MVC6 Web Project Grunt Start Debugging -

I am working on a web project which is using the next version of MVC. I have a gruntfile setup and was hoping to set it up to start debugging (F5) for me. Is there a plugin to do this or has this not been done yet?

You can add "prepare": ["grunt"] in your scripts inside of the project.json


Why does publish run different code than Running in Visual Studio

I have an existing web application. I have built my project and it runs perfectly find if I run it through the Visual Studio Run option. It launches a browser window everything is fine.
The application is written in js and C# on the back end. It uses the Sencha ExtJS framework. All of the code changes were made to the javascript files.
When I use the deploy functionality, it creates a website on the wwwroot, but it does not include my changes, but rather the code before I made my changes.
I have tried to build/deploy both in debug and production configurations. It doesn't seem to matter.
What have I done wrong ?
You have to run Sencha CMD sencha app build production.
Without that the files and requirements are not updated and hence you do not see the updates.
If you run sencha app watch it will update your changes on the fly.

CRM 2011 Development toolkit

I just installed the CRM Development Toolkit and everything seems to be working fine until I need to deploy the plugins. According to the tutorials I should have a Deploy option just below Rebuild when i right click on the project package(in this case Lan2Lan). Unfortunately I have no such option.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
If you want to deploy in this manner, create your initial project using the Solution Template rather than the individual plug-in library template. It will create projects for plug-ins, workflows and SilverLight. You can delete the projects you don't need. In the end you should have a project called 'CrmPackage' which you can right click on and have a 'Deploy' option.
I would suggest that if all you are maintaining is JScript, then use the CRM 2011 Package project. It doesn't create the Plugin, WF and Silverlight projects - which have to be compiled and deployed slowing down your deploys.
Personally, I keep my web resources and compiled projects in separate projects to speed my JScript develop/debug/deploy process.

Building and deploying plugins to directories within Visual Studio 2010

We have a .NET 4 app, that has a main body, and looks in a specific subdirectory for plugins to load with MEF.
Right now, for system testing I have a top level solution that builds the main app and plugins, and the plugins are placed in the subdirectory with an "XCOPY" post build event.
Now this is... ok but it seems a little hacky to me, and there are various issues with this.
So my question is - is there a better way to do this? Surely there is a way I can work within visual studio to structure my build correctly?
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Set the output directory of the plugin projects to the plugin directory. You can do this in the properties of the project, in the build tab. This way you can also debug your plugins very easily!

"Calls to the web service will fail unless the Silverlight project is hosted in and launched from the same web project"

I have Downloaded demo project from here
I tried to run Silverlight project SkiResult.ThinClient from the “Solution Explorer” I have configured the database nicely as SkiResult.FullClient a WPF Project works fine and display data.
But whenever I have tried to run Silverlight project in my Solution Explorer it shows me following error message.
I have googled so much I have also found one solution that set xyz.WEB project as a Start Up Project but as u can see from below screenshot of my Solution Explorer there is no xyz.WEB project in solution.
Thank you so much.....
Try setting the SkiResult.DataService project to be the startup project. This looks very much a web project created to host a Silverlight application because:
it has a Web.config file (so it is clearly a web project)
it has a Silverlight.js file (some utility JavaScript used with Silverlight),
it has some autogenerated test pages,
it has a ClientBin folder, which is typically where the compiled Silverlight application will be copied to.
When you create a Silverlight project, Visual Studio offers to create a web application project to host the Silverlight application for you. (You don't have to create a web application - VS can generate a test webpage during the build process and use that instead.) If your Silverlight project is called Xyz, then this web application will be called Xyz.Web. However, with the solution you're dealing with above, it seems this project has been renamed from the default.

Deploying web applications with VS2010's devenv.exe

I'm attempting to use the VS2010 command line utility, devenv.exe, to deploy a web solution, eventually on a bamboo CI server. The problem is, when I use the /deploy parameter, the solution builds, but does not deploy.
I've tried different parameter sets. I've included the /project setting to deploy a single web project, and tried it without. I've tried different configuration names (debug, release) to no avail.
I'd appreciate any help I can get on this.
I found the answer. The command line utility aspnet_compiler can be used to deploy a web application. Apparently, it's what the IDE calls when you trigger a web deployment.
