Today widget doesn't update from TestFlight / Enterprise distribution - ios8

I have an app that contains a Today Widget and it's working fine during debug as well as the first version distributed using TestFlight & HockeyApp.
The problem occurs when the user updates to a newer build through their service. The widget seems to just show the snapshot and never actually initializes (I print out logs when it gets to certain parts of my view controller but I'm not seeing those).
To fix this problem the user will have to restart their device or delete and install the app again.
Does anyone know of this issue and/or how to fix this?

I've seen the same issue using OTA installation (Testflight web, HockeyApp) but it seems to work fine distributing through the new Apple Testflight app.
I would suggest filing a radar ticket to Apple if you plan to continue distributing apps with widgets through OTA methods. Personally I've just switched over to using the new Apple Testflight app to distribute my betas.


Apple Health (HealthKit) Request

I am making an app that collects information from Apple Health (HealthKit). When the application is installed for the first time, the apple screen appears with the permissions that will be used, but when it is in Testflight that screen never appears, is there any extra configuration that has to be done when it is released to production?
if the app is installed from xcode, it works correctly
I had two different bundles, one both in the card of my app and another service that I have OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension. Within both they must point to release and not to debug. that's what i did and it worked in testFlight

MacOS Product Name Bundle Identifier Problem during application testing

I have a problem when trying to test an application on macOS. For reference, this was created in Unity.
The BundleID has been changed as a previous developer had used a very odd naming format, codesign and notarization works on the new app.
However, when I try to run the app it starts complaining about the app being purchased on another computer (which is correct, we still use the old version for testing) but it has been removed on this device and hidden in the App Store.
Anyone know anything else I can try to get past the problem of macOS knowing about the old app version.
If you log in it then just says the app is corrupt as I am guessing it is comparing it to the downloaded App Store version.
Solved it myself, apologies for taking up bandwidth. In Unity untick Mac App Store Validation in Player Settings-> Other Settings

Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it

I am facing the issue below after uploading app into TestFlight. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this? My project is in Swift.
Dear developer,
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for "QuiqRx Red". To process your delivery, the following issues must be corrected:
Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
 The App Store team
Apple does not allow to submit apps from beta software, since there are possible bugs and flows in them which can limit the application's stability and usablility.
You should donwload the final version of Xcode from the Mac App Store or from Apple Developer and build/submit your app through that.

Distribute App Outside the Mac App Store

I'm a newbie in OSX Development. I built an application in which will be distributed outside the Mac App Store. I have all the other certificates and keys working except for the Developer ID (App and Installer) for production.
I know that this may sound stupid, but for what it's worth, I just wanna make sure.
Will my app still be considered Developer ID - signed if I exported it as a Mac Installer Package instead of selecting Export Developer ID-signed Application, when I install it to its destination devices? Will it be successfully installed or be rejected with GateKeeper-enabled devices?
I have been scratching my head for this since for some weird reason, I cannot add a new Distribution Developer-ID from the Dev Center. I was able to add a Developer ID earlier this week however, I ran into some issues with my private keys. As per suggested by Apple and many other developers, I revoked all the Developer IDs and private keys to start fresh. The problem now is that I can't add any new Developer ID (Distribution). I cannot add in both Dev Center and by requesting through Xcode 5.0.1. I'm stuck.
I have submitted a Bug Report to Apple, but who knows when they'll be able to resolve it.
So now, temporarily, since I don't have any choice (I guess), I'll use the Mac Installer Package, but the question is, will it work?
Any help would be very, very much appreciated.
I've done this recently and have created a third Xcode project configuration to Debug and Release called Archive, which is a copy of Release except the app is signed using the Mac App Distribution / Third Party Mac App Developer and, confusingly there is a third name used for this same certificate.
I then changed the Archive scheme to use the Archive configuration to build.
Before doing this I had errors on some Macs when signing with my Developer ID, in some cases they claimed the app was corrupted, and in other cases I got gatekeeper blocking the app, forcing me to override it in System Preferences > Security & Privacy.
I personally use xcodebuild (from Jenkins) to build the app for distribution to testers, which I package in a .dmg so they only need to drag it to /Applications or ~/Applications and I do all that using a script within the Jenkins configuration. Your experience may differ to mine if you are using the Xcode app instead.

Difference in behavior between Xcode and OTA Ad-hoc distribution

I have my app working to my satisfaction both in the simulator and on two devices when debugging through Xcode 4.3.2. I use OTA Ad-hoc distribution to send to my beta testers. After archiving, saving, and uploading my ipa and plist file to my website, I then download and successfully install the app on my phone.
Sounds good, right?
HOWEVER, I am using CoreAudio and CoreData, and low and behold suddenly there is no sound in my app. I delete and install OTA on the same devices I am debugging with, so I am at a loss to where the problem is occurring.
I have a feeling that there might be an underlying problem with my Core Data model (which feeds my sound) but checks upon checks seem to verify that it is working. It DOES work when I install from Xcode, unplug, close, and reopen the app on the device. Only the OTA install has this problem.
Has anyone encountered any differences in behavior like this? I checked my build settings and the only difference I see for AdHoc is using the Entitlements.plist, which only useful setting appears to be NO to debugging.
