I have a batch script that takes an url as argument and before doing the main operations of the script, It saves the url in a log file.
Is there a way to read the log file (when I execute it next time) and add the entries to the history so it can be used (by UP KEY) like a recall history ?
it isn't that hard, you need to make a log.txt holding all the data.
Use this to add something in it:
echo [action]>>log.txt
And this to read it:
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (a.txt) do echo %%a
by the way, this is in #echo off
A very similar thing is possible using For loops, Line counts, an Array containing the stored Urls retrieved from the file, and the Choice command within a Loop to Page through the array.
Here is an example
I have this situation: I want to download a bunch of files named like this:
683482, 684483, 685484, 686485, 687486, 688487, 689488, 690489, 691490, 692491, ...
As you can see, the files are numbered with an increment of 1001. So, what's the easiest way to do a batch download?
Please try this:
for i in {683482..1000000..1001}
wget $i
FOR /L %%A IN (683482,1001, 692491) DO (
SET stringWget=wget %%A
I'll go step by step:
ECHO OFF prevents windows command line from displaying every command on the command-prompt (this is optional; But, looks clean).
CLS clear screen; This clears command prompt's console display. It does not clear the temporary environment variables or command history.
SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION is used for non-blocking statements and is Windows specific; When we use %ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE% , we are implying blocking statement and when we use !ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE! we are implying non-blocking statement (meaning, in a loop, we see updated values of %A instead of repeating what %A had when entering loop). We use %% instead of %in batch files.
FOR loop's syntax can be found in reference.
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3541415
I am new to writing batch scripts and was hoping for some help.
I have a folder of images. I want to cURL each of these images, one by one, to an image classifier I made on the web. This will then send me a result.
I then want to save the response of the server into a file - let's keep it simple a say a CSV, in this format:
File, Response
So I know to run the Batch on each folder, I can do the following -
for /f %%f in ('dir /b c:\') do echo curl -X POST -F "images_file=#%%f" "https://gateway-a.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition/api/v3/classify?api_key=abcdefgh&version=2016-05-20"*
I know, I can somehow pipe the results into an output file using ">>".
I don't know how to put this together, and how to create the CSV as I am running the batch script. Can anyone help? I think I am 90% there just new to batch scripting.
You can do something like this in powershell :
Change the placeholders as per your requirement.
$dir_files=Get-ChildItem "C:\"
foreach($file in $dir_files)
$result=Invoke-WebRequest 'https://gateway-a.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition/api/v3/classify?api_key=abcdefgh&version=2016-05-20' -Method Post -Headers 'images_file=#%%f'
$result | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File "D:\outputfile.csv" -Append -Force
I just gave you the way to set off. I didn't go through the complete batch code.
Hope it helps you.
If you want to use batch, you can do:
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set imagedir=C:\
set csvfile="C:\results.csv"
FOR %%G IN ("%imagedir%*") DO (
set resultfile=%%G.out
echo curl -X POST -F "images_file=#%%G" "https://gateway-a.watsonplatform.net/visual-recognition/api/v3/classify?api_key=abcdefgh&version=2016-05-20"* -o "!resultfile!"
echo %%G, !resultfile! >> %csvfile%
exit /b 0
I am not that experienced with curl so I'm not able to verify the correctness of your curl command and let the echo before it. But I do know that you can actually specify a file to write the output to in Windows with the -o flag.
The FOR command (without any flag/option) is another way to loop through files in a directory. If you still want to use the for /f %%f in ('dir /b ...') do-style (perhaps because of the order in which you want to treat your images), you can simply replace the line FOR %%G IN ("%imagedir%*") DO ( with for /f %%f in ('dir /b "%imagedir%"') DO (. I saved the directory in the variable imagedir, it's then easier to change. But if you change it, don't forget the \ at the end (if you use my for-command) and don't add double quotes (I add them in the FOR command). Be aware that this will treat all FILES in the directory. You can specify extensions if you want by using "%imagedir%\*.jpg" "%imagedir%\*.gif" for example for only GIF and JPEG images.
As last I'll say that I added SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion to use delayed expansion. It's actually only needed because I saved the name of the file where the result of the curl operation will be saved, in the variable resultfile. In batch, a FOR -block (FOR ... ( ... )), and other blocks delimited with ( ) (as IF-blocks), are parsed as one single command (as if they were written on line). It is not really possible to change the value of a variable and read that new value in the same command (or same line) without using some special "tricks". Delayed expansion is one of them. When you use delayed expansion on a variable, you surround it with ! instead of %. As resultfile will change in each iteration, I use !resultfile! instead of %resultfile%.
If you don't want to save the name of the outputfile in a variable, you can remove the use of the variable and the delayed expansion (remove the EndLocal at the end too).
Good luck!
Assuming I have a bunch of sqlcmd commands in .cmd files, order alphabetically e.g.:
how could one sequentially execute these in correct order with another .cmd file?
On windows:
for /F "tokens=*" %a in ('dir /b *.cmd') do call "%a"
This just loops over the result of dir /b *.cmd calling each in turn.
explanation from the docs:
FOR /F processing of a text file consists of reading the file, one
line of text at a time and then breaking the line up into individual
items of data called 'tokens'. The DO command is then executed with
the parameter(s) set to the token(s) found.
So my command says:
"tokens=*" don't give me individual tokens, give me the whole line as one hit
%a - name the line variable %a (note: it'll needs to be escaped as %%a if you're putting it in a batch file
('dir /b *.cmd') This is the input that it'll loop over. A bare directory listing for all .cmd files
then what I want it to do. Call the command %a.
If I didn't add the tokens bit it would work fine until you find a space in the file names.
I am looking for a way for a batch script to be able to read a txt file.
Lets say the txt file has a number such as "723121312", and I only put that number in there.
Now from the batch script, I want to be able to store that number as a variable, %update_id%.
The batch script will run a program like so:
call gmpublish.exe update -addon %folder%\*.gma -id %update_id% -changes %update_changes%
The other two variables don't matter, as I already made those automatic.
It will store inside the batch script so the program would run like so:
call gmpublish.exe update -addon %folder%\*.gma -id %723121312% -changes %update_changes%
Thank you
You probably want something like:
FOR /F %%i IN (file.txt) DO call gmpublish.exe update -addon %folder%\*.gma -id %%i -changes %update_changes%
If it's only one line to be stored, it's as simple as:
REM writing to file:
>file.txt echo 1234567
REM reading from file:
<file.txt set /p "var="
echo %var%
if there are more lines, for /f (as in razor's answer) is the better way.
I want to iterate on the files selected by the user when the batch command was called via the context menu of win explorer.
I've searched but haven't been able to find how to do it. So the question is: is it possible? If so, how to do it?
The list of files that get passed in to your script will be stored in the %* parameter. To iterate through them without knowing how many there are, you can use this:
for %%A in (%*) do (
<the rest of your code here, using %%A to represent each file>
If your code is too long to be wrapped in a for loop, you can write a second batch file that calls your initial code.
#echo off
for %%A in (%*) do call yourscript.bat %%A