Color approximation - image

Let's suppose we have a regular RGB image. Now we would want to approximate the color of each individual pixel of our source image with a color out of a small set of colors.
For example, all tones of red should be converted to that specific red out of my set of colors, same goes for green, blue, etc.
Is there any elegant way/algorithm to achieve this?


Detecting anti-aliased or undersampled text image

I have an image that is essentially a text document (black and white) but due to anti-aliasing/undersampling applied during scanning, the image contains a lot of color, light tone pixels and is thus saved as a full-color image i.e: takes a lot of space.
My goal is to be able to detect Black and White image candidates in order to convert them from full color to B&W which dramatically reduces their size.
Is there a way to detect such anti-aliased/undersampled images? Doing color pixel analysis doesn't help because the colored pixels end up being close in amount to the black pixels... Essentially I want to be able to detect that the colored pixels come from anti-aliasing/undersampling a black & white image and not from a picture type image.
Here is an example image:
As you can see there are many more colors than just black. However this image is a good candidate for Black & White / Greyscale conversion instead of full color. How can I detect such images? Please note that in this example the colors tend to be on the grey side but there are many cases where they are cyan or brown etc.
I think it is a valid question. I don't have 50 reputation to post a comment so I will post this as an answer.
Basically, in a black and white anti-aliased image the various grey colors are opacity differences of the black color. If we observe those pixels they will be like these listed below. So, if the operation is a color manipulation then apply the same opacity picked up from those grey pixels to the new color.
In my opinion, the pixels other than grey, in this example image, cyan and brown as it appears can be safely ignored because they seemed like not part of the original text. If there were a few more example images of non grey pixels would have been good. But if we cannot ignore them just need to get the pixel opacity and apply the same color manipulation. In other words we treat them as black pixels.

Classifying color in dark surroundings

In a program I am working on, I am trying to classify colors based on their RGB values as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or white. I am classifying them by comparing the given RGB values to a constant "ideal" value for each color and finding the minimum euclidean distance in a three dimensional space. However, I am having trouble when the color I am analyzing comes from a dark image as the current program has difficulty differentiating between orange, yellow, and red within dark images. How should I fix or work around this issue?
The environment is always going to cause problems. Say if the only light source is red you won't be able to tell apart gray, green or blue.
If your situation is not that complex you could try to adjust the image. Almost all image processing software/libraries have some functions to that end. Probably the best solution would be to have some calibration components in the scene like a white ball that you know what color it should be and can help you adjust the image and make the color identification easier.

Matlab Image Processing Color Reduction

I recently asked a question about using matlab to reduce the number of colors in an image. However, when I attempted this, I was only able to get color approximations which then matched the pixel to the nearest color within the color map.
For example, using a color map with only three colors [red, green, blue], it would scan each color and then map either red green or blue. However, this process did not vary the RGB densities to create realistic looking color.
I'm curious if there is any sort of built in function that would use these three colors and vary the density of them to achieve the average color of a certain "pixel field".
I realize this would lose resolution, but I'm essentially trying to make realistic looking images, using only three colors by varying the amounts of RGB within a certain region.
You are looking for the function rgb2ind and its 'dither' option.

Best natural way of coloring an icon/sprite

I wanna to color a sprite/icon with a transparent background and with shadows. I tried to shift the hue to all pixels but it looks not so natural and I have problems with the black and the white colors in an image. If an image tend to be black shifting the hue do not change the black in red or another color even shifting by 360 degrees.
Tried to color addicting and subtracting color and even in that case the black and the white tend to be colored or disappears at all.
Maybe should I put an image on the icon to achieve the coloring effect ?
Any suggestions on how to proceed.
I lost.
You've been asking a lot about this hue shifting thing, so I figured I'd try to work out an example:
Here's another that uses an actual icon:
There's a lot in there. There's a huge data URL which you can ignore unless you want to replace it. Here's the relevant part where we modify HSL.
var hMod = .3;
var sMod = .6;
var lMod = 0;
I've converted to HSL because it's a lot easier to accomplish what you want in that color space than RGB.
Without getting any more complex, you have three variables you can tune: how much to add to either Hue, Saturation, or Lightness. I have the lightness variable set to 0 because any higher and you will see some nasty JPEG artifacts (if you can find a decent .png that would be better, but I went with the first CC night image I could find).
I think the hue shift (yellow to green) looks pretty good though and I have maxed out the saturation, so even a normally white light appears bright purple. Like I said in my comment, you will need to increase the lightness and saturation if you want to colorize patches of black and white. Hopefully, you can figure out what you need from this example.
image used:
I found a better solution by myself which can solve the problem with the black and white.
So basically the solution can be solved in multiple steps. Here I will define the steps. Later I'll provide some working code:
Get the image
Calculate the predominant color, averaging the image pixels or simply providing an input RGB value which is the predominant that your eye can catch.
If the predominant tends to be black or white, or both, the image has to be recolored with an addictive or subtractive method, addictive if black, subtractive if white. So basically all RGB pixels should be attenuated or sharpened until RED. I think that the best solution should be RED, because RED is first in the HUE scale, and this can help when we will hue-shift the pixels.
To have a unique algorithm which can work with different kind of images, not only black predominant or white, ideally the input the non-black and non-white predominant images should be pre-hueshifted manually, using photoshop or with another algorithm in a way that the new predominant color results to be RED too
After that the Hue shifting coloring is straighforward. We know that the predominant color is RED for all the images, and we'll shift the HUE values with a difference between the HSV value of the desired color and the HSV of the predominant color (RED).
Game over. We have a pretty universal way to color different images with hue shifting in a natural way.
Another question could be how to authomatically pre-shift the input images which predominant color is not black or white.
But this is another question.
Why this coloring method could be considered natural. Simply consider one thing. Generally the non dominant black or white colors are part of the shadows and light which gives a 3D feel to the images. On the other hand if my shoes are 100% black and i will tint them with some colors, they will no more be black. Color the dominant black cannot be achieved simply shifting the HSV parameters but other steps should be performed. The steps are the above described.

Max color used in a RGB image

I have some RGB images.
What's the best way to know most color used in an image is Red or Yellow or White?
The input images must have more than 50% red, yellow or white pixels and it's impossible to an image have two colors in same percentage.
Other colors in image may be black or blue.
Is there any function in MATLAB for this?
Note that i need a method with good performance for this!
Thanks in advance...
Convert your image to the HSV colorspace (rgb2hsv) and find appropriate thresholds for Red, Yellow and White on the Hue values. E.g.
[H S V] = rgb2hsv(I);
num_red_pixels = nnz(H>=red_min & H<=red_max);
