How to optimize berkeley-DB-JE Environment for fast recovery? - berkeley-db-je

We are running a simple multi-threaded java application which uses Berkeley-DB databases for its storage. There is about 500 threads and each thread has its own Berkeley-DB database - and each database is about 100K of value-key pairs. All databases are transactional and each transaction has maximum of about 1000 operations. No long running transactions.
The problem is that, occasionally, recovery of Berkeley-DB takes very very long time when restart our application. During recovery (opening the environment) we see that java process is reading from disk at rate of ~100MB/s. No writes - just reading.
Our setup is like this:
We also tried running checkpoint manually every 15 minutes (assuming that maybe checkpointer stops or something). We also set setMinimizeRecoveryTime(true). But no help.
We assume that maybe the problem is some java or Berkeley DB configuration.
Is there a way to ensure faster recovery time while sacrificing speed of puts into database?


H2 database: Does a 60 second write delay have adverse effects on db health?

We're currently using H2 version 199 in embedded mode with default nio file protocol and MVStore storage system. The write_delay parameter is set to 60 seconds.
We run a batch insert/update/delete of about 30.000 statements within 2 seconds (in one transaction) followed by another batch of a couple of hundred statements only 30 seconds later (in a second transaction). The next attempt to open a db connection (only 2 minutes later) shows that the DB is corrupt:
File corrupted while reading record: null. Possible solution: use the recovery tool [90030-199]
Since the transactions occur within a minute, we wonder whether the write_delay of 60 seconds might be contributing to the issue.
Changing write_delay to 60s (from a default value of 0.5s) will definitely increase your risk of lost transactions, and I do not see a good reason for doing it. Should not cause a db corruption, though. More likely some thread interruptions do that, since you are running in the same JVM a web server and who knows what else. Using async file store might help in that area, and yes it is stable enough (how much worse it can go for your app, than a database corruption, anyway).

Long duration soak tests in jmeter

Jmeter tests are run in master slave fashion with around 8 slave machines. However with the remote batching mode set to MODE_STRIPPED_BATCH, I am not able to run tests for more than 64 hours. Throughput is around 450 requests per minute, and per slave machine it results in the creation of jtl files that are around 1.5 gb. All 8 slaves are going to send this to the master (1.5 gb x 8) and probably the I/O gets too much for the master to handle. The master machines memory is at 16 gb ram and has disk storage of around 250 gb. I was wondering if the jmeter distributed architecture has any provision to make long running soak tests possible without any un explained stress on the master machine. Obviously I have the option to abandon master slave setup and go for 8 independent nodes, however I'll in that case run into complications with respect to serving data csv files ( which I currently serve using simple table server plugin from the master m) and also around aggregating result files. Any suggestions please. It would be great to be able to run tests atleast for around 4 days (96 hours or so).
I would suggest to go for an independent JMeter workers + external data collector setup.
Actually, the JMeter right-out-of-the-box "distributed scaling" abilities are weak, way outdated & overall pretty ridiculous. As well as it's data collection/agregation/processing abilities.
This situation actually puzzles me a lot - mind you, rivals are even worse, so there's literally NOTHING in the field (except for, perhaps, some SaaS solutions trying to monetize on this gap).
But is is what it is...
So that's about why-s, now to how-s.
If I were you, I would:
Containerize the JMeter worker
Equip each container with a watchdog to quickly restart the worker if things go south locally (or probably even on schedule to refresh it ultimately). Be that an internal one, or external like cloud services have - doesn't matter.
Set up a timeseries database - I recommend InfluxDB, it's an excellent product & it's free in basic version (which is going to be enough for your purposes).
Flow your test results/metrics into that DB - do not collect them locally! You can do it right from your tests with pretty simple custom listener (Influx line protocol is ridiculously simple & fast), or you can have external agent watching the result files as they flow. I just suggest you not to use so called Backend Listner to do the job - it's garbage, it won't shape your data right, so you'd have to do additional ops to bring them to order.
If you shape your test result/metrics data properly, you've get 'em already time-synced into a single set - and the further processing options are amazingly powerful!
My expectation is that you're looking for the StrippedAsynch sampler sender mode.
As per the documentation:
samples are temporarily stored in a local queue. A separate worker thread sends the samples. This allows the test thread to continue without waiting for the result to be sent back to the client. However, if samples are being created faster than they can be sent, the queue will eventually fill up, and the sampler thread will block until some samples can be drained from the queue. This mode is useful for smoothing out peaks in sample generation. The queue size can be adjusted by setting the JMeter property asynch.batch.queue.size (default 100) on the server node.
remove responseData from successful samples, and use Async sender to send them.
So on slave node add the following line to file:
and on the master node define asynch.batch.queue.size, to be as high to not to have impact onto JMeter's throughput (won't slow it down) and as low to not to overwhelm the master. I would start with 1000.
Another option is using StrippedDiskStore but you will have to manually collect serialized results after test completion (make sure that slave processes will not shut down because the results will be deleted when slave process finishes)
You could use JMeter PerfMon Plugin to monitor memory and network usage on master and slaves.

SOS-Berlin JobScheduler process queue logic

We're running into an issue with the SOS-Berlin JobScheduler running on Windows that is difficult to diagnose* and I would appreciate any guidance.
*Difficult because I don't know Scala (though I do know C++ and Java). It's difficult to navigate this code-base (some of it's in German).
We have a process-class called Foo, that will sometimes burst up outside the limit of how many processes can be run. So, for example, we limit the process-class to 30 processes and 60 want to run. This leaves 30 running and 30 "waiting for process."
The problem is that JobScheduler doesn't seem to prioritize the 30 that are waiting for a process. Instead, any new job that gets fired after the burst receives processes, leaving some jobs waiting indefinitely. Once the number of jobs "waiting for process" hits zero, the jobs clear out immediately.
Further, it seems that when there are a large number of jobs "waiting for process," the run time for tasks doubles or triples. A job that normally takes 20 seconds to run, will spike to 1-2 minutes, further amplifying the issue as processes are not released back to the pool.
Admittedly, we're running an older version of JS, which we're planning to upgrade this/next week. However, I'm wondering if there is something fundamental we're missing. We've turned down the logging, looked for DB locks, added memory to the heap, shut-down some other processes on the server. We've also increased the process pool, but we don't want to push it too far, lest we crush the server. Nothing seems to be alleviating the issue.
Any tuning help would be appreciated!
As a follow-up, we determined the cause of the issue.
Another user had been using the temp directory to store intermediate generated files. The user was not clearing out these files, resulting in 100's of thousands of files in the directory. They were not very large so we didn't notice. For some reason Job Scheduler started to choke based on this. I'm not clear on the reasons.
Clearing the temp directory, scolding the user, and fixing his script fixed the issue.

Using Quartz for long running job

I'm planning to use Quartz scheduler to process a one-time job.
My use case is, I need to migrate BLOB from one storage to another and blob's can be as big as 100GB, so a particular job can run really long enough to get the work done.
The reason I'm using Quartz because of its clustering support, fault tolerance and retry capabilities in case job fails etc. Only thing I'm concerned about is, I might have a lot of miss fire trigger scenario and a lot of database lock which can hamper live production traffic on those database hosts. I will probably be scheduling 10s of thousands of job in one shot.
Few of the things that I figured out is
I can set a high value for org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold so that miss fire does not happen. I don't really care about the time when the job get's picked up as it's background job and no SLA as such. Only thing I care about is that eventually job getting picked up and getting work done.
I can also set batch mode properties org.quartz.scheduler.batchTriggerAcquisitionMaxCount and org.quartz.scheduler.batchTriggerAcquisitionFireAheadTimeWindow. I understand the batch max count property should be like equal to the thread pool size which can give the biggest bang on performance but what should be the value of fire ahead of time window be?
I'm using Quartz with Spring boot and will be leveraging org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreCMT. What I understand is execute method of the job get wrapped in the transaction, will this cause any problem since transaction will be open for a long time as the job might take hours to complete? Is this something ok? I will be using Oracle database.
Am I missing something here? Can someone share their experience with a similar use case?

Repeated tasks - spawn new processes or run continuously?

We have about 10 different Python scripts that download data from the web, read data from a database and write data back to that database. They do so repeatedly every 10 seconds (or 10 seconds after the last task has completed).
The question is, what is the best approach at running these tasks? I can think of a few ways:
a while True that runs the task then sleeps for the interval. It could be guarded by a watchdog like supervisord, making sure it is always up.
having the script execute the task just once, and invoking the script externally once every 10 seconds by another process.
having the script execute the task lets say for 1 hour (every 10 seconds for an hour), and having a watchdog make sure that task runs again once the hour is over.
I would like to avoid long running processes that actually do something because I don't want to deal with memory problems etc over long periods of time.
Additional Information
The scripts are different because they each retrieve data from a different source, and query, calculate and insert different data into the database.
The tasks are performed every 10 seconds since the data being retrieve is in real-time, and we need to not only keep updating it very frequently, but also keep all the historical data in the database.
There are a lot of resources being used by the scripts - MySQL connections, HTTP connections, Redis connections, etc. We have encountered issues with using the long-running approach before, specifically with MySQL connections (things like MySQL server has gone away, even though all connections had been closed). Hence the inclination toward having the scripts run in shorter periods of time.
What are some common approaches at this?
Unless your scripts somehow leak memory (quite unlikely), they should all be the same. So, for sheer simplicity (your time programming/debugging is much more expensive than a few miliseconds of the machine's time, even each 10 seconds!) I'd go for the single script that checks each 10 seconds.
OTOH, checking each 10 seconds sounds like busywork. Can't you set up so that whatever you are monitoring tells you when there are changes? Or batch the records up so you can retrieve, say, a day's worth at at time?
If you are running on linux, cron has granularity of a minute. We have processes we run constantly. Rather than watch them, the script will open a semaphore that gets released when the program finishes normally or not. This way if it runs long and it gets called again by cron, the copy will exit when it can't get the lock. This way you can call it a often as you need to without it stepping on a possibly still running copy.
