Bash command, dates and math in Groovy - bash

I'm trying to calculate the runtime by subtracting "start" with "end" in Groovy, but I am not sure how to perform the mathematical calculation as I have derived the start and end time using the bash command (date in milliseconds). Here is the sample:
#Grab(group='com.github.groovy-wslite', module='groovy-wslite', version='1.1.0')
import wslite.soap.*
import wslite.http.auth.*
import java.util.regex.*
import groovy.xml.*
import groovy.util.*
import java.lang.*
Process start = 'date +%s%N'.execute()
SOAP request and response
Process end = 'date +%s%N'.execute()
Now I'm looking something like below, but giving me HTTP 500 error :
Process runtime = '$((end-start))'.execute()
println runtime.text

If you did want to do this with built-in stuff (as mentioned in your comment) then all you need is the start instant, the end instant and a Duration.
import java.time.*
LocalDateTime start =
// Do some stuff
LocalDateTime end =
Duration d = Duration.between(start, end)
println "Operation took ${d.seconds}.${d.nanos}s"
But I'm afraid no amount of Java's DateTime classes are going to fix your HTTP 500 error.


Why does huggingface hang on list input for pipeline sentiment-analysis?

With python 3.10 and latest version of huggingface.
for simple code likes this
from transformers import pipeline
input_list = ['How do I test my connection? (Windows)', 'how do I change my payment method?', 'How do I contact customer support?']
classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis')
results = classifier(input_list)
the program hangs and returns error messages:
File ".......env/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/", line 134, in _check_not_importing_main
raise RuntimeError('''
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.
This probably means that you are not using fork to start your
child processes and you have forgotten to use the proper idiom
in the main module:
if __name__ == '__main__':
but replace the list input with a string, it works
from transformers import pipeline
classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis')
result = classifier('How do I test my connection? (Windows)')
It needs to define a main function to run multitask that the list input depends on. Following update works
from transformers import pipeline
def main():
input_list = ['How do I test my connection? (Windows)',
'how do I change my payment method?',
'How do I contact customer support?']
classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis')
results = classifier(input_list)
if __name__ == '__main__':
The question is reduced to where to put freeze_support() in a Python script?

How can ib_insync reqHistoricalDataAsync work with Asyncio?

import asyncio
import ib_insync as ibi
import symbol_list
import time
start = time.perf_counter()
stocklist = symbol_list.test
endDateTime = '20190328 09:30:00'
durationStr='1 D'
dataDirectory = './data/tmp'
class App:
async def run(self):
self.ib = ibi.IB()
with await self.ib.connectAsync():
contracts = [
ibi.Stock(symbol, 'SMART', 'USD')
for symbol in ['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'AMD', 'INTC']]
for contract in contracts:
# self.ib.reqMktData(contract)
bars = await self.ib.reqHistoricalDataAsync(contract,
endDateTime=endDateTime, durationStr=durationStr,
barSizeSetting='5 mins', whatToShow='MIDPOINT', useRTH=True)
df = ibi.util.df(bars)
async for tickers in self.ib.pendingTickersEvent:
for ticker in tickers:
def stop(self):
app = App()
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
endtime = (time.perf_counter() - start)/60
print(f"Process time: {endtime:,.2f} minutes")
Please help. I modified the example code from async-streaming-example. I didn't get any error message, but it just runs without giving me the shell prompt. And this code should only take less than a minute, if it runs properly. Essentially, instead of reqMktData, I want to use reqHistoricalDataAsync to get historical data, asynchronously. I've also looked at async execution with ib_insync, but I wasn't able to get that technique to work, either. Could you show me what I'm doing wrong? I welcome any async solutions. Thank you.

How to send jmeter test results to datadog?

I wanted to ask if anyone has ever saved jmeter test results (sampler names, duration, pass/fail) to Datadog? Kinda like the backend listener for influx/graphite... but for Datadog. Jmeter-plugins has no such plugin. Datadog seems to offer something called "JMX integration" but I'm not sure whether that is what I need.
I figured out how to do this using the datadog api The following python script takes in the jtl file (jmeter results) and posts the transaction name, response time, and status (pass/fail) to datadog.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import pandas as pd
from datadog import initialize, api
options = {
'api_key': '<API_KEY>',
'app_key': '<APPLICATION_KEY>'
metrics = []
def get_current_metric(timestamp, label, elapsed, success):
metric = {}
metric.update({'metric': 'jmeter'})
metric.update({'points': [(timestamp, elapsed)]})
curtags = {}
curtags.update({'testcase': label})
curtags.update({'success': success})
metric.update({'tags': curtags})
return metric
jtl_file = sys.argv[1]
df = pd.read_csv(jtl_file)
for index, row in df.iterrows():
timestamp = row['timeStamp']/1000
label = row['label']
elapsed = row['elapsed']
success = str(row['success'])
metric = get_current_metric(timestamp, label, elapsed, success)

Gatling Feeder Issue : No attribute name 'CSVFieldName' is defined issue

I am newbie for Gatling and trying to read some fields from CSV and use them in my gatling scenario but facing
No attribute name 'CSVFieldName' is defined
issue ;
some details:
Gatling Version : bundle-2.2.3
CSV Name : memId.csv
CSV contents :
Scala File contents :
//Class Declaration
//some http configuration
val memId_feeder = csv("memId.csv").circular
val scn = scenario("Scn name").during( 10 seconds ) {
Any help or clue to resolve this issue is really appreciable .
P.S. : There is no whitespaces in the input csv file .
Oh, I can feel your pain…
It's a while since I played with Gatling. As far I remember you have to provide a "chain" of actions in the scenario definition employing currying.
This all means: placing a dot before exec should make it.
val scn = scenario("Scn name").during( 10 seconds ) {
In my case applying dot implies error.
import com.shutterfly.loadtest.commerce.webcartorch.simulations.AbstractScenarioSimulation
import com.shutterfly.loadtest.siteServices.util.{Configuration, HttpConfigs}
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.config.HttpProtocolBuilder
class MetaDataApiSimulation extends Simulation {
def scenarioName = "MetaData Flow. Get All Projects"
def userCount = Configuration.getNumUsers(20)
def rampUpTime = Configuration.getRampUpTime(60)
def httpConf: HttpProtocolBuilder = HttpConfigs.newConfig(Configuration.siteServicesServer.hostname)
def getMetadata = exec(MyProjectsService.getAllProjectsForUser("${userId}"))
def dataFileName = "MetadataSimulationData.csv"
def Photobook_AddToCartDataFile="Photobook_AddToCartData.csv"
def Calendar_AddToCartDataFile="Calendar_AddToCartData.csv"
def dataFileName4="AddToCartData.csv"
def assertions = List(
details("First Assertion").responseTime.percentile3.lessThan(1000)
val scn = scenario(scenarioName).during(5) {
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(userCount) over rampUpTime))

JIRA Email Notification when log time worked is reaching budget time. OnDemand

I would like to know if is there an option to send a notification when log time worked is reaching estimating time.
Original Estimate - 5 minutes
Remaining Estimate - 5 minutes
Time Spent - Not Specified
Not Specified
When i Log time.
Original Estimate - 5 minutes
Time Spent - 4 minutes Remaining Estimate - 1 minute
Time Spent - 4 minutes Remaining Estimate - 1 minute
I like JIRA send the notification before 1 minute ending or what ever i set.
I'm sorry for the bad english.
Thank you
I believe you wanted to create some kind of triggered event when logged work approaches original estimate, but I do not know how you could do that in JIRA. Nevertheless, I know something that still might help you to solve your problem.
Try using following groovy script:
import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.worklog.Worklog
import com.atlassian.jira.jql.parser.DefaultJqlQueryParser
import com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.PagerFilter
import com.atlassian.mail.Email
import com.atlassian.mail.MailException
import com.atlassian.mail.MailFactory
import com.atlassian.mail.queue.SingleMailQueueItem
import com.atlassian.query.Query
import groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import com.atlassian.core.util.DateUtils
def componentManager = ComponentManager.getInstance()
def worklogManager = componentManager.getWorklogManager()
def userUtil = componentManager.getUserUtil()
def user = userUtil.getUser('admin')
def searchProvider = componentManager.getSearchProvider()
def queryParser = new DefaultJqlQueryParser()
Logger log = Logger.getLogger('worklogNotification')
Query jql = queryParser.parseQuery('project = ABC and updated > startOfDay(-1d)')
SearchResults results =, user, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter())
List issues = results.getIssues()
String emailFormat = 'HTML'
def mailServerManager = componentManager.getMailServerManager()
def mailServer = mailServerManager.getDefaultSMTPMailServer()
String defaultSubject = 'Logged work on JIRA issue %ISSUE% exceeds original estimate'
String body = ''
Map binding = [:]
String loggedWorkDiff = ''
String template = '''
Dear ${issue.assignee.displayName}, <br /><br />
Logged work on issue ${issue.key} (${issue.summary}) exceeds original estimate ($loggedWorkDiff more than expected).<br />
*** This is an automatically generated email, you do not need to reply ***<br />
GStringTemplateEngine engine = new GStringTemplateEngine()
ApplicationProperties applicationProperties = componentManager.getApplicationProperties()
binding.put("baseUrl", applicationProperties.getString(APKeys.JIRA_BASEURL))
if (mailServer && ! MailFactory.isSendingDisabled()) {
for (Issue issue in issues) {
if(issue.originalEstimate) {
loggedWork = 0
worklogs = worklogManager.getByIssue(issue)
worklogs.each{Worklog worklog -> loggedWork += worklog.getTimeSpent()}
if(loggedWork - issue.originalEstimate) {
loggedWorkDiff = DateUtils.getDurationString(Math.round(loggedWork - issue.originalEstimate))
email = new Email(issue.getAssigneeUser().getEmailAddress())
email.setSubject(defaultSubject.replace('%ISSUE%', issue.getKey()))
email.setMimeType(emailFormat == "HTML" ? "text/html" : "text/plain")
binding.put("issue", issue)
binding.put('loggedWorkDiff', loggedWorkDiff)
body = engine.createTemplate(template).make(binding).toString()
try {
log.debug ("Sending mail to ${email.getTo()}")
log.debug ("with body ${email.getBody()}")
log.debug ("from template ${template}")
SingleMailQueueItem item = new SingleMailQueueItem(email);
catch (MailException e) {
log.warn ("Error sending email", e)
This script takes issues for project ABC, which have been updated during the previous day (JQL: "project = ABC and updated > startOfDay(-1d)"), calculates difference between logged work and estimated work and sends notification to the issue assignee if logged work exceeds original estimate.
You can add this script to the list of JIRA services (JIRA -> Administration -> System -> Advanced -> Services).
Name: [any name]
Class: com.onresolve.jira.groovy.GroovyService
Delay: 1440
Input file: [path to your script on server]
Delay: 1440
Note that you will put 1440 (min) as a service delay, which equals to one day. So, the script will be executed once per day sending notification to issue assignees about exceeded original estimates.
Also note that Groovy Scripting plugin should be installed in order to be able to run your script.
