How to change format of date in smart-table - smart-table

i'm using Smart-Table in my mean.js app, and i need change format of date values. For default format is "MMM, dd yyyy" and I want to change it to "dd-MM-yyyy". Anybody can help me?

As mentioned in angular documentation you can change the format of the angular date filter
so your markup cood look like
<td>{{myDateValue | date:'dd-MM-yyyy' }}</td>


How to show 24 hour time picker in tempusdominus plugin

I'm using this plugin
to insert a datetimepicker. I would display time picker showing time in 24 hours (i.e not showing 02:00 PM but 14:00).
There a way to perform this, with tempusdominus plugin. I follow the guide, but it still display time with AM and PM.
In your jQuery you should set format from LT to
If you want the date and time just set
format: 'dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, HH:mm';
You can find all your formats at Formats
I had the same problem and I changed the code to:
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY, HH:mm',
and it works now

How to configure locale for all Fields and Inputs globally?

If I need to change the locale of a DateField or a DateInput I have to do it like that:
<DateField locales="el-GR"/>
<DateInput options={{locale: 'el'}}/>
Is it possible to configure all DateField/DateInput locales globally in a single place. I tried through
and it just translates labels and doesn't change how dates for example appear. Also I want how dates are shown to be independent of the translation language.
A custom DateInput which would just reexport the default one with your own default props should the trick. Same for DateField

How to set datepickerOptions in daterangepicker to set default date

I want to set Default date in regional format to dateRangePicker . But having trouble in settting it.
Click on given link and read it's documentation carefully.
Hopefully, You will able to get resolve.

Change ChartCursorBalloonText in Javascript Amcharts

Hi i am using javascript AmCharts and this one’s an AmSerialChart. Although we are showing dates in the category axis, the requirement is such that we cannot show them as dates but as strings. Keeping this in mind, I would need to show the chartcursor balloon text as the full date, for example ‘08/05/2013’. How can I achieve this?
i hope i undestood you right.
to let amcharts understand your date format specify dataDateFormat
then turn on parseDates in the categoryAxis to enable the date parsing
you might want to format the category axis as well
and here the latest step to format the chart cursor which you've asked for
I hope that will help you :)

How to Show Date Format in Webgrid in MVC3 as "MM/dd/yyyy"

How do I show Date Format in Webgrid in MVC3 as "MM/dd/yyyy"?
you haven't shown any code so, im going to answer what i have got you can try
grid.Column("Date",format:#<text> #item.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")</text>)
PLease don't use magic format in ToString. You can set cultury in server or client. and use Date.ToShortDate()
