Relax Security for a Spring Data REST Projection - spring

I have a User class and I want to authorize access such that only a user gets to see what he is entitled to.
This was easily achievable using Spring Security in conjunction with Spring Data Rest where in JPA Repository I did below -
public interface UserRepository extends JPARepository<User,Integer> {
#PreAuthorize("hasRole('LOGGED_IN') and == #id")
User findOne(#Param("id") Integer id);
In this way, a user when visits to Spring Data REST scaffolded URLs like -
Only those logged in with {id} get to see these and everyone else gets 401 like I would have wanted.
My problem is that I have one of Projections which is a public view of each user and I am crating it using Spring Data Rest projections as below which I want to be accessible for every {id}
#Projection(name = "details", types = User.class)
public interface UserDetailsProjection {
So, /users/{id1}?projection=details as well as /users/{id2}?projection=details should give 200 OK and show data even though user is logged in by {id1}
I began implementing this by marking projection with #PreAuthorize("permitAll") but that won't work since Repository has harder security check. Can we have this functionality where for a projection we can relax security ?
I am using latest Spring Data Rest and Spring Security distributions

Seems reasonable to add a custom controller for this use-case.
Please also consider:
Evaluate access in projections using #Value annotations
Add another entity for the same database data but with different field set for read-only operations, e.g. using inheritance (be careful with caching, etc.) - depends on your data storage type
Modify model to split User entity into two different entities (profile, account) since they seem to have different access and possibly even operations
You can also add a ResourceProcessor<UserSummaryProjection> to evaluate access programmatically and replace resource content (projection) with a DTO
Example of evaluating access in projections with #Value annotations:
#Projection(types = User.class, name = "summary")
public interface UserSummaryProjection {
#Value("#{#userSecurity.canReadEmail(target) ? null}")
String getEmail();

Added spring security code in the data access layer is not a good idea. I would suggest you to add the #PreAuthorize annotation to the controller/service method. Since you have a query parameter, ?projection=details, you can have separate controller/service method for the details projection.
Add following to your details projection method:
#RequestMapping("/url", params = {"projection"})
#PreAuthorize("hasRole('LOGGED_IN') and == #id")


Spring Data REST - do not allow to return entities but only views (projections)

My objective is to make sure that a client can't access (retrieve) directly an entity through the Spring Data REST auto-exposed APIs, but rather only to the views (JPA's projections) of those entities.
So far I've managed to achieve it only for the APIs that return a collection of entities (such as findAll() ) by using the #RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = CustomerView.class) annotation on the repository.
How to configure Spring Data REST so that it does the same also for endpoints that retrieve a specific entity? such as /api/v1/customers/1
See Why is an excerpt projection not applied automatically for a Spring Data REST item resource?
If you want to apply projection to a specific entity (that is, item resource),
set the uri template variable projection to construct a url path /api/v1/customers/1?projection=customerView. The name customerView is what is set in the annotation #Projection. see the doc
Edit after clarify with Macro:
Macro wants to hide some sentitive fields such as password. Then the jackson annotation #JsonIgnore should be added to the sentitive fields to hide them from response json.

Springboot allow access to endpoint if userId matches

I am following up from this question:
How to configure Spring Boot Security so that a user is only allowed to update their own profile
Imagine I had an end-point /user/edit/{id}, I want this to be accessible if the user either tries to edit themslves (eg: a user with ID 1 accessing /user/edit/1 but not being able to access user/edit/2) or, if they are an admin, to be able to edit any user.
Is there any way I can achieve this in the security configuration?
Would restrict this to admin users, I want either admin or the id matching the user's id.
The only thing I can think of is inside the controller having something like
public void edit(#PathVariable("id") int id, Principal principal) {
User u = (User) userDetailsService.loadUserByUsername(principal.getName());
if(u.getId() == id || u.getRoles().contains("ADMIN")) {
//accept uer
But I was under the impression we shouldn't encode access logic in our controller?
It is possible to use Spring Security's Method Security Expressions to do this. Example copied from the docs:
#PreAuthorize(" ==")
public void doSomething(#P("c") Contact contact);
Read the sections preceding, as there is some configuration needed. Also note that if an expression is used repeatedly you can define your own security annotations.
I was under the impression we shouldn't encode access logic in our
"Should" is maybe too strong a word, IMHO. Security expressions are powerful, and in theory would allow you to keep all security checks separate from the controller logic. Easier to spot when a check is wrong, or missing. Easier to compare with the Swagger annotations too, if you are using those to document your endpoints.
But it can get trickier when you have to do something like filter rows returned so that the user only sees some of the results. Spring Security can do that using #PostFilter. But sometimes it isn't optimal. For example, if you know that certain rows aren't going to be returned you may be able to run a faster query, rather than filter out rows after the fact.
My first Spring Security project had queries like that, so ever since I have tended to use controller logic instead of security annotations. But that's not a good reason to never use annotations! So by all means use security expressions when you can, but if you have trouble with them or other considerations arise, integrating security with your controller logic isn't so bad IMHO.
To control role access in your controller you can use annotations like #Secured or #PreAuthorize.
To use the #Secured, put in you security config class:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfig {
// ...
And now you can use it in your controller:
public Account post(Account account, double amount){
// ...
To use the #PreAuthorize, put in you security config class:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class MethodSecurityConfig {
// ...
And now you can use it in your controller:
public Account post(Account account, double amount){
// ...
For more information you can check here the spring docs.

How to return representations of associations in a Spring Data REST resource?

There are following URLS - /users/2/profile , /users/2/userPosts
I need to concat output of both Spring Data REST results in server side and build single JSON from them and send on different URL /users/2/custom.
So, I am thinking to make 2 calls to SDR urls from Spring MVC, can we do this using RestTemplate and some JSON concat utility , here server and database is on same machine so RestTemplate will probably have localhost
An example will help
You might rather want to look into the projections feature of Spring Data REST which allows you to craft custom responses by using interfaces as described in this blog post.
As both properties (profile and userPosts) seem to be associations of a user item resource it should be sufficient to do something like this:
#Projection(types = User.class)
interface UserWithDetails {
// List getters for basic properties you want to expose…
// Add dedicated getters for associations to be included
Profile getProfile();
List<Post> getUserPosts();
Clients can now pass a projection parameter to the resources exposed to see the expanded representation.
As an alternative, you can create these kinds of interfaces for Profile and Post and configure #RepositoryRestResource on the repositories for both of these types to contain excerptProjection = YourProjectionInterface.class. This will cause the projections to be rendered whenever an association is included in the response (i.e. an actually-linked-to-resource could be embedded).

Exposing entities through services and partial responses

What do you think about exposing domain entities through services? I tried it in an application, but I came to the conclusion that exposing domain model to the client is not such a good idea.
Really easy to transport data from-to client
List item
(De)Serialization is really easy: just put jackson in the classpath and it will handle it. No extra logic is needed.
No need to duplicate entities POJOs. At least in early stages, the API resources will be pretty much the same as the domain model.
The API's get very tightly coupled to the model and you can't change the model without affecting the API
Partial responses. There are cases where you don't want to return all the fields of the entities, just some of them. How do you accomplish it?
So, let's take the following REST example. The following API declares that GET on the user resource returns the following information.
"address":"my street"
Usually, I would create a User entity, a user service to return the user and a REST controller to serve the request like this:
public #ResponseBody User getUser(#PathVariable Long id) {
return userService.findById(id);
Should I avoid returning the User entity?
If yes, should I create another class and handle myself the mapping between this class and the entity?
Is there a pattern for this?
How to accomplish partial expansion? (i.e. return only the firstName and lastName for the user)
P.S: using #JSONFilter and ObjectMapper to accomplish partial responses seems too heavyweight to me because you loose the beauty of spring data

Spring boot actuator - Implement custom metrics

I would like to implement custom metric or statistics to my spring boot rest web service using actuator but i am not able to find simple tutorials.
For example:
how to show how many times a certain controller was called and what exact parameter field was filled?
how can i create a metric that when its URL is called, it runs certain query and shows back a json with some result
This seems like a good scenario for AOP (Aspect Oriented Programing) as this will allow you to separate this statistic logic from the business logic.
Have a look at Spring doc for more info about AOP and how to achieve that with Spring.
You can then define a pointcut on your controller and have a service for counting (and probably then storing) the data.
Refer below link
AOP Example
For point two the solution is to create an endpoint class (it can be or not a rest controller class). For example:
#RestControllerEndpoint(id = "pfm-statistics")
public class StatisticsEndpoint {
#GetMapping(value = "/", produces = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-
public byte[] generateStatisticsAsExcel() {
Note that the ID is the path to be called from URL. We can create a simple endpoint too and just return a string if we want. In this case instead of #RestControllerEndpoint annotation we can use #Endpoint, as a side note, the id should always contain dash
