBC

Monitoring with JBOSS 7.1 JMX in ZABBIX agent windows

I have a problem when i try connect my zabbix server with JBoss 7.1, the error is:
Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException [Root exception is java.rmi.
I think the fault is in the client configuration, the agent run in windows, some know what command I need to use for change the port in run.conf.
thanks for your time.
The first thing to do is to note that in order to monitor JBoss through JMX you do not need to have Zabbix agent running. Instead, you should run Zabbix Java gateway (see also section on JMX monitoring).
However, as of Zabbix 2.2.5, the gateway only supports JMX service URLs of the following type:
whereas JBoss seems to be monitored using URLs of type
Consequently, JBoss monitoring with Zabbix is currently not possible out of the box, but you can use patches and ideas described in ZBXNEXT-1274.

Does camel-elasticsearch 2.11.x not work remotely?

I am using the camel elasticsearch component :
My assumption, based on the docs, is that the elasticsearch server must be on the same network as the running camel route in order to work. Is this correct?
To clarify, the only connection property available is 'clustername'. I assume this is discovered by searching the network via multicast for the cluster.
My code needs to connect to a remote service. Is this just not possible?
I am fairly new to elasticsearch in general.
I had a similar problem with the autodiscovery of elasticsearch. I had a camel route that tried to index some exchanges, but the cluster was located in another subnet and thus not discoverd.
With the java api of ES it is possible to connect to a remote cluster with a TransportClient specifying an IP adress. I don't have acces to the code at the moment but the Java API in the ES documentation provides clean example code. You could make such a connection from within a bean in the route for example.
I also submitted a patch to Camel to add an ip parameter to the route, which should then connect to the remote cluster with such a TransportClient. The documentation states that should be available with Camel 2.12
Hope this helps.
