Exclude mmenu in IE8 - internet-explorer-8

As mmenu does not support IE8, I'd like to stop it from doing anything in it. That way I can apply a different menu for IE8 only.
How would I do this?

I've found the solution for this..
I wrapped it in the following code.
if ((document.documentMode || 100) > 8) {....};
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2202545/2440296


Issue to close an overlay Phoenix Theme Wordpress

I'm using the Wordpress theme Phoenix for my portfolio but i'm having an issue with the portfolio section. Each project is open in an overlay and i can't seem to find the reason why there is no link on the cross made to close it.
You are using z-indexes and that's messing up some of your layering.
I would place a z-index of 10 to your .overlaytop class. That will fix your issue.
As it currently stands, your .overlaytop element is buried underneath your .container element having a z-index of 2, then within your .container you have your main heading with a z-index of 3, etc.
Using chrome's dev tools, adding the z-index of 10 to
<div class="col-md-12 overlaytop" />
addressed the issue.
Thank you!
I had a negative margin on the overlaytop class aswell. I knew it was something like this but i couldn't find the issue :)
.overlay .overlaytop {/*margin-bottom:-30px*/ z-index:10;}
Solved my issue.
You're the best!

Ajax code runs correctly on firefox but not on chrome

link to project files: http://full-stack.fr/uploads/6/
Any suggetions ?
thanks in advance
Try disabling all chrome extensions and try again. Since they might be adding some extra divs to the DOM, thereby interfering with the
document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0] statement.

Bootstrap 3 IE8 initial visualisation

I am creating a Wordpress theme with Bootstrap 3.
I add html5shiv.js and respond.min.js in head and, now, the theme works in IE8.
When I open the website, for a second and only in IE8, the layout isn't correct and then is perfect.
What is the best practice to fix this initial visualisation problem?
Stop using Ie8, it is dead ....
I solve with a css "respond-fix.css" inside conditional comment with this css code:
body{visibility:hidden} #media screen and (min-width:1px){body{visibility:visible}}

keep text inside div with firefox

Please open this fiddle with both firefox and Chrome.
as you may notice, text flows past div in firefox.
What is my mistake? (removing strong tags did not help...)
You're using display:-moz-box;; if you really need it you should also add -moz-box-orient: vertical;
Using a Firefox only display type leads to incompatibility, that's normal.
If you remove
This works in FF as in Chrome.

-moz-column-span: all; – completely ignored?

Testing in various versions of Firefox new and old it seems that column-span in CSS3 is ignored completely?
Even the simple demo on quirksmode fails in firefox:
Has this ever worked? I'm having trouble finding anything related online. Surely it should work if there is a prefix for the rule (-moz-column-span)
Am I missing something?
As of today, -moz-column-span and column-span are still not supported by Firefox.
No, -moz-column-span and column-span are ignored by Firefox. Here is the bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=616436
CSS column-span is shipped in Firefox 71.
Here is your reference from the W3C: column-span
-moz is only the Firefox prefix. So you will need use the WebKit and regular declaration as well.
It should look something like this:
.pullquote {
-moz-column-span: 2;
-webkit-column-span: 2;
column-span: 2;
Single Column is not the worst thing as a fallback, but IE users might not be super into this. See more info at the Can I Use website.
